• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,751 Views, 143 Comments

Agent of Chaos - Enfield

How can I, one pony, topple the Equestrian Government?

  • ...

My Worst Night Ever

You ever get that feeling when you're so scared you forget everything that's going on. Well that's happening to me right now as Discord strangles me and stares daggers into my very soul.

"L-l-look mate," I stutter, "I'm not r-r-really sure what you what."

"Oh but I think you do, Scott," Discord says as he gets closer to my face, "You know that I had a nice little idea that might have helped you, but unfortunately, you just had to get in the way and ruin it. And also, you manged to do something that I've been trying to do for the past one thousand years."

"What plan was that then?" I ask with the most sheepish grin on my face. This irritates Discord a lot.

"You killed that Manitcore that I sent after those girls, I was going to have them killed so that the Element Holders would become weakened. As for how you killed the Manticore, you used the Chaos Blast, a dormant power that I've been trying to release ever since I was brought down by Celestia."

"Hang on," I say, "You intended for the Crusaders to die?"

"It was all going so well until you went to look after them," Discord said. I shift my weight a little but I'm still pinned several feet off the ground so escape isn't an option. I stare at Discord into his burning yellow eyes and try to make myself look dignified.

"Those kids don't deserve that, you are a maniac. As for the Chaos Blast, if you want to see how I managed to pull it off you just keep trying to kill me and you'll get a little demonstration."

Discord slams me to the floor and stomps on my injured leg, making me scream out in pain.

"I've had enough of you and your attitude Websly," he said, "You remember who's in charge around here and who's under his control. Maybe a little reminder is in order."

"Do your worst!" I spit at him. Discord grins and leans down to me.

"Very well, since you asked."

Discord snaps his fingers and a pink light engulfs the room. All I can think of now is what Discord just did.

"I think I might have ballsed up my survival probabilities."

I wake up on the middle of a grassy field, I sit up and shiver as a cold wind hits me in the back. I try to stand up but when I do, something seems slightly off. I look down and see why I feel unusually taller. I'm standing on two legs.

"Legs!" I say in a sort of choked voice, "I've got proper bloody legs again!"

I look at what should be my front legs but instead I have arms, with hands and fingers. I test them out so I can get a feel of being human once more. After I get over the shock I look up into the sky and see that it's all discolored.

"What the he-" I say but get cut off by a massive object smashing into the Earth several miles away. I look up and see a smoldering lump of rock sitting in a crater. I look back up into the sky and see streaks of fire rain down from the skies and smash into the planet, taking out several tall buildings in the distance. After standing dumbfounded for a few seconds I know know what's going on, I look at a electronic billboard and see the date which confirms my suspicion.

It's December 21, 2012. Judgement day.

I rub my chin as I look at the sign. How long have I been gone for? I knew what day it was when Discord captured me and after I think it over I figure out that I've been gone for almost a month. Impossible because I was only in Ponyville for about a week, but then I remember that I was in the hospital and Fluttershy's cottage for some time. I didn't know how long because I kept getting knocked out by the doctor in the hospital. But being gone for a whole month? I forgot about my life on Earth but I never did care, now however since the planet is being destroyed, I gain a little bit of compassion.

"It's bad I know," a voice says from behind me. I stop looking towards the sky and see a young man standing next to me holding a six pack of beer.

"You what?" I ask.

"The world ending," the man replies, "It's actually happening. So much more was to be done for the human race but I guess that the universe has better plans for this lump of rock."

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" I say.

"Armageddon. You might want to tie up any affairs you have, but since you've been gone for some time you might not have any."

"How do you know that?"

"Simple," the man said, "I know a lot about you, Scott. I know your life and how it was until you vanished from my view, all I can say is how? How did you?"

I sigh and watch as the city to my front crumbles under the fire of burning rock. I'm pretty sure who the man next to me is and I'm sure that he's not going to stop what is happening.

"I don't know how I did disappear but I'm hoping that I'll be able to get back where I was earlier before I end up dead."

"Well good luck with that," the man chuckles, "If you want my advice, run."

I look over to him and see a massive rock careening towards us. I take off running towards the road in hopes of finding something to use for my escape but I stop when I see that man standing in the field drinking his beer.

"Hey!" I yell at him, he turns around, "Want to try and see if you can come back to where I am trying to get?"

"Nah! I'm sure to survive this. As for you, it's going to fast and unexpected but it will take time for death to take over. Good luck getting back Scott Websly! I wish that you would have stayed, but I feel as if you will do something great somewhere else."

And with that the rock slams into the ground and shoots past the man, once it passes the man is gone and I am left on my own coated in dirt and burning embers. I turn and run towards the road, I manage to find a car with an open door and the keys in the ignition. I start up the car and skid onto the road. I speed down the road and occasionally look out the window, the meteor showers have gotten much heavier and the meteorites are gaining size. I push down hard on the accelerator and shoot past several wrecked cars. I clip one and skid off the road and hit a pole, shunting the engine and making it seize up.

"No no no!" I yell as I try and start the car again but to no avail. I get out and smash the window, shredding my hand in the process. I look at my right hand and see that it had black marks that ran in what looked like a lightning pattern. I pull up my sleeve and see that it goes all the way up my arm and ends at my shoulder.

"What the fu-" I get cut off again by a massive space boulder that smashes into the ground not twenty feet away. The blast sends me flying a great distance before I land on my back and then roll over and break my leg. I scream out in pain and try to sit up but my left arm refuses to move when I command it to. I look at it and see that the skin has burned away and my muscles are peeling off the bone. Just the sight of my arm makes me roll over and vomit but my gag reflexes are triggered again as I get a small smell of cooked flesh and methane. After the sickness passes I see that I have been gagging up blood and what could be parts of my internal organs. No point in slowly dying now, there is a way out of this.

"DISCORD!" I yell towards the sky, "I'm sorry! Take me back, please! I don't want to die like this! I'm sorry about what I did, just give me another chance! I had no idea about what you were planning I swear! Let me live and I'll serve you until I die, no more interfering!"

I watch as a huge meteorite falls towards me. I sit there and watch as it gets closer, only one word escapes me before the rock gets close and the fire engulfs me.


"Ghaaaaa!" I scream as I fall out of my bed and crash to the ground. I roll over, hyperventilating and terrified at what I had just experienced. I back up to the wall and catch my breath. Taking a quick look around I see that I'm back in my basement bedroom of Sugarcube Corner. I relax and check if my arm has dissolved. Nope, it's still in one piece. As for my other arm, I can tell that fresh bandages were placed on my wounds. I hear knocking on my door and I shakily get up and go over to it.

"Who's there?" I ask. Even I can hear the fear in my voice.

"It's Pinkie, are you okay Scott?"

I open up the door and see a concerned Pinkie Pie standing on the other side. She looks at me and takes a step closer.

"Were you crying in your sleep?" she asks. I feel the tears drip down my face and I wipe them off.

"I really don't want to talk about it."

"You were screaming earlier you know, are you sure you're okay?"

I sigh and slump against the wall, hiding my face from Pinkie. I feel her place a hoof on my arm.

"I'm not okay, I had a really nasty dream last night and I thought it was actually happening."

I sniff and wipe another few tears off my cheeks. Pinkie sits next to me and hugs me, the cotton candy sent of her mane calms me down.

"You wanna talk about it?" Pinkie asks me. I shake my head and let go of her. I breath a sigh of relief and stand up.

"I feel a little better now," I say.

"Okay, you coming to the party?" Pinkie asks.

"How can I say no?"

Pinkie leads me upstairs and outside where the gang is waiting to get going. I'm sure that I might have slept a little later but Discord had me in some sort of illusion.

"Hi Scott," Twilight said as she walks up to me, she's in some sort of interesting dress. It almost looks as if stars were sown into the fabric.

"Hey Twilight. This party, I guess it's not very casual."

"No silly, it's a princesses birthday so everything has to be super special." Pinkie said. I get a bit of a shock when I turn around and see her in a dress that looks like it's coated in candy. Sort of ironic when you think about it. I look to each of the Element holders and see them in a dress that represents both their personality and their Element. I feel a bit of an outcast not wearing anything fancy like the others.

"So," I say, "Do I get to do anything special?"

"I think that since you made the cake you get to present it," Rarity said, "And since you're going to be using that strange contraption to carry the cake I made you a nice suit to match it."

Rarity then presents me with a suit that shines like black steel and is smooth to the touch. I take it and stare at it in awe.

"It's amazing," Is all I manage to say. I quickly run inside and put it on, I reveal myself to the others and the ponies all nod in approval. Pinkie, as usual, is the first to break the silence.

"So are we going now?"

"Lemme start up the car," I say with a hint of excitement. But deep down, I am absolutely terrified. Discord had me die a painful death and now I was going to crash the biggest party in all of Canterlot. Then after that, Discord will take over. As all this races through my mind I can only think of one thing: What if this plan doesn't work?