• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,752 Views, 143 Comments

Agent of Chaos - Enfield

How can I, one pony, topple the Equestrian Government?

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How To Lose A Friend In Less Than One Day...

My morning in Equestria is shattered by the shrill screeching of the motion alarm, I sit bolt upright and pull the dart gun out from under my pillow and look around the dark room expecting something to jump out at me. I relax once I shut off the alarm and hear the concerned voice of Mr. Cake drift through the door.

"Are you okay in there?" he asks me.

"You need to get another alarm clock," I reply.

"I don't remember there being an alarm clock in that room," Mr. Cake said with confusion.

"I found one," I add.

There is a slight pause which is then broken by Mr. Cake.

"Anyway, we need you up here to help with the cake, Pinkie has gone off somewhere and we need her help now more than ever."

"Always when you need something, you don't get it," I say with a chuckle, "I'll be up with you in a minute."

I re-arm the motion traps and hide the gun under the mattress. I head upstairs and the smell of baked goods greets me, making me hungry. I remember that the last thing I ate was back in the hospital yesterday and that seems such a long time ago. Luckily Mrs. Cake had made scones for me and once I finish eating them, help out with the cake that is to be made for Luna. Mr. Cake gives me a few sketches of what ideas he was able to come up with. He stuck with the idea to make it look like the surface of the moon but they look slightly boring and bland, too much like the actual surface of the moon. After some thinking and a little modification of one of the sketches, I come up with the idea to write "Happy Birthday Luna" in the center of the cake and to add a few small decorations to the surface of the moon. All I needed to do was find something that would be found on the moon, slightly tricky if you've never been there before. As Mr and Mrs Cake set to making the first part of the cake I head for the basement to fetch something that would help with the writing on the cake. I jump at every shadow that occurs and end up kicking a flower sack thinking that it was Pinkie with a club. She has been slowly getting into my mind and I don't like one bit of it, only last night I had a nightmare that she was latched onto the ceiling with a knife, ready to pounce. It wasn't helped by the fact that she was wearing the Scream mask and giggling like the Joker, and that the knife was actually a machete once it was up next to my face. I shudder at the thought and grab a large box and run back upstairs with it.

I shut the basement door behind me and plonk the box on the counter. Whatever was in there must have weighted a ton because it feels as if my back might be out of line. I straighten myself out and see the twins sitting on a table staring out the window.

"What's with them?" I ask.

"They're a little upset that Pinkie left last night and didn't come back," Mrs. Cake said, "But knowing Pinkie she's probably in the building somewhere."

The twins sniff and press their noses to the glass.



Now I'm not one for giving in to cuteness but...

"Aww, you sad that Pinkie left?" I ask as I trot over to the twins. Pound Cake just nods.

"She'll be back later, Pinkie probably had to do something important."

"Binkie," Pumpkin Cake says as she stands up and looks out the window, holding herself steady with the glass.

"This is the cutest thing I have ever seen," I think as I pick up the two and bring them over to Mr and Mrs Cake.

"Do you think I should put them upstairs?" Mr. Cake says to Mrs. Cake.

"Nah, let them stay here and watch us," I intervene.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Scott," Mr. Cake said worryingly as I set the twins down on the table.

"Not to worry," I say as I give the Element of Chaos a tap, "After all, they won't want to miss anything."

"Miss what?" Mrs. Cake asks.

"This," I say as I kick the counter sending several eggs into the air. Without hesitation, I grab one of the several mixing bowls and catch each one in the bowl. The twins start laughing and clapping. Mr and Mrs Cake seem a little stunned.

"Wanna see more?" I say to the twins. They do.

For the next hour I'm pretty much letting the Element around my neck do all the work, creating the illusion that I'm preforming fancy tricks, most of which are really dangerous and very hard even for master jugglers to pull off. But I have an advantage, I have the Element of Chaos. Just as I catch a knife with my teeth the store bell jingles and I pull the knife from my teeth before Twilight and her friends enter.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Cake, Scott," she says.

"Morin'," I say as I go back to trying to make a small castle for the cake.

"Hello Twilight," Mrs. Cake says, "Are you here for your order?"

"Yes, we heard that Scott made it," Twilight said as she looks over at me.

"They had better be good," Rainbow Dash said.

"Believe me they are," I say as I go back to crafting the castle.

"Here ya go, Twilight," Mr. Cake says as he gives Twilight a box.

"Say Mr. Cake," Applejack said, "Have you seen Pinkie anywhere?"

"We have no idea where she is, she could be anywhere."

"Done!" I say. Everyone in the room looks over to me and sees the cake and what I managed to do to decorate it.

"It's amazing," Mr. Cake said.

"I do my best," I reply.

The cake is exactly as the sketch is right down to the accuracy and precision of the writing. What is more impressive is that I've added a few more decorations, one of which is a model of the Apollo 11 lunar module. I managed to make it when the others were distracted, none of these lot really know what its for but it'll really make the party go out with a bang.

"You've done such an amazing job, Scott," Mr. Cake said.

"I'll say that you have a great artistic talent there," Rarity said.

"It's nothing," I say.

"What's that thing there?" Rainbow Dash asks as she points to the lunar module.

"Just a little something that I thought would fit in," I say as I lean over it, "Watch this."

I press a small button on the top of the model and the voice of Neil Armstrong emanates from the model.

"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

"Whoaaa," everyone in the room chorused.

"Neat innit?" I ask.

"Were did you get this?" Twilight asks.

"I just found it," I reply.

"I know one thing for sure, Luna is going to love this cake."

"I make some sample pieces," I say as I give each of them a small piece of the cake I helped make.

The group eat the cake I made and look at me in amazement.

"Scott, this is amazing!" Twilight exclaims.

"I've never had anything like this before," Rarity said.

"Ah wish I could make stuff like this," Applejack added.

"You've now earned my respect," Rainbow Dash said with a smirk.

"You are really good at making cakes," Fluttershy said.

I nod and shrug. Mr Cake walks closer to me.

"Scott, what you made was probably the greatest thing I have ever eaten. If I were Luna I would want to meet the pony that made this and thank them personally. Do you think that you will be able to come with us to Canterlot?"

This is exactly what I need to get the Elements.

"Sure, I'll go," I say, "I'd be more than honored to."

"I've never said this before but you're the best baker we've ever had," Mr. Cake said to me. No sooner had he finished, Pinkie burst forth from the closet and landed in front of me.

"Ah ha! I knew it!" she said.

"Knew what?" Twilight asked. Pinkie still keeps me in her sights.

"He's out to steal my job. I know what you're up to Scott!"

"Pinkie, calm down," I say, "I'm not out to steal your job."

"Yes you areeee."

Everyone in the room looks at Pinkie like she's lost her mind. Which is nothing closer to the truth, Pinkie is still giving me a death stare. Slowly I watch as everyone backs away. I follow their plan and try to escape to my room so I can grab my dart gun. Pinkie however still keeps pursuing me.

"Give me my life back," she says.

"You lot might want to run," I say to Twilight.

"Already on it," Twilight said as she let her friends bolt out of the store. Pinkie spins around and sees the lot run off leaving me an open gap to escape her. I run to the door, slam it shut and then sprint to my room, hoping that I can get the sleepers before Pinkie kills me. I get to my bedroom door, throw it open and flick on the lights.

"Heressss PINKIE!"