• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,751 Views, 143 Comments

Agent of Chaos - Enfield

How can I, one pony, topple the Equestrian Government?

  • ...

Readying For A Party, And A Revolution

I wait until the others are distracted until I start the engine and stomp on the accelerator and make everypony jump. Twilight looks at me in annoyance.

"It works," I say as I stick my head out of the window.

"You didn't have to scare us," Twilight said.

"Couldn't resist," I retort.

"Never mind," Applejack said, "Let's get going."

"You lead, I'll follow," I say as I shut up the window in my car. I maintain a slow speed as I follow the six to what looks like a train station. I open up the window and call Pinkie over.

"Where's the cake?" I ask, "I thought it was going to be put on the roof of the car."

"We have to take it separate so that we can keep it safe until we arrive at Canterlot," Pinkie tells me.

"So where am I parking this?" I ask. Pinkie taps her chin as she looks down the empty tracks.

"I don't know, maybe Twilight will have thought of something."

I park up next to the platform and get out of the Interceptor, several ponies look towards me and point, speaking in hushed whispers. I order to try and avoid the staring eyes I walk up to Rarity.

"You did a nice job with this suit," I say as I pull on the sleeve covering my bandaged leg.

"I knew you would like it," Rarity said as she brushed some dirt off me, "I took the idea from your contraption and then sought if I could make your clothes shine like it did when in the sun."

"Nice touch," I say. Rainbow Dash feels a pert of the sleeve and nods.

"What did you make this out of?" she asks. Rarity shrugs as she walks around me, checking if there's anything up with my suit.

"I don't know, it was only delivered about a week ago and I didn't know what to use it for, until Scott came around that is."

"Thanks for doing this," I say. Rarity chuckles and goes back to staring down the tracks, waiting for the train. I can see that Pinkie is getting impatient, Fluttershy is fixing her mane, Twilight looks through a book that she then tucks into a saddle bag, and Applejack is eating none other than an apple. I lean against my Interceptor and tap on the hood, boredom is beginning to take over and the silence is killing me. If something doesn't happen then I'll end up going mad, I hate waiting more than anything in the world.

"Mind if I put some music on?" I ask Twilight.

"Go ahead, I'm starting to get bored."

Pinkie lets out an annoyed huff.

"How do you think I feel?"

I give a small laugh as I open up the car again and start to fiddle with the radio. I find one of my old customized CDs in the center console and plug it in. After a little bit of remembrance I find a nice little song.

"You might like the irony of this song," I say as I hit the play button.

"Where's the music coming from?" Rainbow Dash asks. Put all the windows down and tap the radio.

"In here."

A few seconds of nothing then the music starts up. The song of choice is 32 Leaves "Waiting". The other ponies look towards my and the Interceptor in amazement as the song blasts out.

"Ohh, I can see how this song is ironic," Pinkie said.

"Told you," I say.

"It's kind of loud," Fluttershy said.

"I know, it's supposed to be."

The song ends just as the train pulls up to the station. A few ponies get out but are replaced by several others getting in the train. One pony, who looks like he works on the train steps out onto the platform.

"All large or awkward loads are to go into the back car."

"Okay then, see you in a bit," I say to the six. I get back into the car, start it up and drive it over to the back cargo car. The ponies taking the luggage stare at me as I roll up and park in front of the opening. I get out of the car and walk over to the ponies.

"Will it fit?" I ask cheekily.

"M-maybe," one of the ponies say, I can tell he's a little nervous.

"Don't scratch it," I add as I walk away to join the six in one of the passenger cars. The conductor pony from earlier watches me as I follow Fluttershy into a car.

"Anypony figure out where the cake is?" I ask.

"Mr and Mrs. Cake sent it forwards to Canterlot before us so that we could make any last minute preparations," Twilight tells me. I nod and sit down on a seat next to the window.

"I wonder who else will have made a cake for the Princess," Fluttershy said.

"Maybe the others from last time," Applejack said.

"You mean the other cake makers who I accused of eating my cake?" Pinkie asks. Before any of us can reply to that question a stallion walks into our train car followed by a donkey mare and a, griffon? It can't be.

"Ah Twilight," the griffon said, "So glad to see you again along with your friends."

I cock my head to one side and rub my ear. Did the griffon just speak in a French accent? What else is there in this crazy world that I haven't seen or heard?

"Hi Gustav," Twilight said, "I see that Joe and Mulia have joined you for the trip."

"Yes, it's nice that we've all decided to get together again," the mare said, who's name I guess is Mulia. That leaves the stallion and it's a no-brainer that his name is Joe.

"Anypony see that metal thing being loaded into the back cargo car?" Joe asks.

"That's mine," I say. The three all look over at me.

"Who is this?" Gustav asks. Pinkie is already next to me.

"This is Scott, he's new to the town and he's been making a cake for the princess."

I shrug and nod.

"They helped me so I returned the favor."

Joe sniffs and takes a step towards the window.

"So that thing is yours?" he asks, "What is it."

"It's called an Interceptor," I say.

"That's an interesting name you gave it," Muila said, "So why are you bringing the Interceptor?"

"I'm going to present the cake on it."

Gustav lets out something that sounds like a very nasal guffaw.

"Do you think that you'll be able to outdo my creation?"

"No because I haven't seen it," I say. Even here anything with a French accent is arrogant and snotty, just great. Now I have to listen to this nutter's irritating ego the whole ride to Canterlot.

"Don't be like that to Scott," Rainbow Dash says in a defensive manner, "He's a good pony and an even better friend."

Those last few words make me shudder.

"Alas Dashie, if only that were true," I think. Luckily Joe changes the subject.

"So, what's the theme of your cake?" he asks me.

"Just you wait my friend, you'll get to see," I reply.

"All aboard!" the conductor shouted. The doors slide shut and we wait for the train to depart. A sudden lurch and a hissing sound announce that the train is now on it's way to Canterlot. I sit back on my chair and listen to the others talk and joke with one another, I can't bring myself to talk with them knowing that within several hours they could all be enslaved by the God Of Chaos.

About three hours into the trip and I realize how slow steam trains are, Twilight told me that the trip would be "Only a few hours" but she neglected to tell me that the train was carrying the cakes and therefore had to keep a slow speed in order for the goods to be in one piece. That and my Interceptor was in the back cargo car, I realize that my car weights more than two tons and the tiny steam engine that's pulling several train cars and more than fifty ponies wouldn't be able to cope or get a decent speed.

"Hey Scott," Pinkie said, breaking me out of my daze.

"Huh, what?"

"You okay? You looked a little bored."

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," I say as I stretch out the stiffness in my joints, I then remember the Crusaders and what happened last night. I hope that they've recovered from the attack but I haven't seen the fillies since last night, "Hey, Applejack."

"Yeah Scott?" she asks as she walks over to me.

"You know last night?" I ask. Applejack becomes a little stern looking.

"Go on," she says.

"I was just wondering if Apple Bloom is okay, you know why I'm asking."

Applejack sighs and places a hoof on my injured leg.

"She and the others are okay now. We checked up on them this morning," Applejack said, then then goes on to add, "Scootaloo's parents thank you for saving their daughter. They told me that Scoots hasn't stopped talking about you since last night. The same goes for Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. Ah think that they've become attached to you."

I feel touched at the last statement. I helped those fillies and they haven't forgotten about it. It does warm my heart but it's replaced by an icy feeling once I look out the window and see the capital city loom into view, after Discord takes over two of them are guaranteed to lose their sisters and it's a possibility that they might end up as slaves. I'll try and get Discord to agree that they become my servants, at least then I'll make sure that they're safe. I look back to the others and see that Joe, Mulia and Gustav have all joined my at my seat.

"You're not much of a talker are you?" Joe asks.

"I've been through a lot in the past several days," I reply.

"I do believe that you never gave us your name," Gustav said. I stand up and shake Gustav's outstretched arm.

"Scott Websly. Sorry that I didn't tell you guys earlier, I've been a little preoccupied."

"Interesting name you have there," Mulia said, "Where are you from?"

"If I had to guess he's probably from Trottingham," Joe said.

"I might be," I said, this earns me a few confused looks so I go on to explain, "I really can't remember much after the accident."

"You had an accident?" Mulia asks me.

"Yeah, but I have no idea what happened. It was all so fast."

"So is that why your leg is all bandaged?" Joe asks. I roll up the sleeve covering the bandages.

"No, this was something else," I say, "I fought a Manticore."

The three's jaws drop and after a few minutes Gustav is the first to speak.

"You fought a Manticore and lived?"

"I got lucky," I say with a grin as I drop the sleeve. I don't like how the three are staring at me so I tell them that I'm going to try and get some fresh air. I make my way through passenger cars until I come to an empty caboose and go to the back of it, locking the doors behind me. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath of the clean air, then I get the feeling that there is someone else standing by my side and I know who it is.

"If you're wondering why I'm here it's because of what you did last night," I say.

"I knew that you would like it," Discord said, "A little reminder of who's boss around here."

I look behind me and when I confirm that there isn't another soul in the caboose I go back to looking at the passing countryside.

"You pretty much scared me into submission with that little dream altering trick."

"Trick?" Discord said with confusion, "That was no trick. It was all real."

My eyes shoot open once Discord said that. I shoot him a look of shock.


"It was the real Apocalypse and the real Earth from where you came from," Discord said, "I showed you what would happen if you cross me and after you did, I let you experience your nightmare first hand."

I sink to the floor of the caboose and stare into the distance, tears form in my eyes and I am lost for words. My home, my entire life had just been decimated and I thought it was all a crazy dream. But now I know that it wasn't, and I now know that even if I was allowed to go back, I couldn't.

"Oh my God," I whisper.

"You did meet him when you were back there you know," Discord said, "Too bad he didn't come with you, now he has to clean up an entire planet."

I think of the meteorite that crashed next to me and makes my arm dissolve. Sickness takes over and I try to hold myself steady on the railing. Discord leans over me.

"Now now Scott, you take it easy. In the next several hours we are going to rule this land."

"Yeah," I say, "Great."