• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,748 Views, 143 Comments

Agent of Chaos - Enfield

How can I, one pony, topple the Equestrian Government?

  • ...

You Did Well

Blackness, blackness is all I'm able to see. I've never been in this state of unconsciousness before. I can't feel anything, I can't move, I can't even feel myself breath. That's when it hits me, what if I'm dead? No, it can't be. Is this what death feels like? If so then it's bloody boring. No sound, no movement, no anything. I should be going mad but strangely, I'm feeling calm and content, either that or death works in funny ways. Hold on, what if everything that happened to me was just some sort of weird dream and I'm lying in a hospital bed back on Earth? It makes sense considering the light that chased me before I got transported to Equestria. That light might have been crazy teenagers in a godawful car after all and what must have happened is we crashed into each other which caused me to end up in this situation. So this is a coma. Cool, cool. Oh listen to me I sound like an idiot, I hope I'm not muttering all this while I'm in this stupid coma. I then remember that my dad will be waiting for me once I wake up, oh God. How badly damaged is the car because if it's totaled then my dad will kill me for good. I hope I never wake up from this, heh, maybe I can make entire worlds since my mind is in a dormant state. TAKE ME TO HOGWARTS! I wanna fight Voldemort next, he should be a pushover since I killed a GOD in my last dream world. But I have to ask why of all things I made a cartoon world of talking ponies? It seemed like a cartoon but I've never seen anything like that before, maybe I was a horse in a past life. NO! BAD WEBSLY, BAD! You know damn well that something like that won't generate a cartoon world of talking ponies...maybe I am going mad.

"Is he okay?" a distant and feminine sounding voice asks. Mum? I'll talk to her first before dad, she won't kill me yet.

"Give him a few more minutes, he should wake up soon," another voice said. Must be the doctor.

"I can't believe he beat him," another voice said. Are they talking about the person in the other car I hit? I don't know what they mean by me 'beating him' but I'm guessing that the twat who hit me is in a worse state. YEEESSSSS! Score one for the Scots!

"He looks so peaceful," a familiarly soothing voice said. Hold on...

"Hey, he moved a little," a hyperactive voice said that sends spears of pain through my skull. No...it can't be...

"Pinkie?" I ask.

"He said something."

"Okay good, back up, give him some room."

Slowly, my vision starts to return along with my ability to feel and move. I manage to turn my head towards the objects in the corner of my vision, standing there is Twilight and her friends.

"Hey Scott," Twilight says softly, "You okay now?"

"Kind of," I reply, "What happened?"

"You were in a coma," Applejack said, "You were saying some weird stuff."

"What's Hogwarts?" Pinkie asks me. God I feel like an idiot.

I try and sit up but the doctor pushes me back down, saying that I shouldn't move because I'm in a weakened state. I tell him that I'm capable of sitting up so I can at least talk to the six, what I want to know is what happened after I knocked myself out.

"So then," I say as I rub the side of my face that was burnt by Discord's energy blast. Oh good, there's a bandage on it.

"You wanna know what happened while you were out," Rainbow Dash said. I nod and Twilight clears her throat.

"Okay Scott. This is going to be tricky to explain and some of it might be a little hard for you to bear."

"Go on."

"After you collapsed we thought that you had died so we did try and revive you. Luckily Fluttershy managed to hear you breath and your heartbeat and so we brought you to a doctor, after we gathered that you were going to be okay we managed to free the Royal family and tell them what had happened. We asked Princess Celestia to turn you back into your original form and to take you back to your home, but we came across a couple of problems."

"Like what?" I ask her.

"Well the first was the world where you came from, it's, well, no longer there. Or to put it another way it's-"

"Ash, bones and fire?" I ask.

"How did you know?" Twilight asks. I lean back and stare at the ceiling.

"Discord placed me on my world on the day it was being destroyed as punishment for disobeying him. I thought it was all a manipulated dream until Discord told me otherwise."

"So everypony you know back home is dead?" Pinkie asks me. All I do is nod and Pinkie hugs me around my head, Fluttershy follows suit.

"What is the other problem?" I ask Twilight. She rubs the back of her head and starts to look very nervous.

"Well, it's to do with Princess Celestia. She's not too pleased with what you did, and she's on her way here now."

The door to the room suddenly bursts open and none other that Princess Celestia enters followed by several Royal Guards, all of them look as if they've just come back from being under Discord's power. But it's not the guards that scare me, it's the look on Celestia's face, angry and disappointed. She then presents me with a small box, opens it and holds a small red stone on the end of a black chain in front of me.

"Do you know what this is?" Celestia asks me.

"The Element of Chaos," I reply, trying to hide the fear in my voice.

"Good," Celestia said, "Now, do you know why I'm showing this to you?"

Oh no, this won't be good.

"No your majesty, I'm not sure why."

"Do you know who gave this to you?"

"Discord," I say. This won't end well, I can feel it.

"Do you know that it's a great offence to assist an enemy of the kingdom?" Celestia asked. I sigh and lower my head in shame.

"Yes," I say miserably.

"But," Celestia said, I look up at her, "You did destroy Discord and bring Harmony back to Equestia and I in a way thank you."

"Oh, okay," I said but before I can say anything else Celestia cuts me off.

"But that does not mean that you are getting away with what you've done. Once you are allowed to leave the medical room you will be brought to the Royal Canterlot Court Hall for sentencing. Do you understand?"

I nod and say yes. Celestia keeps the Element of Chaos hovering near my head and I reach out and try to take the Element but Celestia takes it away and locks it in the box. I'm guessing that I'll probably need the Element of Chaos at some point in the near future but from how things are looking for me I don't think I'll be getting it back. As Celestia leaves with the guards I look towards the six, all of them look rather nervous and worried.

"Should I be scared?" I ask.

"You're the first pony to do this," Twilight said, "You will be scared."

"What do you think'll happen to me?" I ask Twilight.

"Just assume that it won't be good," she said.