• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,751 Views, 143 Comments

Agent of Chaos - Enfield

How can I, one pony, topple the Equestrian Government?

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The Long Drive Home

"Get off your bloody phone you pillock!" I shout in irritation as I pass a Kia with some old lady trying to talk on her cell phone. Honestly, some people should never be allowed to drive. People with cell phones go right next to people over the age of seventy on my list of people who should be banned from driving. As I'm reeling from almost hitting another car that had just skidded on the snow I turn off the main roads and use the back road to my neighborhood. This route is barely used and always clear, frankly I don't know why I never see anyone else using it aside from tractors or farmers in their pickups. I switch o the radio so I can listen to some good music before I get home and have to listen to all of the worst British bands ever formed.

"And so, scientists and meteorologists are unable to determine the cause of the unusual color of the Northern Lights," the news anchor said, I turn the radio up so I can hear more, I was a bit of a space nut when I was a kid and even now I still like the concept of outer space. I still think that we aren't the only living things in the universe, heck I believe that there are different universes and parallel dimensions.

"The investigation on finding out why the Northern Lights were a bright pink rather than the usual green has baffled many. Scientists have come to the conclusion that it might have to do with the amount of pollution in the atmosphere but many are opposed saying that this is a sign of the coming Apocalypse. Ever since this has happened many strange paranormal occurrences have been happening around the world, many people claim to see strange lights in the sky and several strange weather patterns. No-one knows what is going on but for now, here's some music."

Just as the music starts the radio dies and all that comes out is static. I hit the radio and after realizing how futile that is, turn it off. Just bloody fantastic that the radio dies right when the music starts, but then again I don't really want any distractions on the road, more snow has begun falling from the sky and I do not want to come home on a stretcher, or worse, in a busted car. I really don't want to crash in this kind of weather, I don't even like driving in it. Then again, every second out here by myself is better than an hour back home. As I slow down to try and figure out which turn to make I here my phone ring, I look at it and see that it's my dad which is a laugh because he was the one who told me to never talk on the phone and drive. Nevertheless, I pull over and answer, he gets angry when I don't, something I learned the hard way.

"Hello dad," I say.

"Scott," I hear my dad, he's sounding irritated which means that my sister just got yelled at, "Where are you?"

"On my way back, do you need me for something?"

My dad gives out a heavy sigh which I don't like the sound of.

"Just get back here now," he says grimly, I don't like the sound of that either, I try and find out what's got him in a bad mood.

"Is there something up?" I ask innocently.

"Just get here now."

"Okay then, let me just remember the road to take," this set him off.

"Scott!" he yells in my ear, "You get back home right now you little sh-"

"Okay that's enough of that," I think as I mute the phone. I wait and then un-mute the phone but then after calling him I realize he's hung up. I shake my head and continue back down the road. The man really needs anger management but I still think it would be funny if he used cannabis to calm his nerves, he'd be a little easier to be with if he was stoned.

The car jerks as I put it in gear which is strange because it's never done that before. I forget it and head down the road which I know is wrong but I don't care since my dad is desperate for a screaming fit, the fact that I still haven't ran away from home still befuddles me. This begs the question, why don't I? I'm capable of living in my car, I have money, I have a job and best of all, I don't need to worry about school. The only problem would be if I should trade my current car for a camper van, I have seen some for a price I can afford. After mulling it over I decide to run away only if I get sick of my parents. I still wonder what would happen if I just kept on driving, would my family miss me if I give them one last phone call and say that I'm heading north to start a new life? Probably not because I got lost while driving one month and they didn't bother looking for me or calling my phone until three days passed, I still haven't forgiven them for that.

The road that I take is long and winding, the only clearance in the trees which border the side is for driveways and homes, every now and then I slow down and see the families in the window, laughing and enjoying themselves. Each pass makes me both happy and jealous, I wish my family could be like that, but I'm glad that they don't have the home life I'm living now. As I pass by a large, brightly lit housing development I wonder what would happen if I pulled up to a house, went to their front door and after knocking on it, say to the home owners that I'm an orphan now living in a car after my family was killed in a horrible accident. They might take me in, but they might not. I'll use that idea after I run away so I don't have to sell my car. Just as I pass the place I see a bright light in my rear view mirror, I pull over and let it pass because it's barreling toward me at a great speed. It passes me and disappears behind a corner, I pull back onto the road and the light then shoots past my car almost making me drive into a ditch. I curse under my breath and look in my mirror, the light was probably some hoodlums in a souped up Hyundai trying to look cool. It was likely the kind of teenager car, the ones with the oversized rims and the muffler that was once a piece of PVC piping or a tin of beans. I pick up my phone and see that my dad has called me again, it takes a lot of willpower to not toss the thing out of the window but I'm distracted once again by the light. This time it passes me and continues in front of me until stops dead in the road. I slam on the brakes and honk my horn at him, the idiot thinks he's funny for doing that, I should ram him with the PIT bumper. But just as I'm revving the engine to smack into his rear, the light levitates several feet off the road, no car can do that, then I realize something: If it was rowdy teenagers, then the obnoxious sound coming from the back of the car would have been present. The light then slowly advances on me.

"Alright laddie sod this," I say as I put my car in reverse, spin around and gun it down the road. I look in my mirror and see that the light is now chasing me, this cannot be good.

The light is no more than twenty feet behind me but I think that outrun whatever it is. The twisting road becomes much more slippery as I try and keep control on the snow coated surface. The car skids into an intersection and I spin around and try and confuse the light by driving in one direction then pulling a handbrake turn and shooting off down another road. The idea works for a second as the light spins and then resumes it's chase. The next turn that comes up I almost drift around it but I almost hit an oncoming car, as I pass it I watch the light pass it and send the other car into the trees. Now more than ever I want to escape the light. If it can throw cars like toys then I don't want to be anywhere near it. I push my interceptor to go faster as I approach a busy intersection, I have no idea which one it is but that doesn't matter when a flying ball of light that has a force field is trying to kill you. The cars I scream past honk their horns and flash their lights at me, but the ball of light has now swelled to almost three times it's original size. The light flies into the center of the intersection and throws several cars into the air, and it wasn't just a few feet, it was almost fifty feet into the air. I don't stick around after seeing that.

By now the chase had gone on for about seven minutes according to the clock on my radio, it feels longer but the fact that I'm running for my life might have something to do with it. The light is still behind me as I check the mirrors, two more cars and a garbage truck have been sent skyward in the light's wake, I feel some remorse and guilt as each car is blasted off the road. People might be dying because of this light, I have to stop it, no matter the cost. I wait until I get a section of wide road and then I plan my attack. What I'm going to do is stop and let the light pass me, then I'm going to wait until it realizes what has happened then I'm going to charge it with the hopes of smashing it with the PIT bumper. This might kill me but I don't want anyone else to die, if I have to die in order for others to live, then so be it.

I slam on the brakes and the light shoots over my roof and stops dead a hundred feet ahead of me, I rev the engine and wait for the light to realize where I am. I see the light turn and face me, that's when I release the brake pedal and shoot toward the light. The light starts up and charges at me at an ungodly speed, I have little time to react as the light barely touches my car and sends me flying backwards. My car lands on it's roof and slides before it starts rolling, each tumble makes me sick and dizzy, not to mention battered as loose objects hit me with sheer force. The car continues rolling until it hits a large pole and stops dead. My head slams against the window and breaks. At first I feel nothing before the pain returns and my vision becomes blurred. The pain rockets through my body, I begin to think that I might have several broken bones and maybe a concussion. As I see the light slowly approach the wreckage of my car I manage to unbuckle myself and open the door, if I'm lucky, whatever that thing is might think I'm dead and I can escape but as I clamber out of the car I fail to see the ditch and I fall into it, further damaging my broken leg. I scream out curses and see the light hover over me.

"This is it, Scott," I think, "You might as well welcome death, it'll be less painful than what's going on now."

With all my remaining strength, I pick myself up and kneel in front of the light. I don't move as it engulfs me and I lapse into unconsciousness.