• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 4,953 Views, 232 Comments

Rainbooms and Romance - Kodeake

Series of short, non-related chapters of Twidash.

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Continuation of Strength

Time is a funny thing; it’s so simple, yet complex at the same time. For every tick of the clock, there is a tock just waiting to follow. And after every tock is a tick. Round and round the cycle repeats, never stopping never slowing, always the same. And yet with every tick and tock new things happen, so no tick is the same as the last, nor is any tock.

Twilight’s eyes blinked open slowly, the misty fog of sleep clearing from her vision to reveal the light of dawn seeping in through her window. As she lay there, her body and mind slowly waking, part of her wanted to fight it, to drift back to the land of dreams that had so often been her escape from the real world. Yet still she knew the world would march on around her, whether she was asleep or not. With that argument in mind, she began to prepare herself for another day of life in Ponyville. That is, until she remembered the breathing mass of cyan fur behind her.

That breathing mass that had been with her every step of the way; through the thick and thin and the hard and easy. If Twilight was there, so was Rainbow Dash. The opposite was true as well, of course; if Rainbow was there, Twilight was too. If Twilight was upset about something, Rainbow would be right there with her, lifting her back up. Some times were harder then others, of course, but they managed to push through every time.

A smile grew on Twilight’s face as she thought of the sleeping pegasus behind her. Carefully, she rolled herself over under the covers, coming face to face with her lover.

Time will always continue to flow, no matter what we ask of it. The fact that we can interact with it at all is a miracle in its own right. But even the most advanced of time spells have a limited duration. The current is simply too strong to allow anything more.

Rainbow’s face was that of relaxed bliss. A small, almost unnoticeable smile graced her lips, giving her peacefully closed eyes a happier look. Perhaps, in the real world, Rainbow wasn’t as happy as she appeared. But right now, in whatever dream she was having, she was happy. That smile told no lies. That smile convinced Twilight to spend just a little more time in bed.

Just a little longer with the pegasus couldn’t hurt anything. For now time could be ignored. It was just them in their own little bubble of paradise, even if Rainbow wasn’t awake for it.

Perhaps that is why time is such a powerful thing. Constantly pushing on us, wearing us down into different shapes, like a stream erodes its banks. Constantly shifting shape, smoothing the edges, changing its features. With its constant flow it brings both the best and the worst. As it wears down another layer, a new one is revealed. Neither better nor worse than the last one, simply different. Maybe this is why ponies change; because time has worn them down too much to be the same.

Twilight was once again thrust back to the land of living by a knocking on the door. A knock both solid and gentle at the same time. The sound echoed through the library, giving it an almost sorrowful tinge.

With a mix of curiosity and annoyance Twilight rose from beneath the covers, careful not to wake the sleeping pegasus, and slowly made her way down the stares. She briefly considered brushing her mane or getting Spike to answer the door, but decided against both options; whoever had the nerve to knock this early in the morning could feel her full wrath.

As she rounded the bend in the stares to the main room of the library the knocks sounded yet again.

“Coming,” Twilight grunted, already preparing to chew out the pony at her door. She made her way quickly across the ever-tidy library and to the front door. With a glow of magic she flung the door open, instantly her annoyed grimace fell from her face, replaced by shock.

Maybe it’s good and maybe it’s bad, but it will never end; the slow, eternal march of time. Singular ponies will be lost amongst its waves. But the bonds ponies shared, they will never be washed away, no matter how long they are subjected to the current. Those bonds will last forever, whether they are remembered or not. If two ponies meet, even just once, they have a bond that will never disappear. They may never meet again, but that bond is still there. Just waiting to be found and strengthened.

On the other side of the old, oak door was a site Twilight thought she would never see again. A site that brought tears to her eyes, fear to her mind, and anger to her gut. On the other side of the door stood Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy.

Not knowing what do to, she simply stood, an unreadable expression of neutrality on her face as she regarded the four ponies outside her tree library. Ponies she hadn’t seen in a month. Ponies she had once called friends, who had turned their backs on her and Rainbow, were now standing on her doorstep. Each one looked hesitant, yet hopeful.

The first to speak was Applejack, the farmer clearing her throat and removing her Stetson. “Twilight… is Rainbow here?”

For a second Twilight hesitated. Why were they here? They had made their opinions well known that day, a month ago, at the lunch that had ruined everything. That single gathering that had almost single-handedly destroyed Twilight’s life.

And if those bonds are found, they can be strengthened. One way or another, if a bond can be formed, it can grow stronger. All it takes is a little time and a lot of care. In the end it all comes back to time. Time strengthens bonds and weakens them. Time makes friends and takes them away. The ticking and tocking of a clock like the heartbeat of a living thing with a mind of its own. And maybe it does have a mind of its own. Maybe time is sentient. But we’ll never know. All we can do is pray it’s on our side.

“Yes, she is,” Twilight answered slowly, regarding all four mares with a sceptical gaze. “But she’s sleeping right now.”

“Who’s sleeping? I’m… not…” Rainbow’s sentence died in her throat as she saw who was standing outside the door. In a flash her previously cheerful demeanour was gone, replaced by a fury unmatched by anything any of the mares had ever seen. She didn’t even say anything; it was all in her eyes. The fire that was in them, daring anypony there to speak out against her, challenging them to provoke her. That fury can only come from the sting of betrayal.

“Get out,” Rainbow breathed slowly; keeping her eyes locked firmly on the four ponies she once called her friends. Her wings flared out aggressively, the mares outside the door all took a step back, gulping nervously.

“Listen, Rainbow, we just wanna talk,” Applejack said carefully, visible sweat forming on her brow as the pegasus glared holes through her skull.

“What is there to talk about?” She snarled again, taking another step towards them.

“We are so, so sorry.” They all spoke in unison, shocking the anger out of Rainbow’s eyes.

“Y-you’re what?” Twilight stuttered, stepping up beside her marefriend and looking over the four faces cowering in front of her. They were earnest and hopeful, those of mares seeking forgiveness.

Time was on my side this time.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.

Author's Note:

Sometimes you just watch too much Doctor Who in one sitting and need to write about time. Hope you liked it. If you see anything wrong please let me know in the box below.