• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,751 Views, 143 Comments

Agent of Chaos - Enfield

How can I, one pony, topple the Equestrian Government?

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Can A Killer Be Forgiven?

If there is one thing I learned today it's that I never should have tried to ram the light when I was back on Earth. I was probably going to to outrun it once I reached the forest near my house. If I had escaped then I might be back home playing those new games my boss gave me. Instead I'm strapped to a hospital bed with more tubes running into my arm than the London Underground. Only a half hour ago I woke up in the hospital room, completely unable to move. At first I panicked and the doctor had pumped anistectics into my veins to stop me from struggling. I woke up again and was glad that the doctor was still there. He asked if I would calm down a little. I told him to sod off. That earned me another dose of sleepers. When I woke up the third time the Doctor had gone but the straps on my bed were taken off and my arms or front legs, I have no idea still, were in cuffs so I could move but I couldn't get out of the bed. I was glad to see some food sitting on a table next to me, it was hospital food but I was too hungry to care. Being knocked out several times in a short period of time really takes it out on you.

After eating a hearty meal of what I could guess was porridge and fruit I lay back and try to access where I am. The room I'm in is a pretty normal room aside from there being no windows and my bed having straps on it. This might be because of my attempted murder of the pink pony. What was her name again? Pinkie? More importantly, did I actually try and kill her? If so then there must be something up with my mind. It's either that or Discord took control of me and made me do all that crazy stuff. I really need to talk to those ponies as much as I don't want to but I need to explain and apologize for what I did. All I'm hoping for is forgiveness and help, and more food. How long did they put me under for?

Just as I try tugging on the chains the doctor opens the door and walks in.

"I see you have woken up," he said.

"Yeah, for about the twentieth time," I reply irritably.

"I'm sorry about using anistectics on you but we had to make sure that you wouldn't hurt yourself."

"Yeah about that, what happened to me?"

The doctor sighed and pushed his glasses further on his nose.

"You were suffering from a psychological relapse where you tried to murder somepony. The ponies who brought you here wanted to make sure you didn't bring any harm to yourself or others."

"So is that why I'm chained to this bed?" I ask. Did the ponies I try and kill bring me here because they care about me? If so then I have to thank them for helping me get back to my normal self. The doctor now is over at one of those wall lights where they look at X-ray sheets, I can just see one that shows my rib cage broken up and cracked. No wonder I was having a hard time breathing.

"So, uh, doctor, how long was I out for?"

The doctor takes down one X-ray sheet and looks at it closer.

"About a week, Mr?"

"Websly," I say, "Scott MacDuff Websly."

The doctor looks at me funny and goes back to what looks like a brain scan sheet.

"A strange name you have there," he said, "Are you from around here?"

"No, I'm not," I reply. I groan from the stiffness of my joints. I've been knocked out for a week, no wonder everything hurts. But what's strange is that my arms or front legs, I'm still deciding which anatomy to work with, are no longer hurting when I move them. Am I healed? I feel for my ribs and find out that they are back in line and no longer cracked. My head, although in a bandage, felt much better. The doctor told me that one of the ponies had kicked me in the head quite hard, he said that I had only suffered a small concussion which is good because I would be no use to Discord if I had become a gibbering vegetable. I then remembered that I was still serving Discord or at least under his watchful yellow eyes. But for now all I wanted to do was say sorry to the pony who I tried to kill and I'm hoping that they forgive me and help me get back on my feet.

"So when are you going to let me out of these?" I ask.

"When we get an evaluation that you're okay to let go," the doctor replied.

"It's okay, I've had my episode."

The doctor comes over to my bed and removes the straps from me. I rub the spots where the straps had been and sit up. The doctor leaves saying that he had to retrieve some more medical papers. While he's gone I take the Element of Chaos and practice creating stuff from my mind. In just a few minutes I make some random puffs of fire, cause one of the lights to explode and make several familiar objects from Earth such as a laptop and a radio controlled helicopter materialize on my bed. The door creaks open and with a quick wave I make everything seem the way it was before. I wait and the six ponies from earlier enter the room. I see Fluttershy cowering behind the purple pony and Pinkie standing next to the blue pony, then I see the wings and figure out she's a pegasus.

"Hi," I say, trying to break the ice.

"Don't go near him," the purple pony said. I focus closer on her head and see a horn. Is she a unicorn? What kind of crazy world am I in? I just decide to go with it, no point in repeating the past.

"Look I'm okay now," I said, "I've had my moment and I'm fine now."

"Are you sure or are you tricking us?" the blue pegasus asked.

"Yes, I'm fine now."

"Okay, in that case," Pinkie said and bounded over. She drops a small box on my lap and stands back, grinning widely. I'm a little confused but I open up the box and see a cake and written on the cake is "Get Well Soon". I'm touched and very confused about this, I try and murder her when I went nuts and now she gives me a cake and wishes me to get better.

"I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything," Pinkie said, "I get over things quickly and I knew that there was something wrong with you."

"Are you sure about this?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm sure! After this we could have a party and there'll be more cake, drinks and-"

The orange pony sticks her hoof in Pinkie's mouth and looks at me.

"Sorry about that, she gets carried away sometimes."

"It's no problem, she's probably the most friendly being I've met in my entire life," I reply. Pinkie gives a muffled "thanks".

"Anyway," the orange pony said taking her hoof out of Pinkie's mouth, "We're really here to find out what your name is."

I sit up and look at them, I noticed that Fluttershy never did ask me my name and I'm sure that they would have asked me on the day I went berserk.

"Scott MacDuff Websly," I say. The six look at me, I know that my name does't fit in this country but I'm sure that they won't question it.

"Scott MacDuff Websly?" the purple unicorn asks slowly, I nod in reply.

"I've never heard a name like that before," the white unicorn said. I can tell she's a unicorn, her horn is in plain sight.

"So, uh, hi Scott," the orange pony said, "Mah name's Applejack."

"Why is she named after a brand of cereal?" I think.

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie said, "And since I know your name now you can be one of my new friends."

I'm her newest friend? A little overzealous considering that I tried to slice her neck open with a piece of mirror shard. By now they have all surrounded my bed and are introducing themselves.

"My name's Rainbow Dash," the blue pegasus said, she looked a little angry, "Don't think that I'm going to trust you yet after what you did, earn my respect and maybe we could be friends."

She gives me a small smile and the white unicorn takes up my view.

"Hello, my name is Rarity," she said. Rarity, okay, just go with it Scott, you can have your nervous breakdown later when you're by yourself.

"Rarity," I repeat, "Nice name, it kind of matches you if you don't mind me saying."

"Not at all," Rarity replies as she fluffs her mane. I sense extreme vanity with her.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle," the purple unicorn said, "I'm sure that you already know Fluttershy."

Fluttershy squeaks and dives under the bed.

"Hey it's alright, I'm not going to hurt you," I say.

"You really got to her," Twilight said, "She's afraid of you, she thinks that you're some sort of monster."

"What happened was temporary psychological damage," I say in objection, "I am fine now and I will prove it."

"Are-are you sure?" Fluttershy's voice comes from under the bed. I lean down and see her.

"Yes, yes I am okay now and I'll make sure that what happened never repeats itself."

Fluttershy emerges from under the bed and smiles at me.

"So Scott," Twilight said, "Where are you from?"

"I'm from, uh."

I've only just realized that Discord never gave me any fake information about myself to work with. I know that I can't say I'm from Earth otherwise they could expect something. I go with the best and most likely option I have, amnesia.

"I, I can't remember," I stammer, pretending to be confused.

"Oh Applejack, I knew you bucked him too hard!" Fluttershy says as she tries to nurse my head.

"It might be the drugs as well," I say. I'm trying to make friends here, Fluttershy, not accuse them of assault.

"So can you remember anything about your home?" Twilight asks. I shake my head and say no.

"Awww, you can stay with me!" Pinkie said before any of the others could object. She really is friendly, I wonder if she does this for anyone else?

"You can accommodate me?" I ask Pinkie.

"Sure, so long as you work for Mr. and Mrs. Cake. But it's an easy job, all you have to do is bake cakes and stuff."

Bake cakes, sounds easy enough and hey, maybe I can get some cash.

"Yeah okay," I said, "I can use a place to stay."

"Alright!" Pinkie said.

"Okay, now since you're okay I guess we can get you out of this hospital, and show you around the town," Twilight said.

"Don't mention what happened," I say.