• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,751 Views, 143 Comments

Agent of Chaos - Enfield

How can I, one pony, topple the Equestrian Government?

  • ...

A Warm, Confusing And Painful Welcome

The pink light is now really beginning to bug me. It hurts when I open my eyes and whenever I keep my eyes shut, the brightness still gets through my eyelids. So now currently, it's a lose-lose situation but I try not to think about it. After what seems like an hour I feel my stomach rumble. I remember that it might have been several hours since I last ate anything. But the hunger is then taken over by sheer internal pain. From what it feels like, it's like my internal organs and bones are shifting around inside me, I try and claw at my chest to stop the pain but to no success. The pain move to my arms and my legs, they feel as if they are shrinking and shifting into something different. Eventually the seething pain moves to my face and my scalp. I have no clue what is happening but right now, I'm hoping I pass out. My wish is granted and I slip into blackness and go numb all over. I wake up after a while and, through the darkness of what I presume is evening of wherever I am, see what looks like the top of a tree in front of me. Wait a second, top of a tree? Where am I?

"Bollocks," I say as I look down and see that I'm suspended almost ten feet above the ground in a pinkish haze. The pink disappears and I crash to the ground. I feel several bones shatter as I hit the ground. I scream in pain and try to roll over onto my back, the pain becomes too much and I vomit up blood. The smell of it makes me hack up more blood and stomach acid and the pain doesn't help. I drag myself under the tree and try and figure out what might be broken once more. From probing my chest I can tell that several of my ribs are broken and the rest have cracked. But what confuses me is that I didn't press very hard on my rib cage and it felt as if I almost stabbed myself. What the hell is up with my hand? Did my finger come off? I bring my right hand closer to my blurry eyes and see the most disturbing sight that no-one should see: my right hand has been cut off.

I panic and try to see my left hand but once I can focus on it, it too has been cut off. Same goes for my feet as I try and stand up which has me end up on the ground and almost breaking my leg even more. What the hell happened to me? Did this happen to me when I was in the pink light?

"Discord!" I shout, "What the bloody hell have you done to me?!"

"I've changed you into one of them," Discord's reply came from inside my head, "You might want to learn to walk in this form."

He leaves with a chuckle and I start shouting every last curse word I can think of, even if it doesn't mean much. Whatever Discord did to me has pretty much messed up my anatomy and I am not pleased he didn't have the decency to fix up my broken bones. Or that could have been the fall.

I try and stand up, using the tree as support and take a few steps, I crash to the ground and break another rib. I shout out another curse and try to walk once more but this form prevents me from getting any balance on two legs, this might be because of the lack of feet and balance. When I fall over I manage to protect my chest at the cost of my arm, which I feel splinter as I fall. I roll over and vomit up blood once more, it's nasty but I can't take this much pain in one go, not even a hardened Spetsnaz commando could withstand this. The only difference would be that he would have a gun to end his suffering, here all I have is a massive monolith that I can't move in the middle of a forest. If there is one thing I do know now it's that I need help now or I'm going to die. But I have no idea where any help might be, my only hope now is to follow the strange light that I can see off in the distance. Trying to stand is causes too much pain so I end up trying to use a stick to drag myself to the source of the strange light. As if attempting to stand was hard enough, dragging myself across rough uneven ground made everything worse. I could feel parts of me slowly being torn apart, in order to stop myself from screaming I take a twig and bite down on it. The twig helps but it can't speed up my progress, if I can get to a clearing then I might be able to locate something to make either a fire or something to use as a distress beacon, if I can find a road then my chance of survival might increase. If only I could see in this forest.

Eventually I make it to an open area but I feel as if I lost a lot of energy. My vision is staring to fade once more but I can see the source of light in the distance, it's a small house and it looks as if there might be someone there but how I'm going to get their attention is beyond me. If I had something that would let off a loud noise or a bright light then maybe then whoever's there could help me. But my mind is so befuddled I can't think of anything that could help me. I drop the stick and collapse onto the grass, my breaths are coming out in pants and my motor abilities have given up. My severed hand runs down my neck and then over a small bump, I remember that Discord gave me the Element of Chaos. I suddenly realize that this rock could save me, Discord said that I could make anything that I wanted but it would drain my life force and at my current state, this could kill me. I don't care however, what I need is something loud and bright, I think that wouldn't kill me. I take hold of the Element and try to think of something.

"Flare!" I scream in my head, nothing happens. I try again and a small puff of red light pops out of the ground in front of me and goes out, a good start but I need something bigger.

"Rocket!" I think. This time a small rocket shoots out from behind me and nose dives into the ground. I'm hoping that my next idea will work.

"ROMAN CANDLES!" I yell. No sooner than a second later several small flaming streaks of fire burst out from a tree stump and explode. The effort makes me fall on my back once more but I know that worked because I see the front door of the house open and something step outside. I try and fight slipping into unconsciousness but it's a losing battle, I try and make another flare but it only stays lit for a second before it goes out.

"I hope this works," I think as darkness, once again, takes over. It may be natural but right now, I'm bloody sick of being half dead.

If there was a list of anything I truly hate, being unconscious would be somewhere near to top next to my family, American teen dramas and stupid people. You know, the type of person who forgets everything the next second like a goldfish, the only thing I like is that I can get them to do my bidding and they will forget and I can get them to do something else. But the main problem right now is the fact that I'm still in darkness and that no matter how much I try, I still can't wake up. The possibility of being dead is not likely, even though I can't see, I can hear and feel myself breath. I take this of a sign that I'm starting to wake up. The lack of hospital equipment noise is a little disconcerning, I was expecting to hear a heart rate monitor and life support machinery but the absence of anything is starting to freak me out. I remember the last time I broke my leg when I was at school, they put me in a cast and said to try and rest for a few weeks until it healed, sadly, my dad made up a story saying how he broke both of his arms and still had to work in the house. The concept of using your arms after they've been broken is a little unbelievable but my dad said that he still managed to scrape by. After that little speech he had me on the roof of our SUV picking leaves out of the luggage rack, I don't know why he wanted me doing this but when I tried to get down I fell off the roof and broke my other leg. I was stuck in my room for six weeks after that and I had never been more bored in my life, to pass the time my mother gave me trashy magazines, my dad told me to twiddle my thumbs. Once I recovered I stole and hid my dad's car as an act of revenge, he never found it.

My vision slowly returns and all I can see so far is the flickering ember of a candle on a table in the corner of the room and that I'm on a bed with strangely patterned covers. I try and sit up so I can examine my surroundings but that only leads to extreme pain, the fact that I'm able to move impresses me since it felt like I was about to fall apart earlier. How long was I out for and more importantly, where am I? I look over to my left and see a rabbit sitting on a stool, but that's not what makes me look at it like it has two heads. The rabbit is giving me an evil stare and it's front legs are folded.

"What?" I ask it. The rabbit continues to stare at me.

"Where am I?" I ask slowly, "Can you understand me?"

The rabbit nods slowly and hops onto the bed, I'm really wishing that I had something to defend myself with. The rabbit walks over to me and takes the Element of Chaos in it's hand, or paw, I have no idea what's going on.

"Bugger off," I say. The Element glows and the rabbit's eyes go purple and glassy as it hops down from the bed and goes back to it's stool. Did I just use mind control? If so then how the hell did I? The rabbit shakes off the mind control, looks at me then shoots off out the door, slamming it shut which make the whole room shake. That bunny has some social issues, or my mind control is still affecting it.

"Excellent work, Scott," Discord's voice says. I don't know where it's coming from but now is a good time to set things straight.

"What have you done to me?" I ask.

"That does not matter now, I'm amazed how you were able to figure out how to to use the Element of Chaos without draining your life force. Mind control, one of my favorite powers."

"I'm asking you again, what did you do to me?"

"Simple," Discord replied, "I changed you into one of them. You might want to look in a mirror, and take a shower."

"Wait, who's them?" I ask.

"You'll see," Discord says as his voice fades and the sound of footsteps take over. I sit up and brace myself for the worst. The door slowly opens and the last thing I ever expected walks into my room; a bright yellow pegasus with a pink mane.

"Oh, you've woken up," the pegasus said. The pegasus sounds female, thank God for that. What a shock that would have been if it wasn't a girl. But still, I'm on the verge of freaking out. I try and keep calm and see what is going on and where I am.

"Yeah," I say slowly, "I woke up a few minutes ago."

"I'm sorry about Angel here," the pegasus says as she looks toward the rabbit, "I don't know why he's acting like this."

I too look at the rabbit and see that it's pointing frantically at me and acting like a zombie, it might be trying to say about the mind control but the pegasus thinks that it's balmy. Thank goodness for that.

"Right then," I say, "I have two small questions: who are you and where am I?"

The pegasus smiles and walks closer.

"My name is Fluttershy," the pegasus said, "And as to where you are, you're in my cottage."

Fluttershy? What kind of name is that? Well at least I know her name now, but I know that I'm in her cottage.

"I mean what the country I'm in is called," I ask Fluttershy.

"Oh, sorry, you're in Equestria. One of the best places to live."

"E-Equestria?" I slowly ask her.

"Yes, why, are you okay?"

"No, no I'm not," I reply, I'm still suffering from the pain. Right now I don't care where I am, I need medical attention.

"I hope you don't me mind saying that you looked a mess when I found you after I went to see what those lights were."

"Thank God for the discovery of fire," I think, then I ask, "How long have I been out for?"

"Almost two days," Fluttershy replies, "I was worried that I wouldn't be able to wake you up. My friends offered to help but I didn't know if I should have let them."

"You bloody well should have," I say, "I need to get to a hospital, do you know how badly broken I am?"

I grunt and slide down the headboard, that outburst really took it out on me. I might be more battered than I think. Fluttershy cowers and starts to look somewhat guilty.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't know if it was for the best."

"Hey, it's alright, you've kept me alive for two days by yourself, you should be proud."

Fluttershy perks up and grins, she then hugs me. I'm wishing she would let go because I can hear my ribs crack.

"Thank you for not being mad," she said.

"Ahggg, let go of me!" I yell. Fluttershy lets go and stares at me with concern.

"You really are not well."

"Oh really?" I say between racking coughs. It feels like a lung has been punctured.

"Listen, I can't take you to the hospital now but I promise that I'll get my friends and we'll all take you tomorrow," Fluttershy said. I look over at her and nod.

"First thing tomorrow."

Fluttershy nods and leave the room, before she shuts the door she pokes her head in.

"One more thing," she says, "Welcome to Ponyville."