• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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46. New orders

“Why would Princess Celestia want to see both of us?” Matt asked, confusion on his face.

Twilight, also not quite understanding, began to read out loud:

My dearest Twilight,

I must confess, your letter have disturbed me greatly. I will send a detachment of royal guards to investigate and secure this facility. They should arrive by the edge of the Everfree Forest at 12:00 am. Would you be so kind to ask Shining Armor to lead them to that place? Tell him I’m sorry that I’m giving him orders during his honeymoon, but it is the matter of great importance. And before you start wondering - no, I have never heard of ‘Project Eclipse’, the fact which frustrates me more than even you, my studious pony.

I would also like to meet Brann. While it’s surprisingly common these days, It’s not every day that a traveler from the other world comes around. Please, ask him in my name to come to Canterlot today, along with Matthias. There are few things I and my sister wanted to talk with him for some time, so it would be perfect opportunity.

Your mentor,

Princess Celestia

“What would both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna want to talk to you about?” Shining Armor asked Matt, who was deep in thoughts, when Twilight finished reading.

Brann, on the other hoof, nudged him with his foot and asked:

“What did’ye do?”

“Nothing of any significance.” the earth pony replied calmly. “Although, if I was a gambling pony, I would put my bits on the possibility that this has something to do with the topic me and the princesses discussed after your wedding.”

Hearing this, Twilight had to admit that it made sense, but for some reason she thought that she missed an important detail. When she realized what it was, she nearly facehoofed herself.

“You know, you never mentioned what you talked about.” Twilight told Matt, surprised that she never asked him about it.

“Oh, nothing of that much interest.” he replied with a shrug. “We discussed how I could have been brought back to life in such manner. Princess Celestia promised she would look into it. Perhaps she found something. Either way, we’ll best be going. If I remember correctly, the train to Canterlot leaves in about...” Matt paused as he glanced at clock. “... half an hour.”

Twilight was taken aback by his quick change of subject. She frowned, realizing that he was hiding something, but decided she would ask later. Twilight trusted him, and she knew that he probably had a good reason to not tell her.

“But why would she want to meet me, though?” Brann asked.

“Most likely? She curious.” Matt replied.

At that moment, the doors to the library burst open and five ponies entered.

“Good morning!” they said happily, a bit too loudly for certain pony.

“Ugh, not so loud.” Shining Armor said, rubbing his head.

“Don’t mind him, girls.” Cadence said, grinning. “He gets what he deserves. How are you today?”

“Just fine, Princess, thank you so kindly for asking.” Rarity replied with a bow.“We actually came here too...”

“Invite you all to a party!” Pinkie Pie interrupted her, jumping up and down in front of them. “A ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party for you, and you, and you!” she added, pointing at Cadence, Shining Armor, and then Brann.

“I’m sorry, Pinkie, but Brann and I have to go to Canterlot.” Matt told her, before the dwarf get a chance to ask why she was doing that. “Princess Celestia wants to see us.”

“What?!?” Pinkie screamed. She slid down to the floor, saddened. “But, but... I had everything already planned...”

“Don’t worry, we will probably be back later today.” the earth pony tried to cheer her up.

“You promise?”

“Yes, I promise, we will be back in time for the party.” Matt replied, and Twilight detected a slight hint of annoyance in his voice.

“Pinkie Promise?”

There wasn’t just a ‘slight hint’ in the sigh Matthias gave after that, but nonetheless, he did as she asked.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” he said, making the required motion with his hoof.

“Okay!” Pinkie exclaimed, beaming up immediately.

As Twilight rolled her eyes, she noticed two things: Brann was asking Matt in hushed voice what was that about, and Fluttershy was glancing under the table.

“Oh, and who you might be?” the shy pegasus asked, and she soon flew from under the table, holding a purring Spottedleaf in her hooves.

“That’s the cat I told you about yesterday.” Twilight said as the attention shifted in the room towards the pair. “She followed Matt after we came from the forest, and snuck in at night. Matt decided to keep her as pet.”

No sense in telling them now what Matt said about her.” Twilight decided, making a mental note to tell them later. Right now, they all had more important things to do.

“Wow, really? What’s her name? She soo adorable!” Fluttershy went on, hugging the cat as if it was her baby.

Twilight wondered how Spottedleaf was taking this treatment. She was still purring, but if all Matt said was true, she was intelligent enough to get offended by it.

“Her name is Spottedleaf.” Matt replied to her question. Twilight glanced at him and noticed that his face twisted into grin for a moment. “I’m happy you like her so much, because I wanted to ask you for a favor: could you look after her until I return? I don’t want to trouble Twilight...”

“Oh, I would love to look after her!” Fluttershy almost screamed, hugging the cat a bit tighter. “I could introduce her to the other animals I’m taking care of right now! It will be so fun!”

As the grin appeared once again on Matt’s face, Twilight finally understood what was his goal.

“You just want her to scratch Angel a bit, don’t you?” she asked him, raising a hoof to cover her mouth.

Matt looked at her, a bit embarrassed on being caught.

“Well, the little beast deserves it, for all the time he tried to whack me with a carrot or with various other objects.” he explained himself. “Don’t worry, I told her already in the dream to not harm any other animal besides fish. She seemed offended when I suggested fish, for some reason...”

“So this is the mighty cat that took a swipe on you?” Rainbow interrupted him, flying over to him and Twilight after taking few glances at Spottedleaf. “Doesn’t look so tough.”

“You would be surprised.” they both answered her, and chuckled at the confused stare the pegasus gave them.

“Anyway, we need to go catch the train.” Matt said and beckoned Brann towards the door.

“I guess I should go as well, the royal guards should arrive soon.” Shining Armor murmured unhappily as he got up.

“Royal guards?” Applejack asked.

“Princess Celestia has sent them to secure that place we found yesterday.” Twilight explained. Turning to her brother, she added. “And I’m coming as well, you’re not exactly in shape to lead them there by yourself.”

“Very funny.” the captain said in offended tone, although he smiled briefly at his sister.

“Princess Cadence?” Rarity took the opportunity to start a conversation. “Since they will be busy, perhaps you would like to come to my boutique? I wanted to show you some of my dresses.”

“Sure, that sounds fun.” Cadence replied.

In a matter of minutes, everypony (besides Spike, who said he wanted to clean after breakfast, but knowing him, Spike wanted to take advantage of the fact that nopony would be around for awhile and take a nap) left Twilight’s house, and went their separate ways. Matt and Brann, followed by Rainbow and Pinkie (the earlier asking what Matt and Twilight meant earlier, and the latter asking what kind of treats dwarfs like), headed towards the train station. While the rest headed to the center of Ponyville.

“Why are ya lookin’ so gloom, sugarcube?” Applejack asked Twilight quietly, who was trotting lightly behind the rest.

She sighed. Was she that bad at hiding when she was upset with something?

“I wanted to talk with Matt about... you know what, and I was just about to do that when the letter came in.” Twilight explained. “Now I will have to wait for him to get back from Canterlot.”

“Don’t worry, Ah’m sure it won’ take him long.” the cowpony replied. She then glanced at Rarity and Cadence, who separated from the rest, as they headed towards Rarity’s boutique. “Eh, sorry everypony, Ah wanted to borrow somethin’ from Rarity.”

Twilight glanced confused as Applejack run after them, wondering just what did the farm pony could possibly want to borrow from their fashionista friend. She was distracted from her thoughts as Rainbow caught up to them.

“The train to Canterlot was early, so after leaving Matt and Brann I figured I will come with you to that place.” she explained. “Also, Pinkie went off to plan that party of hers. Soo...” Rainbow said, looking uncertain as she glanced at Spottedleaf, who was walking besides Fluttershy. “... is this cat really dead?”

“What?!?” Fluttershy exclaimed, staring first at the cyan mare, and then back at Spottedleaf.

Oh, for the love of...” Twilight thought as she sighed.

“I’m kinda surprised they have trains here.” Brann said as they made themselves comfortable in empty compartment. “Are they always this empty?”

“I only rode them twice, so I wouldn’t know.” Matthias replied, glancing through the window. “So, do you want to know what I really talked about with the princesses?”

“Do I?!” the dwarf replied, with a wide grin on his face.

“Princess Cadence...” Rarity began.

“Cadence.” the Princess corrected her.

“Cadence.” Rarity said, and suppressed a giggle at the thought of addressing royalty by just her name. “We wanted to ask for your help.”

The three of them -Rarity, Cadence and Applejack - were inside her boutique. While she still intended to try few dresses on the Princess, the real reason of why they’ve gotten her here. Separated from Shining Armor and, more importantly Twilight, was different. Rarity was about to reveal that reason to her, but Cadence beat her to it.

“Does it have something to do with my sister-in-law and Matthias being in love with each other and not realizing it?” she said with a smirk.

As Rarity and Applejack stared at her, speechless at the Princess’ perceptiveness, Cadance giggled.

“Was it that easy to figure out?” Rarity finally asked. “Our intent, I mean. That those two love each other is so obvious even foals would figure it out.”

“I just remembered how you talked to Twilight about Matthias’ virtues.” Cadence explained, and grinned again as she added: “As for the two of them, I figured it out by the way they acted at the wedding, especially how relieved Matthias was when he saw that Twilight was okay.”

“Well then, would ya care to tell us what ya think about them bein’ together?” Applejack asked.

“I think they would be a great couple. Matthias seems like the kind of pony that would make Twilight happy, and that is good enough reason for me.”

Hearing that, Rarity exchanged a look with Applejack and nodded.

“We’re glad you say that, because we wanted you to help us help them realize what they feel. As you can see, they are quite... dense.”

“Yes, I noticed.” Cadence sighed. “I suppose I should have expected as much from Twilight - she wasn’t very social pony back when I foalsitted her, and she only got worse after she became my aunt student. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard she found friends such as you. It is no surprise that she doesn’t realize that she’s in love, if it took her so long to realize she needed friends. But I don’t understand Matt.”

“Ah hear ya. Matt strikes as a pony that knows what love is.”

“Maybe all that he’s been through before he came to Equestria caused him to become... less in touch with his heart?” Cadence wondered out loud.

“Anyway, we were wondering: could you use your magic on them?” Rarity asked. “We heard from Twilight that you can do that.”

“Yeah, how does that work, anyway?” Applejack asked, wondered about that too.

“It’s a bit complicated.” Cadence explained. “But basically, it takes the memories of two ponies of them being happy together in a different situation, and awakens it in their minds, making them realize how much they care about each other.”

“That sounds perfect!” Rarity exclaimed happily, not expecting it to be so easy.

“But I can’t do that.” Cadence said, looking sad.

“What?!?” the two other ponies asked, surprised and confused. “Why?”

Cadence sighed.

“When I told Shining Armor about my talent for spreading love, and how does my spell work, he thought that what he feels for me was caused by my spell and was not real.” she said, and they could see tears forming in her eyes. “We... almost broke up then. I never put a spell on him, and even if, it’s not how my magic works! I can’t make two ponies fall in love, they have to already be in love for it to work, but Shining Armor didn’t listen. Those were the worst days of my life.

“I’m so sorry to hear that.” Rarity told her, feeling tears to form in her own eyes as well. “I never thought Shining Armor could be so dense.”

“Yes, stallions can be quite stupid sometimes.” Cadence chuckled, beaming up. “Eventually, Shining Armor believed our love was real, but... I just can’t put any sort of spell on his sister. I don’t want to go through that again.”

“We understand.” Applejack said. ”Sorry for askin’.”

“That’s alright, you didn’t know.” Cadence replied, and then, to Applejack’s and Rarity’s surprise, she grinned. “I do, however, have a plan for Twilight and Matt to realize what they feel.”


“Yes, now come closer...” she said, beckoning them closer, and started to whisper to them the plan she already began to design almost right after her wedding, as she covered the unicorn and the earth pony with her wings, so nopony would hear them.

Spottedleaf sighed as she followed the pony called Fluttershy to her den, or ‘cottage’, as she called it. It took some effort from Twilight to calm her down enough to tell her the story that Spottedleaf herself told Matthias, which was a short tale about her life.

What came afterwards was much worse than the panic attack the winged pony suffered.

“You poor, poor little thing!” Fluttershy cried as she hugged Spottedleaf tighter than ever.

She let go of her as the medicine cat started to voice it discomfort. “Oh, sorry. But you really had a tough life. No animal should endure so much as you!”

Spottedleaf shook her head, amazed by those creatures. It was so much different from what she was used to...

“Okay, here is my cottage!” Fluttershy’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts. “I hope you will become friends with other animals in here.”

Spottedleaf wasn’t sure for that one. As a medicine cat, she was much more friendlier that majority of other clan cats, but she still doubted she could become friends with prey. She rolled her eyes as she recalled how Matthias told her she could eat fish. The thought of her clanmates calling her a ‘fishface’ was annoying like...

“Oh, Angel, come and say hi!” she heard Fluttershy say and next thing she knew, she was staring into the eyes of a white rabbit.

Spottedleaf, not really surprised anymore, so that not only the rabbit - Angel - was not in slightest afraid of her, but also appeared to be quite angry... for some reason.

This is going to be a long day.

The ride to Canterlot was long and uneventful, so they passed it sharing stories. Matthias told Brann, aside from his suspicions about what changelings and connections between events on Azeroth and in Equestria thousand years ago, about what he’s been up to since he was returned to life. For which Brann replied with, among some other things, few details about Azeroth that escaped from Bolvar’s notice.

“How does that even work?” he asked at some point. “Yer connection, that is.”

“Well at first, I could only switch my consciousness between my body and that piece of soul in Helm of Domination when I was asleep, or something along those lines. Now... I guess you could say I’m both here and there. I still need to switch my consciousness for better focus, but I know what’s happening on both ends.” Matt explained, and then smirked. “Which is pretty good, since I am sure Ner’zhul was kicking my soul in kidneys when I was over here.”

They both laughed back then, but now it was time to be serious. They have left the train, and were currently walking through the streets of Canterlot, watched by many ponies as they headed towards the castle.

“It’s quite beautiful.” Brann commended, glancing around the architecture.

“Yes, it is.” Matthias replied, his mind slightly absent as he listened to what the ponies were muttering between themselves.

“What kind of creature is that?”

“It’s so revolting!”

“Who is that walking with it?”

“I dunno...”

“That’s Matthias Lehner.”

“Looks like ye made a name for yourself already.” Brann noticed as he also heard his name.

“Well, I did lend a hoof during the changeling invasion.” Matthias replied, holding his head a bit higher as he perked his ears towards that peculiar discussion.


“You know, the one that was singing at the reception at the royal wedding!”

“Oh right, the ‘Brewmaster Pony’!”

“Oh Light, why?” Matthias asked, facehoofing, while Brann burst into laughter.

“It’s official: next time I’m having an epic battle with a strong opponent, I’m making sure that there is a bard nearby.” he told the dwarf as he paused to take a breath.

“Okay, on the other side of these doors are two powerful beings, rulers of this land and movers of the sun and moon.” Matthias told him some time later inside the castle. “Are you ready?”

He wasn’t exactly surprised when he heard from Sound Wave, who was guarding the gate, that the princesses decided to grant them a private audience. If Celestia did find something about changelings, she would have firstly informed him.

“Aye, let’s get this done.” Brann said and they nodded at the guards, who opened the door for them.

The throne room seemed bigger with just two ponies that, instead of sitting on their thrones, simply stood by them, deep in conversation. At the sound of opening doors, their tilted their heads and smiled.

“Ah, Matthias Lehner.” Celestia greeted him warmly. ”It is a pleasure to see you again.”

“Likewise, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna.” Matthias replied, bowing to them in turn.

“And you must be Brann Bronzebeard.” Celestia continued as she regarded his companion. ”It is a pleasure to officially welcome you to Equestria.”

“Thank ye kindly, Yer Highness.” Brann said, bowing as well.

“Princess Celestia, while it is an honor to be summoned before you, I feel as though I must ask: why did you wanted to see us?” Matthias inquired.

Celestia and Luna exchanged looks, and both sighed.

“For several reasons.” Princess Luna said. “The first in regards to the ‘Project Eclipse’ that was discovered thanks to you, the Captain of the Royal Guard, my sister’s student, and her friend.”

“I thought the letter said you didn’t know anything about it.”

“And we don’t.” Celestia replied. “We did, however, manage to repair the rune Twilight send us. We wanted to hear your opinion, as outsiders, in regards to what we discovered.”

Princess Celestia paused as she levitated a small rune from the nearby table.

“Like Twilight had speculated, it shows a picture, but there are other spells woven into it. We think this rune was linked to the others with similar function, so if the picture was changed, the pictures on the others runes would change as well.”

“Change?” Matthias and Brann asked.

Instead of replying, Celestia simply activated the rune.

Directly above the rune, a blue lights formed into words. Matthias’ frowned as he read them.


Rank Codename Status Threat level

1. Crystal Inactive 0

2. Baltimare Active 1

3. Los Pegasus Active 3

4. Eastin Unknown 5

5. Canterlot AWOL 4

6. Trottingham AWOL 4

7. Hoofington AWOL 2

8. Cloudsdale KIA 0

9. Fillydelphia KIA 0

10 Manehatten KIA 0

Matthias and Brann long stared at the strange list, before the dwarf finally coughed.

“Well, this is somethin’ interestin’.”

“And different.” Matthias added. Glancing at the royal sisters, he asked: ”You don’t know of anypony that would use a name of a town as a codename, correct?”

“Yes, but what disturbs us the most are the names ‘Crystal’ and ‘Eastin’.” Celestia stated.

“Now that you mention it... I don’t think I heard of those two before.”

“Few ponies did.” Celestia said and explained. “By the northern border of Equestria, there used to be a Crystal Empire, our neighbor, which was populated by crystal ponies. However, a thousand years ago, an evil unicorn: King Sombra, conquered the Empire along with his warriors, the so called ‘Six Shadows of the King’. He was a tyrant: he cursed and imprisoned the crystal ponies, making them his slaves. Once the word finally reached Canterlot, Luna and I faced King Sombra. After a long battle, we won, and we banished him to the ice of the arctic north. However, he managed to put one last curse on the Empire, causing it to vanish into thin air.

“He was able to make an entire Empire vanish just like that?” Brann asked.

“A thousand years ago...” Matthias murmured, wondering if that was connected to what was happening on Azeroth as well as Princess Luna becoming Nightmare Moon. “What about Eastin?”

“That was a city, which was founded shortly after Equestria was founded.” Celestia replied. “It was mostly inhabited by earth ponies. One day, long before our birth, it’s citizens... vanished.”

“Vanished?!?” Matt and Brann asked. “How?!?”

“We don’t know. It happened during the last months of the reign of our grandfather, King Brom. When the citizens disappeared, search partied and investigating teams were sent, but they found nothing. Over the time, the city’s ruins were eaten away by time and nature, and by the time when new settlers arrived, there was no trace of Eastin.”

“Let me guess:” Matthias said as he followed his train of thoughts: ”Eastin was located where Ponyville is, right?”

“You’re really sharp, Matthias.” Luna replied.

The earth pony bowed to the complement, while processing the information in his head. What could possibly have happened to Eastin’s citizens?

“So, that would make the “Project Eclipse’ older than a thousand years.” Brann stated.

“Yes, and I can’t help but wonder: did it have something to do with the fate of Eastin?” Celestia asked, frowning.

“There is that possibility.” Matthias answered. “I think we will have to wait and see what the royal guards you’ve send find out.”

“Aye, that is what I thought, too.” Brann agreed.

“I just hope they will find something...” Luna said and let her voice trail off. She shook her head and continued. “Now that that’s over, why we don’t move up to the next reason why we’ve summoned you.”

“Fine by me.” Matthias replied, curious at what else the princesses wanted to tell him.

Celestia and Luna once again exchanged glance, before they said in unison:

“We would like to ask you to teach ponies how to become paladins.”

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