• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,748 Views, 143 Comments

Agent of Chaos - Enfield

How can I, one pony, topple the Equestrian Government?

  • ...

To Kill A Psychopath

"Good thing I remembered this," I say as I tuck the dart gun that Discord gave me into my sheath. I managed to teleport it into my belt and draw it when a pair of Guardians jumped me. Luckily it was loaded with sleeper darts, so now I don't have to bear the guilt of killing anymore of them. I hide the bodies behind a statue and run to my room, on the way there several more Guardians try and jump me but each of them are thrown aside as I run past. I'm so glad I've still got the Element of Chaos, I'm even more glad that I've learned to use it properly. Running into my room I dive under the bed and pull out the box that contained the motion alarms and the trip mines that Discord gave me when I was in Ponyville. This time as I disassemble the mines I take out the chaff charge and replace it with a box of steel ball bearings, I'm not taking any chances with anyone sneaking up on me, last thing I need is to get this far only to have a sword in my back. Now then, all I have to do is send out the signal that Discord's overpowering rule of terror is over.

"Where are them bagpipes?" I think as I rummage through my cabinet for what I call the most noisy and amazing instrument ever made. I find one in the back, toss it over my back and run over to the balcony. I leave the pipes there so I can set the traps, once I plant and arm the mines I go back to the balcony and pick up the bagpipes, now I've never played the bagpipes before but because I'm Scottish it must be in my blood. After all, I am a decedent of a famous Scottish clan. Now I think if there's a song that I know to play on the bagpipes and it'll be something that everypony will remember if I fail, hopefully they'll still chant it long after I'm gone. That song was none other than Amazing Grace.

I get myself as close to the edge of the balcony as I can and once I get a hold of my nerves and check if Discord is nearby, I start to play. Now I don't know if the Element Of Chaos has given me the ability to play Amazing Grace so well on the bagpipes but I what I do know is that a large crowd of ponies have gathered up somewhere down in Canterlot and are all looking up at me, I give a quick glance down and see a mass of ponies all standing in the town and on roofs of houses. Then out of nowhere, they start singing the song. Do they know the lyrics of the song? I don't think that they do but I guess that the Elements must have something to do with it. Listening to the crowd chant the lyrics of the song as I play the bagpipes give me an overwhelming feeling that I can beat Discord at his own game. I look over to a tower and I see Discord standing on the balcony looking down at the ponies and then over to the source of the music, me. I throw Discord a smug look and a wink and then go back to the sky. Something tells me that Discord has picked up on what has been going on with the missing Guardians and the abundance of supplies in the cells. I give Discord another look and this time I can see what looks like fire coming out of his eyes, he then goes into the tower and I finish the song. Then a massive explosion of cheers follows, I give the crowd a wave and then go back into my bedroom where six well armed Guardians are waiting for me.

"Come on now, Scott," one Guardian says, "You've played your last song. Time for you to go."

The six slowly advance on me. Not smart.

"I'd stay back if I were you," I say.

"Oh yeah? Why?"

Suddenly a massive explosion shakes the room and sends shards of metal and wood in all directions, I fabricated a shield just before the mines go off. In order to avoid any more pursuing Guardians I run over to the door next to my room and open it up, inside is my Interceptor.

"Oh yeah, this'll work."

I jump into the drivers seat and start the car just as another group of Guardians jump out of the shadows and try to pry the door open.

"Get out of there!" a Guardian yells.

I shake my head and slam on the accelerator pedal. The Guardians that were in front of me ended up as crumpled heaps behind me after I run over them. The car, now dented and slightly coated with blood screams down the hallways and skids around in larger rooms and halls. What I'm trying to do is attract attention so that Discord will lower his sense of security and then I can ambush him. Hopefully he'll be distracted in trying to organize panicking Guardians to kill me while I'm tearing around the castle, ripping rugs and smoking out any Guardians unfortunate enough to get anywhere near me. While I'm at it I flick on the new lights and push the car to go much faster. Flying down the halls I come to the hall to the dungeon I pull on the hand brake and face towards the door. Ten Guardians stood in front of the door, weapons ready and all of them looking uneasy. I give the engine a burst of power and some of the Guardians run away. The remainder however, weren't going to last much longer. Without another moment's hesitation I release the brakes, stomp on the accelerator, and shoot down the long hallway to the massive wooden door. Hoping that the door won't kill me when I hit it at eighty miles an hour I keep the pedal down and keep a tight grip on the wheel. The Guardians who fail to avoid me end up getting crushed underneath my Interceptor, a few sickening crunches and horrified screams follow and I manage to blast through the door as if it was nothing more then plywood. I screech to a halt in front of Twilight's cell and I can see them all gathered up by the cell door, I step out of the Interceptor and their moods brighten.

"Scott! You made it!" Twilight exclaims.

"Takes a little more than a spear welding pony to stop me," I say as I approach the cell door. With one small touch the entire door melts and the six finally get a chance to taste freedom, I touch each of their chains and those too melt away.

"Guess you finally saw where your true loyalties lie," Rainbow Dash said.

"Too right, I'm not going to be commanded by a insane god."

"Discord's insane?" Rarity asks. I nod.

"Ah knew that there was always something wrong with him," Applejack said.

"He's tried to get to your sisters but I've made sure that the room that they're in is secure."

"I hope that the girls are okay," Fluttershy said.

"They are for now," I say, "But unless we take down Discord harmony will forever be overshadowed by chaos."

"Do you have a plan?" Twilight asks me.

"I do, but I'm not sure I'll survive."

"We can only hope that you at least succeed," Pinkie said. Kind of morbid thing you said there Pinkie but I don't care, so long as Discord is gone I'll be satisfied enough.

We all pile into the car and after I check to see that the others are getting on well, we head of in the direction of the throne room. Where Discord will make his land stand to remain in control. Passing by Guardians scares the six, running over them makes them stare at me in shock.

"What?" I say, "They jumped in front of me."

"This isn't right!" Twilight says to me.

"Yeah, what we need is some music."

"Music?" Pinkie asks. I say yes and put on the most fitting song I can think of. Pinkie looks confused at first but then shrugs.

"What is it?" Applejack asks her.

"Dunno, just that I felt like I've heard this song before."

"I get that feeling sometimes," I say.

We shoot past more Guardians and skid into a large room where almost a hundred Guardians are waiting for us.

"Surrender now!" a Guardian yells at us. I clap my hooves together and the car teleports into an empty hallway.

"There's the door to the throne room," Twilight says.

"You guys get out and wait," I say, "I have to do this alone."

"You don't stand a chance by yourself," Rainbow Dash said.

"I know that I will, the stress of everything going on will have worn down Discord's powers."

"Did you know that this would happen?" Twilight asks.

"Discord said that the Element was his powers all compacted into one small stone, if I try something too overzealous then I'll probably die. This is what led me to believe that if it can happen to me, then it can happen to Discord."

The six all look at me as I open up the door to my car and climb into it. Twilight puts her hoof on the side of the window and I look towards her.

"Good luck Scott."

"Just make sure that you come once Discord's out of the way," I say.

"What are you going to do?" Pinkie asks.

"I have to catch Discord off guard so I can surprise him," I say as I tap the side of my car, "And what better way than to send a massive steel monster flying at him."

"You're going to launch the contraption at him?" Rarity asks. Why can't they call it by what it is?

"It's going to be a worthy sacrifice, but if I can do it then so be it," I say.

"It was fun while it lasted," Rainbow Dash said.

"Ah'm gonna miss this thing in a way," Applejack adds.

"Me too," I say under my breath.

I start up the Interceptor for the last time and switch on the pursuit lights. I'm going to wait until I'm a little closer before I turn on the siren and jump out of the car. Hang on, why don't I just teleport out of the car? Oh yeah, because it won't look as cool when I do. Never mind that, I stomp once more on the accelerator pedal which jams it into the floor, I also lock the steering and wait until the door is close enough before I switch on the siren. As the car spears down the hallway I can see that the doors are open slightly, luckily there are no Guardians standing by the doors, they must be out trying to catch me. I can just see Discord facing the window behind the throne, he hasn't heard me, perfect. Although I don't know how you wouldn't hear a huge V8 engine bearing down at you. Anyway, I flick on the siren and dive out of the car. I watch in amazement as the vehicle shoots towards Discord, he doesn't even notice it until it is at the foot of his throne. The car flies up the steps and then hits a bump and is airborne. Discord panics an ducks just in time as the car soars over his head and crashes though the window, Discord watches as the car drops like a stone and crashes down the jagged rocks that line the castle.

"Nice try, Scott," Discord says with a chuckle, "Did you think that you could kill me? I think not now that you are nothing more than dust and bones. Did you really think that you're little plan would work, pah! Now that you decided to rid yourself for me I can now focus on killing the former Element holders. Then once they are out of the way, chaos shall rule!"

"I beg to differ!" I say as I come out of the shadows and into the moonlight. Discord turns and faces me.

"Well well, looks like you aren't as stupid as you look."

"I never was."

"Shame that you've wasted such a nice present, now however, you've wasted your life."

I don't reply to that with words, instead I shoot a ball of energy at Discord. He doges it and looks down at me, fury burning in his eyes. Discord then fires bolt of fire at me and I jump backwards to avoid it.

"Noo. I'm over here, lad," I say in a very thick Scottish accent.

"You will regret that," Discord said.

Discord sends wave after wave of energy bolts at me but I manage to deflect or dodge most of them. One however hits me in the side of my helmet and it feels as if a superheated bullet has bounced off it. I can feel the heat sear off some of my mane. In retaliation I give Discord a full powered Chaos Blast which hits him in the chest, sending him flying across the room and smashing into the wall, mere feet from the open window. I curse under my breath as Discord picks himself up, his antler has broken off and there's a small plume of smoke drifts from his chest.

"You little-" he has no time to finish because I shoot a bolt of electric energy at him and with it I pick him up and smash him into walls, the ceiling and the floor several times before I toss him at the broken window. Amazingly I miss again. Discord this time jumps back up and casts a massive ball of energy at me, none of my abilities block it and I fail to avoid it as it flies towards me and finally engulfs me in an all over burning sensation. The pain is excruciating and I have no idea how long it's going to last, but just as I feel as if I'm going to black out from the pain, it suddenly stops and I open my eyes. I'm floating in some sort of purple sphere, in front of me the Element of Chaos s levitating off my chest and is sending out pulses of what I can guess is some sort of shield energy. I check myself and see that there's no physical damage, until I touch my right cheek , just like my arm it too has some very weird ridged feeling like the scars follow my blood vessels. The energy blast that Discord shot at me dissipates along with my shield, I land right in the middle of the room with a confused Discord looking at me from the throne.

"You-You're supposed to be dead."

"I don't feel dead," I cheekily reply. Discord stands up and points at me.


Again I don't respond. This time I stand up on my hid legs and hold my front legs out like I'm expecting a hug from Discord, but instead a sort of phantom mist materializes in front of me and it takes the form of my cutie mark. Discord backs away as the Elements of Harmony also end up in between each gap of the star in the pentagram.

"Impossible," Discord said, "You absorbed the Elements of Harmony?"

"Assimilated is a better word," I reply.

"You lied to me!"

"I know, but I knew that this day might come and I wanted an advantage."


"Goodnight Discord!"

And with that a huge multicolored bolt of energy blasts out of the misty pentagram and consumes Discord. His scream pierces the air for what seems like an hour before it finally stops. I collapse to the floor, through my blurred vision I see six small smoking rocks fall to the floor. I know that each one is an Element of Harmony. Shakily, I get up and stagger over to the remains of Discord, nothing more than a charred skull sitting atop an ash pile, and take the necklaces and tiara that held the stones. In just a few seconds I manage to place each Element in its respective holder, just as the Element of Magic is fixed Twilight and her friends burst through the doors. They see me over Discord's remains and look in awe.

"Quick," I say in a wheeze, "Take the Elements, fix everything."

"Are you okay?" Fluttershy asks. I toss them the Elements.

"Discord's chaos still has power over the land," I say, "Use the Elements and stop it for good."

Twilight grabs the Elements out of the air with her magic and distributes them to her friends. I watch as each of them dons their Element and takes up position next to Twilight. I almost fall over but I keep myself steady, fearing that if I fall now I won't get back up again. Twilight stands in front of the group and faces towards the ash pile of Discord.

"You girls ready?" she says to the others.

"Do it!" I yell.

Each of them suddenly start levitating. I stay standing as some sort of pulse emits from them, then Twilight's eyes light up in a light purple and then what can only be described as a rainbow bursts from them and engulfs everything. Just as the Elements power suddenly starts, it stops. I open my eyes and see the six standing in front of me, nothing happened.

"Did it work?" Twilight asks.

"I don't know," I say as I look to the floor. I have to push my helmet back up my head because it slid down and covered my vision. Wait a second, my helmet moved. I pull it off my head and toss it to the floor followed by the armor, I even take the Element of Chaos off from around my neck. A feeling of joy takes over my mind, numbing the pain I was feeling. I hold my forelegs in the air and look to the sky.

"Finally, I'm free!"

And then I fall over backwards and black out.