• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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88. Rainbow, pink, orange, and pink

Matthias, in a feeble attempt to deny that he was awake, buried his muzzle in Rainbow’s mane.

Why cannot I just stay here like this?” he pondered weakly, hugging the still-sleeping mare a bit tighter.

Those few hours of sleep weren’t enough for him to completely recover his strength after their night-time’s activities, which coupled with yesterday’s training and the short time he spent asleep the previous one really did a number on him.

Where the heck this she learn those new tricks?” Matthias thought, as he backed his head a bit to yawn. “Ugh, who cares...” he rested his head against hers again for a couple more seconds, before he decided it was enough. “I better get moving...

Despite preferring to stay in bed, he would never shrink down from his duties. Careful to not wake up Rainbow Dash, he rose from under the covers and proceeded to go to the bathroom.

“Why are you up at such hour?” sounded half-exasperated, half-sleepy voice of Rainbow Dash.

“My initiates’ training starts soon.” Matthias answered with amusement, although he felt a little disappointed in his sneaking skills.

Looking behind him, he saw the cyan mare regard him from beneath the covers with one eye opened while the other was still closed. Her eye quickly turned to regard the clock on the wall, and then she proceeded to turn around and return to sleep.

“You were right; I would have made a poor paladin.”

Matthias chuckled as he returned to the bed, deciding to have a bit more pleasant morning.

“Last night was great.” he said as he crawled back under covers and grabbed Rainbow Dash, resting his chest against her back. “Where did you learn all those tricks?”

“Oh, Rarity lent me this interesting book...” Dash purred in reply as Matthias licked her behind ear.

Rarity has a book about sex?” crossed Matthias’ mind. “Huh, wouldn’t have guessed that.

“And here I thought Applejack had taught you them.” he smirked as he moved to her neck, only to stop as his joke earned him an elbow to the stomach.

“Don’t try to joke about this!” Dash hissed threateningly, dropping all hints of sleepiness. “Applejack was seriously mad at me and everypony there.”

“Quit drinking, then.” Matthias replied, massaging the place she hit. “But you’re right, I shouldn’t have joked. I am sorry, fair maiden. How can I repay thee such-”

His next words were muffled by the pillow Rainbow Dash smacked him in the face.

“Are you always this annoying in the morning?” she asked as she raised, her eyes sparkling playfully despite her words. “Or are you just snarky because I made you finish first?”

“Why would I be snarky because of that?” he told her, smiling. “Although, I’ll admit, it was strange to not hear you try deny that- auc!” he paused as she again smacked him. “Okay, no more jokes.”

“Good.” Dash said with a smirk, but soon her expression turned sadder and more serious. “I bumped into Scoots yesterday, you know.”

Matthias nodded. Before Dash came into Abbey at night looking for him, he went to check up on the filly. He heard from her whom she told so far, and Rainbow Dash was among those names.

“Judging by Scootaloo’s happy face when she mentioned that to me, I guess you took it well?”

“Well, I was really surprised.” Dash confessed, looking down at her hooves uncomfortably. “I mean, now it all seems so obvious, but that filly managed to make a fool out of the entire town for two years. Horse apples, we all were even on vacations not so long ago. If I didn’t feel bad for her, I would have been pissed.”

He rolled his eyes. He could’ve expected that Rainbow would find blame with anypony but herself, in contrast to what he told Scootaloo.

“But I was also impressed with her, in this weird way.” Dash continued. “So I told her that she’s really tough and all.”

“I’m glad that you did; she certainly feels now a lot more confident about telling other ponies.”

“It was really kind of you to take her in here.” Rainbow commented, brushing his cheek.

“What else could I have done?” Matthias replied. “Not to mention that I have this place prepared to host more than hundred ponies at the time with ease, and now there are currently eight staying here, counting Scootaloo.”

“And there will be also one frequent visitor.” Dash told him while looking at him with bedroom eyes, before she unexpectedly pushed him out of the bed. “Now go and do your paladin stuff.”

“You sending me away?” the stallion asked from the floor, more amused than upset. “What is it, the opposite day?”

“I kinda feel superior after last night.” the pegasus said with a nonchalant yawn. “By the way, I know I said that yesterday, but I’d really like to see this armor on you.”

He glanced at the suit of armor she was referring to, resting in the corner of his room. Unlike those that royal guards wore - which were reminiscences of Pegasi Armada’s armors, and therefore were designed with the mind of allowing soldiers to still be swift and maneuverable in the air - the armors of the order’s paladins covered ponies from heads to hooves. Matthias’ in particular was adorned with crests of both Equestria and the Order on each of his legs, and had shoulderplates shaped into heads of ponies, under them there were clasps with Order’s symbol, which were holding a silver cape made by Rarity, with golden lines wavered into it. Matthias didn’t really feel like adding all those adornments, but he was the head of the Order, and as such, his armor had to reflect it.

“After introduction of those four into the Order, which will also mark its official beginning, I will have to wear this practically all the time.” Matthias replied. “I would like to enjoy the feeling of air on my coat until such time.” smiling back at Rainbow, he said. “I need to get going now; you can see yourself out once you get up, right?”

“Yeah, have fun.” the pegasus told him dismissively, turning to the other side.

About three hours later, Matthias was overseeing the four initiates practicing their strikes against training dummies. They were all doing very well; even Serenity, although she was on a much lower level than the rest.

“Remember to keep your eyes on the enemy at all time.” he told her when he noticed she closed them as a small drop of sweat got into one of them. “If the dummy was a real pony, you would have given it an opening for attack right now.”

“Yes, sir. Sorry.” Serenity replied, quickly brushing her eyes.

“You must also be aware of your surroundings.” Matthias continued to coach her, although raised his voice so that the others would hear him. “For example, if you were fighting in a forest, you or your opponent could trip over a root. Depending on your awareness, you can use your surroundings to your advantage, or die because of klutziness.”

Serenity gulped nervously, but Matthias, observing her carefully, saw that she quickly regained her composure.

“You must also be aware of enemies around you, too.” he added. “In the midst of battle, your enemies can sometimes separate you from your comrades and surround you.”

“So this is your idea of working?” a sarcastic voice from above interrupted him. “Just standing and talking while the others train?”

Matthias sighed as he signaled the others to return to their training before looking up. “I expected you to sleep for few more hours.” he told Rainbow as he trotted to the side.

“Well, some of us got jobs.” Dash replied with a smirk as she landed beside him. “I have to do some cloudbusting on the edge of Ponyville until the afternoon. Will you be busy?”

She winked suggestively as she asked the question.

“Unfortunately, yes.” he said with bit of regret, although he quickly brightened up. “We’re going to have a praying session! Wanna join?”

“Err...” Dash stammered uncomfortably. “Thanks, but uh, no offense, but-”

She stopped once she realized that Matthias was barely containing laughter.

“None taken.” he told her, winking. “I wasn’t exactly fond of those, either.”

“Tch.” Rainbow Dash snorted, hitting him with her tail as if it was a whip. “You’re lucky you’re cute.” she added and took the air, flying off towards a cluster of clouds.

Matthias turned back to his initiates and found out, much to his irritation, that they were all glancing his way, three discretely and one openly.

“No wonder she wasn’t paying any attention to me.” Tucker commented with a smirk.

“Name one mare that did.” Matthias retorted, looking at all of them threateningly.

“You think I would bother remembering all those names?”

He decided to stop paying attention to the unicorn. Clearly, out-talking him was impossible.

“Sorry for eavesdropping, sir.” Guard said, a bit uncomfortably even though his face remained as stoic as ever. “We were just curious as to why there is another pegasus-”

Matthias stopped him with a wave of hoof. Aside from not wanting to discuss his strange relationship with Rainbow Dash, he also didn’t want to talk about Scootaloo.

“Let’s return to practice, shall we?” he said, and smiled with grim satisfaction at the idea that came to him. “Before Rainbow interrupted me, I was telling you about fighting when surrounded by enemies. But... why tell you, when I can demonstrate? I want all four of you to attack me.”

The four initiates looked at him with wide, shocked eyes, but before they had a chance to question his idea, Matthias turned his back on them. “I will go fetch myself a training gear. You can use this time to decide how you will coordinate your attacks.”

He took his time putting the armor on and picking up the two-hoofed sword for a weapon. All the while thinking how fun this was going to be.

When he returned to the training field, he saw the four ponies clustered in a circle, deep in discussion. As he came nearer, they spotted him, and all nodded. Matthias tried to read from their expression how they felt about whatever plan they came up with. Serenity was obviously nervous, but he attributed it to her not wanting to fight him. Tucker was as confident as always. Storm and Guard however, had the stoic, almost blank expression all royal guards bore.

“You can begin.” Matthias told them, waving his sword in salute.

As he expected, they started by trying to surround him, with Serenity taking the left, Guard front, Tucker right, and Storm hovered above. Matthias, deciding to wait and see instead of preventing their plan, waited.

Tucker and Serenity was first to attack. As they jumped at him, Matthias raised his sword to deflect their weapons... only to have the unicorn disappear in a flash of magic.

Nice.” the paladin thought. “But that won’t be enough.

Extending the swing he took planning to deflect the first attack, Matthias whirled around, dodging Serenity, just in time for Tucker to appear behind him. Matthias’ sword brushed away Tucker’s, making the colt lose his balance and stumble. The paladin grabbed him with free hoof by mane and threw him and Serenity, knocking both of them over.

He then quickly raised his sword to block attack from above, but as he was about to take offensive action, Guard came from behind. Matthias jumped away and fought both of them off. After exchanging few strikes, he let Storm’s sword to hit his protected foreleg, and pushed his blade away, giving him an opening for an attack. His sword, however, was stopped by Guard Shield’s shield.

Commendable. But there are other ways to attack.

He shifted his weight on the sword, forcing Guard to concentrate more of his strength on his shield, and while he was busy, Matthias slammed his head against Storm’s. As the pegasus (with crossed eyes) fell down, the paladin (hearing a commotion from behind) circled around Guard, dodging an attack from Serenity, and then blocked Tucker’s.

As the older pony tried to bash him with his shield, Matthias let the attack hit its mark, but he used it to grab the shield, wrestle it away from Guard, and slam Tucker with it. Not expecting that the unicorn had no time to dodge, and fell to the ground.

The two ponies that still stood attacked him, but they didn’t last long after that. Matthias dispatched Guard with a swift strike, then later disarmed Serenity and pressed the tip of his blade to her chest.

“Guess that’s it, then.” Matthias told them with a smug on his face. “You could use a little more-”

“Hey!” and excited voice came from nearby. “What’chya doing?”

Matthias glanced around and spotted Pinkie Pie, bouncing up and down as usual and breathing heavily.

“We were trying to beat Sir Mathias...” Storm replied automatically, before Matthias had a chance to stop him.

“Sound fun!” the pink pony exclaimed. “Can I try?”

Oh, crap.” Matthias thought as Pinkie didn’t wait for an answer and shot right at him.

He attempted to move away, but Pinkie Pie was too fast to give him any time. She slammed against him and pinned him to the ground.

“That was fun!” she shouted happily. “Next time, you’ll pin me! Yay!”

And then she disappeared, leaving behind her a pink blur. As Matthias rose up, he manages to see her heading towards Sweet Apple Acres.

“What in Light name has gotten into her today?” he muttered as he swept off some dirt from the training gear.

“Sadly not me, sir, but she totally kicked your flank.” Tucker smirked.

Matthias glared at him, but before he could come up with any idea how to punish him, a movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. He looked to his side, and in a distance, flying by the Chapel, saw...

“Is that...” he asked aloud as he squinted his eyes. “... a flying orange?”

“The heck?” Storm Clash said, confirming his guess.

“That’s... oh.” Matthias exclaimed as he realised what must have happened. “Twilight Sparkle was supposed to practice a new spell today. I guess something must have gone wrong.” turning to Storm, he said. “Storm Clash, go and grab that... whatever it was before, and bring it back to Lady Twilight.” he suppressed a chuckle of amusement at the thought how would she react to him calling her by the title she should be using as a sister of a prince.

“Yes, sir.” the pegasus replied with a short salute, and took the air.

“Now, then.” Matthias said as he looked at the remaining initiates. “How about we see what you have learned from my demonstration? Guard, Serenity, attack Tucker.”

Maybe I should have taken off this training armor before I chased after it.” Storm Clash thought as he chased the strange lying fruit.

He was never the fastest flyer - having lost his interest in speed after his stupidity caused that accident - and with the armor - so much heavier than the one of royal guards - weighing him down, it was not easy to catch.

But it looked as if luck was on his side - or maybe he should think that Light looked down on him with favor? - because the orange flew down into Ponyville, letting Storm simply fold his wings like a falcon and swoop down, catching his ‘prey’ and stopping his fall almost right above the ground.

“I say, that’s one way to make an entrance.” sounded a female voice very close him.

“Sorry, Miss, I-” Storm began to apologise, cursing himself for not paying attention to his surroundings (right after hearing about it from sir Matthias no less), but he found that he could speak no words once he took a look at his interlocutor.

It was a mare of unworldly beauty. She wore a pink gown that somehow went perfectly with the white of her coat. The part of it on her chest was darker shade of pink, from which a laced flange came out, bringing attention to mare’s neckline. Her forelegs bore long leg weavers, and her hindlegs were hidden within the skirt that ended with lacing, but a single hoof with slipper on it was visible.

So captivating was this sight that it took Storm Clash few seconds to realise that he knew this mare.

“I apologize, Lady Rarity.” he said, his voice a one degree cooler than before. “Sir Matthias sent me after this... orange, and asked me to bring it to Lady Twilight Sparkle.” as he told her that, he pointed at the winged orange that was now safely tucked in his wing. “Do you happen to know where I can find her?”

“Why, yes, I just saw her by the cafe.” Rarity told him in reply, and judging by how she winced, she was either repulsed by his jaw, or noticed the change of tone in his voice. Storm didn’t really care. “I can lead you there if you want.”

The pegasus was about to decline the offer and ask her to just tell him the directions. It would be faster if he flew there, and he didn’t really want to spend more time with this pony, as beautiful as she was. However, it would be really unkind to do so, and even if Rarity wasn’t exactly a role model when it came to interacting with ponies, he was still a gentlecolt.

“Thank you.” he told her with a nod.

“Oh, no need to thank me, it’s my pleasure.” Rarity replied as she turned back the way she came through the park. Storm quickly caught up to her. She sounded... sincere, to his mild confusion. “I owe you an apology.”

Storm Clash blinked as she said that out of the blue. Had he misjudged her?

“I know you’ve noticed how I reacted when I first saw you back at the station.” the unicorn mare continued, her ears dropped and overall expression not fitting a pony in such gown. “I just wanted to tell you that I didn’t mean to... squeak like that. It wasn’t out of disgust or anything like that, I assure you. I value pony’s inner beauty, and as a fashion designer, it is my duty to help others bring out this beauty. My reaction to your appearance came out of shock and fear, which quickly passed, but I still hurt you. And I am sorry for that.”

“Wow.” Storm exclaimed when she finished. “Either you thought about this apology for a while, or you’re really good at thinking on spot, Lady Rarity.”

“I thought about it ever since I saw the hurt in your eyes.” Rarity replied with a blush after hearing his complement. “If that wasn’t enough for you to forgive me, I have close to an hour more of it. And please, just call me Rarity.”

“Very well then, Rarity.” Storm said with a smile. “And as for me forgiving you, you don’t have to worry about it.”

“Are you sure?” she asked teasingly. “The part in the middle is really good.”

“I’ll take your word for it. And it wasn’t that big of a deal, honestly.” he told her, now regretting what he earlier thought of her. “I’m used to ponies reacting far much worse, and seldom apologizing.”

“Well, I think that- WHAT ARE YOU THREE DOING?!”

The question - asked with rage and fear that didn’t suit her - was directed at the three fillies (with one of them being Scootaloo) that somehow got up on one of the highest branch of the huge tree that they were just passing, next to which stood a ladder.

“Oh... hi sis.” one of the fillies, a unicorn, waved at Rarity. It was clear that upon being discovered, she came to realise that what she and the other two were doing wasn’t exactly what they should be doing.

“Don’t ‘hi sis’ me, Sweetie Belle!” Rarity replied, stomping the ground. “What are you doing up on that tree?!”

Storm had to admit that he was curious about it as well. If they would fall...

“We were tryin’ to get cutie marks in bungee jumping...” the filly with a bow - and the same accent he heard Applejack speak with - confessed, showing off the bungee cord that they had up on the brunch.

“Out of the question!” Rarity immediately told them. “Get down this instant!”

“Can you hold this?” Storm interrupted her, giving her the strange orange.

She nodded after a second in understanding and grabbed it with her magic. Now that both of his wings were free, the pegasus fly up to the fillies, and not waiting for any voices of protests grabbed all of them and put them down back on the ground.

“Hey!” Scootaloo was about to complain, but Rarity apparently wasn’t in a mood for that.

“I know you three want to get your cutie marks, but there are some things you cannot do without a grown up supervising you.” she told them, calmer now that they were safe, but still really angry.

“Well...” Scootaloo began.

“Kid, that was dangerous.” Storm cut in before she got a chance to start her argument. “I don’t know why Sir Matthias let you live in the Abbey, but I’m pretty sure he would have been very angry if he saw you right now.”

“Wait, what?” Rarity asked, confused. “Why would you be living in the Abbey, Scootaloo?”

“Ow...” the orange filly muttered, scratching behind her head. The other two looked at her encouragingly, and she took a deep breath. “Because I’m an orphan.” Rarity gasped as Scootaloo continued. “I run away from Cloudsdale’s orphanage. Matt found me sleeping under the bridge and, well, made me come to the Abbey. I’ve been living there for two days now.”

“Oh, you poor little thing!” Rarity exclaimed as she grabbed Scootaloo before she could get away and hugged her, not caring about the gown she was wearing. “Why didn’t you say a word to anypony? Did you know about this?!” she almost hissed at her sister and the other filly, while Scootaloo tried to escape her hug.

Storm, seeing that she was distracted, grabbed the flying orange. He didn’t want to chase it again.

“Scootaloo told us just yesterday.” Sweetie Belle explained, as the pegasus in question was finally released.

“And we had a discussion about not tellin’ us.” the earth pony filly added, glancing at Scootaloo.

“I said I was sorry.” she replied with a roll of her eyes. “Anyway, you two mind not telling anypony?” she asked Rarity and Storm. “I want to tell everypony myself.

So that’s what Sir Matthias meant yesterday.” the stallion thought as he nodded.

“Of course, dear.” Rarity told her. “And if you’ll need anything, please-”

“Thanks, see ya!” Scootaloo quickly said and run off somewhere, followed soon by her two friends.

Sweetie Belle lingered a moment to explain: “She doesn’t want ponies acting different because of the whole thing.”

“I see. Well, go along now.” Rarity said, and as her sister chased after the two, she called out: “But no more bungee jumping!”

Sweetie Belle waved to show that she heard her. Rarity took a deep breath and muttered: “Those three... Oh, whatever. Poor Scootaloo! How did she manage to keep it all to herself?! She’s been living in Ponyville for good two years now!”

“That long?” Storm asked as they resumed their walk. “That must be one sneaky and tough filly.”

“Perhaps, but she still should have tell somepony.” Rarity replied. “For a pony her age, to fend off for herself... oh, I don’t even want to imagine what it must have been like for her. Thank heavens that Matt stumbled upon her! Please, once you get back to him, let him know how thankful I am that he is now taking care of her. And that my opinion of him from our vacation hasn’t changed.” seeing Storm’s confused look, she giggled and added: “He will know what it means.”

“I will pass that to him, then.” the stallion told her, despite the strange feeling he just had. Something about the way she said that... upset him. Deciding not to dwell on the matter, he tried to change the subject. “So... bungee jumping?”

“Ugh, don’t even get me started.” Rarity snorted. “I swear, the ideas those three come up with are becoming more and more ridiculous. Oh!” she said as if something hit her just now. “I’m sorry you had to see me yell at them like this.”

“Don’t worry about it, I understand it perfectly.” Storm replied with a smile. “I have a brother about the same age, also without a cutie mark.

“Really?” Rarity asked with interest. “Then you must know how it is, with a troublesome sibling.”

“Trust me; bungee jumping would be the least of my worries when it comes to him.”

“Perhaps, but I assure you, my sister and her friends are much worse.”

“... Wanna bet?” the stallion smirked.

Twilight groaned from exhaustion and frustration. The spell to perfectly and permanently change one thing to another was still being difficult.

“Maybe you should take a short break?” Spike suggested, seeing how she struggled. “Do you want me to order you something to drink?”

“That would be lovely, thanks Spike.” the unicorn smiled at her assistant.

As the baby dragon went to the cafe, Twilight massaged her head. Thankfully the spell, despite being difficult to perform, didn’t demand too much magic from the user. If it weren’t for that, she would’ve been unable to continue her tries hours ago.

While she sat waiting for Spike to get back, Twilight spotted two familiar figures approaching. Rarity, still wearing the gown she showed her that now had dirt on it here and there, and one of Matt’s initiates, Storm Clash, who wore a training gear she saw back in the Abbey’s armory.

“... and that’s why we’re not allowed to climb up the Statue of Liberty ever again.” Storm finished telling Rarity, and both of them laughed. The stallion stopped once he saw her. “Ah, Lady Twilight!”

He paused when he noticed her gaze. “Please, notify Sir Lightbringer that I am currently studying magic that would allow me to change ponies to, let’s say, frogs.”

She had no doubt that it was his doing that Storm addressed her like that.

The stallion gulped nervously while Rarity giggled. “That’s probably part of the reason why I’m here.” he said, reaching under his wing and bringing out an orange. “Sir Matthias send me to deliver you this.”

Upon closer inspection, Twilight saw two wings on the side of the orange, and realized that it must be the bird her spell accidently hit, but due to Pinkie’s antics she completely forgot about.

“Thank you, I would be in real trouble with Fluttershy.” she said with a chuckle as she took the poor creature with her magic. “I will change it back soon.”

“It’s great to hear that.” Storm replied. “I’m afraid I need to get back to the Abbey, then.” he nodded to her in good-bye, and then turned to Rarity. “Rarity, it’s been a pleasure talking with you.”

“Likewise, Storm.” Rarity said, and Twilight, to her mild surprise, spotted heat arising in her cheeks.

Storm Clash nodded to her as well and - moving slightly back so that they wouldn’t be hit by any dirt or sand that was bound to be rise when pegasus flapped his wings - flew in the direction of the Abbey.

“You two looked soo cute together!” Twilight immediately exclaimed once the stallion was out of earshot.

“What?” Rarity looked back at her, startled and - to Twilight satisfaction - embarrassed. “Whatever do you mean?”

It’s payback time.” Twilight thought with glee.

“Where did I left that recipe for love poison?” she wondered out loud.


Hearing her friend shout out her name in fear was too much. Twilight hold her sides as she erupted with laughter.

“Oh, relax, I was just kidding.” she told her embarrassed friend. “Although...” she paused for the dramatic effect, “I would watch out for what I drink if I were you.”

Oh, this is going to be so fun!” Twilight thought in her head, as she continued on teasing her friend, whose reactions make it all worthwhile for the lavender unicorn. How the table have turned!

Author's Note:

Gee, I wonder what is going to happen next...

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