• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,751 Views, 143 Comments

Agent of Chaos - Enfield

How can I, one pony, topple the Equestrian Government?

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Deal Of A Lifetime

At first when I embraced the death light I wasn't afraid. I was somewhat glad to end my pathetic life with dignity by trying to take on the light with my car. I could at least die knowing that many lives were saved from my sacrifice. But slowly, I feel my chest rise and fall, I'm still alive somehow. I try and rub the side of my head which hit the window but a sharp tight feeling encloses my neck and cuts off my breathing. As I struggle to try and breath I almost pass out and I feel my airways open up again and I suck in as much air as possible. My eyesight begins to come back and I can just barely make out the corners of a large dark stone room. I try and turn my head and then see why I can't move my arms, both of them are in chains.

"What the hell?" I say as I tug on them, each tug cuts off my windpipe so I stop, hoping that my neck isn't bruised. I have no idea where I am or what's going on but the only thing I'm aware of is the itch on my nose which is driving me mad. Once I manage to ignore it I try and see how I'm chained up, both of my arms are almost behind me and there are chains on my legs as well. I try and kick my foot but I almost strangle myself from what I'm guessing is another shackle around my neck which can choke me. Since struggling doesn't work I try and see if there's anyone else in the room I can try and talk to.

"Hello?" I call out, "Is anyone there?"

No answer or reply comes. I start to panic because I'm in a vulnerable position and I don't want to end up like those kids I heard about in school, you know the ones who vanish and then are found about a week later in a ditch, dead.

"L-look," I stammer, "I don't know what you want with me but I tell you that I want an explanation and someone to talk to. I don't want to die like this, not chained up on a wall."

A few tears begin to form in my eyes but I have a good reason to be scared, not that I'm scared too often, but anyone else would start to cry if they were chained to a wall in a stone room with no idea where they are.

"Let me go!" I yell.

"Don't bother my little friend," a dark and amused voice says, "Escape is impossible."

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I am one of many names," the voice says, from where I'm at I can see a faint form in front of me, "From cataclysm to Apocalypse, the begining of the end I have may names. But one I have taken a liking to."

I try and strain my eyes to see the figure in front of me.

"What is your name then?"

"My real name," the figure says, "Is Discord."

No sooner had the person said "Discord" the entire room bursts into a bright red and orange light which almost blinds me. I shake off the blinding light I'm staring in the face of the weirdest looking creature I've never seen, from what I can understand it looks like the face of a goat with one massive tooth, a really weird eye and two very peculiar horns on it's head. My terror turns to aggression, I'm not going to look scared in front of this freak, I'm a Scotsman! Secretly however, I'm still kind of weirded out by what this is.

"Lean closer so I can headbutt you," I say harshly. The creature tuts and shakes his head.

"You're kind was always aggressive even in the face of potential death. I'm still impressed how your mood changed after I showed you my form."

"I'm just pretending that this is a drug induced hallucination and your just an ordinary person," I say flatly, "You're just a coward."

The creature chuckles and strokes my chin with what looks and feels like an eagle talon.

"Ah Scott, I always did like your personalty," it said, this kind of surprises me.

"How do you know my name?" I ask.

"Simple," the creature replied, "I've been watching you for a while now, ever since I lost interest in my other candidates or they refused my offer."

"Other candidates? What candidates? Tell me everything, freak!"

"I will ask that you call me Discord," the creature said as he tapped my neck chain, "You show me respect and I will do so likewise. However, don't try and insult me."

"Okay then Discord," I say, "How long have you been watching me and what do you want me for?"

"Simple," Discord said with a sly smile, "I want you to overthrow a princess."

I tilt my head to one side quizzically. Overthrow a princess? What is Discord babbling about?

"If you wish for me to explain I will."

"Go ahead," I say.

Discord conjures up a leather armchair out of the ground and sits in it, he leans back and a teacup appears in his lion paw. How typical but he clears his throat and I try and lean closer to listen, the chain around my neck doesn't tighten.

"I know your dreams Mr. Websly," Discord said, "I know that you want to make a name for yourself or change history but from your position, you're incapable of either."

I nod in agreement but I let Discord continue.

"Most of humankind has always wanted to be famous somehow, it's a bit like where I came from but with more marks and less bragging. It's pathetic really but it no longer bothers me. What really bothers me is the fact that I should be ruling over that land and instead, I'm here on this rock. You know something Mr. Websly, when I want something I take it, but after the last time I had Equestria I've been having trouble get what I want. And It's all because of Princess Celestia and the Elements of Harmony."

Princess Celestia? Elements of Harmony? What the hell are those? What has Discord been smoking? And the place where he came from was called Equestria, where the hell is that and if it does have creepy looking nutters like Discord, why haven't NATO blown the place apart or set up something there? The questions I ask myself can only be answered in time, and that time is now. I do not want to become a drug addict in order to work for this guy, actually as I think about it, I don't want to work for this guy. He's nuts and he want me to overthrow royalty, does he know how hard that would be? And if I was able to do his job, what's in it for me?

"Why do you want me to do this?" I question Discord.

"I know that you've always wanted to be an agent or assassin of sorts, this is kind of like that," he replies.

"And what if I say no? What if I down and out refuse?"

Discord's chair slides up to me and he looks me in the face with a hint of anger.

"Then you will suffer greatly when the end of days come, I will show you what would happen to you if you decide to resist."

He forms a mist cloud and pushes me head closer to it. Inside I can see a world burning, fires erupting all over the land, meteors crashing into building, charred skeletons and worst of all, me. I can see myself stumbling around as my skin and muscles falls off the exposed parts of my body, I see myself fall to the ground and cough up blood before collapsing and remaining still. I grimace at the sight because I know what day this is going to happen.

"You work with me and you can avoid this, If not, well you know now what will happen to you," Discord said. Seems like I don't have a choice, the end of the world is actually going to happen in a week and I do not want to die like how I've seen. I sigh and give in.

"What would you have me do?" I ask. Discord smiles and I feel the chains fall off me, I look up and feel slightly relieved that he's smiling, it's a creepy looking smile but a smile nonetheless.

"I knew you were smarter that you looked," Discord says as he make the chair and tea vanish, "Now that you've accepted I can give you the full details of your new assignment."

Assignment, yeah, at least it sounds better than "assassination" because that would really have put me off. On the other hand, what I'm going to do is really going to change my life. I really hope that it'll be worth it. I rub the stiffness on my wrists and feel something drop over my head, I look down and I see a small pea sized rock on a black chain around my neck. I take the rock in my hand and examine it, the stone is a sort of dark red color and transparent.

"What's this?" I ask Discord.

"What you are holding is the only fragment of my powers, the Element of Chaos."

Element of Chaos? The name seems a little unoriginal but I continue to ask about it, see why this is called the Element of Chaos and what it's capable of.

"So how does this thing work?" I ask.

"It's simple really," Discord said, "It works almost the same as the Elements of Harmony but you can use it at will. You basically have all of my powers, it's just that they're scaled down to minimize the life draining effects. Don't look at me like that, it won't kill you unless you use it more than several times or try to do something big. Now the only way this can be defeated is if all six of the Elements of Harmony are used against you, but with my plan, you won't need to worry about that. As for Princess Celestia, you let me deal with her, I don't want my best ally doing anything that will end his life."

The chain around my neck tightens so I can't take it off, I don't resist because I know that it's futile and I don't want to anger Discord any further. Discord goes on to explain that he's going to teleport me into Equestria and once I'm there, I have to find a way to get to a city named Canterlot and then locate the Elements of Harmony. Once I find them then I would use the Element of Chaos to destroy the Elements. After that happens then Discord would fight Celestia and without the help of the Elements, she would be defeated and Discord would take over Equestria. Discord also goes on to tell me that as gratitude for my service, he would allow me to live in Equestria and be his personal bodyguard and commander of the Equestrian military. It sounded like a good plan, but there was a problem that I would have to address.

"Okay then," I say, "But there's a small thing that is niggling in the back of my mind and I would like to say something."

"Go ahead," Discord said.

"If I'm going to this place that you mention, how am I going to blend in?"

"Explain Mr. Websly."

"Well," I say uneasily, "This place where you came from, from what you described, is populated by ponies. Talking ponies."

"And what is the problem?"

"The problem is the species that I'm rooted to, I'm a human. I don't think that I'm going to be able to sneak around Canterlot without attracting attention towards myself."

Discord taps his oversized tooth and mutters to himself. Then he faces me with a look of disapproval.

"There is one way that I can make you 'blend in' but I don't know if you'll like it," he said.

"Oh bugger, he's going to do something to me," I think. Discord takes a few steps toward me and his shadow is cast over me.

"This way is for the best," he says as he reaches down at me.

"Anything else you can tell me before you do what you're about to do?" I ask shakily. What is he doing, putting his talon hand on my head?

"There is a pony in a town called Ponyville where I'm going to drop you off. Try and avoid her and her five other friends."

"Why? What do they look like?"

"You'll know when you see them." Discord says as a pink light slowly forms around me. It eventually covers me and I'm once again in darkness. I'm certain that what Discord want's me to do is practically suicide, but I'm going to make sure I prevail, I am not dying in the Apocalypse like Discord showed me.