• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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99. The Windigo of Northville

“And now we're officially in Ghost Town!” Tucker proclaimed with faked cheerfulness, so well in fact that Storm almost believed his act.

Annoyed at his brother, he said: “You know-”

But he was interrupted by the same blood-chilling shriek they heard on their way here. Except this time it was unbelievably loud. Storm fell to his knees and covered his ears, while he noticed that Serenity and Tucker were doing the same as well. Sir Lightbringer and Guard however, stood their ground somehow, as the windigo continued its wail.

It stopped after a while, and although Storm knew it probably lasted only a couple of heartbeats, it seemed to him to him that he froze to the ground in the meantime.

“Good timing.” Tucker murmured as they rose.

They’ve just reached Northville’s limits, after having been awakened only an hour ago. It was both due to the hollow their camped in being close to the village, as well as to the blizzard growing weaker through the night.

“The windigo must have lost the strength it gained from the hatred of Northville’s ponies.” Sir Lightbringer stated, and then said. “And with the royal guard keeping an eye on any sign of conflict between the citizens of Vanhoover and stopping them, it cannot feed further.”

As the pegasus recalled the orders that Sir Lightbringer gave sergeant Arcane Blade before they left the city, he suddenly realised what the fact that this meant the ponies of Northville must be frozen.

So now, they were stepping further into the snow-covered town, passing by many ruins of homes, being on a lookout for both the windigo that caused all of this, as well as his victims. Storm had asked Sir Lightbringer if he should scout ahead, seeing how the wind had weakened, but the Grand Master objected, saying that he preferred to not have anypony take unnecessary risks.

It didn’t take them long to reach the center of the city. The buildings in it, which was all in better state than the rest of the town, has been hit by the blizzard the most. Storm was surprised that none of the roofs had caved in with all that snow and ice covering them.

“Still no signs of the windigo…” he heard Sir Lightbringer murmur, before he turned to address them. “Spread out. Search the houses, one by one if you have too. If you encounter any of the ponies that live here, attempt to free them.”

“But you said-” Serenity began, confused.

“I know what I said, Serenity, but that was when I still hoped that they weren’t frozen. Now the priority is to make sure they are safe. If you find the windigo, leave it alone; we will deal with it after everypony is safe. Do not attempt fighting it, unless there’s no other option. Serenity, Guard, take the western part of the town. Storm, Tucker, check the eastern.”

“And you, sir?” Guard asked.

“I will check the town hall; according to what the Sergeant told me, there’s a hidden shelter built under it by the royal guards when they hid from Nightmare Moon. If the citizens know about it, some of them might have gone there.”

“Might have?”

“Anything could happen.” Sir Lightbringer replied with a shrug. “The windigo’s magic causes the ponies hatred to grow cold, so much that they won’t even notice what’s around them.” becoming more serious, he added. “Remember, hatred and vengeance cannot be parts of what paladins do. This could not be truer in this situation. Do not seek revenge on behalf of ponies that live here.”

“Yes, sir.” Storm and the others replied, but one voice did so with a hint of hesitation.

The pegasus glanced discreetly at Tucker, as he was sure he was the only one who heard the unicorn. Storm didn’t suspect that the other paladin could care enough about ponies he never met to want seek vengeance for what was done to them. But then he reminded himself that Tucker went through almost the same as the citizens of Northville, for he too was trapped in a prison, even if not of ice and for much longer. The unicorn would seek not to extract revenge on behalf of others, but on behalf of himself.

Storm had a feeling that he will need to keep an eye on him.

The two paladins were doing their best to stay quiet as they exited their third house. So far, there was no sign of anypony (neither the villagers’, nor the windigo’s) and the tension was beginning to get to them. When they were outside, Tucker started complaining that he would prefer to have some action.

“I mean, the sooner we find them, the sooner we can get out of here, right?”

“Well, we would still have to make sure that the ponies of Northville are okay.” Storm replied as they crept towards the next house.

Tucker opened his mouth, but whatever he was going to say he kept to himself, for when they approached the doors, a sudden torrent of ice-cold wind hit them.

“Guess we found where the windigo is hiding.” the pegasus said when they stopped trembling.

“So, what are we waiting for?” Tucker asked, as he trot closer to the doors.

Storm Clash almost immediately blocked his path. “Our orders say that we must concentrate on finding the villagers first.” he reminded him.

“But they don’t prevent us from investigating.” the unicorn retorted. “Besides, there might be some ponies trapped there.”

Storm had to admit that he was right. If the windigo really was there, then also might be ponies.

“Okay, but we will not engage it.” he said after a second of hesitation. “We will do a recon of the house, and then report back to sir Lightbringer.” Storm turned around and added: “I’m going in first.”

“Hey, you can go first to the buildings, but leave the mares to me and we’re fine, dude.” Tucker replied as he trotted after him.

He really didn’t like this, but Storm didn’t want Tucker to do anything stupid. So, even though the pegasus knew he would be in the front line of windigo’s attack if things would go south, he entered the house.

At first, it seemed that they encountered another empty house after all. There was nothing on the ground floor, as well as on the one above. They were about to leave (with Tucker visibly disappointed, and Storm somewhat relieved) just after they checked the cellar. They opened the door to it…

And after few steps down, the path was blocked by a wall of ice.

It took a second for them to realise that this meant that the windigo was inside.

“Think we can break it?” Tucker asked nonchalantly, taking a step closer.

Storm again found himself in between the other pony and the entrance. “We’re going to report this.”

“Who died and put you in charge?” the unicorn replied, gazing at him with threat in his eyes. “‘We can’t go in there’, ‘we can’t go there’...”

“I will not see both of us getting killed because you’re looking for a fight!” Storm said, outstretching his wings. He was beginning to get angry.

“Oh?” Tucker snickered. “Am I supposed to be scared of you, Crooked Jaw?”

For a split second, Storm just gawked at him, shocked to hear the same cruel nickname he heard from many colts as he was growing up. And then right before he know it, he charged at Tucker, tackling him to the ground with a full force his legs and wings could give him. And as they both hit the floor…

... the floor collapsed, and they went down.

Somehow, Storm Clash managed to clear his mind of out the bloody haze that overtook it (as well as shake of the fear and shock he felt when the floor gave) a heartbeat before both of them hit the ground below. He flapped his wings just in time, and stopped himself and Tucker clinging to him a mere inches from the floor.

Storm sighed with relief… and then shook as shivers overtook him, due to both the cold and a horrifying, evil chuckling.

Gulping, both ponies looked up.

There it was, in all its unholy glory. Cerulean coated and translucent, its mane (colored as the rest of its body) flowed on the freezing wind that was somehow present in the cellar.

Because it creates this wind.” Storm realized nervously.

The windigo gazed at them from where he laid with a pair of eyes that glowed with a light, but unlike the one that they saw in Sir Lightbringer’s eyes before, there was nothing of the Holy Light with them. Instead, what Storm and Tucker saw was filled with ice… and death.

In the dim, unholy light its body (if it could be called as such) emanated, they saw two pillars of ice in between which the windigo laid. Inside of them, there were ponies trapped, each looking at the other with anger.

“Motherbucker!’ Tucker hissed as he released himself from Storm’s hold. Almost immediately, as he gazed at the windigo with hatred, two lances of energy emerged from his hoof and formed a blade that now, besides its usual blue glow, also had an aura of golden light around it. “You’ll pay for this.”

Storm wanted to facehoof himself when Tucker charged at the windigo. He realized what must have happened. The windigo used his powers to raise the hatred in Tucker and even Storm, and fed on it.

Tucker was clearly not thinking too much about why he wanted to cleave this thing so badly, as he brought his sword at the windigo. Much to the shock of both ponies, the windigo blocked it… with a sword of its own that suddenly appeared in its hoof.

The huge, clearly two-hoofed sword, like its owner, was clearly not of the world of the living. It emanated eerie light, and by just looking at its slightly-curved form, Storm immediately thought of fangs. The blade, which connected to the grip by a cross-guard shaped like a skull, and was covered in strange markings. But before he could begin to ponder on their meaning, the windigo shoved away Tucker with a force so great, that it send the unicorn crashing into the wall, head first.

“Tucker!” Storm shouted as he jumped to him, drawing his sword and shield. Just in time, too. The windigo neighed in Tucker’s directions, sending several arrow-lie icicles at him.

Storm barely managed to block them all with his shield. He swayed a bit from the recoil damage, but stood his ground. “Tucker, are you alright?!” he asked the unicorn, who was moaning on the floor as he attempted to get up.

“Y-yeah…” he managed to grunt, as he pressed a hoof to his head, beginning a prayer.

This is bad!” Storm thought, observing the windigo. It appeared to be awaiting their next move, and it was even crouching a bit like a cat before it springs after a mouse. “If it is so strong to just fling Tucker with one hoof… we need to get out of here!

“Tucker, throw a random spell at it to distract it, and I will fly us up…” the pegasus began to say quietly, but as he did, he looked up, and his heart sank.

The hole that was left from their fall was blocked by ice.

An evil chuckle, which could freeze a pony’s blood in his veins, told Storm that the windigo took great amusement in his distress.

“Tucker…” the pegasus paladin said, trying desperately to think of something, anything. “Are you good?”

“Not… really.” the unicorn replied as the weak glow of Light shone from his hoof and around his head. “My head is spinning… I can’t concentrate.”

This is my fault. If only I haven’t started that fight, if only I could connect with the Light-” Storm Clash began reproaching himself, but then he reminded himself that this wouldn’t do them any good. Nor would he be able to just turn away from the windigo and heal the unicorn. “The unicorn!” he realised suddenly in a moment of genius.

“Can you still teleport?” he asked, hoping that his head wasn’t that damage. After all, he did manage to concentrate enough to begin healing himself…

“Maybe?” Tucker replied, puzzled, as he took a quick glance at the icy ceiling. “But it won’t do us any good; I won’t be able to teleport both of us-”

“Then don’t.” Storm cut him off. Not paying attention to the gasp Tucker uttered, “Just yourself. Go get help. I will be fine.”

“But… Storm…” Tucker stammered, for the first time since Storm had met him at the loss of words.

“Go, now!” the pegasus shouted, as the windigo finally got bored with just observing them and now was approaching.

After a second, there was a flash of blue light and sound of teleportation. Storm was now alone with a hatred-hungry winter ghost, as well as two frozen citizens of Northville.

And he was probably going to join them in a moment.

Well, at least Tucker got out.” he thought, relieved at least that he would need to feel guilty if something more serious had happened to the unicorn. “And when he’ll get Sir Lightbringer, everything will be fine.

The windigo’s gaze went up and to a side, as if following Tucker through the walls. It then returned back to Storm, and the ghost snorted angrily. Despite having faith that Sir Lightbringer and the others would save him from an icy prison, Storm has prepared himself to attack, for he didn’t want to sell his coat cheaply.

He dashed to a side, trying to circle the windigo around. He hoped that, since he didn’t have any sort of extraordinary powers and definitely won’t be able to match with the windigo’s strength, he could out-speed it.

But the swiftness in which the undead closed the distance between them made him realize that he was in a much worse position than he thought. Storm quickly raised his shield to deflect the blow from windigo’s unholy weapon. The strength behind the strike made him drop down to the floor. Grinding his teeth, Storm slashed with his sword, but the windigo blocked it with relative ease, as well as his next two blows.

Recalling the trick he learned from Guard, he charged at it with his shield, but the speed which the windigo possessed could almost match that of Sir Lightbringer. It moved away to the side, and brought it blade down on his waist. Had Storm not been re-trained in combat just a week ago, he would now laid dead in two pieces in the floor of the cellar in a residential house in Northville. He managed to roll in the air, pushing the blade away with a shield and slashed again, this time managing to leave and ethereal cut on the windigo’s muzzle, from which a small trail blue smoke began to emerge.

The windigo’s eyes glowed brighter, and just when Storm began to have hoped that maybe he could last until the others would get here, he was blown away by a strong gust of freezing wind. He grunted as he hit the wall…

And felt searing pain in several places of his body.

When Storm looked down, he saw that it was because of several icicles that impaled him to the wall, having even pierced his armor. The pegasus was aghast as he noticed small streams of blood dripping on the floor. Thankfully, he hadn’t suffered a mortal wound, as the icicles missed his organs, but it still hurt a lot… and made immobilized him as the windigo approached slowly, his blade raised.

As he stared at the ghost in shock, a small part of his mind wondered why it wasn’t freezing him like those two ponies behind it. As if the windigo could read his mind, its lips parted.

“No hate… left...” it spoke in a deep, echoing voice that sent shivers down Storm’s spine. “Nothing to eat… The light... it hurts…”

It… is it saying that it’s going to kill me because I’m a paladin?” Storm Clash thought dimly as he could do nothing else, besides staring at the ghost and its blade. “But… Clover the Clever never wrote anything about it!

And as he recalled what Sir Lightbringer shared with them on the train regarding the windigos, the pegasus also answered his own question.

Clover the Clever never mentioned anything about paladins, because there weren’t any in her time.

The windigo now stood in front of him.

I guess… this is it.” Storm thought, resigned in the face of the situation's despair. “I’m sorry, everypony. I’m sorry for all the sadness I’m going to cause you. Have I been a better paladin... I’m truly pathetic.

It gripped its sword, tightened in its hoof.

I’m sorry, mom and dad. I wish I could have lived up to the pride you had in me. I’m sorry, Oak. I won’t take you to Los Pegasus to celebrate when you will get your cutie mark. I’m sorry...”

“... Lady Rarity...

The thought of the mare that he met barely two weeks ago made him pause. Why did she appear in his mind when he was saying his farewells to his closest ones? And why… why did the thought of her face when she would heard the news of his demise was the hardest to imagine?

Why did he assume she would be devastated?

The eerie blade ascended.

Storm no longer paid much attention to what was going to happen to him as he thought back to his initiation into the order, where after the ceremony he suddenly felt an urge to hug her. How he liked to simply talk with her, how he enjoyed her laughter.

An image of her crying once again popped up in his head.


Just like that, Storm Clash had decided that this won’t happen, not until he could still draw breath and do something about it.

The blade descended…but stopped before it hit the pegasus, blocked by the shield of Light.

Storm no longer felt the cold and pain. Instead, a surge of warmth went through his body, releasing him from his bindings and healing the wounds. He recognized this warmth immediately. He felt it back during his initiation, he saw his fellow paladins work with it…

And now, the holy light was a part of him.

The paladin thrust his hoof forward, uttering a very short prayer. White light shot from it, hitting the ghost straight in the chest and sending it a few paces away. The attack didn’t do as much damage as Storm would have hoped, but it gave him enough time to jump for his sword. He grabbed it and as the Light’s aura that covered him extended to the blade, the pegasus whirled around, crossing his weapon with windigo’s.

He held his ground.

Now it was Storm who’s on the offensive. He slashed and cut, attacking the undead creature before him and forcing it back. Most of those strikes didn’t reach their targets, but some got past windigo’s defense, wounding it.

The windigo reared on its hind legs, sending a wave of frost around it. Storm shielded himself from the onslaught of the cold element, quickly recalling and reciting a prayer Sir Lightbringer taught them for such magical attacks.

As he prayed, however, the windigo recovered. It stroke Storm with such force, that when he blocked it, his blade was thrown out of his grasp.

Disarmed, the paladin found himself needing to use one of the tricks that Sir Lightbringer showed him… a trick that wasn’t meant for fighting, but for fighting.

With a yell, he head-butted the windigo.

When he later thought back to this moment, Storm had realized how lucky he was that the Light’s aura was still around him, for without it he would have probably phased through the incorporeal being. But as such, his attack not only worked, but also stunned the windigo, giving him an opportunity to end this.

He grabbed the blade the windigo held, ripped it away from the undead’s grasp, and thrust it through the ghost’s chest.

“Be cleansed with Light, pony!” Storm shouted, intoning the prayer meant for an exorcism. The windigo, already shrieking in pain, raised its voice even higher now as the Light enveloped it. “Let not the hatred overwhelm you! In the name of the Light, be cleansed!”

He continued the rite as the windigo continued to resist. Storm had no idea how long it lasted. Maybe hours, probably seconds. The ghost grow weaker, but only when the pegasus thought he heard another voice praying besides him that it was a change of any significance. The Light around the windigo magnified, and before Storm could tell… it disappeared.

Thank you.

Storm blinked. “Who said that?!

“I told you will find your faith in your own time, didn’t I?” a cheerful voice of Sir Lightbringer sounded by his side, startling Storm.

“S-sir…” he exclaimed, surprised, but then he realized why he heard a voice helping him with the rite. Glancing at the frozen hole in the ceiling, he noticed that it was no longer there, and he could see Guard and Serenity looking down from the floor above.

“Tucker is resting in the town hall.” Sir Lightbringer spoke up, gaining his attention again. “After he told us where to look for you, he passed out due to a concussion. The villagers are looking after him…” the Grand Master trailed off, his eyes widening in a strange expression Storm has never seen on him before. “Storm… what is that sword!?”

The pegasus followed his gaze to the sword he took from the windigo, which was still in his grasp. Storm had completely forgotten about it, mostly because he assumed it would disappear along with its owner. But now… it was different.

It shaped changed slightly, not much, but enough to no longer look so menacing. The cross-guard was no longer shaped like a skull, but rather like a head of an eagle. But the biggest change was in the light it emanated. It was no longer eerie, pale blue, but golden.

“I… don’t know.” Storm confessed. “The windigo held it, it appeared in its hoof when it attacked me and Tucker, but it looks different now. Why didn’t it-”

Two moans of pain interrupted him. Both he and Sir Lightbringer glanced at the two ponies that must have been released from their icy prisons when the windigo was defeated.

“We will discuss this later.” Sir Lightbringer told him, as he shook his head. “Right now, helping those ponies takes priority.”

Storm Clash nodded and, strapping the blade to his back for now, he followed his Grand Master to the villagers.

Several hours later, Storm wiped the sweat from his forehead. He pondered how come not so long ago he was shivering with cold.

Once they returned to the town hall, Sir Lightbringer began talking with the villagers, explaining to them what happened to their village… or rather, what they brought upon themselves. When the topic of the alleged thievery was brought upon, three ponies began to argue, only to be quickly stopped by a flash of light that made them disoriented. Sir Lightbringer then (a bit angrily) reprimanded them for it, and was joined in his effort by the very old-looking unicorn mare called Granny Rags, who apparently, while reclusive, know a lot about everypony living in Northville. She clearly stated that none of the ponies living here was a thief, and that the doll - Storm snickered hearing what was it that was stolen, and he wasn’t the only one - was probably taken away by the stray dog that started to hang around the abandoned parts of the village after one of the colts began feeding it.

In short, the doll was found, the dog - cold and hungry - adopted by the family of the colt, and the paladins and the much healthier villagers began rebuilding the damage windigo had caused. The snow began melting already, but there were few almost collapsed roofs left, and a hole in the floor that is well-known to Storm.

They managed to finish by nightfall. Now everypony - besides Guard, Serenity and Tucker, who went to look for more wood to the chimney - was in the town hall. Sir Lightbringer decided that since the temperature was still below the average, it will be safer for them to spend the night together. Besides that he was right, nopony wanted to try and disagree with him… except one.

“Where is Granny Rags?” Sir Lightbringer frowned after he finished counting ponies.

“She went home, sir.” one of the villagers replied, shrugging. “She doesn’t like the company of others. No point going after her, sir; the old hag is more stubborn than a mule.”

“You should speak about your elders with respect.”Sir Lightbringer replied in a tone that made the other pony cringe.

The Grand Master sighed, as he decided to not go after the mare in the end and sit beside the pegasus paladin.

“And here I thought of her to be the smartest around.” he muttered, rubbing his temples. “The others haven’t returned yet?”

“No, although they should be soon.” the pegasus replied, and Sir Lightbringer nodded.

“Good. Anyway, Storm… I think I know what this sword is.”

Storm’s ears perked hearing that, and he glanced at the mentioned blade, which rested against the wall.

“This sword…” sir Lightbringer started, “since you said how it appeared, I think it’s similar to my Holy Avenger.”

As he said it, he extended his hoof, making the strange blade appeared. Storm had seen it before, but now that he looked at it… there was something between it and the one he took from the windigo.

“I thought about it for a while.” the earth pony continued. “And now with this blade of yours, I am almost certain that this sword is… a piece, or rather, an extension of my soul, that takes this shape. I originally thought it to be the Light’s doing, but during my fight with Sombra, I managed to summon it without any sort of plea to the Holy Light. This blade of yours…” he said, glancing at it, “I believe it’s the extension of the soul from the windigo. When it was in its hooves, it was… corrupted; but when you grabbed it, and more importantly, the soul of the windigo was released from its hatred, the blade was purified.”

“But… why hadn’t it disappeared?” Storm asked, trying to understand it.

“I can’t be certain, but I think the pony was grateful for what you did, so it left this blade for you when it moved on.”

Storm didn’t reply to that, instead picking up the sword and looked it. He recalled what he heard when the windigo disappeared.

Is it true? Were you grateful?

“Sir, I’ve been thinking…” he said as he went through the battle in his mind. “You said that the Light would heed my call when I will find my faith, but… I don’t know if I found it.”

Sir Lightbringer looked at him puzzled, so he explained.

“I was about to die, and I imagined R- I mean,” he quickly corrected himself, not wanting his commanding officer to know that he might have some sort of feelings for his friend, “my family, and how would they react if I was dead. And I just… didn’t want them to be sad.”

“It’s not that you didn’t want them to be sad.” Sir Lightbringer objected, smirking. “It’s that you decided that they won’t be sad. Storm, when I said about finding your faith… I didn’t mean about faith in the Light, but in yourself.”

Storm’s eyes widened, but then he chuckled, wondering how come he hadn’t realized it himself.

“I don’t know what made you constantly doubt yourself.” sir Lightbringer continued. “But I am happy and proud that you managed to overcome this.” smirking, he added: “Since you had an eventful day, I advise you to rest now. We will have a long way back if you want to chat with a certain mare during the Summer Harvest Parade.”

Having said that, sir Lightbringer rose and trotted away… leaving Storm Clash red all over face.

The next morning, Storm yawned beside the other knights outside the village, waiting for Sir Lightbringer to join them so that they could go back to Vanhoover… and then to Ponyville.

After what the Grand Master told him, the pegasus couldn’t stop thinking about the beautiful white mare, and what she meant to him. He had a suspicion as to why in the moment of death she was in his thoughts, but… was he right? And if so, then what were Lady Rarity’s thoughts of him?

He would need to figure this out, preferably after another pleasant conversation with the unicorn mare… maybe over tea?

Wait, am I thinking about asking her on a date?!

He was spared answering his own question, as the Grand Master finally approached them.

“I’m not going back yet.”

Storm and the other three looked at him, confused.

“You four will go back to Ponyville and present Princess Celestia with a field report.” Sir Lightbringer continued, not reacting to their shock. “After that, you can do whatever you want. Enjoy the Summer Harvest Parade. But do me a favor and mention to my friends that everything’s fine.”

“Of course, sir, but why are you staying?” Storm asked.

“For reasons.” Sir Lightbringer replied with amusement. “Don’t worry; I will probably be back in Ponyville by tomorrow’s evening or the dawn next day.”

Storm had no idea what he was talking about, and by the looks of it, neither had the others. But he wasn’t going to argue with him.

“Very well, sir.” Guard said, also coming to the same conclusion.

“We will await your return.” Storm added.

Matthias watched the four turn around and begin their journey back, and then he himself turned and went back into the village.

He was terrified when he first spotted the weird blade in Storm’s possession. It took every ounce of his willpower to not buck it away from him, despite the aura of Light it was now giving. And those symbols on it… it looked oddly familiar. But where…

“Sir?” the sound of Serenity’s voice came from behind him, which made him glancing back.

The crystal pony had returned with a less puzzled expression.

“Does your staying here would have anything to do with Granny Rags?”

She’s becoming sharp.” Matthias thought, proud of her instead of annoyed.

“You’ve noticed, huh?” he asked her, his voice dulled by sadness.

“Yes, but I don’t understand.” Serenity said. “Why the Light-”

“The Light can’t do everything, Serenity.” Matthias told her, knowing only too well how true that was. “It cannot stop aging. From what I heard from other villagers, she’s really old. And the stress caused from that windigo aged her during those few days faster.” he sighed, suddenly feeling really tired. “She’s going to die today. That’s why I’m staying; nopony should be alone when they die.”

Serenity had sorrow all over her muzzle when she nodded, despite never even speaking with the old mare.

Storm wondered what made Serenity suddenly stop. She said that she needed to ask Sir Lightbringer something; but he guessed it must have something to do with the villagers.

“Hey, Storm?” Tucker said, as he looked at him. The unicorn seemed awfully quiet since yesterday, even though Serenity healed him and he made a full recovery in half a day. “I… I wanted to apologize for… you know, calling you Crooked Jaw. That was…”

“Oh, don’t worry about that, I already forgot about it.” Storm interrupted him, feeling creeped out by his sudden change in character. “What’s a little name calling between brothers, right?”

The unicorn blinked, and then grinned. “You’re right. But I still need to make it up to you-”


“-so I’m officially making you my wingpony.” he finished.

Storm looked at him, speechless, before both of them started snickering and laughed.

Author's Note:

Who said this mini-arc would be about Arthas?

You know, when back in chapter 96 you all started commenting that it would turn out to be a frostwyrm that caused all of this, I pondered if I could make some changes, but in the end I decided to stick to my original idea, for many reasons.

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