• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,751 Views, 143 Comments

Agent of Chaos - Enfield

How can I, one pony, topple the Equestrian Government?

  • ...

Welcome To Your New Home

"Is that it? Is it over?" I think as I keep my eyes shut. I know that the spell that Celestia did was the spell that would forever strand me on the moon. Slowly, I open one eye followed by the other. I look around and see nothing but gray rocks, then I look up into the sky and see nothing but black and stars. I am, well and truly, on the moon. I stand up and examine my surroundings. From what I can tell, I'm in a large crater of sorts. There's a funny sort of room or something that looks like it's been cut into the side of the crater and has been fitted with furniture, I walk around in a circle before stopping to see something rise over the lip of the crater, it's the planet where Equestria lies. I watch as it slowly rises over the edge of the crater and ends up in the black sky above me. I sit and watch, completely dumbstruck by the sight.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" a voice says behind me. I turn around and see Luna, smiling down at me.

"Is that what the planet looks like?" I ask her as she comes and sits next to me.

"Yes, it's amazing isn't it?"

"It almost looks like Earth," I say, I really want to reach out and touch the planet, make it ripple like water.

"I know how you feel Scott," Luna said, "I was banished to the moon after what I did many years ago."

"What did you do?" I ask.

"I became corrupted with power from being the Princess of the Night. But soon after I was freed Twilight and her friends used the Elements to free me from my curse."

"It's funny really, I'm knowing more about you than I could ever wish for."

"I'm guessing that you like to get to know others before you become their friends," Luna said, I nod and then remember what day it was when I helped Discord take over. Luna sees this too.

"I'm really sorry for ruining you birthday party," I say dismally. Luna puts her hood on my head.

"I know you are and I forgive you. I too am sorry about what's happened to you."

I realize what Luna has said and I start to tear up, I'm going to be stuck on the moon for God knows how long and I'll end up dying a very slow death. For the first time in almost twelve years, I start crying, hard style.

"I don't wanna die here!" I yell, Luna sits by my side as I slowly start to lose my mind.

"Scott," she says softly but I don't hear her.

"Why? I know what I did. I said I was sorry! Get me out of here!"

Each and every breath sends a compressing pain through my lungs. It's kind of strange considering that I was very accepting with my fate not only a half hour ago. How on earth did my personalty shift from calm and level headed to a blubbering wuss in less than a few minutes, it might have to do with the fact that I'm going to end up living as a prisoner on the surface of the moon for life. Luna pulls me closer and holds me in a hug, I wipe off the tears and look up at her.

"Thanks," I say, "I've never had anyone comfort me like this for a long time."

"I know that there are many things that are troubling you Scott," Luna said.

"I don't want to talk about it," I say. Luna gives me a small shake and makes me look up at her.

"You'll feel better if you talk about it."

I sigh and lean against Luna.

"What's to tell? I don't know where to start."

"Tell me when everything started," Luna said, I know what she means. I start off by telling her about my life in Scotland when I was young, I tell her about my family and my heritage. Then I move on to the big move and how everything slowly started to downgrade to a boring and rather repetitive lifestyle. Luna listens intently as I talk about the day I dropped out of high school and when I found my easy job, I also tell her the story of how I bought my Interceptor and how my dad reacted afterwards. Then I move on to the night where I was chased and captured by Discord and what he offered me in exchange for my life. Luna gives a disappointed look and loosens her grip around me but I hug her, trying to keep myself calm. I've never experienced having someone close to me and I'm sure that Luna has the same feeling as well because she pulls me closer.

"Luna," I say, she looks at me, "How long am I going to be here?"

Luna gives a small sigh and looks to the planet.

"When I was banished here I was stuck in my prison for a thousand years. As for you, I'm not sure. Very few ponies have been banished but they were allowed to return after some time."

"Did they ever assist an enemy of Equestria and help them take over?" I ask. Luna shakes her head.

"I know your future seem bleak Scott, but I can assure you that Celestia will allow you to return. She can be a bit stubborn and strict at times but she'll see the error of her ways and allow you back."

"I guess there's that," I say, "But why am I in a crater?"

"The reason being is because I wanted to put you here," Luna said, "This crater is enchanted so that you cannot leave and nopony aside from me and Celestia can enter."

"But why make the crater like that?" I ask, Luna then places a familiar box in front of me. I open it up and inside is the Element of Chaos. I pick it up and look bewildered at Luna.

"Scott, I want you to keep the last known source of Discord's power safe. Reason why is because no pony knows the Element better than you."

I put the stone around my neck and try to see if I can teleport out of the crater cell but I remain in the same spot.

"Celestia enchanted the barrier so that you cannot do certain powers. It's not that we don't trust you it's that we don't want the Element to fall into possession of an enemy."

What enemy would go to the moon to find this? A desperate one if that.

"What can I do now Luna?" I ask.

"You must wait until the time is right, Scott. You will know when Celestia needs your help once more, but for now I must bid you farewell."

"You're not leaving forever are you?" I ask.

"I was not meant to come here," Luna said, "Celestia is not permitting any visitors until you are needed."

"What do you mean by 'needed'? Am I some sort of hero in waiting?"

"You will know eventually Scott, I can feel it."

Luna starts to fly upwards to leave but she stops when she sees me sink down to the crater floor.

"I don't want to be alone forever," I say. Luna lands in front of me and had me stand up, she then takes my head in her front hooves and kisses me on the forehead. She then looks me in the eyes and says something that makes my spirits rise.

"You never will be when you dream."

Luna then opens up her wings and she takes off. As she nears the top of the crater the sky seems to ripple and then distort as she passes through something, then the sky goes smooth and I watch as Luna flies off and disappears. I wander back to the furnished hole that's been carved in the side of the rock, it seems pretty well set up for a hole. A bed, a table and chair and a separate room where I find a functional bathroom. There's also a small pantry that's stock with food and drink so I'll be okay for some time. I at least have the Element of Chaos now so I'll never be bored, but as of now I'm worn out and I want to sleep. I lie down on the bed and watch the small sliver of planet pass over to lunar horizon, wondering how Ponyville is getting on I place the Element of Chaos to my ear and listen. Sure enough I can hear the sounds of voices, laughter and...singing. I listen closer and then the song comes into focus, the citizens of Ponyville are singing Amazing Grace. I lie still as the ponies sing, I can hear Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy all singing. I even hear the small voices of the Cutie Mark Crusaders sing. Once the singing stops they all start cheering and I can distinctively hear them through the cheers.

"We love you, Scott!"

I take the Element away from my ear and let it fall on my chest. Those four words stir something inside of me, but it isn't rage, it isn't anger, it's love. I feel great from hearing that but the fact of the matter is that I'm never going to be able to say the same thing back to them. I roll on my side and then remember what Luna said after I told her I didn't want to be alone: "You never will be when you dream". I shut my eyes and try to drift off, excited now that I'll never be truly alone so long as I sleep.

The End?