• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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167. Canterlot Triple Surprise

“This concludes our report, Your Majesties,” Arthas finished, bowing his head before Celestia and Luna.

Both alicorns nodded thoughtfully. “It’s a pity the storm delayed your return, preventing you from informing us sooner about the developments on the Dread Isle,” Celestia remarked. “We would have liked to know about the echoes of Clover the Clever and Commander Hurricane sooner.”

Arthas of course had expected as much, but it couldn’t have been helped. This storm had caught them halfway back from Dread Isle to Baltimare. Thanks to the experience of Lady Gale’s crew they were able to easily evade it, but the storm proved too big to navigate around safely. Of course, since all Equestrian ships that travelled beyond Equestria’s territorial waters (which by extension meant leaving the area where the weather was controlled by ponies) were required to have at least one pegasus on board for precisely such occasions (a practice that reminded Arthas of the Kul Tiran fleet and their tidesages), they had tried to disperse it, but it was too wild for the crewmembers to deal with, even with Storm Clash’s help. Eventually, after losing two days at sea, they had been forced to sail to Manehatten’s harbor instead, extending their trip for another two days overall. The storm had also interfered with their attempts to contact the mainland; all they could do was send a very brief message saying that they weren’t in any danger and would take longer to return.

Due to the complexity of the events on Dread Isle, Arthas decided against trying to inform them about the echoes through such means, and, due to the distance between them, he was unable to reach them mentally. After arriving in Manehatten he considered sending a message, but at that point they were less than half a day's travel from Canterlot; a few hours difference hardly mattered, and he knew the Princess would prefer to get detailed information right away rather than incomplete information sooner.

The prolonged return also upset him for other reasons of course. Aside from missing Twilight and the rest of his friends (he missed out on Rainbow’s return from the Wonderbolt Academy and he was sure she would bring this up next time she’d want something from him), he had wanted to prepare the Abbey for their new arrivals; the new initiates would be arriving three days from now, and his wards from Griffonia would arrive tomorrow. He still needed to meet the blacksmith Celestia had promised to provide for the Order. The renovations for the Abbey done during their absence needed his final approval. They had already made plans to visit the moon again and try to find out the reason behind the bat ponies’ shadow powers. Princess Celestia had also mentioned about the possibility of rejoining the piece of his soul that the Holy Avenger was made from into the rest of it. And to top it all off, they were all waiting for Brann’s reply regarding his next visit to Equestria to go and examine the Gate of Tartarus; Light knows when that would happen.

Overall, because of his tight schedule, those four days they lost felt more like at least half a year to Arthas.

“Oh well, I guess it couldn’t have been helped,” Princess Celestia concluded, sighing, then brought up the same thing that bothered Arthas, “Other problems caused by your delayed return are more pressing anyway. Do you think Clover’s idea will work?”

“It definitely seems possible,” Arthas answered, eager to see that the Princesses wanted to hurry this part of conversation up. “As I mentioned, Clover hadn’t shared the details of her plan with me. However, I had quickly learned during our brief time together that her nickname was very accurate; if she thinks it will work, then I won’t be surprised if it does. And besides,” he added with a little smile, “considering my own particular circumstances, I think we can agree that the creation of a physical body and giving it life isn’t a stretch around here.”

That comment surprised both of the Princesses; their eyes slightly widened, and they quickly glanced at other ponies that were in the Throne Room with them; the four paladins that stood silently behind Arthas in attention. As the alicorns looked back at him, the former human merely shrugged in reply to their unasked question.

The sisters smiled and recovered. “Ah, so you have shared your history with your paladins,” Luna said. “That certainly will make our future briefings easier, since we won’t have to dance around the subject whenever it appears. How much has Sir Lightbringer told you?” she asked, turning to the paladins.

He could hear Storm clearing his throat. “If you are referring to him being a human from Azeroth, Your Majesty, and the Plague of Undeath, his fall from the Light, actions as a death knight and becoming this ‘Lich King’, then I believe Sir Lightbringer has told us everything,” the pegasus paladin recited in a steady voice, with barely noticeable hint of nervousness (which Arthas suspected was more due to him addressing the rulers of the land rather than his past).

At once, both alicorns turned to Arthas, each raising a single eyebrow. Arthas suppressed a sigh; clearly, Celestia and Luna considered it a very big omission to not tell them about him being the Crown Prince of Lordaeron, which Storm would have certainly mentioned too.

Reaching to them with his mind, he deadpanned and said: I really fail to see how mentioning or not mentioning that is necessary for the story.

And yet he doesn’t say so out loud,” Luna commented in amusement, glancing at her sister.

Rolling her eyes, Celestia turned back to the paladins. She resumed the conversation, not addressing the two-second long intermission: “I see. And may I ask, knowing everything about Sir Lightbringer’s past, how do you feel about him?”

While Arthas’ eyes went up to the ceiling in exasperation, he found himself surprised to hear Tucker to be the one to respond, “We did follow him into a warzone after hearing that, I think it’s self-explanatory.”

The metal clang and grunt that followed had most likely meant that one of the others had elbowed him for that slightly inappropriate way of replying to Princess’ question.

“I believe what Sir Tucker was trying to say,” Serenity began in somewhat annoyed voice, “is that while it was of course shocking to learn, we all trust Sir Lightbringer and will gladly continue to follow his teachings and command.”

Arthas couldn’t help but softly smile hearing that, and wasn’t surprised to see the Princesses do so as well. “We are glad to hear that,” Princess Luna said. Turning to Arthas, she added, “Though I believe you made the right choice by not telling anypony the… specific circumstances that led you to Equestria, it would be best to slowly untangle this web of secrets and borderline lies you weaved.”

Celestia nodded and continued, “Aside from honesty being an important virtue - which I am sure Applejack would agree with - between your return to life as a pony and Brann Bronzebeard’s artifact that lets him to teleport freely from your original world to ours, it is safe to assume that there is some connection between them. Quite frankly, the more time has passed since your rebirth, the more evidence of that had resurfaced. With Brann’s upcoming visit, I fear that we might even find ourselves involved in Azeroth’s affairs… or that Azeroth would find itself involved in Equestria’s affairs.”

“And when that happens,” Luna added, “we would undoubtedly start hearing about the old you, Sir Lightbringer. It’s better that we all learn of your past first from you.”

“Which is one of the reasons why I decided to reveal that to my paladins, Your Majesties,” Arthas agreed with a nod. “I am also planning on telling everything to my friends in Ponyville. Although if you mean for it to become a public knowledge in Equestria… I’m not sure if that would be a good idea, to be honest.”

“Neither are we,” Celestia said, “and it is something we still need to think about carefully. Perhaps it would be best to leave such discussion until after affairs between our two worlds become more intermingled.”

“An equally important matter would be what we would reveal to Azerothians,” Luna chimed. “If we’re to make contact on a larger scale, then they would no doubt eventually figure out who you are even if they hadn’t known you personally. That statue of your mentor in the Everfree Abbey isn’t exactly subtle,” she remarked with good-natured smirk. “It wouldn’t bode well for the relationship between our two worlds if we concealed it from them. On the other hoof, though, it is safe to assume that most Azerothian’s denizens would call for your death if they knew, wouldn’t they?”

Arthas flicked his tail in irritation. “Definitely. The Alliance, the Horde, Kirin Tor, Argent Crusade, basically every major force on Azeroth that Equestria could make contact with would want me dead. For good reasons of course,” he quickly added, realizing how what he had said could sound.

“Damn, I always wanted to be popular like that,” Arthas heard Tucker remark from behind, which was followed by another clang and grunt as he was hit again.

“Suffice to say,” Arthas continued, ignoring the interruption, “forging diplomatic relationships with any of Azeroth’s factions would be difficult. Unless of course you presented them my head on a platter, which-”

“- which is out of the question,” Luna interjected before he could finish the remark that was only half-jesting, clearly annoyed by the suggestion.

“I’m merely informing you of your options, Your Majesties,” Arthas said. “I know you well enough to realize that you wouldn’t consider this one.”

Even if it would be the best option,” he remarked privately; while he wasn’t keen on dying again, especially knowing how much pain it would cause to his friends, he would be willing to if it meant averting any possible threat to Equestria that could come from Azeroth due this his past.

“It’s not only our future diplomatic relationships that I fear we should worry about,” Celestia spoke up, ending the discussion about the possibility of his sacrifice decisively. “I’m unsure how the return of Commander Hurricane would be accepted by Griffonia; even if the war happened over two thousand years ago, his actions during it could cause them to be worried. I can’t say I would blame them; even though Equestria’s historians have made a lot of rather accurate theories about what had happened to Griffonians prisoners, it is shocking to hear what the Commander precisely did to them,” Celestia said, shaking her head sadly.

“Since we are on the subject,” Luna said, turning to Arthas questioningly, “are you sure if this echo of Commander Hurricane was freed from Dread Isle he wouldn’t pose threat to anypony?”

Arthas knew very well what she meant. Hurricane actions during the war aside, it was very possible that he had caused the Sundering of Griffonia. His echo would of course have no memory of that, since it had happened a good decade after the battle on Dread Isle, but if that pony had really broken apart a continent, what else could he do? And if he could, would he?

“I had considered this as well,” Arthas replied. “But I did not sense falsehood in him when he said that he regretted what the real him had done. It would seem that those eight hundred years he spent trapped in an endless loop has indeed helped him. I have also questioned Clover’s echo about this, and she seemed to have faith in him.”

“It is reassuring to hear,” Luna remarked, “though we would still have to convince Griffonia that he bears no ill will towards them.”

“Which is why it is even more important that we strengthen our relations with the griffons,” Celestia noted. “We’re fortunate that they accepted your offer to invite them into the Order. Hopefully, when the Light’s teachings spread between both our kingdoms we’ll become closer friends, though this would understandably take some time.”

The Princess had made excellent points. The shared faith in the Light was one of the reasons why the Alliance’s kingdoms were able to live so well with each other. Unfortunately, it would be months before the griffons' initiates would become paladins and he would be able to send some away into Griffonia to spread Light’s teachings. Even if they were to think of some way to hasten this, it would still take time, and Hurricane would be freed in a matter of days. This would very likely cast a great shadow on the relations between the two kingdoms.

On the other hoof, though, Arthas couldn’t with clear conscience suggest that Clover should wait before freeing them from the Dread Isle’s magic. Reliving the same battle over and over again was a dreadful concept, and Hurricane had endured it for over eight hundred years already. He deserved to be freed.

“I’ll make sure the initiates from Griffonia, especially my two new wards, are well trained, and ensure they’ll consider ponies as friends,” he said, unsure what else he could do at the current time. “As for Commander Hurricane and Clover the Clever’s echoes, I left instructions at Manehatten Harbor to send a ship with the ingredients Clover requested. They are only waiting for your command, Your Majesties.”

Although they still looked troubled, both nodded. “I will send the order immediately. Regardless of what may come, nopony deserves such a fate, and the experience of those two might prove useful if we come in contact with Azeroth.”

I suppose two one-pony-army ponies would be useful indeed,” Arthas remarked to himself, not without some amusement. “If worst case scenarios should come to pass, Clover could deal with the Alliance, and Hurricane with the Horde.

Though he didn’t believe that, in the event of a proper contact between the two worlds, it would come to an armed conflict because of him, and even less so that those two would be able to stop entire armies just by themselves, the idea of Azeroth’s mightiest armies being defeated by two ponies was simply hilarious to him.

Then again, considering that one of them apparently destroyed a continent…

“As will all of you, no doubt,” Celestia continued, her gaze shifting to the four paladins behind him. “My sister and I are pleased to hear how satisfied Sir Lightbringer has been with the skills and valor you displayed on Dread Isle. We see no reason to withhold any of you from being promoted,” she added, nodding at Arthas.

At this sign, he turned around to this paladins. Even though they had been standing in attention for the better part of the last hour, at once all four of them stood up even straighter. Arthas spared a second to look at each of them. Serenity, calm and determined. Guard, stoic and patient. Tucker, proud and serious. And Storm, earnest and responsible.

On Azeroth, he might have left nothing but pain, misery and death. That was his legacy there, personified in the Knights of the Ebon Blade.

But on Equestria, his legacy was these four.

His heart swelling with pride, Arthas addressed them. “Serenity, Guard Shield, Tucker Out. In recognition of the valor and skills you’ve displayed, as well as your diligent service to the Holy Light, the Princesses and the Realm, you are each hereby promoted to the rank of Knight-Lieutenant. Storm Clash, in recognition of your leadership skills you’ve displayed along with your martial prowess and connection to the Light, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Knight-Captain. Congratulations,” he finished, saluting with respect.

All four of them repeated the gesture. Arthas was pleased to see that, unlike how when he had given Storm Clash his first promotion, none had showed any hints of doubts they could harbor about their new ranks. Although of course, this was a different situation, as they had known what would happen once they returned, while previously he pretty much sprung it up on Storm.

And of course, to some ponies confidence came much more naturally.

“Awesome,” Tucker uttered during salute, smirking.

Arthas rolled his eyes and decided to let him have that one. Serenity and Guard, who were placed on Tucker’s each side, must have thought the same, as both had looked ready to elbow him again.

“Congratulations to all of you,” Celestia said as they resumed standing in attention and Arthas turned back to the Princesses. “It pleases us to see Equestria’s first paladins advance so quickly. We are fortunate to have you, and we expect you to play significant roles if the troubling events we expect should come to pass. We would like to discuss them with you in greater detail… but that can wait,” she added, warmth and amusement creeping into her tone. “You have travelled a great distance and deserve some rest. Guards will show you to the quarters that were prepared for you where you can freshen up and recover. We will send for you to meet us in two hours. You can leave your armors and weapons in those quarters, they will be taken for repairs.”

Although slightly surprised, Arthas quickly approved of the idea. A time, however brief, for the paladins to get used to their new ranks, and to rest a little, not to mention getting themselves properly presentable for being in the presence of their lieges. Arthas was also looking forward to getting out of his armor; although he had the worst dents straightened out in Manehatten so that he could move comfortably in it, there were still cuts in a few places that scratched against his coat.

“As you wish, Your Majesties,” he said, bowing.

“Well, that was fun,” Tucker commented once the door of the Throne Room closed behind them. “Standing around and not talking was a nice change of pace from the standing around and talking or fighting for our lives that we usually do.”

Arthas gave him a sidelong glance. “I’m amazed how hard it is to tell that you’re being sarcastic,” he said as they began to follow the royal guards as they escorted them to their quarters. Looking at the others, he added, “Take this opportunity to rest, you’ve earned it. I expect you all to be of sharp minds when we resume our talk with the Princesses.”

“Sir, what exactly do you think Their Majesties want to discuss with us?” Storm asked. “I mean, I get that they want to talk about what could be done in the event of Equestria making a bigger contact with Azeroth, of course, but how seriously do you think the Princesses believe that would actually happen?”

“I’m sure the Princesses are mainly concerned about taking precautions if that event would come to pass. However, I would say that they are treating this matter very seriously.”

“How can you tell, Sir?”

Arthas chuckled in amusement. “Because Princess Luna hadn’t mentioned that I should come and spend some time with Princess Moonlight instead of resting.”

“Well, if you don’t mind me saying, Sir, you probably should spend time with your goddaughter since you are in Canterlot,” Serenity pointed out after she an amused hum spread through the group.

“Yes, I know,” Arthas replied, sighing, “and I would normally look forward to it. Except thanks to that delay at sea I now have a whole lot of matters to deal with in a very short time.”

“Sir?” one of the guards spoke up, then nodded at the door beside him. “We have reached your quarters.”

“Ah, excellent, thank you.” Turning to the paladins, he added, “See you in two hours.”

Entering his room, Arthas closed his eyes and let out a tired sigh, leaning against the door softly. He could hear his paladins talking among themselves as they trotted away - with Serenity and Tucker already getting into another argument - but he tuned them out, letting himself relax before what would likely be the only free time he would have for the next few days.

Which very soon he realized would not be yet, as when he opened his eyes he realized that Princess Luna was present in the room.

Taken by surprise, Arthas shook his head before standing up. “I’m guessing there is something you want to talk in private, Your Majesty?”

Luna’s eyes narrowed. “That’s correct, although now I would want to rebuke you for that comment I’ve overheard… as well as give Dame Serenity another promotion.”

“You are probably the most advanced magically and technologically society I know, and yet the walls in your palace aren’t soundproofed?” Arthas retorted, deadpanning.

“They are in the more secluded parts of the palace,” Luna replied, then waved her hoof dismissively. “But let’s get back to more important matters. I trust that you recall the investigation my Night Guard had launched after you stumbled upon a certain object in Crystal Empire?”

At once, Arthas grew serious. “Yes of course. Did they have any luck?”

The Princess nodded, then pointed at the small table next to the bed… or rather, at the envelope on it.

“I thought you’d want to take a look at their findings, considering it was thanks to you that we found out about it,” Luna said.

Curious, Arthas walked over to the table, but then hesitated. “Who else knows the contents of the envelope?” he asked her cautiously.

“Myself and my sister, of course, Captain Nightshade, three nightwatchers that had been conducting this investigation, Doctor Angelic Touch, and a professor of archaeology that helped them restore old documents they found,” Luna replied; Arthas couldn’t help but notice that she seemed amused by his question.

He, on the other hoof, wasn’t. “Literally every spy worth their salt among the human kingdoms could tell you that that’s too many people to know about such a delicate matter,” he said, still not reaching for the envelope and instead beginning to finally unstrap his armor. “I understand that Equestria hasn’t had to worry about such things for a long time, but you should have learned by your neighbor Griffonia’s past problems.”

“I’m sorry, I was under the impression that paladins should strive for truth and justice?” the Princess asked, clearly pretending to sound serious.

“I was also raised to be the next king, I was taught to have a broader view on certain matters. And I was a tyrant bent on taking over the world, but that is actually irrelevant,” Arthas murmured under his breath, his eyes returning to the envelope as he removed pieces of his armor.

Something was off. Clearly, the situation wasn’t so bad as he had worried; Princess Luna wouldn’t be treating this matter so casually. But this was strange; considering what else this should mean, then she wouldn’t seem so amused by his reactions.

Luna’s sigh pulled him out of his musing. “Just read it already, Arthas. You’ll then understand why neither I or my sisters are worried about what you found,” she added with a smile, as if reading his thoughts.

Now even more intrigued, Arthas reached for the envelope and opened it. There were a lot of documents inside. He pulled out what looked to be the official report of the Night Guard and began reading it.

A few minutes later he was staring at the piece of paper, stunned.

He quickly looked back at earlier pages, then went to the next one and quickly finished reading the report.

“Well,” he said slowly, still shocked, “I can honestly say that even with all the knowledge I have I hadn’t seen this coming.”

About two hours later Arthas walked down the corridors of Canterlot Castle along with his paladins, he was still deep in thought about what he had learned. Even after discussing it with Princess Luna it was still… hard to grasp. It took some effort for him to pull himself out of those musings and focus on the present; they were about to talk about the problems that he was responsible for, after all (even if by only being alive).

He looked around; his paladins seemed to be in even brighter spirits now than after they had been freshly promoted. Clearly, the brief rest served them well.

Going through all the tasks that he would have to deal with in the coming days, a thought occurred to him. “Serenity?” he asked, falling back to match her step. “You plan to visit the Crystal Empire again, right?”

“Um, well yes, Sir, at least for a short time,” Serenity replied, slightly surprised. “But I understand that with all the initiates arriving I’ll be needed here for quite a while.”

Arthas nodded thoughtfully. “True. I’ve been thinking about the future of the order,” he continued, raising his voice so the other paladins would hear him too. “On Azeroth, the Church of the Holy Light had spread through all of the Eastern Kingdoms, from Quel’Thalas to Stormwind, with most of the kingdoms having holy sites each of their own. In the future, when the Light gains more followers, we should spread likewise. Of course, I would imagine that a first cathedral would be constructed here in Canterlot, but the Crystal Empire should have one too, wouldn’t you say?”

“Certainly, Sir,” Serenity agreed immediately. “I know a lot of ponies there would be grateful to have a proper place to come to pray. Though I would think that would be months away at least.”

“Yes, unfortunately. Still, I should probably talk about it with Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor when I get the chance…” he mused, trailing off, as the guards escorting them stopped by a big door. “Here?” he asked the royal guards, a little confused.

He had expected them to be taken to the same chamber where they’ve talked with Chrysalis and other changelings’ representatives not so long ago. He had been so lost in thought earlier that he hadn’t paid attention to where they’ve taken them, but now that he looked around he realized that was an entire other part of the castle.

But the royal guards nodded. “Yes Sir, the Princesses requested we bring you here.”

Confused, Arthas glanced at his paladins and shrugged, then reached for the door to open them.


Arthas was still staring in shock when a roar of party cannon firing confetti at them sounded. Inside the room - which he now realized was the ballroom - were all his friends from Ponyville. Not just Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Spike, but also the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Liturgy, Big Mac, Nymph, Wind Reaver, Zecora and Zahara. And of course, Princess Celestia and Luna, too, both trying to hold back grins.

“Well, that’s twice today that I had been taken by surprise,” Arthas commented, smile spreading on his muzzle as he and the paladins walked into the ballroom that several tables in the middle of it with lots of food and drinks on them. “Did you put some warding on this room so I wouldn’t sense any of you?” he asked, looking from the Princesses to Twilight; he was certain he would have sensed if she was near at the very least.

The lovely lavender unicorn smiled. “Yeah, we thought we should welcome all of you properly after your journey to a place literally with ‘dread’ in its name, and we didn’t want you spoiling the surprise,” she explained, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks as she looked at him. “It’s good to have you back.”

As everypony began greeting them, Arthas felt a foreleg drape around his shoulders. “Heh, if you think that’s surprising, wait until you see this!”

“Hello Rainbow,” Arthas greeted her as the pegasus pulled him to the side to show him whatever it was that she wanted to show him. “How was Wonderbolts Academy?”

“Awesome, totally aced it, broke all the records, and almost got our friends killed.”

“I- wait, what?” Arthas exclaimed, blinking at her as he wondered if he misheard her.

But the pegasus rolled her eyes. “I’ll tell you all about it later, now look,” she said, pointing with her hoof and letting him go.

Arthas’ gaze followed her hoof… and to his surprise, he realized that there was another person in the ballroom besides his friends, one that he was unfamiliar with. And it wasn’t a pony; it was a dragon, a baby dragon like Spike, although she was a female, was a bit older, blue and with wings.

He was about to greet her and ask politely if somepony could explain who she was, but then the words fell on his tongue. Arthas stared at the dragon as shock, disbelief and dread slowly spread through him.

He couldn’t tell when he was outside the warded ballroom and after he entered, his senses were overwhelmed by everypony else. But now that he was staring at her, her presence became as obvious to him as if a sun would be if he stared right at it.

Except, this shouldn’t be possible. Her presence here shouldn’t be possible. And even if it was, it didn’t make sense.


Author's Note:

Yeah, so, I had no way to one up the previous chapter, so I just said "F*ck it, I'm just gonna end it on the same word!" :derpytongue2:

Sorry for the long wait, I promise the next chapter will be much, much sooner.

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