• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,719 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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147. A Chance for Change

“And Al’ar was the only one hatching them?” Fluttershy asked, turning away from the opened case and its precious contents. “Are you sure their mother wasn’t there?”

Raising his head from Bygone Griffons of Greatness, Arthas nodded. “There’s always at least one pony standing guard beside the Abbey’s entrance. Neither of the three saw any big bird flying in or out. None of them noticed when Al’ar returned either, for that matter,” Arthas added, frowning. “Not to mention that Wind Reaver had been here for most of that day two days ago. I’d have assumed he would be able to sense someone going through something as emotional as laying eggs. This can only mean that, whatever their mother is, she didn’t want to be noticed.”

“But… what could that be?” Fluttershy asked, concerned. “I’m sure that there isn’t any bird capable of doing something like that living around Ponyville. Not mention big enough to have laid such big eggs.”

Trotting towards her and the case with the eggs, Arthas hummed thoughtfully. “I’ve been thinking about it for some time. I believe that Al’ar’s mate must have been some kind of demigod; it is the only way to explain how they could have evaded everypony.”

Beside him, Fluttershy gasped. “But there isn’t any-” she stopped suddenly as Arthas turned to her. “I-I mean… I just said that there isn’t any big bird in Everfree Forest. Demigods are usually very big, right? You once told me about them,” she added hastily.

Arthas raised an eyebrow at her rather odd behaviour as he answered, “Well, yes, usually, though there are a few exceptions. However, it is within their powers to take other shapes if they’d want to. And regardless, there would be still the matter of the eggs’ size,” he added, looking back at them. “I had thought that maybe it could have been that cockatrice Storm Clash had run into in the Everfree Forest-”

“Oh, no, it couldn’t,” Fluttershy quickly interjected. “Cockatrice’s eggs are more oblong. I think they still would be even if she and Al’ar…. um…” she trailed off, blushing.

“Yes, Doctor Angelic had told me the same. I asked her to come check on the eggs yesterday when I couldn’t get ahold of you,” Arthas added as Fluttershy glanced at him in surprise. “What were you doing, anyway?”

“Oh, um, I…” the pegasus mumbled as her eyes darted from left to right, “I… had to help one of my animal friends, of course. Yes, I had to help a bear move to another burrow,” she said, pursing her lips weirdly.

Arthas looked at her, confused. “Help a bear…” he started to repeat, but then shook his head. “Nevermind. Are-”

“But about Doctor Angelic...” Fluttershy began before he could finish, “um, was it a good idea to show her those eggs? I mean, hadn’t Twilight said something about her trying to take a blood sample of Spike?”

“Yes, she had,” Arthas sighed. “I admit, I had some reservations about calling her to check on eggs that have been laid by an unidentified giant bird and sired by a Phoenix God from another world. However, her visit went through fine. At least, in regard to her examination of the eggs,” Arthas added.

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.



“Seeing how I don’t have much information regarding his species,” Angelic Touch said with a glance at Al’ar, “and how zoology isn’t my area of expertise, I can’t be one hundred percent accurate regarding those hybrid eggs… but based on their structure, I would say that they were laid by a member of Accipitridae family. The birds of prey,” she added, no doubt noticing Arthas’ confused expression. “You know, hawks, eagles, et cetera. A giant one, of course.”

“That goes without saying,” Arthas replied, raising his voice a bit as the wind howled. The roof wasn’t the best place for talking, especially when the pegasi had scheduled a windy day. “I was hoping to talk with Fluttershy about this matter today, but even without her counsel I am fairly certain that there aren’t any giant birds like that around here.”

“Mhm…” Angelic hummed, her horn glowing as her magic washed over the eggs. “Hm, they give off a strange magical signature,” she said after a moment. Her brow furrowed in concentration. “They remind me of something I read about once… I will have to check this back in Canterlot. I’ll give my findings to the Princesses and ask them to send them to you,” she said, turning away from the eggs.

Arthas looked at her, slightly surprised. “You’re leaving already?”

“Yes. Is that a problem?”

“No, it’s just… inside those eggs are hybrids of two very unusual creatures from two different worlds,” he pointed out. “I don’t mean to offend you, but after witnessing how you acted around changelings yesterdays I’ve been expecting that I’d have to stop you from cracking the eggs open.”

Doctor Angelic frowned. “Hm, yes, I often act like that when I get too excited, don’t I? I’d probably normally even ignore him giving me that death glare,” the unicorn added, nodding at Al’ar. She sighed and continued: “I guess it’s fortunate then that I had a very long day today and I’m tired. Princess Luna had me checking on her bat ponies again, making sure they’re okay…”

“Why wouldn’t they be?” Arthas questioned, confused.

“Hm? Oh, there has been some new… developments. Princess Luna mentioned to you how one of the ideas behind their transformation was to give them the ability to use moon’s magic and how it failed? And how they instead unexpectedly gained a form of teleportation over a short distance? Well,” she said after he nodded, “recently, some of the bat ponies began exhibiting some other abilities. Psionics, manipulation of shadows-”

“What?!” Arthas interrupted her, alarmed.

“None of them began acting abnormally, if you’re worried about that,” Angelic replied calmly, yawning. “As per regulations established when we first began changing volunteers from the Night Guard into bat ponies, all of them regularly see mental counselor. So far we hadn’t had any deviations in their mentality.”

Her words reassured Arthas, but he was still a bit concerned. Angelic’s short description of bat ponies abilities sounded quite alike to what on Azeroth priests who derive their powers from the Void can do. “Even if that’s the case, it doesn’t necessarily bode ill,” he tried to think calmly. “Not all of those who dabble in dark powers become evil, just like not all that worship the Light are good, Scarlet Crusade being the proof. And with Luna keeping a close eye on them...

“I’m sure Princess Luna will be delighted to talk about them in greater details,” Angelic continued, yawning again. “Anyway, I need to get going if you want me to check what the eggs’ magic reminds me of today.”

“Oh, right,” Arthas said, stopping his musing. “Thank you very much for your time, Doctor Angelic.”

“It was my pleasure,” Angelic replied. “It’s not everyday I get a chance to examine a new species… even if their parent isn’t a biological being,” she added, glancing at Al’ar.

Hm, I suppose that explains why she’s not much interested about him.

“It’s a pity that we currently don’t know what animal was their other parent,” the unicorn continued. “This species does need a name, after all. It’s a bit hard to name them while they are in eggs.”

“I guess… I will let you know when they hatch,” Arthas promised.

“That would be great,” Angelic said, smiling, as she began to prepare a teleportation spell. “You can expect word from me soon.”


Word indeed had come, but not until Arthas had a long discussion with Luna regarding her bat ponies. While it might have been true that they weren’t a threat to others, as a paladin it was his duty to protect ponies from darkness. His worries, however, seemed needless. Luna had assured him repeatedly (and had not forgotten to mention that Arthas was being more of a nag than her sister had been over this matter) that all the bat ponies that began to exhibit those powers (which was less than a quarter of their already small number) were under close surveillance, and none of them showed any changes in their mentality. After seeing that Arthas still hadn’t been entirely convinced, Luna promised she’d arrange for him to meet one of those ponies in person and judge for himself.

The former Lich King is going to judge whether or not a pony is under influence of dark powers. There is something ironic about this…

“So?” beside him Fluttershy prompted him to continue. “Had Doctor Angelic found out anything?”

“Oh, yes,” Arthas replied, snapping out of his dark thoughts. He resumed recounting to Fluttershy Angelic’s visit and its aftermath (omitting his discussion with Luna): “It turned out that that ‘something she read about’ she had in fact read about in Celestia’s private library.” How and why had she read anything from that was something that Arthas wasn’t sure if he wanted to learn. “Those were Celestia’s notes about Spike’s egg, from the time before Twilight had hatched him. Those seven eggs emit an almost exact same kind of magic signature as Spike’s egg.”

“Magic… signature?” Fluttershy repeated, confused. “What does that mean? They weren’t laid by a dragon.”

“No, they weren’t. However, Princess Celestia, after she had read Doctor Angelic’s findings, believes that those eggs require somepony to help them hatch, just like Spike’s had.”

And that they’re able to survive for thousands of years until such a pony comes about,” Arthas added in his thoughts.

“When I later went to tell Al’ar about this, he didn’t seem surprised,” he continued as Fluttershy pressed her hoof to the yellow egg and closed her eyes. “Nor was he angry when I suggested that it would be best if he’d give those eggs to me, seeing how it is more likely ponies necessary to hatch them would come to me instead of a giant fire bird. He actually seemed like he wanted that. Seeing how he isn’t particularly fond of me, I assume this might be something his mate told him to do.”

He stopped talking when Fluttershy took her hoof away from the egg. “I see...” Fluttershy said, deep in thought. “Um… so hatching those eggs would require the same spell Twilight had used?”

“Celestia was not sure. Since Spike hadn’t hatched until Twilight’s magic got ‘jolted’ by the Sonic Rainboom, there could have been more factors that led to it.” He sighed. “Anyway, I left on your door that message to come see me before Angelic came; since it looks that she had found out everything that we can at the moment, I feel that you troubled yourself for nothing.”

“Oh, not at all,” Fluttershy quickly said. “I-I mean… I’m sorry I can’t help you hatch them, or even figure out who the mother is, but I got to see those beautiful eggs.” She smiled. “I don’t think that’s ‘nothing’.”

Arthas smiled. “I suppose that’s true. And besides, it was a pleasure to see you; I was a bit worried when you hadn’t come yesterday.”

“R-right, I was-”

“Busy,” he said for her, waving his hoof nonchalantly.

If it was anypony other than her, Arthas would have been concerned and kept asking her as to what was she hiding (because that much was obvious). However, he couldn’t possibly see Fluttershy getting involved in anything worrisome.

“And speaking of busy,” he said, closing the casing with the eggs, “I’m terribly sorry, but I need to finish looking over the applications of the Order’s new initiates.”

“Oh, of course. I’m sorry for taking your time,” Fluttershy said hastily.

“Don’t be, I needed a little break anyway.”

Though I would prefer to finish this before Twilight comes in the evening.

“Changing the subject a bit, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity are coming back today with the fillies, right?” he said as he sat behind his desk and Fluttershy began heading for the door.

“Um, yes, I think so?” Fluttershy replied, her voice uncertain; thought it might have been because she was confused as Arthas’ chair, as always, turned around the moment he sat on it.

He sighed. “Don’t ask,” he pleaded. “You’ve known Applejack longer than I have; how do you think she will react once she learns that her brother is dating a changeling?”

“Oh, come now, Mattie- um, I mean, Arthas, sorry,” she corrected herself, blushing.

“You can call me by whichever name you feel more comfortable Fluttershy,” he told her, rolling his eyes in amusement.

“Right… but about Applejack, I think you’re overreacting a bit. Applejack can be a bit stubborn and distrustful of the changelings after their invasion, but she’s reasonable. When she sees how happy Big Mac is with Nymph, I’m sure Applejack will be happy for them.”

“Well, since Nymph is currently on Sweet Apple Acres, we’re about to find out,” Arthas said. More to himself, he added, “I just pray to the Light that they remember they’re coming back today…”

“Um, what do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

Arthas’ eyes darted to a side.

Last night...

“Hey, tomorrow his sisters are coming back, right?” Tucker Out was asking aloud as Arthas entered the mess hall. Beside him were Wind Reaver, Storm Clash, Sound Wave and Cherry Bomb. “Anypony wanna bet that when they get there, they’ll see the two of them right in the middle of the living room going d-”


“Nothing,” Arthas quickly told Fluttershy.

“We should really go campin’ more often,” Apple Bloom said as they trotted along the road towards Sweet Apple Acres. “It was really fun!”

“Sure was,” Applejack agreed, smiling. “Though Ah don’t quite see Rarity wantin’ to go campin’ more often.”

“Ah know, right? Have ya seen all that stuff she brought?”

“It would’ve been hard to not see that,” Applejack pointed out, smirking.

“Poor Sweetie Belle,” Apple Bloom giggled.

“If ya feel so bad for ‘er, ya should ‘av helped her, like Scootaloo had,” Applejack told her jokingly.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “Hey, speakin’ off Scootaloo, did ya see how close she and Rainbow Dash became?”

“If Ah didn’t know ‘em, Ah would ‘av thought they’re sisters,” she said, nodding. “It was definitely a good idea to invite everypony.”

Applejack - much like everypony else - knew how much Scootaloo idolized Rainbow Dash. With the revelation of her being an orphan, Applejack couldn’t imagine how much it must mean to her that her hero took her under her wing.

And it will probably be good for her to have a pegasus lookin’ out for her,” Applejack thought.

Last night, Rainbow Dash told her that she plans on asking Twilight if she has any book in her library about pegasi with Scootaloo’s condition and what kind of exercises can help her.

As much as it was sweet of Arthas t’ take care of Scootaloo, that’s somethin’ he ain’t able to help her out with.

“How do ya think Big Mac was doin’ on his own those few days?” she asked, changing the subject, as Sweet Apple Acres came into their view.

“Ah don’t know about ‘bein’ on his own’. Nymph had been hangin’ around with him a lot,” Apple Bloom pointed out. Applejack fell silent as she continued. “That’s kinda weird, come to think about it. Ah would ‘av thought she’d spend more time with Twilight in her library, talkin’ ‘bout magic and stuff.”

Applejack had her suspicions regarding why the changeling would be spending so much of her time with Big Mac, but she didn’t want to tell her little sister about them. She knew that Apple Bloom liked Nymph a lot, and tried to respect that. Plus, during their camping trip, Rarity made her promise to try and give the changeling a chance.

Even if it does look like she’s plannin’ on seducin’ my brother and usin’ him as a snack,” she thought. “At least Ah know Big Mac ain’t stupid enough to fall for it…

As they reached their barn, Applejack noticed something that made her frown. “Why weren’t the pigs fed?” she ask nopony in particular, looking at the enclosure next to the barn.

Indeed, the trough inside was empty, and beside it were standing hungry-looking pigs.

“Huh,” Apple Bloom tilted her head, “Ah guess Big Mac must ‘av forgot about them?”

Applejack snorted and shook her head. “We leave ‘im alone for a few days and he starts to lazy around? Apple Bloom, can ya give the pigs their food?” she asked turning the her sister. “Ah’m gonna bring Big Mac to heel.”

“Sure,” Apple Bloom replied.

Applejack took her sister’s saddlebags from her back and trotted towards their house, carrying them in her mouth and wondering what sort of excuse her brother had for neglecting his chores. “It better be a good one,” she thought as she went through a doorway.

It was when she put down her and Apple Bloom’s saddlebacks beside the wall that she heard that.

A giggle.

Before Applejack confused mind could try and process what she just heard, more sounds came from upstairs.

“You’re terrible.”

Applejack’s eyes grew wide; she recognized that voice.

“Well, who’s fault was it that we’ve overslept?” Nymph continued to say, giggling, while Applejack tried to recover. She was conscious enough to perk her ears in the direction of the stairwell to better listen, though. “I wanted to cuddle and go to sleep, but noooo, you wanted to-” the changeling cut off mid-sentence as she suddenly shrieked, then resumed giggling.

Applejack blinked, wondering if she was really hearing what she was hearing.

“Alright,” upstairs, Nymph gasped. “I’m gonna see if I can make something for breakfast. You work on getting up from bed.”

The sound Twilight’s magic made whenever she teleported herself sounded upstairs, and soon came from behind Applejack as well, accompanied by a flash of light. She looked back to the kitchen, where a changeling - not disguised as a pony, but bug-like and covered in chitin - stood, looking around.

“Oh, Applejack!” Nymph said, looking at her surprised. “I didn’t sense you. Are you and Apple Bloom back already?”

Applejack frowned at her speaking so casually. “What in tarnation do ya think ya’re doin’?!” she asked, her rage building up.

Nymph seemed taken aback. “Um… a-a breakfast? F-for Big M-”

“Ah don’t care ‘bout that! Ah’m askin what do ya think ya’re doin’ in my family house seducin’ my brother and suckin’ off love from him!”

The changeling took a step back and started to tremble, her eyes growing wide. “N-no, I-”

But Applejack wasn’t in mood to listen to her excuses and lies. “Listen here, missy!” she said, advancing on her. “Ah don’t want t’ see ya around mah family anymore, ya hear?!”

Nymph didn’t reply, and with the way she was trembling, it was hard to tell, but Applejack thought she saw her nod before she had teleported away. Probably back to Arthas’ Abbey (Applejack made a mental note to discuss with him how he keeps eyes on the changelings), back home if they were lucky.

Nodding with satisfaction that the changeling was gone, Applejack turned around…

… and saw Big Mac standing at the foot of the stairs, glaring at her in a way that she hadn’t yet seen him do.

“Big Mac-” Applejack began, but her brother cut her off.

“What did ya just say to her?” he asked in an angry snarl.

That’s what it was in his eyes. Anger.

“Now, listen here,” Applejack said, figuring that it wasn’t his fault he was angry. “That bug filly had ya under her spell so that she can feed off ya. Just like her queen had Twilight’s brother under her spell. But don’t worry-” she trailed off as Big Mac began advancing on her.

“Ya’re goin’ to apologize to ‘er,” he told her firmly when he stopped in front of her.

“Wha- no,” Applejack shook her head; if she didn’t know her brother was under effect of Nymph’s mind spell, she would be irritated at his stubbornness. “Big Mac-”

Big Mac cut her off. “Why exactly do ya think she has me under some sort of spell?” he demanded.

“W-well, um…” Applejack stammered. She shook her head and regained her composure; “For corn’s sake, Big Mac, she’s a changelin’!”

Her argument had clearly angered Big Mac even more, as he exhaled air heavily through his nostrils. “So ya don’t ‘av a proof, ya’re just bein’ racist?”

“Wha- Ah am not racist!” Applejack protested, but then she hasitated. “Well, maybe Ah am, but it’s justified.”

“When in the hay is racism ever ‘justified’?!”

“When yar brother is bein’ seduced by a buckin’ bug that feeds on love and who’s kind invaded Canterlot!” Applejack said, stomping angrily.

Big Mac groaned and took a step forward, making her back away. “Do ya understand that ponies thinkin’ like that is why she used t’ stay in pony’s form? She can sense emotions, and when she’s a pony that’s dumped or somethin’. She didn’t want to feel pony’s disgust and anger; she gets ‘nough of that from other changelin’s.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow in surprise. She wondered why the hay would other changelings think that about one of their own. However, before she could ask about it, Big Mac said something that made her concentrate on something else.

“She even thought Ah would be disgusted in her real appearance.”

“And why ain’t ya?!” she asked, not understanding. “For cryin’ out loud Big Mac, the way she was talkin’ t’ ya earlier it sounded like ya two… bleh!” Applejack shook, not wanting to imagine the two of them in bed.

“Ma and Pa always told us t’ look past pony’s appearance,” he said; his comment made Applejack flinch. “And it ain’t any of yar business, but Ah found her look cute. Also,” he added, leaning closer, “at least Ah did ‘bleh’ with somepony Ah am datin’.”

Applejack frowned. “What in tarnation is that supposed t’ mean?”

Several weeks ago...

“Hey, Big Mac,” he heard from behind him, “can we talk a moment?”

Big Mac turned away from the tree he was about to buck and looked at Matthias. He was a bit surprised to see him on Sweet Apple Acres; as of late, he had been spending a lot of time in the Abbey. Even more surprising was seeing him without his armor.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied, curious what could have brought the white earth pony all the way there.

Matthias sat down on the grass and sighed heavily. “I had sex with Applejack yesterday.”

Big Mac’s eyes grew wide and his jaw fell. “Didn’t see that one comin’.

“Um… ya,” he asked once he recovered, not sure if he heard him right, “and Applejack.”

Matthias nodded; he had heard him right.

“But ain’t ya datin’ Rainbow Dash?” Big Mac asked, trying to wrap his head around this.

Inwardly, he added: “Even though ya have feelings for Twilight?

The other stallion sighed. “It’s… complicated. Look, I just came here so you wouldn’t think less of her if you found out, she had some issues lately, and on top of that I had another depression bout, so-”

“Why are ya tellin’ me all of this?” Big Mac interrupted him.

Now it was Matthias’ turn to be surprised. “Well... “ he sighed again and continued. “I suppose I had hoped you’d punch me and I would feel better.”

Big Mac raised an eyebrow, coaxing him to explain.

“What Applejack and I did…” Matthias began, frowning. “I’m not going to say it was a mistake, as we both enjoyed it, but afterwards I began to wonder if that should have happened. And… I’m not sure. Besides, you’re my friend, and I think that I may have crossed some line… so if you feel like hurting me, you can go ahead.”

Big Mac tilted his head, pondering; did he want to hurt Matthias? Sure, a part of him was angry for doing stuff with his sister while not being in a relationship with her. However, it seemed that both him and Applejack had reasons for that.

After several seconds, he shook his head. “AJ’s a grown mare,” he said, “what ya and her did is yar business.” He began to turn back and return to his chores, but he stopped midway. “Also, ya might wanna talk with some psychiatrist.”

Ignoring Matthias confused stare, Big Mac turned to the closest tree and bucked it, causing its apples to fall. As he began picking them up, he heard an amused sight.

“You want some help with those trees?”

Shrugging, Big Mac replied: “Eeyup.”


Applejack felt her coat turn red. “He- he told ya? And ya didn’t do anythin’ t’ ‘im?”

“Yes. Ah admit, Ah might have reacted differently if Ah had learn in some other way. And Ah’m a bit disappointed that instead of tellin’ anypony in the family about whatever yar issues were ya went and did that.”

“W-well…” Applejack stammered; she most certainly didn’t want to bring up her issues from the time now. “That’s not what matters now,” she said, deciding it would be best to change the subject. “We were talkin’ about ya and that changelin’.”

“Ah accepted what ya did with Matthias and didn’t judge either of ya,” Big Mac said. “Ya should at least do the same.”

“But that’s like apples and oranges! What A- Matt and Ah did might not ‘av been exactly proper and all, but at least neither of us was seduced with magic by the other.”

Big Mac let out a tired groan. “Why do ya insist on thinkin’ that Nymph seduced me?”

“For corn’s sake, how about nopony knowin’ ya two are ‘datin’’?”

Her brother narrowed his eyes. “Everypony knows but ya.”

Applejack opened her mouth, stunned. “W-wha... ?” she asked after a few seconds.

“Rarity and Fluttershy spent a day with Nymph at spa with Rarity tellin’ her about ‘proper pony dates’. Ah had asked Matt about pointers for askin’ a mare out in return for giving him Smarty Pants back, so he must ‘av put the two together.”

Despite her shock, Applejack noted the rather strange name. “What the hay is Smarty Pants?” she wondered briefly. “Wait, wasn’t that the doll that Twilight had enchanted…

She shook away those distracting thoughts and concentrated on the matter at hoof.

“And the rest of our friends must have figured out by now,” he finished.

Applejack snorted. “Oh, so Ah was the only one not knowin’?”

No wonder Rarity kept tellin’ me t’ be nicer t’ Nymph,” she thought angrily.

“And Ah suppose that wouldn’t happen t’ have been Nymph’s idea, wouldn’t it?”

“She wanted t’ tell ya,” Big Mac told her, making her stare in surprise. “Nymph felt that it wasn’t fair t’ keep ya in the dark like that. But we had our first date just the day before ya left, and we didn’t want ya t’ ruin the campin’ trip for ya and the others. And despite all that, Nymph still felt conflicted that ya’d think she’s tryin’ t’ steal yar family from ya.” The tone of his voice suggested how stupid he thought this idea was to him.

Applejack hesitated, uncertain. “She… she wanted to tell me?” she repeated in her thoughts. “And everypony knew?

As much as she could actually think that her brother would fall to some changeling spell, Applejack just couldn’t imagine all the others, especially Twilight and Arthas come under such spell. That, and the fact how Nymph had been worried about her…

Did she just make a terrible mistake in judgement?

She gulped, feeling suddenly nauseous. “Ah… Ah wanna talk t’ her,” she finally said. Seeing that her brother was still glaring at her, she added: “Calmly, without yellin’. And if ya’re right, Ah… Ah’ll beg for forgiveness.”

That must have satisfied Big Mac, as even though he was still angry, he nodded and smiled briefly. “Let’s go,” he said shortly and run out the door.

Sighing, Applejack rose to follow him. Whether she was going to be proven right or wrong, she wasn’t looking forward to what was about to happen.

Apple Bloom looked from behind the barn where she had hid as her siblings ran someplace. She didn’t want them to know she had been eavesdropping.

“Wow, Ah knew Applejack didn’t like Nymph, but still…” she said out loud, watching them go with a frown. “Hopefully she apologizes t’ her. And oh my gosh, Nymph and Big Mac are special someponies!” she jumped excitedly. Several pigs looked away from their food and stared at her but she ignored them. “I can’t wait to tell Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle about this!”

Fluttershy landed on the ground, breathing heavily from the exertion. “I’m so very sorry that I’m late…” she began, catching her breath.

Provato’s warm chuckle made her stop explaining herself. “There’s nothing to apologize for, Fluttershy.”

The pegasus looked at him. The great timberwolf demigod was lying beneath one of the bigger trees in White Tail Woods. Though the Running of the Leaves was a good month away, the leaves in the woods had already started turning yellow.

I wonder if the leaves on Provato’s body will also lose their color during Fall…” Fluttershy wondered briefly before shaking the silly thought away.

However, such thoughts were sometimes impossible to keep away. Provato was just… such a magnificent creature to her. His wooden body, his leaf mane, the power that emanated from him, the way nature reacted to him… even now as she stood before him, Fluttershy spotted a squirrel running across Provato’s back before jumping to a tree, and a little bird sitting on one of his ears. She also knew that if she looked down, she’d see the blades of grass gently touching his bark, almost as if caressing him. Furthermore, during yesterday’s training he had taught her how to speak with plants (with some difficulty), and she knew that they recognized the demigod and greeted him in their own way.

But what was truly amazing to Fluttershy about Provato was that he had offered to teach her his unique magic.

Clearing her throat, Fluttershy decided to explain to her teacher just why she was late. “Well, yes, perhaps, but… I-I think you should know why I was late.” She waited for Provato to nod before continuing. “You see, my friend Arthas had left a message in my cottage to see him. He wanted my help with… um, there were eggs in Al’ar’s, the Phoenix God, nest.”

As she half expected, Provato seemed only mildly surprised. “You don’t say,” he mused, tilting his head.

“Yes, and… they seemed like eggs of a gigantic bird of prey, like an eagle for example. And nopony saw the mother or Al’ar returning to the Abbey, so Arthas believes that the mother who laid them must have been a demigod. So, um, I’ve been wondering… you spoke to me of other demigods who live in the Everfree Forest.”

She was still surprised by how many of them lived there, especially considering how big (according to Provato’s description of them) they were. And some of them weren’t “just” demigods - they were Ancient Guardians, beings as old as the world of Equestria itself.

“Compared to them, I am younger than you are compared to me,” Provato had told her.

Back in the present moment, the timberwolf demigod nodded in acknowledgement to her words. “But none of the ones I told you of are giant birds,” he said.

“Y-yes, and I also remembered how you said all of the Everfree Forest’s demigods besides you are corrupted, so they probably couldn’t have…” she blushed, embarrassed, “... um, with Al’ar…”

She was spared having to explain what she meant by Provato. The demigod undoubtedly found her embarrassment amusing as he once again chuckled.

Fluttershy took a deep breath to regain her composure and continued. “So, um, would you happen to know who could possibly be the mother of those eggs?”

Provato looked into her eyes and held her gaze for a moment before answering. “Yes. There are other demigods besides those living in my mother’s forest,” he said, turning to look in the direction of the Everfree Forest. “A lot more live in the south of this continent, and are worshipped by the zebras living near them as Spirits,” he continued, turning back to Fluttershy. “All zebras, however, worship six Great Spirits, five of which are the Ancient Guardians and became patrons of each tribe. Dowunai Tribe’s patron is Marahute the Eagle Mother. She had traveled here a few days ago and spoke to me.”

“So you think she was the one that laid those eggs?” Fluttershy asked, surprised. “But… why did she leave them with Al’ar?” she asked when Provato nodded. “If she’s their mother, why isn’t she hatching them?”

“You are forgetting, child of the skies,” Provato replied, his voice gentle, “that we aren’t…” he paused, looking for the right word, “ponies. Even I, though my father had been a pony, and I spent ages living close to ponies of Earth Postin - or Eastin as it was later called - am different. We are spirits of nature, or wilderness. Our… morals, our behaviours, might seem to your kind more akin to animals. Above that, we are attuned to this world, and often we simply do things… because they feel right to us, because they will benefit Equestria.”

Fluttershy frowned, trying to wrap her head around what she just heard. “Arthas told me that according to Doctor Angelic and Princess Celestia, the eggs would need somepony to hatch them.”

This time, Provato seemed genuinely surprised. “Really? Hm… could it be because this Al’ar is from another world somehow?” the timberwolf demigod mused. “Regardless, this would explain why Marahute left those eggs here, rather than fly back to her home and lay them there…”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked, confused. “You said that the zebras there worship her. Would they be glad to help her eggs hatch?”

Provato smiled strangely. “I think we dedicated enough of our time for this subject,” he said, changing the subject unexpectedly. “Let us return to your training.”

Fluttershy blinked in surprised, but she quickly nodded in agreement. She wasn’t sure why Provato didn’t answer her question; however, as he had just said, his behaviour was different that a pony’s.

“It won’t be long before you ponies will start preparing your land for winter,” Provato continued, looking around at the nearby trees. “Winter is a time when nature sleeps; it will be harder for you to commune with trees. As such, it is important that you get a lot of practice now.”

“Of course,” Fluttershy replied at once, nodding.

“Also, today I wanted to teach you something new.” Her ears perked in interest hearing that. “I want to show you how to heal using the power of nature.”

Her eyes grew wide. If there was something she would have to pick as the most important thing Provato could teach her, it would be definitely this.

Seeing her excitement, the timberwolf demigod smiled briefly. “What you had learned so far,” he began, “will be fundamental, because in order to heal you must ask the nature around you for help. Only life can give life.”

“Only life?” Fluttershy asked, uncertain. “Do-”

Provato raised his paw, silencing her. “The flora, the earth, they have the capability of regenerating in a manner no animal can. It would have to be a very extreme case if healing another would cause the death of nature around you. You don’t have to worry about it.”

“Oh, good,” Fluttershy sighed in relief.

“Now, for starters, I want you to relax, and focus on your surroundings,” Provato told her. She nodded and did as he asked. She sat down, exhaled, relaxed her muscles, and reached out with her mind to the trees around her…

Applejack scratched her leg, nervous. However, when Big Mac glanced back at her she quickly nodded.

They were within the Abbey’s barracks, just outside of Nymph’s room. On their way there, Applejack had a lot of time to think about everything that happened back on the farm… and although she was still concerned that the changeling might be using her brother, she also started to feel that this whole situation wasn’t showing her in a positive light.

Dang nabbit, Ah was worse than Twilight was back before the weddin’,” she realized with shame and annoyance. “And she was at least right, sorta.

Considering everything, Applejack was thankful that they hadn’t bumped into anypony (aside from one of the royal guards Arthas had borrowed to guard the Abbey, but he jumped away from the entrance as soon as Big Mac was about to pass him). At least this way she could try and fix everything before having to explain this situation to anypony.

She exhaled, trying to calm herself - knowing that if she’d get angry again, Nymph would react at once and Big Mac would be even more mad and disappointed - as her brother opened the door and walked inside.

“Nymph?” Applejack heard him call softly.

“B-big Mac?” came a reply from the inside.

Applejack peered inside the room just in time to see Nymph shoot out of her bed and straight into Big Mac’s embrace. Even she had to admit that it looked cute.

“I-I’m sorry,” the changeling began to sob, “I didn’t mean to make Applejack angry-”

“Oh for the love of apples,” Applejack exclaimed, entering the room, “are ya seriously gonna apologize for me actin’ nuttier than a hare in March?”

Nymph turned to her, startled. From above her (“Wow, she’s really that small?” Applejack wondered briefly, only now noticing it. “Ah bet her horn wouldn’t even reach mah muzzle, next to Big Mac she looks like a foal.”) Big Mac glared at his sister.

She cleared her throat, recalling that she was supposed to stay calm. “Ah mean… look, Nymph,” she began taking a step closer to them, taking of her heart and pressing it to her heart. “Ah wanted to… apologize.”

The small changeling pulled a bit away from Big Mac, looking at her. His forelegs still held Nymph in embrace, almost protectively.

“Ah had a talk with mah brother, and Ah came t’ understand that Ah had gone over the line,” Applejack continued. “Ah was just…”

“It’s okay, Applejack,” Nymph interrupted her. She smiled nervously and continued: “I… we changelings can sense emotions, so I understand how you feel. That’s partially why I left so quickly, your emotions on top of my own made it unbearable to stay there. Your shock, your…” the changeling shook, and Applejack found it hard not to blush in embarrassment. She knew very well what she felt back then; disgust. “Honestly, it’s my fault too, we shouldn’t have kept from you that we were dating. We should have told you.”

Applejack wondered briefly if she had learned about this in some different manner would she really react better, but she decided that it didn’t matter.

“Ya’re wrong, it is all mah fault,” she sighed. “Ah’m sorry, but Ah just… after what happened in Canterlot to Twilight, Ah’m just afraid that mah own brother might suffer the same as hers had. Ah know it’s not fair to ya. If there was some way ya could prove to me that without a doubt ya ain’t keepin’ my brother under some spell…” she trailed off, wondering if that would be even possible; she knew next to nothing about magic, so even if they asked Twilight to check, she might always fear that Nymph had simply ‘out-magiced’ her or something…

Nymph gasped. “I… I think I can, actually,” she said excitedly, much to Applejack’s - and Big Mac’s too, apparently - surprise. “You want proof that my interest in Big Mac is genuine, right?”

“Well, yeah, Ah guess,” Applejack said, curious where she was going with this.

“Alright then… when you and the others were away, Equestria and the Changeling Swarm had officially started making peace,” Nymph informed her, “and because of that I had to reveal informations about our society and biology.”

Applejack tilted her head, surprised. They were gone only a few days, after all.

“The Hivespeaker was there as well, so you can later ask him for confirmation. Anyway, Big Mac?” she asked, turning to the stallion. “You remember what you did the morning after our first night together?”

Applejack blushed. “Ah’m not sure Ah want to hear that,” she warned before her brother could even open his mouth.

“Oh, no, I didn’t mean anything like that,” Nymph assured her, then turned back to Big Mac. “Do you remember?”

Big Mac frowned, concentrating for a few moments, before nodding. “Eeyup. Ah bit the nubs of yar wings.”

While Applejack looked at her brother with confusion (bordering on mild dismay), Nymph giggled. “They are called tegula,” she told him, looking at him lovingly.

“Not t’ put us back on track,” Applejack spoke up, “but can we get back on track? Ya know, away from what ya two do in bed?”

Nymph smiled apologetically while Big Mac deadpanned. “I’m sorry. But as I was about to say… our tegula are special,” she said, turning around so that Applejack could see her back. Guessing by Big Mac’s description, Applejack assumed the tegula were those nubs connecting Nymph's wing with her body. “It’s the only part of our body not protected by chitin, aside from wings. They are very delicate and very sensitive. We don’t just let anyling touch us there, let alone bite them, even if playfully. We only let those we have deep feelings for do that,” she said, turning back to gaze into Big Mac’s eyes. The two of them smiled shily before Nymph resumed talking with Applejack. “Anyling else who would do that, and, well, the changeling would react rather violently. It’s almost automatic.”

“Wait, so ya’re sayin’ that Ah should trust ya based on how yar body works?” Applejack asked, tiling her head.

Nymph smiled weakly. “I understand it’s not really a proof, but you can ask any changeling and they would tell you the same. Actually,” she added, “nibbling on a changeling’s wing is actually considered in our society the same as in your’s proposal, so-”


The question was asked by Big Mac. He was looking at Nymph with eyes wide as plates. Applejack was right behind him, staring at the changeling with shock.

“Ya mean Ah proposed to ya?” he asked her, staring at her.

“No- well, I mean, yes, technically, sort off,” Nymph replied, seemingly as confused as they. “I mean, it’s only my kind’s custom and you hadn’t know. So… you don’t have to worry?” she said, looking at Big Mac uncertainly.

Applejack looked from Nymph back to Big Mac. He was still looking at the changeling, but now appeared calm, and seemed to think about something. Applejack raised eyebrows, trying to figure out what her brother was thinking about… and after a few seconds, as she realize what Big Mac was about to do, he took Nymph’s forehoof into his.

“Will ya marry me?”


Applejack turned to Nymph who had uttered that shocked cry. She was staring at Big Mac with her blue pupiless eyes wide open and mouth hanging down, utterly surprised.

“B-b-big Mac,” she stammered, “you don’t have to... I mean, I… we’ve just started dating… this, this is...” she continue to mumble, shaking. She looked at Applejack, as if asking for help or a hint what to say, the back to Big Mac. “You really… Big Mac, I love you, but… I-I mean...”

As the changeling stammered, not knowing what to say, Applejack had started to calm down after witnessing her brother propose so blantly. She looked at him, waiting patiently for Nymph to give him an answer, then back at her, who was so confused and nervous that had no idea what to say. Applejack closed her eyes, sighed, put her hat back on her head and smiled.

“Ya know,” she spoke up, interrupting Nymph’s stammer, “our Ma and Pa always used t’ say t’ tell us t’ be honest with others and ourselves.” She opened her eyes and raised her head to look at Nymph. The changeling was looking at her, seemingly lost at what to do. “Now, Ah was too youn’ when they passed t’ have any sort of ‘fillies and colts’ talk, but Ah’m pretty sure it would be the same; that if we are with somepony, we should be honest with them and ourselves. So…” she smiled, truly meaning what she was about to say, “if ya two love each other, why shouldn’t ya two get married?”

“You… you mean that?” Nymph asked, and Applejack could swear she sounded hopeful.

“Eeyup,” she told her, smiling.

Nymph smiled in return, then turned to Big Mac. He was still waiting patiently for her answer. The changeling looked into his eyes, then her gaze trailed down to her hoof that he held. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

She opened her eyes and looked into his. “Yes.”

Well,” Applejack thought happily as she watched Big Mac pull Nymph into a kiss almost as soon as ‘yes’ left her mouth, “Ah guess our family is gonna get a bit bigger.

She wiped off a tear from her eye, waiting for them to stop kissing so that she could congratulate them.

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