• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 4,952 Views, 232 Comments

Rainbooms and Romance - Kodeake

Series of short, non-related chapters of Twidash.

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Rainbow flew aimlessly through the sky, jumping from cloud to cloud, no real destination in mind. The sky was lit by the enumerable amount of tiny lights ponies called ‘stars’. She came to rest on a particularly large cloud, not high compared to others, but still far away from the ground.

She did this more then she cared to admit, whenever she couldn’t sleep, she would come out and start cloud hopping. It was a fun way to burn off any energy that prevented her from sleeping. Though recently it was not energy that had kept her awake at night, instead it was her thoughts.

More often then not she managed to suppress them, but at night, when she was alone and safe from the prying eyes of those that would judge her, she had no choice but to let them run free. Her thoughts would cloud her mind, taunting her with the sleep she so desperately desired, but could not achieve. So she went out, hopping on the clouds she was either too lazy to disperse during her shift or were scheduled (though sometimes she would purposely leave some for nights like tonight).

Every night her thoughts ran wild, covering everything from how she was feeling to if she was hungry, though one thought came back bigger every night.

She was alone.

She was always alone. In her love of the sky, in her love of speed, she was truly alone. She had tried talking to other pegasi, like Fluttershy, but none of them truly appreciated the sky such as her. Fluttershy always preferred the ground, and any other pegasus viewed the sky as a tool for them to use or a job for them to control. Only Rainbow knew the true value of the sky, especially the night sky.

It was something few knew and none would admit, but she had a soft spot for the moon. The moon was always so high, reaching heights Rainbow could only dream of, and she often did. She would dream of going to the moon, flying along side it over the course of its rule over the sky. The stars were pretty to look at, but no where near as big or interesting to her as the moon. It always cast that eerie, pleasant silver glow throughout the land.

To her, it was better then basking in the suns warmth, if only because of the wonderful breeze the night brought with it. Though the sun would warm her feathers, the moon would relax her muscles with its tender touch of coldness. Like an icepack on a sprained ankle or wing. Night flying would unwind her muscles, truly allowing her to relax, even if her mind continued its barrage of thoughts.

On nights such as this, when she was out later then usual and was the last pony awake in the sleepy little town of Ponyville, the oppressing feeling of being alone would strike fast and deep.

Sighing, she decided she had had enough and launched herself off the cloud she had taken shelter on. She flapped her wings slowly, almost silently. She flew steadily and slowly through the night she loved. She always remembered it being beautiful, but it was better now that Luna was back. Celestia tried, but her work never quite matched that of her sister.

She looked down onto the streets, seeing exactly what she expected; nothing. Like all the times before, she was alone. There was not a single pony still awake, none of them to appreciate the sky with her, none of them even thought about the night sky like she did. All of them saw it as nothing more then a marker for going to sleep, none of them could appreciate it.

Her thoughts we derailed when she saw a distant light. A light coming from within the city, close to the centre, but not quite close enough to be city hall. Curious, Rainbow flew a little fast, discovering that the light was coming from a tree, a tree with windows and a balcony.

Silently, she approached the tree from above, on the balcony sat a lavender unicorn with a behemoth of a telescope in front of her. She quietly descended through the branches, coming to a stop when her hooves touched down on the hard wood of the balcony behind the mare she presumed was stargazing. She came up behind Twilight, not trying to be quiet but not announcing her presence either. Beside her sat a few books and pieces of parchment, a quill and a phial of ink resting next to them, though not a single note had been taken.

“Twi?” She ventured quietly, if the unicorn heard her she did not respond, instead she sighed as she looked away from the eye piece of the telescope, instead looking at the sky with her own eyes.

“Twilight?” She asked again, a little louder this time. Twilight visibly jumped, whipping her head around to face the intruder, horn glowing with some form of protective spell Rainbow probably didn’t want to have used on her.

“Whoa, easy Twi, it’s just me.”

“Oh, Rainbow, what are you doing here? It’s almost midnight.” Twilight dissipated the spell, the glowing remnants coming off her horn in wisps.

“Nothing, just getting rid of some left over energy so I can sleep, and I saw your light, what are you doing?” Rainbow lied. She was a terrible liar, but Twilight seemed like she bought it.

“Studying the stars, what else?” She asked, motioning to both her telescope and her books with a hoof. “I’ve been out for a few hours now, almost ready to head in.” She finished with a sigh, looking back towards the blackness of night.

“If you’ve been at it for hours, why don’t you have any notes? You always take notes when you’re studying.” Rainbow had a knowing undertone to her voice. It was a bit hopeful, but Twilight was obviously hiding something, maybe she had found somepony that actually appreciated the sky, even if she couldn’t fly.

“I… uh… was about to?” Twilight clicked her hooves together nervously.

“You’re a bad liar.” Dash deadpanned.

“Alright fine, I… couldn’t sleep. Looking at the stars and the moon helps me calm down and sleep most nights… though tonight I’m having more problems then normal.” At the last sentence Rainbow could have sworn she saw a blush, but there was no where near enough light for her to be sure.

“What’s the matter?” Rainbow offered, sitting down next to Twilight, a little closer then she normally would have thought comfortable, though the unicorn made no notion of being uncomfortable, so she stayed. She almost liked the feeling of being closer to another. Or maybe it was just Twilight…

“Just…” Twilight hesitated, glancing around nervously, eyes looking towards anything that wasn’t a cyan pegasus. “Have you ever felt… alone?” She asked cautiously, obviously embarrassed by it. Rainbow snorted out a laugh before she could control it, earning her a glare from the unicorn.

“Sorry… just… can I tell you a secret?” Rainbow was now looking like Twilight; glancing around nervously at anything that couldn’t actively judge her.

“You can tell me anything, Rainbow.” Twilight offered comfortingly, placing an equally comforting hoof on her friend’s withers. In that moment Rainbow Dash was conflicted, under any ordinary circumstances, the hoof would have made her extremely uncomfortable, and she normally would have instantly shrugged it off, but now? Now it felt… nice. It actually felt comforting.

“That’s the entire reason I’m here in the first place; I couldn’t sleep because I thought I was alone. Guess we were both wrong, huh?” She chuckled nervously, barely managing to actually look at the unicorn she was talking to.

“Oh…” Twilight said quietly, she looked like she was debating… something.

“Something wrong, Twi?”

“R-Rainbow?” She ventured quietly, removing her hoof from Rainbow’s back.


“Would… would you… like to go for lunch or something tomorrow?” Twilight spat her words out quickly, tripping over her own tongue an octave too high for her normal voice.

“Sure… but, don’t we go for lunch with the girls on regular bases?” Rainbow cocked her head, confused at the unicorn’s now very apparent blush.

“No… I meant… more of… a… a date…” Twilight barely forced the final words out, and even then they came out too quiet for the average pony to hear. Rainbow was anything but average.

Rainbow sat, stunned. Had Twilight just? No, it couldn’t be… but she had heard it. Truth be told Rainbow had felt the slightest bit of a crush towards the unicorn, but nothing she would actually act on. But Twilight asking her out? She had to respond appropriately.

“Bwa-huh?” Good job, brain, thanks a lot for that. Rainbow thought bitterly.

“I’m sorry; I should never have brought it up… I’m going to bed, I’ll see you later.” Twilight stood and began to slink sadly inside her house.

“Wait!” Dash jumped up and placed a hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder, causing her to turn and face her. In that moment magenta eyes met violet, and Rainbow was powerless to break that connection.

“I’d love to.”