• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,748 Views, 143 Comments

Agent of Chaos - Enfield

How can I, one pony, topple the Equestrian Government?

  • ...

I Don't Want To But I Can't Stop Myself

Finding a new room for the Crusaders wasn't easy, most of the bedrooms had either been defiled or taken over by Guardians. Eventually after some searching I find an untouched bedroom at the top of a tower and I check it over. One bed, one bathroom, a view of Canterlot and it's not too far from my room. Discord would like it because of the height of the tower and the impossibility of escape.

"So here you go," I say to the Crusaders. The look around the room and then come back to me, all of them have tears in their eyes. When did they start crying?

"Scott," Sweetie Belle says, "Are we gonna be okay?"

"Are you gonna hurt us like those mean ponies?" Scootaloo asks.

"I'd never lay a harming hoof on you, and if I did I'd cut it off."

The three hug me and then say that they trust me. I tell them that I'm going to keep them here and try to make sure that they get the food they need to stay healthy. Just so that they don't get bored while I'm gone I fabricate some toys for them to play with and they instantly get over their situation and start playing with them. I chuckle as I shut the door, lock it, then cast an enchantment over it so that it'll only open when I want it to. I then remember the six that are still in the prison cell being beaten and who knows what else. I run down to the dungeon and as I come up to the door the screams become louder and louder with each step. As I near the door I can tell why the screams seem louder than last time I passed by here, there are more. Has Discord been putting dissidents in the Canterlot Dungeons? If so then how long until there's overcrowding and the construction of more prisons? I approach the Guardians and shout "Hail Discord!", they then repeat the chant and allow me to enter. The same jailer is there and in a sort of way, I am glad that he's still here even though I want his head on a spike.

"Ah, Scott, ready to see the six in cell one again?" The Jailer asks.

"Just open the bloody door," I say dryly. The jailer opens us the cell and I enter, just like last time the torches light up. This time when they do illuminate the room I instantly wish that they would go out. Sitting in front of me are the bloody and beaten ponies who were once the holders of the Elements of Harmony. Each one of them have had more chains fitted to them and they don't look up when I address their names. I run over to Twilight and get her to look up at me, her eye is swollen shut, her bottom lip is bleeding and her face is covered in bruises. She looks me dead in the eye and says something that shatters my heart.

"Scott, why are you allowing this?"

"I-I-I'm sorry," I say, I can feel myself tear up.

"You promised to help us," Twilight said. I wipe my face off and take hold of Twilight, she slowly hugs me and starts crying softly.

"I'm so sorry, Twilight. I'm gonna make sure that this'll never happen again."

"Don't apologize to just me, make sure everypony else knows that this isn't your fault."

I go around and as I'm making sure that my friends know I'm going to help them I check to see how badly hurt they are in case I need to come back with medical supplies. The worst sight by far is Fluttershy, her coat and mane are stained in dry blood, bruises cover her and when I approached her, she backed away into a corner and covered her face. I managed to comfort her and she allows me to talk to her so I can find out what's been happening while I was gone. Fluttershy curls up into a ball and starts crying, which in turn sets off Rarity and Applejack. I go over to them and ask them what's got them both upset.

"Mah family, what's happened to mah family?" Applejack said through tears.

"Have you seen my sister?" Rarity says, "Is she okay?"

"Listen," I say as I put a hoof on each of them, "Applejack, I have no clue if your family is okay but I can assure you that both of your sisters are okay, I've got them up in a room nice and safe behind a few small enchantments."

"Can you promise me that?" Applejack says, "Can you promise that Discord won't touch those girls?"

"He won't get anywhere near them," I say. The sound of the cell door opening attracts our attention, I have my back to the cell door so I don't see who enters, the six try and back away fearful of whoever the newcomer is, I think I know who it is.

"You paying a visit to the prisoners?" Discord asks.

"I was just checking up on them," I reply. I hear Discord snort in amusement.

"Come, come Mr. Websly. I need your help."

I follow Discord to another cell, this one is much bigger and several club toting Guardians are standing outside the cell, waiting to enter. There's some groaning and weeps that are drifting between the bars and out into the hallway. As I near the cell a Guardian hands me a club, I look at it and see that it's been studded with metal bolts a nasty looking weapon if I've ever seen one. The Jailer opens up the cell and three Guardians enter, followed by Discord and then me. The torches light up and huddled in the back of the cell are more than twenty ponies, all of them different ages.

"Where did you get this lot?" I ask Discord.

"These ponies are nothing more than leverage for keeping order in Ponyville. I take away some loved ones from the town and tell the town that if they try and rebel they won't see the ones they love ever again."

I sigh and slide the club into a sheath. Discord knows how to maintain order, I'll give him that. But taking away family members and lovers from one another and threatening to execute them if they revolt is a little extreme. Discord pulls me to his side and gets the attention of the prisoners.

"Attention everypony. You know why we are here but first I want you to meet Scott Websly, he's the pony who helped me take over this place."

"Traitor!" a stallion yells. The sound of a wood club connecting with a skull and cries of pain follow.

"Now now, no need for such harsh words," Discord says, "But from what I have heard, some of you are planning to escape and I want to know who. Guardians!"

The Guardians step forwards, clutching their clubs and sneering at the prisoners. Discord pushes me forward to join the Guardians.

"Go on," he said, "No point in letting them have all the fun."

This is considered fun to you? What the hell is wrong with this sick bastard? I watch as some of the older ponies take up position in front of the younger ones, the Guardians don't bother with trying to move them they just pick a target and start clubbing. Seeing the sight first hand is more than horrifying, it also makes me sick to my stomach watching one poor mare who's protecting a pair of foals being beaten to the floor. Some of the Guardians are laughing as they hit each and every pony that comes into their clubbing range. As I stand petrified in the vast melee, Discord leaves, smiling and with a look of satisfaction.

"This won't stop until somepony comes forward," he said as he tapped on the bars. He leaves and I am left alone, not wanting to partake in the horror fest. One young filly manages to escape the Guardians and is up against a corner of the room, scared about what is going on. She has no idea why this is happening, she's probably wondering what she did to deserve this. While the others are distracted I go over to the filly, she sees me and tries to back her way further up the wall.

"D-d-d-don't hurt me," she whimpers.

"I'm not going to," I say softly.

"I didn't do anything wrong mister, why are these ponies hurting me?"

"I know you didn't do anything wrong," I say to her, "You're here against your will, if I could I'd get you back home."

"You will?" the filly asks me.

"I'll try to," I say. A voice behind me startles the young filly.

"Hey! Scott caught a straggler!"

"And it's a young un. He must be sizing it up."

"Go on, hit her!"

"What?" I ask, "You want me to hit her?"

"Do it!" a Guardian yells.

"Firelight! No!" a pony yells but is beaten down by a pair of Guardians.

"Mom!" the filly shouts back.

"Hit her!" the Jailer yells at me.

"No! No I refuse."

No sooner had I said that a current takes over my body and my movements are no longer my own. I feel myself reach and take hold of my club, resisting against the control over me gets harder as I see my foreleg hold the club over the filly in a motion to strike.

"No no no," I say as the filly tries to shield herself. The Guardians all stop to watch me, each of them chanting and yelling.

"No. Don't. Please," the filly pleads.

"I-can't-stop," I say as I try to stop the club. Without any intention or control the club swings down and strikes the filly square on the side of her head. The cry she emits pierces my ears and I feel something tighten around my chest. The Guardian's yells, whoops and chants almost seem to slow down and become garbled. The feeling of rage that had built up inside of me finally enters my mind and takes over. The Guardians still keep cheering for me even after that one hit, I can't stand it anymore.

"STOP CHEERING AT ME!" I bellow to the Guardians in an almost demonic voice. They look at me in terror as I spin around to face them. Suddenly the amulets in my chest armor and helmet light up in a dark red color, then all the Guardians float up a few feet into the air, and then instantly disintegrate. I relax once all that is left of them is dust, I then turn to the ponies who are staring at me in amazement. I take a deep breath and utter one word.
