• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,682 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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45. Dreams and mornings

"Just how much did you drink?" Twilight asked Shining Armor, Matt, and Brann as she and Cadence led them back into the library.

"I don't know." her brother stammered in reply, waddling, and making Twilight once again wonder if she should just carry him with her magic.

"Brann was paying, so maybe he knows." Matt said who, despite looking only slightly better than Shining, had no problem with walking. He glanced at the dwarf and asked: "Why were you carrying this much gold with you, anyway?"

"Well, lad, if I had to chose what was the most important lesson I learned during my travels, then it would be that ye never know when or where ye will stop by a tavern, so it's best to always have somethin'." Brann replied with a grin, the only one that appeared to not have been affected by alcohol.

Twilight shook her head, amazed by males' stupidity as she opened the door. Sure, she got herself drunk once, but that was an accident. She didn't drink mug after mug of beer, or whatever did her brother and the rest drunk.

"Be quiet everypony, Spike is already asleep." Twilight whispered, pointing at the sleeping form of a baby dragon in his basket, which she moved to the living room. "Okay, Cadence. you and Shining Armor sleep in my bed. No objections!" she added, seeing as her sister-in-law was opening her mouth. "This is the only bed big enough for two ponies. The rest of us will sleep here, to give you some privacy, just give me a moment to bring the spare beds..."

"Thanks, Twilight." Cadence said as she nuzzled her husband forward to the bedroom.

"I doubt'at there will be any need for privacy tonight, considering his state." Twilight heard Brann whisper to Matt, and both of them chuckle.

"Do you want to sleep outside?" she asked them, with a stare that made them both look away. Turning to Matt, she asked: "And I thought you were more resilient to alcohol."

Matt, glancing at the door to her bedroom, as if to check if nopony was listening, came closer to her and whispered to her ear:

"Actually, I'm not. I am just strong willed enough to not let that be seen." he blinked at her in a conspiracy-like fashion, and then, after a little hic, he added: "Well, most of the time."

Twilight glanced at Brann, and then back at Matt, comparing the state of two of them.

"How exactly did you beat his older brother?" she asked finally with a raised eyebrow

This made the dwarf chuckle, although there was a pang of sadness mixed.

"Magni had the lightess head out'a us three brothers." he explained.

"And..." Matt said, blushed a bit. "... I can’t really remember the end of our duel. I was told I won the next day... after I was cured out of hangover..."

Twilight once again shook her head as Brann begin to chuckle dangerously loud. Making sure that Spike was still asleep, she went to fetch beds for her and the two males.

"It's a good thing I run through that book called 'Emergency furnitures' by Icy Kelp and Eerie Amarilis the other day." she thought as she teleported two beds she created earlier and the one Matt usually slept in to the living room.

She went back there and saw that while Brann was already laying in one, Matt was nowhere in sight. Guessing that he probably went into the kitchen, Twilight teleported there and found him drinking a glass of water.

"What?" he asked as he noticed her.

Twilight sighed.

"Just go to bed." she said as she turned around to leave.

"As you wish, Lady Twilight." Matt replied as she heard him follow her back to the living room.

Twilight rolled her eyes and glanced trotted over to the shelves with history books on it.

"Why aren't you going to bed?" she heard Matt ask her.

"I want to check if there is anything about 'Project Eclipse in here." Twilight replied without turning around.

"Twilight, it’s long past midnight."

"I am aware of that." she replied, annoyed that he was scolding her. "But this is important, so..."

Whatever was she going to say was abruptly stopped as a pair of strong foreleg lifted her without a problem into the air.

"What are you doing!?" Twilight, being surprised, enraged, and embarrassed, hissed at Matt who was carrying her to her bed. "Put me down right now!"

"Okay." he replied almost cheerfully as he dropped her on her bed. He then leaned over her, the cheerfulness gone. "You're going to sleep. Now. Got it?"

Under his stern gaze, Twilight found that she could only nod.

"Good filly." he said patronizingly as he patted her on her head. Matt grinned as he noticed the look on her face. "Oh, come on, that was funny."

Twilight rolled her eyes as she chuckled weakly, getting past her frustration and embarrassment and finding some amusement in his action.

"Good night." she murmured to him.

"Good night." he responded as he retreated to his bed. "Sweet dreams."

The lavender mare rolled over in bed, closing her eyes as she recalled that she had to talk to him tomorrow about what happened back under that debris. Twilight wondered what exactly Matt was thinking about that, and how he would respond to her tomorrow, as her mind drifted to sleep.

Everypony was asleep inside the library when a cat - the same one that the group encountered within the Everfree Forest - jumped through the open window. It glanced at the four sleeping figures and one awake. Owlowiscious and the cat long stared at each other, the formed curious as to what the cat was doing here, and the latter surprised that the small owl didn't flew away at the sight of it.


The cat finally decided to pay no mind to the bird as it searched among the sleeping figures the one that healed it from the brink of death. Recognizing Matthias, the cat crept silently towards him. It jumped on his bed, and stared into his face. The cat wrinkled its nose at the disgusting breath the pony acquired after consuming so much alcohol.

It continued to stare at him, appearing unsure as what to do now. Finally, still looking unsure the cat laid down next to Matthias, curling up into a ball and snuggling close to his head as it falls asleep.

Matthias and Twilight nuzzled each other as the laid at the edge of a lake, which reflected not only them, but the moon and stars as well.

"It's so beautiful here." Twilight hummed as she brushed his mane. "And peaceful."

Matthias murmured something in agreement. This scenery was indeed beautiful and peaceful, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something wrong. He couldn't put his hoof on it, but it was there, like a very stubborn feeling.

He shook his head, resigned, choosing to simply enjoy the closeness of Twilight. Matthias glanced at their reflections in the lake...

... and a pair of cold eyes with ice-blue glow stared back.

Matthias quickly jumped away in terror, and it all disappeared. Gone were the eyes, the lake, the moon, and the stars...

... gone was Twilight.

"It was just a dream..." Matthias muttered to himself, both relieved and saddened.

"It still is a dream." somepony corrected him.

He spun around, expecting to see Ysera, or Bolvar, or whoever... but except this one…

"If I am dreaming, then what are you doing here?" the earth pony asked the colorful cat from the forest, forcing himself calm and letting go of the fact that it scratched his nose... for the moment, at least.

"I... kind of forced my way into your dream." the cat replied, the tone of voice marking it as female. From what Matt could see, she appeared to be confused. "I didn't expect it to work this well, actually." she shook her head. "Anyway, I wanted to thank you. I don't know what you did, but I know you saved my life. And I didn't exactly showed appreciation back then."

The last comment was followed by a warm purr, and Matthias realised that the cat chuckled. Confused with her overall behaviour, which was quite strange for an animal, even in Equestria, he asked:

"You are not from around here, right?"

The cat, managing to compose herself, nodded.

"Yes, I suppose so. I don't recall ever seeing horses living in a twolegs' nest, or them having some kind of strange healing powers." she said, calmly, and then after licking her paw and cleaning her ear, added: "Although, it is much less surprising than the fact that I exist."

"That you 'exist'?" Matthias repeated the last word, beginning to understand. "You died, haven't you?"

The cat, to his surprise, chuckled as if amused.

"I died many seasons ago, while I tried to defend my clanmate's kits." she said, memories flashing before her eyes. "I joined my ancestors in StarClan, and watched over the living cats from all clans, until a great battle took place. A war that was long in coming: a fight between the clans and the Place of No Stars, where the spirits of dead cats walked if they were forbidden from joining Starclan. Unable to let go of their hatred, they attacked, and I fell while protecting a cat that was dear to the one I loved. And if a cat that died dies again, it disappears, forever. And yet, I woke up in a forest that I didn't know, and was soon chased by a very strange creature."

As she talked, Matthias, besides listening could only stare, which was what he was doing long after the cat finished her tale. Finally, he shrugged and said:

"You just told me a lot of things about yourself, and I understood almost none of it. How about I tell you some things about myself?" seeing the cat nod, he went on: "I was born a human, or a 'twoleg', if you will. I was a great warrior, and was to become the leader of my people, but instead, due to the curse and strange twists of fate, I became a murder and a butcher to them. I was finally killed, and few months later, I found myself in a different world in a pony's body."

Now it was the cat's turn to stare. It recovered quicker than him, however, much to his annoyance.

"So... this is a different world?" she asked, and Matthias nodded. The cat looked down on the ground, saddened. "What am I going to do now?"

Feeling a rush of sympathy for her, Matt gently pressed his hoof to her body.

"You could stay with me, if you want to."

The cat looked up, her amber eyes meeting his sea-colored ones.

"I dislike the idea of becoming a kittypet." she replied, and although her voice was stern, her eyes twinkled with amusement, as if the thought brought back some memories. "But I can exactly be one when you aren't a twoleg. Thank you."

"No problem." he said, smiling. It was then that he realized they haven’t introduced themselves to each other yet. "I'm Matthias Lehner, and you?"

"Spottedleaf." the cat replied, also smiling.

"Wake up, you sleepy heads! It's morning!" Twilight, waking up Matt and Brann, said cheerfully who rested well after a good-night sleep.

Seeing that the dwarf was getting up, she trotted over to still asleep Matt. Twilight nudged him gently, mindful that he might have a headache.

"Did I dream about him this night?" Twilight wondered as felt something click in her head.

She dismissed the thought as soon as it appeared, If she did, then it was caused by her thinking about the upcoming talk the two of them would have. Twilight was still unsure as how to start, but she still got at least an hour or two before they would get a chance to be alone.
Matt gave a weak moan as he opened one eye.

"Hi." he said and yawned loudly.

Then, he closed his eye back.

"Oh, no you don't!" Twilight told him, taking off his quilt with magic. "Get up!"

She looked at Matt, who still slept, and then noticed that there was something furry next to his head.

"Matt, what is this?!" she asked, but she soon found the answer to her question, as she leaned closer to what was the cat from the forest.

"Hmm?" the earth pony asked, turning to see what she was going about. "Oh, that's just Spottedleaf."

"Spottedleaf?" Twilight thought, not understanding.

"This reminds me: Twilight is it okay if I have a pet?" Matt asked her.

"Err... yeah, I guess..." she answered, uncertain as to what was going on.

"Thanks Twilight." he said, taking her fronthoof and kissing it gently. "You are the best friend a pony can have."

Twilight, blushing, rolled her eyes as she realized that Matt was again asleep, with his lips still on her hoof.

"Okay, ye've gotta be kiddin'." Brann said as Matthias finished. "This is just too weird."

The earth pony rolled his eyes.

They were all sitting in the kitchen, eating breakfast that Spike made. He just finished telling everypony about Spottedleaf, who was currently eating some animal food under the table, and about what she told him.

"A world where cats are smart enough to live within clans, their leaders have nine lives, when they die, they join their ancestors, or go to a dark forest with no light in it?" Matthias summed up in short. "How is that much weirder from what we have on Azeroth, Equestria or Outland?"

"Well, granted, but..." the dwarf mumbled. "... a cat telling ye all that in a dream?!?"

"Like a tree trying to cover the whole world in a nightmare?" Matthias countered.

That left Brann speechless.

"Okay, just how in blazes do ye know about the Nightmare Lord?!?" he asked when he recovered.

Matthias chuckled, amused by this banter. True, he also found all that Spottedleaf told him hard to believe, but she was equally confused by the stuff he told her, like The Light, for example, or the magic. He pitied the fact that she could only talk in dreams, otherwise this discussion would be much more entertaining.

"Well, all in all, it's a nice cat." Twilight said, patting her on head, to which Spottedleaf replied with purring noises. "We should later visit Fluttershy and tell her that she's here, and not in that forest. She's been really worried when I told everypony about our trip back."

"Of course she is." he chuckled. "Why don't we go now?"

"Ye mind if I stay here?" Brann asked. "I kinda wanted to check few of these books."

"I better stay then." Spike said, "Don't want him to mess up the library, so soon after cleaning the place."

"And I wanted to go back to bed." Shining Armor, plagued with a hangover, murmured, causing his wife to giggle.

"Well, then I guess it will be just the three of us then." Matthias said, glancing at Twilight.

She appeared to be thrilled by the idea, for some reason. He brushed that thought off, and they prepared to leave with Spottedleaf, when suddenly, Spike breathed green fire, and it soon materialized into a letter with the royal seal on it.

"A letter from Princess Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed, immediately forgetting about going to Fluttershy, as she snatched the letter, broke the seal, and began to read it.

Under other circumstances, this would cause Matthias to chuckle at Twilight's behaviour, but this time he was eager to hear what the letter brought. Perhaps Princess Celestia knew something about the mysterious 'Project Eclipse'? So he waited, along with everypony else, until Twilight finished reading. When she did, she glanced at him, confused.

"Princess Celestia wants to see you and Brann in Canterlot, today."

Author's Note:

Okay, I know I promised no more Warriors would appear, but I wanted Arthas to have a pet, and this was all I could think off. True, it may had more sense to my story if this was a cat from the Dark Forest, but the two that I could see in Equestria, Thistleclaw and Mappleshade, are still 'alive', so I went with Spottedleaf.

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