• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 4,953 Views, 232 Comments

Rainbooms and Romance - Kodeake

Series of short, non-related chapters of Twidash.

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Twilight sat quietly, reading one of her numerous textbooks on advanced magic for the third time that month. Normally she would only read a book twice a month, but this was her newest book, and the only book she had not yet read five times. She sighed as she flipped the page, reading it from memory rather then paper. She didn’t even need to look at it anymore, so she didn’t, instead she looked out the window at the sunset.

She watched the beautiful scene, very few times did she manage to catch it in time, most of the time she was too focused on her studies or friends to truly appreciate it. Tonight, however, she was both alone and without an interesting book. It had been happening more and more ever since she had read all the books in the library a couple months ago, and her new book orders would not be showing up for another week or two at least. And that was if they didn’t get lost in the mail again.

Her thoughts were derailed when the golden sun was blocked by something almost obnoxiously pink knocking on her window.

“Pinkie Pie?” Twilight looked at her friend pounding on the window for a second before opening the door next to it, the party pony instantly stepping in.

“Hey Twilight! I was just bouncing by back to Sugar Cube Corner after my errands, and I saw you sitting here through the window, so naturally I walked up to get a closer look, then I saw you sigh and look all sady-waddy, so naturally I immediately knocked on the door to try and cheer you up, but you must not have heard me, so I looked back in the window and you were looking at me, so I figured I got your attention, so then I started knocking, and guess what? It worked! You opened the door for me, so now I’m here, and now I can make you happy. But first I need to know what’s wrong.” Pinkie paused her rant to jump across the room and land directly on Twilight’s couch, never once missing a beat or taking a breath before continuing.

“So what’s wrong?” She sounded honestly curious; there was no hint of her usual happy attitude. Instead she almost sounded concerned, serious even, which was rare, to say the least.

Twilight sat in stunned silence, her brain racing to keep up with what Pinkie was saying.

“Uh… nothing, Pinkie, just waiting for more books to arrive, I’m out of things to keep me interested here.” Twilight eyed Pinkie closely, watching as Pinkie looked half at her half through her. Suddenly she twisted her head 90 degrees to the left, a cracking noise emanating from her spine.

“I don’t like it when ponies lie to me, Twilight.” Pinkie deadpanned, her normal happy demeanour lost in the seriousness that had taken over her face. “Especially about something as important as this.”

“As important as what, Pinkie? I’m not lying.” Twilight insisted, giving her friend what she hoped looked like an innocent expression.

“My Pinkie Sense never fails, and when my neck gets all cramped, I know somepony’s lying to me to hide a secret crush. Romance is serious, Twilight, don’t go lying about it like it’s any other subject.” Pinkie kept her serious glare fixed solely on Twilight, whose mind was racing for an excuse that was not technically a lie.

“Uh…” Was all Twilight could produce. ‘Damn that Pinkie Sense! This should be easy to keep secret! It’s nothing! It’s just a tiny crush that will pass’.

“If you have to tell yourself it’s just a tiny crush, chances are it’s more.” Pinkie gave a knowing smirk to the increasingly flustered unicorn.

“I-it’s nothing!” Twilight insisted weakly, attempting to think of a way out that had yet to present itself.

“Who?” Pinkie asked, walking over to Twilight and sitting in front of her. “Who’s the lucky stallion that caught your eye?”

“N-no! There’s no stallion! I-I don’t have a c-crush!” Twilight glanced nervously around the room, looking at anything that wasn’t pink and slowly getting closer to her face.


“NO!” Twilight yelled, standing and backing away from the pink menace who was preventing her from daydreaming about a certain mare who- no! Bad brain!

“Oh, so it is a mare. I never thought you’d go for that, but I guess it could be anypony.” Pinkie shrugged off her newfound information to continue pressing. “Who?”

“NOPONY!” Twilight shouted, a surge of panic running through her when she felt herself hit the wall behind her, Pinkie still approaching.

“Unicorn? Earth Pony? Pegasus?” Twilight flinched at the last one. ‘Perfect, she’s easier to read then the rest.’

“So, pegasus eh? Do I know her?” Once again there was that tell tail twitch that ran through the unicorn’s entire body.

“A friend?” Twitch.

“Close?” Twitch.

“Element of Harmony?” Twitch.

“Is it… Ra-”

“ENOUGH!” Twilight shouted, teleporting to the other side of the room, leaving Pinkie staring intensely at a blank wall.

“It’ll only get worse if you don’t tell anypony.” Pinkie said, she sounded honestly concerned for her friend. Too many times she had seen lives ruined over what they thought were just tiny crushes.

“Leave. Me. ALONE!” She shouted as she teleported Pinkie outside her door with a flash of magenta magic. Before Twilight’s eyes had adjusted after the flash her vision was once again filled with pink.

“You’ll feel better if you tell me.” Twilight’s jaw hung. How Pinkie was so fast she didn’t know. Why Pinkie was so determined to find out, she didn’t know either, all she knew was that at this point it would be easier to tell her.

“Fine! It’s… Rabodhs.” Twilight mumbled. Her words jumbled and too quiet to be heard by anypony.

“Louder.” Pinkie beckoned, placing a hoof to her ear.

“It’s… Rainbow…” Twilight admitted, barely keeping her voice at audible levels for the entire thing. Pinkie, on the other hoof, exploded into a smile.

“I knew it! I saw you looking at her the other day, I knew there was something! This is great, Twilight, I was just with Rainbow, and she said-” Pinkie cut herself off with a hoof to her own mouth.

“What?” Twilight cocked her head to the side, trying to decipher what Pinkie was about to say.

“Sorry, Pinkie Promise. But I think you should tell her, you never know, she might say yes to a date.” Pinkie giggled and bounced back to the door.

“She might even feel the same way!” This caused Pinkie to break down laughing. Twilight’s ears flattened against her head. ‘even Pinkie knows I don’t have a shot.’ She thought sadly.

“Oh hey, taco!” She stopped laughing instantly and reached into her mane with a hoof, extracting exactly that; a taco.

“What?” Twilight stared at the strange food item Pinkie had taken from her mane. How she carried so much stuff and why she would never know.

“Dashie’s favourite food. Take her out for tacos!” Pinkie chirped happily and with one final leap burst out the door. Twilight watched her bounce happily down the street for a few minutes before shaking her head and turning back to her table, a taco resting on top.

“Do I have a chance?” She asked aloud, not really expecting an answer, even if one would be nice.

“Maybe I should at least ask…” She trailed off as she stared harder at the taco, willing it to give her the answers she desired. With a firm nod of her head, she made up her mind. She had nothing to lose by asking her out, and besides, she now knew Rainbow liked tacos, and she just so happened to know a great place for said tacos.


Rainbow sat in her cloud home, resting on her could bed in her cloud room. All she could see was clouds. Fluffy, white, blank, sickening clouds. She laid back and groaned; she really needed a change in scenery. Maybe a little brown… mixed with multiple colours, books, maybe? They were all sorts of colours. Maybe even a splash of lavender thrown in, that would be- NO! Enough, it’s just a stupid little crush; I do not need to be thinking about her constantly!

Rainbow shook her head firmly to dislodge the thoughts. The same thoughts that had been nagging her to do something for nearly three weeks. She wished they would leave her alone, give her a little peace, but still they remained. Even when she was flying they stayed in the fore-front of her mind, more often then not making her lose focus and crash. It had been driving her nuts.

More then once she’d been flying over the town, only to stop dead in her tracks and just stare at the library where she knew a lavender unicorn would be reading. She didn’t do anything, at least not physically. In her mind she would swoop in through the window, dazzling the unicorn, before sweeping her off her hooves in a brilliant, passionate kiss that would leave them both- ENOUGH! No matter what Pinkie said it was just a tiny crush that she would get over soon enough.

She forced herself up from her bed and wandered out to her kitchen. She rarely used it, since it was both faster and easier to go out to dinner; she had more then enough bits for it. But today she didn’t want to leave her house; instead she began rummaging through empty cupboard after empty cupboard. She picked up the pace at the insistent rumble her stomach was now making.

She was about to check the last shelf in her kitchen when a knock at the door drew her attention.

“I don’t want what you’re selling!” She shouted, not really caring about how harsh her voice was.

“I’m not selling anything, Rainbow.” That voice… it couldn’t be. And yet it was, it was unmistakable, the way her heart beat a little faster, or how her mouth dried out just a little bit more. It was Twilight at her door.

Dash shot across her house to the door, not caring about the massive mess she was leaving in the air current behind her. In a flash she was at the door, taking deep breaths to slow her heart and breathing down so she didn’t look like she had just desperately half ran half flew across her house at the call of the lavender unicorn. She had a reputation to keep up.

Once she had determined she had slowed her breathing down enough, she opened the door, flashing a too-large cocky smile.

“Hey Twi, what’s up?” She asked casually, leaning a little too nonchalantly on the door frame.

“Uh… I was just… uh… passing by… and I… uh… thought that…” She trailed off, shuffling her hooves nervously and flicking her eyes around the front of Rainbow’s house. Something was defiantly wrong.

“Uh… Twi? You alright?”

“Yes! I am fine. Absolutely fine, not a single thing wrong!” She answered chipperly, almost demanding both herself and Rainbow to believe her.

“Uh… alright… wait, how are you even up here?” Rainbow looked down at Twilight’s hooves, confirming she was, in fact, standing on a cloud instead of stilts or something Pinkie would do.

“Easy, cloud walking spell and a little teleportation.” Twilight patted the cloud a few times to prove that it was as solid to her as it was Rainbow Dash.

“Ok. Now why are you here again?” Dash asked, raising an eyebrow to resume her confused look at Twilight. ‘maybe you should ask her out.’ She thought, looking the unicorn over. Come to think of it, it wouldn’t be that bad, sure, she was kind of an egghead, but she was fun enough to hang around. She always seemed to make Rainbow happy. Not to mention she didn’t look half bad…

Her thoughts trailed off when she realized Twilight was talking to her.

“So I was wondering if you’d like to do that.” Twilight finished, seemingly quieter then when she had started.

“What?” Rainbow mentally face-hoofed at her own words. ‘sure, tell the whole world I wasn’t listening to her. Great, now she’s glaring at me. Better pay attention this time’.

“You weren’t listening?” Twilight almost sounded… disappointed?

“Sorry Twi, I got… distracted.” She admitted sheepishly, scratching the back of her head. Twilight made a noise that sounded like a cross between a grunt and a sigh, hanging her head.

“Never mind.” She said dejectedly. Her courage was out, having poured every bit of it into asking Rainbow out, only for her to not listen? Twilight didn’t have the courage or will to try again. She turned away from a very confused Rainbow Dash and began to prepare her teleportation spell to get down.

“WAIT! Tell me, what did you say?” Rainbow placed a hoof on the unicorn shoulder, breaking her concentration like a twig at the tiny amount of contact it caused. Just that one touch caused Twilight to blush profusely. That one touch convinced Twilight it might be more then a tiny crush

“I… would you… taco?” She offered desperately, giving Rainbow the most pleading look she could muster.

“Uh… English please?” Dash just stared blankly at Twilight, waiting for her to say whatever she was trying to say. Twilight took a deep breath; it was now or never.

“Would you like to go out with me some time for tacos?” Even Twilight was surprised at how fast she could speak. Even Pinkie would be impressed. Rainbow, however, still managed to understand every syllable, and that made it that much less believable to her.

“Wait, you… want to… with me… tacos… go out… a date?” Rainbow was fast. She was used to going fast, but her mind struggled to keep up with the thousand thoughts fighting to be thought. Twilight asked her out? Twilight asked her out! What did that mean? Did Twilight feel the same? Was it more? Less? She didn’t know, but she did know she should probably say something other then stare blankly at the unicorn in front of her, who was slowly wilting due to the lack of an answer.

Without thinking she leaned in closer to her. ‘Alright, maybe Pinkie was right, this may be more then a crush’ was her last coherent thought before their lips met.