• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,751 Views, 143 Comments

Agent of Chaos - Enfield

How can I, one pony, topple the Equestrian Government?

  • ...

...And How To Get Them Back Just As Fast

"No no no!" I yell as Pinkie dives on me and tries to choke me. I manage to throw her off and roll out of the way but she's already in front of me.

"Give me my life back!" Pinkie yells.

"I don't want to steal your life!" I shout back as I try and reach for my dart gun. I manage to pull the pillow off the gun but Pinkie already has a hold of me and is dragging me backwards. Pinkie has a thirst for my blood and I had no idea how to fend her off, what I do know is that she has lost her mind.

"Get away!"

I kick her off me and run to the gun but she's once again right in front of me. How does she do that?

"You're mine now!" Pinkie says. She then lunges at me. I stand ready and wait until she's close enough.

"Come on lass, I'm ready for ya."

Pinkie dives at me, I wait until she's no more than a foot away. Then I deliver a crushing strike to her nose.

Pinkie stops dead and sinks down clutching her nose. I'm still standing in my attack stance and I watch as Pinkie looks up at me, tears forming in her eyes.

"Why did you do that?" she sniffles.

I don't say anything at first. I relax and walk over to her, she looks at me as I slowly hug her.

"I'm sorry," I say comfortingly, "I'm really sorry."

Pinkie still has hold of her nose and is sniffing as she tries to breath through her nose.

"My nose hurts," Pinkie whimpers.

"Hold still," I say as I try and help her. She shuffles back but I keep a hold of her and tell her that I'm going to try and help her. Pinkie let's me examine her nose. As she removes her hooves from her face I see the amount of blood that's gushing out of her nose. It's clear that I broke it and I feel more than guilty.

"I'm really, really sorry, Pinkie," I said, "I'm going to try and patch you up, okay?"

Pinkie nods and hugs me closer to her.

"Make the pain stop," she said softly. I lean over my bed and find a small unopened box of tissues on the floor, they might have just materialized but no matter, I take the box and open it up. Pinkie is still sitting in the same spot, keeping a tight grip on her broken nose. I take hold of her head and gently push it back so I can try and stop the bleeding, Pinkie doesn't object as I wipe off the blood. I give her another batch of tissues and tell her to hold them in place until the bleeding stops.

"Scott," Pinkie says, I look over at her.

"Yes Pinkie?"

"Can you forgive me for going crazy?"

"Only if you forgive me," I reply. Pinkie hugs me again, but this time she's smiling. She knows what she did and I do as well, I'm hoping that after this little incident we can once again be friends.

"You okay now?" I ask.

"Yep, all better now," Pinkie replies, a little chirpier than I thought but she seems better.

"I seriously didn't mean to break your nose like that," I say, "It was only instinct, I thought you were going to kill me."

"I sometimes overreact at stuff but once I'm over it I'm fine."

"So, can we be friends again?"

"Yeah, I like you in a way, Scott," Pinkie said, "But not that way, I just like you as a friend."

I feel somewhat relived that Pinkie has gotten over what I did. Maybe now we can work together instead of trying to kill each other, but as of now, Pinkie just wants to get back to her usual routine of being herself.

"So what do you wanna work on first?" she asks me as she bounds up the stairs.

"You mean for the party?" I ask, Pinkie nods.

"Do you think we should make more cakes? We should make more cakes."

"What we should do is work on a way to present the cake to Luna," I say.

"Princess Luna," Pinkie corrects, "But your idea sounds neat. Any ideas?"

"I dunno, but it might come to me soon."

We head upstairs into the bakery and I'm a little confused to see the Cakes and Twilight standing in the middle of the room. Everyone else is outside looking through the windows, the silence is slightly weird until Twilight breaks the ice.

"Pinkie, what happened to you?"

"We kind of got into a small scuffle and I sort of hit Pinkie on the nose," I say.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asks Pinkie.

"I'm fine Twilight," Pinkie said, "Scott managed to fix me up in no time."

"We've worked out everything and we're friends again," I add.

"That's nice," Mrs. Cake said, "Now, there's something that we want to tell you."

"What is it?" I ask.

"We've only just learned that there's a contest for who makes the best cake for the princess," Mr. Cake said, "We now know that were up against some of Equestria's best bakers."

"What's the big deal with that?" I ask.

"Our reputation is at stake!" Pinkie said.

"So this little contest is very important to you guys," I say.

"It's not just Sugarcube Corner," Mr. Cake said, "The entire town's reputation is at stake."

"How many times has this contest happened?" I ask.

"Only twice," Twilight said.

I tap my chin and think about what we could do, we have the cake but now we need something amazing to present it with. As I sit on a chair and try to think of a sort of Olympics style grand entrance, the rest of the ponies outside enter the bakery. Most of them wanted to know what had happened to Pinkie but Twilight was a little more interested in my Cutie Mark.

"Did you figure out what the symbol is?" I ask her.

"No, I've been through almost twelve books and still have found nothing."

"What can we do to present the cake?" Pinkie said loudly, changing the subject rather quickly.

"I've made some costumes for us," Rarity said.

"Ah made some apple treats for the guests," Applejack said.

"I'm gonna do a sonic rainboom for princess Luna," Rainbow Dash added.

"I have organized some animals for some of our best songs," Fluttershy said.

"And since I'm organizing the event for us and Pinkie has the cake, all we need to do now is make ourselves shine above the others," Twilight said.

I stand up and head out for the town again, hoping that a short walk will form some ideas. I tell everyone else that my ideas come when I'm alone. Pinkie, being a good sport and still being herself, gives me a quick hug and runs off to join her friends over at Rarity's shop to see what she made. Now for the grand entrance that we have to come up with. I feel as if I'm involved but this is good, if there is one thing that I know very well, it's how to make a memorable and stunning entrance.