• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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96. First mission

Matt was kneeling at the altar, in the middle of a deep prayer, when he was pulled from it by the sound of hoofsteps approaching. He turned around, and saw Applejack coming up to him, with a really angry face.

“Applejack, what-” Matt tried to ask, but the mare cut him off.

“Ah'm pregnant, yar the father, and Ah'm gonna kill all three of us!” Applejack screeched, pulling out an explosive device from her mane.

“Calm down.” he told her, doing his best to remain calm as well, although he took a step back. “Have some dip.”

“Yes, I can see myself saying something like this in that situation.” Matt said sarcastically, interrupting Rainbow's story.

Rainbow Dash chuckled, amused by his reaction. He didn't appear to be too angry, as he was still going over some document on his desk and still had his back turned to her, but the cyan mare knew she got under his skin with that little scenario. And he couldn't blame her, really; he asked for it, when he told her he slept with AJ two days ago.

“Oh, come on, that was funny.” she told, wrapping her hooves around his neck and hugging him.

“How exactly do you find the thought of me fathering a bastard foal with our friend to be 'funny'?” Matt asked her, glaring at her with the eye she could see from this angle.

“Okay… you have a point.” Rainbow said, realizing (under his stern gaze) that maybe this really wasn't that funny. However, she quickly recovered, and found a new way to annoy him. “So, who was the better lay: me or AJ?”

“Remind me why I keep telling you things like that?” the stallion sighed, still not taking his eyes from the document.

“You know, that's a good question...” Dash trailed off, pondering, before she added, grinning. “I think you just like to be miserable all the time.”

“Would that be enough of a punishment...” Matt muttered, barely hearable.

Rainbow Dash winced. She knew, of course, all about that dark past of his, and heard – thanks to King Sombra – what his father told him, but... she just could barely fathom it. Dash knew Matt, and the thought of him doing anything evil just seemed ridiculous.

“How are things between you and Applejack, by the way?” he asked, pulling her out of her musing.

“Hmm? Oh, everything is great.” the pegasus replied, glad for it. “We've talked the other day, and everything is back to normal between us. We even had a little competition: We tried to see who can throw rock the highest.”

“I hope that you didn't try the game where you throw a rock up, then count to five, and try to get away before it hits you?” Matt asked, sternly.

“Do we look like idiots to you?” Dash answered, offended. But she then brightened when she noticed that he finally signed the document, put a stamp on it as well, and then leaving the symbol of the Order next to his signature. She quickly then jumped at him, twisting around so she would land on his lap. “So, about my question: Who was the better lay?”

She would have grinned seeing his expression, as he no doubt was seeking a diplomatic response, but Rainbow was busy keeping the 'bedroom eyes' look turned on. However, she found her attention immediately turn to what she was in the corner of her eye.

Turning her head that way, she asked: “Err... why is your cabinet... glowing?”

It wasn't exactly the cabinet that was glowing. It looked more as if what was inside of it that was emitting the gentle golden light. Matt glanced at it, and stood up, making Rainbow nearly fall. She managed to flap her wings before she hit the floor, and landed next to the chair. She look puzzled, as Matt walked to the still glowing cabinet, opened it, and then immediately he knelt. Now to make things even more confusing, Rainbow Dash looked at what it was that was inside of the cabinet.

It was a mirror.

“My liege.” Matt spoke up from where he knelt on the floor.

Rainbow Dash's attention shifted to him, but as she was about to ask him why the hay he was talking to the mirror, but then...

“Haven't I told you to stop replying like this?” the voice of Princess Celestia sounded from inside the cabinet, and when Rainbow look at the mirror again, the glow disappeared, and was replaced by an image of the Princess. The image continued to speak: “You make me feel like some sort of an evil villain from a fantasy book that it's about to address her minion... oh, hello, Rainbow Dash.”

The pegasus mare who was staring at her Princess with eyes wide open and jaw dropped until now, quickly pulled herself together and bowed. She recalled at the same time how Matt had mentioned to all of them that he was 'preparing an alternative method of communicating to Canterlot'.

So that's what he was talking about... a magical mirror?

“Rise, both of you.” Princess Celestia told them, and when they did as she bade them, she continued: “While I always find talking to you, Sir Lightbringer-”

Matt sighed in annoyance, as Dash snickered. She then shoots a quick glance at Celestia, and saw her to be as much amused as she was.

“- to be a highly pleasant experience, I'm afraid I have contacted you due to grim matters.” the Princess finished, growing more serious. “Are you familiar with the village of Northville?”

What-ville?” Rainbow Dash repeated in her head, puzzled.

“Northville.” Matt repeated as well, but unlike her, he wasn't confused, and spoke with certainty. “A small village north of Vanhoover, founded close to one thousand and three hundred years ago, under a name of Golden Slide, as it served as a home to miners of the nearby gold mine and their families. Since the deployment of the mine had stopped four hundred years ago, the village began to fall down. Currently, it is inhabited by five small families, total population-”

“It would appear that living with my student left a mark on you.” Princess Celestia interrupted him, smiling.

“I will take that as a complement, Your Majesty.” Matt replied.

“But going back to the matter... you are correct, this small village is located north of Vanhoover. I've just received report form there that a strong blizzard was spotted over Northville.”

“Hmm...” Matt mused. “Snowstorms that stir on their own so far up north are not unheard of, but the summer hasn't even ended...”

“And it's not just a snowstorm, but a blizzard.” Celestia finished, nodding. “There was also one more thing that was in the report; the citizens of Vanhoover could swear to hear a loud shriek.”

Something stirred in Rainbow's mind, but before she could remind herself why did it sound so familiar, Matt said one word:


Then Rainbow Dash remembered. She heard about them every time she watched a Hearth's Warming Eve pageant. Especially fresh in her mind was from a year ago, when she and her friends played it in Canterlot. Windigos were spirits of winter that fed on hatred.

“It would seem so.” Princess Celestia said. “Lightbringer, I want you and your paladins to investigate, and if Northville was indeed attacked by windigos, you will deal with them. Do you understand your orders?”

“Yes I do, Princess.” Matt replied, bowing, and then turned to Rainbow Dash. “Can you go and tell all four of my knights to gather in my office in ten minutes?”

“Sure, no problem.” Dash said, thankful to have something to do to help.

She quickly bowed before the Princess, and flew through the door.

“Have I interrupted something?” Celestia asked, faking innocence.

“Not exactly.” Matthias replied, a bit annoyed at how close to truth her guess was. Changing the topic, he said: “So that's why I had the feeling that I needed to make them paladins so quickly; the Light knew we would be given this task.”

“I would have preferred to have a more precise warning to prevent this happening in the first place.” Celestia told him, shaking her head. “But I suppose that would be asking for too much, wouldn't it, Arthas?”

“The Light loves everypony and everything, but even it cannot help everywhere.”

“I'm just glad that we've finished enchanting those mirrors as per your instructions. Otherwise, it would have taken longer to take a hold of you.”

“Speaking off; you do know that spell is considered to be quite easy on Azeroth?” Matthias asked, smirking.

“You do know that I and my sister have a lot of duties on our head?” Celestia replied, being amused instead of angry. “Negotiations with the sea ponies about the build of the underwater tunnel from East to West Sea have taken a lot of our time, and then we had to deal with the Summer Harvest... I'm sure you understand.”

“Of course.” Matthias said, recalling how he used to help his father with various matters. “Does it mean you didn't have the time to search about anything related to the 'Mirror Pond'?”

“We did, in fact; but similarly to Project Eclipse, we haven't found anything.” Celestia told him, sighing tiredly. “It would seem that the book Twilight found, the 'Folktales of Eastin', is the only source of information we can get.”

“That isn't a good source, if you ask me. Last time I asked Twilight about it, she said that there wasn't anything she could say for certain from all that the author wrote there in this 'fairy-tale' style. Well, aside from the fact that since this 'Spirit of the Everfree' must have been real, given that she's mentioned in almost every tale.”

“Yes, I received a letter from Twilight about her findings.” Princess Celestia paused, musing. “Do you think this 'Spirit of the Everfree' could be some sort of a demigod, similar to those on Azeroth?”

“I suppose it would make sense, but... according to all those tales, she – because it's referred every time as female – was once rather friendly towards ponies, and she even tried to play a prank on them with this Mirror Pond. That's very unlike demigods of Azeroth.”

“Ah, but isn't it you who keeps saying how different our two worlds are?”

“True, but I would have expected that spirits of nature share the same characteristics. Speaking of the Everfree Forest; did you have any idea since the last time we spoke as to why it became so twisted?”

“I'm afraid my answer is again: no.” Celestia replied, rolling her eyes. “I would have assumed it was Discord's doing, seeing as according to what I remember what my father tell me, the forest grow dark at the same time Discord took over Equestria. But if that would be the case, the Everfree Forest would have returned to normal when Luna and I defeated him.”

“Everything that happened that thousand years ago is more confusing the more I think about it.” Matthias murmured, shaking his head. He then recalled one more thing: “Princess, when Brann and I stayed in Canterlot over a month ago, he found in some notes that there was one more alicorn in the history of Equestria-”

“Ah, you're referring to Chrona.” Celestia interrupted him, growing somber. “I doubt she had anything to do with all that had happened, though, since she died good few decades before the citizens of Eastin had disappeared.”

“But you can't deny it's weird that the first recorded alicorn in Equestria's history was born at the beginning of such unusual century.”

“You are correct, I can't deny that.” Celestia replied, sighing. “I will send you notes regarding everything I know about her; perhaps you will be able to figure something out. They should wait on your desk by the time you'll return from Vanhoover.”

“Thank you very much, Celestia. Speaking of Vanhoover; I need to make some preparations.”

“Of course.” Celestia said, nodding. “I wish you good luck, Arthas.”

“Thank you.” Matthias repeated, as her image disappeared from the mirror.

Within the next blink of an eye, the mirror showed nothing but his reflection. Sighing, Matthias closed the cabinet. He purged his mind of all the thoughts about Project Eclipse, concentrating on the mission at hoof.

A knock on the door signaled that he didn't have any time left for pondering, anyway.

“Come in.” Matthias said, jumping into his chair.

The four knights entered, looking at them with a mix of worry and confusion on their faces.

I guess Rainbow Dash hasn’t told them.

“At ease.” he said, and waited until the stopped standing in attention before he continued: “I received orders from Princess Celestia. We are to go to the village of Northville, investigate the rumors about windigos presence, and or take care of them.” seeing further confusion on some faces, he added: “I will brief you on our way there. The train leaves in an hour: go prepare. Understood?”

“Yes, sir!” the all replied, saluting.

As they turned to leave, Matthias couldn't help but feel his heart swell with pride.

When Rainbow Dash seemingly disappeared from the Abbey, Matthias knew they would have a small group of ponies see them off to the station, and he wasn't disappointed.

“Hello.” he greeted his seven friends casually.

Twilight frowned hearing his tone, but she quickly recovered.

“Rainbow Dash told us you were tasked by Celestia with a mission.” she said, addressing all five paladins. “We came here to wish you good luck.”

The others added their own wishes as well, and the paladins replied with thanks. Of course, Tucker was about to suggest something, but a harsh glare from Matthias shut him up.

“Rarity,” Matthias said, turning to the white unicorn, “would you mind asking your parents if they couldn't take Scootaloo for few days? I already spoken to them some time before, and they agreed for taking her whenever we would be away.” turning to Applejack, whom he also asked for this before, he added: “Of course, the Apple family would also be very capable of taking care of her, but you've mentioned that a cousin of yours would be coming tomorrow, correct?”

“That's right, sugarcube.” Applejack replied, not feeling anything at the slightest for him choosing to send Scootaloo to Rarity's parents at all. “Speakin' off, when are y'all gonna come back? I would've liked to introduce Babs Seed to ya’ll.”

“I expect we will be back before the Summer Harvest Parade. Or at least, we will do our best to get back by then” Matthias said. Glancing meaningfully at his subordinates, he motioned with his head towards the train. “We need to get going; the sooner we get there, the sooner we can help the ponies of Northville, and the sooner we will get back.”

“Mind explaining to me why we aren't taking our never-ending giant torch with us?” Tucker asked, who’s a bit grumpy about the whole mission ever since Guard explained to him what a windigo is. The unicorn didn't fancy trotting around in a blizzard

“Because this will be the perfect test of your abilities.” Matthias replied seriously. “Plus, if you think its easy getting Al'ar to do something, let alone travel such a long way, you clearly should spend some more time with him.”

Tucker followed Serenity into the train, muttering under his nose. Storm entered after him, waving at the small group.

“You will be careful, right?” Twilight whispered to Matthias quietly. “Windigos are highly dangerous, and what happened to the Founders in that cavern was mostly due to a struck of luck, as Clover the Clever wrote in her collection of findings about the windigoes.”

“I know, I've read them.” the paladin replied, although in truth it was more accurate to say that he skimmed them. “And I also have a copy in my saddlebag. Besides, it's me, remember?” he added with a smirk.

That's what makes me so worried.” Twilight retorted. “So far, you've been impaled, suffered a nightmare, stuck in the amber-”

“kissed a bug...”

“-kissed a b- Rainbow!” Twilight hissed angrily at her cyan friend, who snickered in response. “You could at least pretend to be worried.”

“I am, but Matt's right.” the pegasus replied. “It's him. So, I kinda feel more sorry for those windigos.”

“As much as I would love to stay and chat,” Matthias said, and then quickly added: “and further annoy Twilight; I need to get going. See you in few days. Spike, keep them out of trouble, you hear?”

“Sure.” Spike replied, chuckling.

“Have a safe journey.” Twilight said when she stopped rolling her eyes.

With more wishes ringing in his ears, Matthias entered the train, feeling confident that with them. With the blessing of the Light along the way, he and his paladins would solve the situation in Northville quickly, and upon their return to Ponyville, everything would return to normal.

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