• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,751 Views, 143 Comments

Agent of Chaos - Enfield

How can I, one pony, topple the Equestrian Government?

  • ...

Epilogue: Slayer of Nightmares




Firelight looked back at her pursuers, twenty Chaos Guardians were slowly closing in on her. She had been running through the dilapidated woods for what seemed like hours and every time she would get close to the exit of the woods, the opening would retreat further away. Slowly fatigue took over and her sprint slowed to a run. She looked back at the twenty gray and red armor clad stallions that were bearing down on her. It had been two weeks since Discord had been killed by a stallion named Scott Websly, she remembered Websly well; when she was captured she was thrown into a cell and was forced to watch as Discord and several Guardians converged on them, as the beating started she noticed one Guardian standing back from the rest watching in horror. A window of opportunity to escape opened up and she managed to dive away from the Guardians but she was cornered by the stallion. After the stallion told her that he wasn't going to hurt her his body was taken over and he involuntarily hit her with his club, she felt as if her scream of pain broke whatever was controlling him and he killed the Guardians in blind rage. After he did that he healed her and helped the rest of the prisoners. Firelight was graceful for what Scott did and when he was to be executed she stood up for him, even though it ended in his banishment, she only wished to thank him one more time.

"So close yet so far!" a yell from behind her came. Firelight could now see the Guardians, every few nights she would go through the same nightmare, she would be chased through the forest and beaten until she woke up screaming and her parents would rush in, calm her down and try to get her back to sleep. She tripped up on a root and landed painfully on the ground. Firelight rolled over and saw the club wielding Guardians converge on her, she tried to escape but a tree blocked her.

"No more, please," she begged.

"You're going to suffer Firelight," one Guardian said as he raised his club. Firelight covered her face over and braced herself. But a strange noise made the Guardians stop.

"What the?"

A loud, almost alien roar took over the forest. It repeated and the Guardians all took up attack stances.

"What is that thing?"

"Get ready."

"It's huge!"

"Shut up and be ready to fight it."

An even louder and continuous roar took over and the sound of what sounded like the dirt being thrown against something slowly grew louder. There were also blue, red and white flashes that flickered against the ground and trees, Firelight couldn't see what was coming but it didn't seem to scare the Guardians. Suddenly a massive black beast launched over the Guardians and landed on a few that were trying to back up, the monster then span around and face the rest. It seemed to be flashing lights from its face and its mouth. Firelight watched as it shot forward and hit Guardians, sending them flying, some were crushed underneath it. Firelight watched as the monster span around again to face the remaining Guardians only this time the side of it opened up and a black shadow exited from the car. Firelight watched as the figure reach behind it's back and pull out a silver and orange object, the figure pointed the object at the Guardians and flashes of light and loud booms echoed through the forest. The Guardians fell and disappeared, the figure pocketed the object and then turned to face Firelight. She could tell that the creature might be a pony but she was too bright to see what it really was.

"You okay there?" a voice with a familiar accent asked.

"Who-who are you?" Firelight asked.

"You don't remember me do you?" the creature said with a hint of sadness. Firelight grew afraid.

"Don't hurt me."

"I'm not going to."

Firelight looked up and then realized who the creature was.

"Is it you?"

"Who are you referring to?" the creature asked.

"Are you Scott Websly?"

The lights from the monster darkened and the beast melted into the ground, leaving Scott Websly standing in front of her, a calming smile on his face.

"You remember my name," he said. Firelight jumps up and runs over to him, glad that her hero had arrived.

"I'm so happy that you are here," she said, then she realized something, "How did you get here?"

"I'd rather answer why," Scott said.

"Okay then, why are you here?"

"To purge your nightmare."

Firelight stared at him in confusion, purge her nightmare? Is that what he did just now?

"I know that you are confused but I know that you are scared as well," Scott said as he sat down in front of her, "I'm here to help you recover from what happened on that day. I came into your dream to help you escape the horrors of what happened."

"But why and how?" Firelight asked.

"Because of guilt, I'm helping you because I feel guilty for what happened to you. Even if I wasn't in control of what I did and I healed you afterwards the mere thought of your scream makes me get upset, if I help you then I can rest easily knowing that I've helped you one last time."

"But how are you able to do this?" Firelight asked. Scott tapped the small stone around his neck.

"Luna secretly gave me this power after she met me in my prison, she couldn't bear to see me alone and upset. I added some of the Element of Chaos's powers so I can manipulate the dreams I enter. Now you can sleep easy once more."

Firelight walked up to Scott and hugged him, in return he put his burnt foreleg around her.

"I never did learn your name," he said.

"My name is Firelight."

"Matches your look."

Firelight gave a heavy sigh and let go of Scott.

"Will you be back?" she asked.

"Alas my dear Firelight, I don't know if I'll ever return but know this; As long as I'm breathing you'll never have another nightmare, if you feel as if you're lost or lonely just look to the night sky. I'll always be watching over you."

Scott then started to fade away with the wind, Firelight tried to reach out but he just turned to vapor and vanished.

"Wait!" she called out to the air, "What were those things you had?"

"If I get back to Equestria I'll tell you but for now, fare thee well Firelight. I've got other ponies to see."

Firelight jolted awake. Her head was sweaty and the room slowly started to feel stuffy. She opened up her window and sucked in a deep breath of fresh air, all that was heard was a little nighttime commotion from nocturnal animals. Firelight wiped her head off and looked up towards the moon, it looked bigger than last night but she thought that is was a beautiful sight. She then saw something on the surface of the moon, wondering what it was she sneaked into her brother's room and took his telescope and brought it back to her room. She looked up and managed to focus on what she saw. Sitting in the center of a large crater was the very pony who she just saw in her dream. Scott looked as if he knew that she would be looking up at him, a wry and pleased smile on his face. He then said something and Firelight heard every word as if he was sitting next to her.

"I'll be back, I promise."

Comments ( 4 )


Excellent conclusion! I was wondering what the f:pinkiegasp:k was going to happen to him. Well, at least he gets to roam Equestria in some way, right?

A fine epilogue to a wonderful story! Do you have a sequel planned, or does it end here?

BRILLIANT story Enfield, brilliant. I hope to see a sequel coming my way :moustache:

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