• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 4,956 Views, 232 Comments

Rainbooms and Romance - Kodeake

Series of short, non-related chapters of Twidash.

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Twilight awoke in her bed, opening her eyes she was met with familiar cyan fur. It was a sight she was used to seeing by now; almost every morning for the past 8 months had presented it to her. Yet even now it sent warmth spreading through her. It was the warmth of feeling absolutely, completely safe. It was rare for her to feel such a way, but she never felt safer then when she was in the hooves of her rainbow maned lover.

Sighing happily, she wormed closer to Rainbow’s chest, absorbing all the warmth and comfort she could before letting her eyes slowly begin to close, sleep already fighting for her mind. Its attack was short lived, however, as the cyan pegasus began to stir. It was slow, at first, just the odd twitch of one of her ears, or the wrinkling of her nose as she fought to stay asleep, but eventually the real world won the fight, and her eyes slid open. The first thing she saw was Twilight’s violet eyes and a warm, welcoming smile.

“Hey Twi.” She greeted groggily, reaching a hoof up to rub the sleep out of her eyes.

“Hey.” She responded happily, still smiling warmly at the pegasus that had been called her marefriend for more then half a year. It was weird now, looking back. Looking back at her time before Ponyville, she couldn’t believe she had survived without friends for as long as she did. And now she couldn’t believe she had survived without Dash for even longer.

“I gotta go!” Rainbow sprang up from the bed, taking the blanket with her, causing her to trip and fall flat on her face.

“Rainbow? What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, her voice betraying her concern.

“Nothing, I just have to go make a few plans, I’ll be back within an hour!” Rainbow shook the blanket off her last hoof and rocketed through the previously closed window, leaving a very stunned Twilight to clean up the mess.

‘What got into her?’ Twilight thought as she levitated the blanket over to make the bed, making sure every crease was smoothed and every corner tucked before making her way to the kitchen for breakfast.


Rainbow was true to her word, as in just under an hour she came flying through the library door. Unfortunately, Twilight was no where to be found. A quick twist of her ears, however, told her two things. One: The shower was running. Two: It was Twilight in the shower, since her singing was echoing through the library. Dash had to admit, even muffled by the shower and wood walls, she had a beautiful voice. This made her even surer of herself. She made her way over to the stairs, climbing them with a few flaps from her wings (she always hated walking up stairs) and walked toward the bathroom door. She debated knocking for a second, until Twilight’s voice came through the door.

“Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
And the voices rang like the angels sing,
And singing…
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
And we danced on into the night,
Ay oh ay oh,
Ay oh ay oh,
And we danced on into the night.”

It was not just the chorus of a song she recognized, but it was also her favourite song. An idea popped into her head as Twilight finished the chorus. Rainbow opened the door quietly, ensuring to be unheard as she stepped into the steam filled bathroom, the sound of water and singing grew louder as she stepped in. The warm steam circled around her, flowing out the door, slowly beginning to empty the bathroom. Rainbow waited for Twilight to begin the next verse.

“Like a gift from the heavens-” As soon as she knew what verse Twilight was on, she joined in, her voice mixing with Twilight’s to produce a sound that could only be described as angelic, at least to her ears.

“It was easy to tell.” Twilight faltered slightly at the addition of a second voice, having assumed she was alone in the library aside from Spike, who was taking advantage of his day off by sleeping. However, as soon as she faltered she picked it back up, realizing there was only one pony that would walk into the bathroom and begin singing with her. A smile subconsciously formed on her lips as she continued singing.

“It was love from above, that could save me from hell, She had fire in her soul it was easy to see,
how the devil himself could be pulled out of me, There were drums in the air as she started to dance,
Every soul in the room keeping time with their hands,
And we sang…”

As they entered the final chorus, Twilight shut off the shower, letting their voices ring through the bathroom without the noise of the shower.

“And we danced on into the night.” As they sung the last note, Twilight stepped out of the shower, her mane wet and sticking to her neck, dripping lightly on the floor as she approached the pegasus who had interrupted her shower.

“You know, most ponies don’t walk into the bathroom they know is being used.” Twilight teased, levitating a towel to begin the process of drying herself while Rainbow just stood next to the door and watched.

“Yeah, but I’m not most ponies. Besides, I figured you wouldn’t mind.”

“I suppose. Now are you going to tell me why you dashed out of the house this morning, or am I going to have to make you?” Twilight gave Rainbow a look that said ‘and I will make you’ as she dried her mane magically.

“Nope, I’m gonna show you.” Dash replied proudly, receiving nothing but a glare from the purple unicorn.

“And how, exactly, will you show me?” Twilight asked doubtfully.

“Easy. Just come with me to Sugar Cube Corner. It’ll make sense once we’re there.”


It had taken a while, but Rainbow had eventually gotten Twilight out of the library and on their way to Sugar Cube Corner, where a surprise she had been planning for a month waited. Now they stood outside on the sidewalk, Rainbow shaking like a leaf and Twilight looking at her worriedly.

“Rainbow? You alright? You’re shaking like a leaf.”

“Y-yeah, just a l-little c-cold.” She stuttered, her shaking growing worse as she approached the door. Her mouth dried like cotton as she reached for the handle. She froze on the spot.

“Rainbow?” Twilight asked again, placing a hoof on her shivering shoulder. With that one touch Rainbow gained all the confidence she needed, and stopped her shaking dead in its tracks. She took a deep breath, and opened the door. Inside was pitch black, the lights were out, the curtains were drawn, and the light from the door didn’t help much. While Twilight gazed curiously, Rainbow walked into the darkness, quickly being engulfed by black. Twilight followed uncertainly, the door shutting of its own accord behind her, plunging her into absolute darkness.

She waved her hoof out in front of her as she made her way further into the room. “Rainbow?” She called out hopefully, praying that whatever the pegasus would do, she would do it fast. She may not be afraid of the dark, but she didn’t like the idea of tripping on something or walking into a wall.

“Just stay there.” Rainbows voice came from somewhere ahead of her. It was a little shaky, but not very noticeable to anypony not listening for it. Twilight did as she was instructed, halting her progress in what she assumed to be the centre of the room. In a flash of light the room was illuminated, the sudden light blinding her momentarily. When her vision adjusted she saw the rest of the room, filled with ponies of all shapes, colors, and races, all with expectant smiles on there faces. What her attention was drawn to, however, were not those ponies around the room, not even when she saw her brother and her parents. What her attention was drawn to was a cyan pegasus sitting in front of her, in one outstretched hoof sat and open box, and in that box sat a ring.

“Twilight Sparkle. Will you marry me?” It took Twilight all of ten seconds to figure out what exactly Rainbow had said, then another ten to comprehend the words. Her answer, however, was formed before she needed to think about it. She dove forward, enveloping the cyan mare in a deep, passionate kiss. When their lips finally parted, she just smiled and giggled.

“Of course.” Her response was met with Rainbow pulling her in for another kiss, along with cheers from every single pony present. A number Twilight assumed to be all of Ponyville plus a few others. Rainbow must have been planning this a while, which made it all the more special to her.

Author's Note:

Song used is 'Into The Night' By Santana and Nickelback.