• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 4,956 Views, 232 Comments

Rainbooms and Romance - Kodeake

Series of short, non-related chapters of Twidash.

  • ...



“Twilight!” Rainbow cried, swooping down and wrapping the unicorn in a bone crushing hug. Soon the unicorn was surrounded by her closest friends, all of them joining in the embrace.

“What happened? After you fixed all our cutie marks the elements hit you with some kind of magic and you were just gone!” Rainbow asked frantically, gripping Twilight tightly even as the rest of their friends stood back to hear the answer.

“I said no,” Twilight said simply, smiling as she returned the hug.

“Huh? No to what?” Rainbow asked curiously, finally releasing Twilight from her embrace and looking at the unicorn sceptically.

“To her destiny,” another voice answered from behind them. They all turned to look at the new comer, instantly falling into bows as they recognized Princess Celestia.

“What?” They gasped in unison, looking between Twilight and Celestia with shocked expressions. Celestia smiled ruefully, motioning for Twilight to explain.

“My destiny was to become an alicorn princess, like Celestia. I didn’t want that, so I said no,” Twilight shrugged, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. The rest of her friends were stunned into silence, gaping at the mare that had turned down being a princess.

“I must be going back to Canterlot to inform Luna of your choice, you two have some talking to do,” Celestia said with a sly smile, flaring her wings and taking off into the sky before lighting her horn and teleporting with a bright flash.

“Two? She does know they’re six of us, right?” Applejack asked curiously, glancing around to the rest of their friends, who all shrugged in puzzlement. Twilight just smiled, a light blush coming to her cheeks.

“Maybe she needs glasses?” Pinkie offered, earning face-hoofs all around.

“I highly doubt it, though if she did I could design a pair that would go perfectly with her mane,” Rarity said, already working on plans for Celestia’s glasses in her mind.

“Maybe she just misspoke?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

“It’s been a long day, and I’m sure everypony wants to know the full story, but how about we all go home for a good night’s rest and we can talk tomorrow, alright?” Twilight said quickly, trying to cut off the conversation before it could go too far. She sighed in relief as all her friends nodded, after some hesitation, agreeing to meet the next morning for a full explanation before saying their goodbyes and wandering home. All except Twilight, who stayed until she was sure everypony was out of earshot.

With a flick of her horn she caught Rainbow Dash in a magical glow, teleporting her back down to the ground.

“Huh? What’s up Twi?” Rainbow asked, furrowing her brow as Twilight started walking back to her library.

“The ‘two’ Celestia was referring to was us. Come back to the library with me.”

Rainbow cocked her head curiously but followed the retreating form of her lavender friend.


“So, let me get this straight. You said ‘no’ to becoming an immortal princess of Equestria, with pretty much limitless magical power, fulfilling your destiny, and becoming an alicorn, all for… me?” Rainbow asked again, mind still reeling from the revelation.

“Well, it wasn’t just you, but you were certainly a defining factor in my answer,” Twilight explained for what felt like the thousandth time.

“You said no… for me?” Rainbow repeated, more to herself then Twilight.

“Yes, Rainbow, I said no for you,” Twilight sighed, getting tired of explaining it over and over.

“But… why? I mean, I know I’m awesome, and we’ve been dating for a while. But I mean come on, immortal alicorn ruler of Equestria? How could you say no to that?”

“Because I couldn’t do it. For one thing I would probably have to move back to Canterlot, I would have a ton of new responsibilities to deal with, not to mention all the studying I’d have to do on politics and the judicial system. I wouldn’t have any time for you or the girls, and on top of that…” Twilight trailed off sadly, glancing away from Rainbow and down to the cushion she and Rainbow inhabited.

“On top of that…?” Rainbow gestured with her hoof for Twilight to continue, listening intently.

“On top of that… I’d be immortal,” She sighed finally, looking up to Rainbow with tears in her eyes.

“Yeah, that’d be awesome. I mean, think about how much time you could spend just napping without anypony telling you that you’re wasting your limitless time? Or, in your case, studying,” Rainbow said enthusiastically, losing her smile when she saw the frown on Twilight’s face.

“Yeah, and I’d see all my best friends die, and my brother, my parents… you… everypony except Celestia, Luna, and Cadence.”

Rainbow grew silent as she realized exactly what Twilight would have to go through. But it wouldn’t stop there; if she ever had a foal, she would be forced to watch them age and die. Anypony she ever met and could ever meet would die around her.

“I don’t think I could handle it, Rainbow. I couldn’t take losing you or any of our friends, especially if I knew I would never be able to join them in the after life.” Twilight felt a few tears slide down her cheeks at just the thought of what her life would be like. She couldn’t imagine what it was like for Celestia.

“Oh…” Rainbow was still dumbstruck as she watched the unicorn cry quietly. Finally, she regained enough of her thoughts to wrap a wing around her, hugging Twilight tightly to her side as an act of comfort.

“I don’t want to be forced to live on without you,” Twilight cried into her coat, wrapping her own hooves around Rainbow’s neck.

“Hey, it’s alright. You don’t have to; I’ll always be here for you. You know that,” Rainbow soothed gently, lightly stroking her hoof through Twilight’s mane. For a while they sat together with nothing but Twilight’s muffled crying as a backdrop. Eventually, Twilight grew quiet, and she pulled her head away from Rainbow’s shoulder.

“Thank you,” Twilight whispered, wiping the remnants of her tears away with her hoof.

“Of course, Twi; I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Author's Note:

Just a short chapter today as a break from working on my next story. Hope you like it. I know it's been done before, but I really wanted to do something, mainly because I've been reading a lot of sad fics recently. Not my best writing, but passable at the very least, and I feel the content makes up for any quality issues, at least with this particular chapter. Let me know what you think.

Also, how many times has one of these chapters ended with one of them saying "I love you"? I've lost count, but it's just the perfect place to end it!