• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 4,945 Views, 232 Comments

Rainbooms and Romance - Kodeake

Series of short, non-related chapters of Twidash.

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“Do you, Twilight Sparkle, take Rainbow Dash to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Celestia’s voice rang out over the crowd currently filling the small Ponyville church. Two mares, one a lavender unicorn and one a cyan pegasus stood at the front in matching white wedding dresses. Twilight smiled brightly at the pegasus before her; there was not a more beautiful site in the world to her violet eyes.

“I do.” She said firmly. There was an air of finality about the words, Rainbow smiled back as Celestia continued the ceremony.

“And do you, Rainbow Dash-” Celestia was cut of by a cyan hoof waving through the air.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Of course I do.” She answered, never once removing her magenta eyes from those of her lover. Her answer drew a small chuckle from the sun goddess next to them.

“Well then, I herby pronounce you wife and wife.” As small laugh cascaded through the group of spectating ponies at the odd but mandatory rephrasing of traditional wedding vows before Celestia continued. “You may kiss the bride.”

Without hesitation Rainbow leaned forward, catching Twilight’s muzzle with her own in a slow, steady dance of lips. A cheer ripped through the crowd of assembled ponies. Some of them were friends, some relatives, all of them loved ones. The newly wedded couple finally separated, both smiling widely at each other. They turned in perfect sync, a cyan wing extended to wrap around Twilight’s lavender body as they made their way out of the church.

“That concludes the ceremony. The reception will be held at Town Hall in half an hour.” Celestia spoke above the applause from the audience with relative ease as the newlyweds exited the church through the front door and boarded a chariot heading to Golden Oaks Library.

Within the confines of the enclosed chariot, two mares sat in a close, happy embrace. A lavender head rested against a cyan shoulder as hooves entangled themselves around each other’s bodies. Violet eyes met magenta for a brief second before both pairs of bright orbs closed in time with the meeting of their lips. The words that needed to be spoken had been said long ago, now all there needed to be was a comfortable, loving silence as the two shared in their joy.

Twilight drew back suddenly, much to Rainbow’s chargin, voiced by a half-hearted whine. “Sorry, Rainbow, but we’re almost home, and we need to get ready for the reception.”

“Why do we even have to go to that stupid thing?” Rainbow grumbled, crossing her hooves and pushing out her bottom lip in an adorable pout. Twilight had to stifle a laugh.

“Don’t worry, we don’t have to stay for long, then the rest of the night is just for you and me.” Twilight’s voice took on a seductive undertone at the last part, causing a shudder to run down Rainbow’s spine. She instinctively leaned in for another kiss, only for her to loose her balance when she realized Twilight wasn’t there. She tumbled off the seat of the carriage and out the freshly opened door, landing in a heap in front of a laughing lavender unicorn.

“Come on, let’s get ready.” Twilight walked towards the tree library still giggling as Rainbow stood quickly and brushed herself off before following as if nothing had happened.


When they arrived at Town Hall the party looked to be in full swing. Ponies were filtering through the door and slowly but surly filling up the local party establishment. Twilight and Rainbow made their way through the crowd to the front of the room, sitting at a large table, seating themselves and their four closest friends, along with the royal sisters, Shining Armour, and Cadence. Well wishes floated around the room as the couple made their way through the room, stopping at both Rainbow and Twilight’s family tables, for family that wouldn’t fit at the large front table. The food was nothing short of delectable, the Cake’s had worked with a few chefs from Canterlot to prepare what was undeniably the best food Twilight had ever tasted. After dinner, the music started playing, and Celestia took her cue as she stood from her spot next to her sister and Twilight.

“Fillies and Gentelcolts, if you could please clear the dance floor for the newlyweds first dance.” Celestia’s words drew a multitude of cheers from the audience as they formed a gap in the middle of the room, illuminated by a bright spotlight suspended from the roof. Twilight and Rainbow made their way slowly through the thick glob of ponies surrounding the area they were supposed to be dancing in. Twilight looked over to her wife, offering nothing but a smile as they pushed their way through the last few ponies blocking the floor. As soon as the light hit Rainbow’s face, Twilight knew something was wrong. The cyan mare’s face was a few shades paler then normal, and her eyes shifted around the room nervously.

“Hey, Rainbow, you alright?” She whispered as they made their way to the centre of the clearing. The cyan pegasus’s eyes stopped their nervous shifting to land on the twin lavender orbs looking at her with nothing but compassion and concern.

“Yeah, yeah, I just… I’m not a very good dancer…” She admitted sheepishly, emphasizing her point by nearly tripping over her own hooves as the two stood on their hind legs and assumed a closed dancing position.

“Didn’t they teach you this in school?” Twilight asked, a little of her surprise showing through in her voice. The crowd around them grew silent as the lights dimmed.

“In gym class, which I skipped most of the time to do actual training and practising.” Rainbow’s pitch heightened as a wave of panic washed over her as she realized she had no idea what she was doing. The music started quiet, gradually building in volume as went on.

“Just follow my lead.” Twilight whispered in her ear, pulling them a little closer before beginning a slow, simple dance in time with the music. Rainbow’s movements were jerky and unnatural at best, her head glue straight down as she watched Twilight’s hooves carefully and tried to mirror it with her own. Eventually, though, she started to get the hang of things, even managing to lift her head for a few seconds every now-and-then to look at Twilight’s beaming smile as they danced. The song ended with a surprisingly few amount of miss-steps and trip-ups, and luckily for Rainbow, nopony seemed to really notice her obvious lack of expertise.

They lowered themselves down onto all four hooves and directly into a kiss. Rainbow pulled back after a few moments of bliss, staring lovingly into her partners eyes, which reflected the same undeniable, unconditional love. “Come on, a little bit of mingling and we can go home.” Twilight offered, motioning to the crowd that had filled the area they had previously occupied in their dance.

About an hour and more hoof shakes then they could count Twilight and Rainbow stumbled into the library. The exestuation was barely visible on their bright, happy faces as they held each other’s gaze. They walked through the library numbly, passing Spike’s personal room, the dragon having come home directly after the dinner. They made their way up the stairs and to their own bedroom, the large, soft looking bed calling to them as they slipped out of their dresses and tossed them to the side. As soon as they were free of the restricting fabric they launched themselves at each other. Lips locking and hooves flying into each other’s manes. They slowly made their way over to the bed, never once breaking the contact between their muzzles as the climbed on above the blankets.

They separated for mere seconds, taking the time to catch their breath and gaze into the eyes of their partner.

"I love you.” Twilight said as she lay back onto the pillows at the head of the bed. Rainbow crawled up her torso until her muzzle was directly above Twilight’s. She leaned in for a quick peck before speaking.

“Love ya too, Sparkle.”

Author's Note:

Well, as a few of you may know, I released a chapter yesterday, and as most of you know, it was awful. It was probably the worst writing I have ever posted on this site. A few of you may have also noticed that it's been deleted. I was originally just gonna revise it, but after reading it over a few times I realised there was simply no hope for it. So I wrote this instead! Concider this an apology for expecting you guys to read what I had posted, you deserve better. That chapter will most likely never see the light of day again, unless I find the time to totally re-do it, which I porobably wont. Hope this one is much better then last time.

As always, you know where to post your complaints and comments.