• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 4,952 Views, 232 Comments

Rainbooms and Romance - Kodeake

Series of short, non-related chapters of Twidash.

  • ...



Twilight smiled as she sat in her seat, eyes trained on the sky above the elegant coliseum in Canterlot. In the bright blue sky flew four pegasi, each with a blue and tallow flight suit and matching goggles. The other seats of the arena were devoid of ponies, the building empty except for her. A sign hung on the entrance, announcing the fact that it was a closed practice, only open to those who had a personal invitation from a member of the Wonderbolts. Twilight just so happened to be the marefriend of their newest member.

Rainbow Dash grinned down at the splotch of lavender among the white of marble. 6 months ago today she had received what was possibly the greatest piece of mail in her life; her acceptance letter to the Wonderbolts. One year ago today, she had asked the most important question in her life; Twilight Sparkle out on a date. Now she found herself flying high above Canterlot with the greatest stunt team in Equestria with her marefriend watching from below. She had everything she had ever wanted out of life and more, soaring through the crisp spring air without a single worry.

Glancing to her side, she saw Spitfire motioning for them to land. Following the rest of her team, she lopped back around to the stadium and descended, landing softly in the center of the ring.

“Good practice, except you,” Spitfire started, turning on her second-in-command. Soarin raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “You were clearly distracted by something. I don’t care what it is, but change it before our show on Saturday. Clear?”

“Ma’am,” He affirmed, giving a quick salute.

“Good. Rest of you, next practice is tomorrow at 8 AM. Don’t be late. Dismissed!” With a final whistle blow the Wonderbolt squad broke apart, most heading up and out of the coliseum to the hotel. Rainbow flew straight to the stands, landing in front of a grinning purple unicorn.

“So Twi, how was that for a show?” Rainbow asked, giving her signature cocky smile.

“You were great, Rainbow,” Twilight said as she wrapped the pegasus in a tight hug, pulling back to smile affectionately at her.

“Heh… yeah…” Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, her confident charade shaken by the sudden display of emotion. “I’m gonna go change, then we can go on our date, K?”

“Go ahead, I’ll be here,” Twilight smiled, sitting back in her seat as Rainbow nodded and made her way towards the locker room at the other end of the large stadium. Twilight continued to watch as her mind ran through the planned events for the night. One full year of dating that cyan pegasus had gone by in a blur, and still every date felt like their first. Everything thing they did, whether it was the second or hundredth time, felt just as amazing as the first. Time had little meaning to the two, the calendar nothing more than a reminder that time had indeed passed.

“Hey,” A new voice said, pulling Twilight’s mind out from itself and to the deep blue stallion standing in front of her.

“Soarin?” She asked, a little surprised at his sudden appearance.

“Hey Twilight. Where’s, uh… where Rainbow?” He asked, sitting down in the seat next to her.

“Changing. Why, did you need to talk to her?”

“No. No, I actually wanted to talk to you,” he said as he glanced around, ensuring they were alone.

“Oh? What about?” Twilight asked curiously, sitting up in her seat as she waited for him to start talking.

“Well, how long have you and Rainbow been dating?” Soarin asked slowly, making Twilight cock an eyebrow at him.

“One year today… why?”

“Really? A full year?” He asked, suddenly seaming more confident as he smiled gently.

“Yeah…” Twilight trailed off, eyeing him wearily as he continued to smile his gentle, oddly unnerving smile.

“You ever get… bored with her?” He asked boldly, smiling as Twilight’s eyes widened.

“Never! And if you’re implying what I think you are, you can just forget about it,” Twilight said firmly, levelling a venomous glare at the smirking stallion next to her. The fact that he had yet to stop smiling left an uneasy feeling in her gut.

“Are you sure, I mean,” he slid a very suggestive hoof over from his own lap to Twilight’s thigh, leaning his muzzle close to her ear, “you’d be surprised at what you miss out on being with another mare.”

Twilight squeaked, slapping his hoof away and standing from her chair. “Back off, Soarin,” she warned, her glare daring him to continue. He accepted the challenge, rising from his own seat and advancing a few steps.

“Rainbow will never have to know,” he took a few more steps, his confident smirk mere inches from Twilight’s harsh snarl.

“Last war-” Twilight’s protest was silenced as Soarin placed his hooves on her shoulders and forcefully pressed his muzzle against hers. Dazed by the sudden movement, she quickly regained her wits and pushed against his chest. Unfortunately, his physical strength was much more than hers, and he held her firmly in place. She started pounding uselessly against him, trying desperately to push him away. When that failed, she gathered what focus she could and charged her horn. With a blast of arcane magic the aggressive pegasus was knocked off his hooves and to the ground, falling on his back with a painful thud and sliding away from Twilight.

Soarin gasped, struggling to regain the air that had been knocked out of him. He quickly righted himself, matching Twilight’s death glare with one of his own. Twilight, too angered to form complete or coherent thoughts at this point, worked her jaw uselessly, trying to find the words to express herself. After struggling for a few seconds, she noticed Soarin’s glare had been replaced with a satisfied, malicious smile. When she gave him an odd look, he simply pointed up with his hoof.

Twilight traced a line extending from the hoof with her eye, extending straight up into the sky. The imaginary line eventually crossed with a very real one; a rainbow line painting a streak across the sky. At its tip was a cyan blur rocketing away from the stadium.

“Well, I guess you’re unattached now. So about that earlier offer…” Soarin started, keeping his devious grin the entire time.

Twilight’s head snapped back down to level an even more venomous glare at him. “If I didn’t have to go talk to her, you’d be a dead crab.”

With that final, very serious threat, Twilight was gone in a flash of light and magic, leaving a cheekily grinning Soarin behind.

“She’ll come back. They always do,” he said to himself, strutting away like he owned the world towards the locker room.


Burning wings screaming in protest, eyes stinging from the force of the winds, jaw sore from clenching. Rainbow Dash allowed these sensations to wrap around her mind, consuming it and dousing all other thoughts and feelings. These aching pains were so much less than the emotional pain she felt at this moment. So she worked harder, made her wings throb and her lungs beg for breath, because anything was better than dealing with the pain she was running from.

Yes, Rainbow Dash, world’s best flier and Equestria’s most awesome pegasus was running away. For the first time in her life, she felt no shame in admitting. After what she had just seen, she didn’t care. She couldn’t care what ponies thought of her. She didn’t care what happened to her reputation after this, she just had to get away.

Pushing herself faster and faster through the skies, a rainbow trail following her as she left the mountain city of Canterlot far behind her. Her hotel was there, but that was the last place she wanted to be. It was the same hotel shared by all the Wonderbolts. Including Soarin.

No, she needed to go someplace far away from him. Somewhere he wouldn’t be able to find her, somewhere she could be alone.

She went home.

Tank was there, waiting patiently for her return. Nopony was expecting her home for another week, nopony would think she made the trek all the way back to Ponyville. And even if they did, she could always pretend she wasn’t home.

Finally, she saw it in the distance; her very own cloudy sanctuary. Away from the hurt of the real world she had just experienced first hoof. Away from anything and anypony that would try to make her feel better. Nothing could make her feel better now.

Hardly slowing down she burst through the door, the air current behind her slamming it shut a moment later. She had eyes for only her bed and her blanket’s warm, comforting embrace. As she shot by the bare walls and empty rooms, a sense of dread began to fill her gut. She had moved in with Twilight months ago; all her stuff was in the library. Eventually she’d have to go back to get her things. It was a meeting she was dreading.

Shaking her head and pushing the thought to the farthest corner of her mind, she crashed down on her bed. Such thoughts could wait for later, right now she couldn’t even think of facing the unicorn. Instead she curled up around herself, ignoring the outside world as the first few tears began to fall.

Those first few tears grew to full-fledged crying, the hurt she felt too strong for the throbbing of her wings to cover up. Thoughts and questions swirled around her head. Each just another hammer strike to her already crushed heart. But one thought. One, single, most prevalent thought cut the deepest. Like adding lemon juice to a wound it burned and festered in her mind as she tried to think of answers for it, each one more painful than the last.



Rainbow wasn’t sure how much time had passed. She wasn’t sure how long she had been lying in her bed, begging for sleep but receiving only more tears. She wasn’t even sure if it was the same day anymore, her thick cloud curtains blocking any and all light from entering her room. But then, she didn’t really care. Spitfire would be angry at her for missing practice, but she didn’t think she could stomach flying next to him.

What frustrated her even more was the fact that these were new, foreign feelings. Normally, when faced with this kind of situation, she would feel anger, hatred towards the pony who had betrayed her and her trust. But this time, all she could feel was her hurt, her pain. She didn’t feel the urge to punch the pony who had done this, instead she wanted this to all be a dream. She wanted to open her eyes to Twilight’s beautiful smile, sitting across the table form her in a fancy Canterlot restaurant.

She was pulled from her perfect world by a loud, insistent knocking on her door. There were only a couple of ponies that would think she’d be home, and of the only a few of them had the means to reach her. Groaning, she rolled over and clamped her tear-soaked pillow of her ears, silently wishing the pony at her door would go away. But still, the knocking persisted, getting louder as time went on. Finally, she’d had enough, removing the pillow and taking a deep, shaky breath.

“GO AWAY!” She shouted. The knocking silenced instantly. Rainbow sighed thankfully at the silence, replacing her pillow and laying back down on it.

“R-rainbow?” Called a very quiet, very timid voice. If she didn’t know that voice as well as she did, she would have sworn it was Fluttershy at her door. But no, she would never be so lucky. Of course the only pony who would show up on her door would be the very mare she was trying to get away from.

Biting back more tears, she steadied her voice enough to say “Go away, Twilight.”

“Rainbow, please talk to me. It’s not what you think,” Twilight started to explain, though the thick clouds between her and Rainbow were making it difficult.

“Then what is it? Because it sure as hay isn't daisies and roses!” Rainbow snapped, anger filling her mind as it fed off her tears, turning them into rage at the pony on her doorstep.

“I… I’m coming in, ok?” Twilight called, slowly opening the door and stepping in to the front entrance. Rainbow remained silent, glaring out her bedroom door to the stairwell she knew Twilight would be ascending any second.

Sure enough, a lavender head poked around the corner of the cured staircase. Twilight climbed the stairs hesitantly, stopping just after reaching the top.

“What do you want?” Rainbow growled, rolling over and away from the intruding unicorn.

“I want to explain what happened, and what you thought you saw,” Twilight started gently, not daring come any closer than the doorway as she spoke.

“Really? You're going to regal me with a tale of how I jumped to conclusions? Or how I didn't get the whole picture? Save it, Twilight; I don't wanna hear it,” Rainbow spat; hate and malice dripping off her every word.

The words, and more importantly the emotions behind them, caused more pain for Twilight than any physical wound could hope to. Sighing heavily, she started again.

“He came onto me. I tried to push him off, but he's stronger than me, so when I kissed me I couldn't force him off. I used my magic to get him off of me, but I guess by then-”

“By then I had already seen it and flown away. Great story. But it's just that; a story. I don't know how you two got together, but from where I was standing, it sure didn’t look like you were fighting it,” Rainbow said bitterly, cutting off Twilight's story as she finally stood from her bed, on the opposites side of the door where Twilight sat.

“But it's not a story...” Twilight trailed off, seeing nothing but hate and pain in Rainbow's eyes.

“Just... stop lying to me. At least have the decency to tell me the truth after you've been caught.”

“But I'm not lying!” Twilight protested trying and failing to think of a way to convince the pegasus of her innocence.

“How long?” Rainbow asked quietly, ignoring Twilight's continued refusal.


“How long have you been with him!?” Rainbow shouted. Twilight flinched, taking a step back towards the stairs.

“I-I told you; we aren't... I'm not...” Twilight crumbled under Rainbow's hard, icy glare.

“Stop lying to me!” Rainbow screamed, stamping her hooves against the cloud floor, sending up puffs of white water vapour around her.

“I'm not lying!” Twilight cried, hoping, praying for Rainbow to believe her.

“You are! I know you are! How long have you been with him? Ever since I got in to the Wonderbolts? Before? Did... did you...” Rainbow's voice dropped to nothing more than a whisper, eyes wide as she continued, “did you use him to get me in?”

“W-what!? No! I would never... never... Rainbow please, you know I would never do that!” Twilight was reeling as Rainbow started advancing on her, circling around the bed and crossing the small room towards her.

“I also thought you'd never cheat on me, and look how that turned out!” Rainbow's voice cracked as she yelled, strained from both her crying and the more recent shouting match.

“But I didn’t... I...” Twilight fumbled uselessly, searching for the right words that just weren't there.

“But you did!” Rainbow screamed, stamping her hoof as she stopped right in front of the unicorn. Twilight shrunk under fiery, rage filled glare, slowly back away.

“Rainbow, please,” Twilight didn't know what to do anymore. Nothing she could say now would convince Rainbow of anything, and continuing could only make things worse.

“Just get out Twilight,” Rainbow spat, adding an air of finality as she turned her back on the unicorn. Twilight gaped a the action, unsure of what she should do.


“I SAID GET OUT!” Rainbow's voice boomed, silencing all further arguments as she walked away.

Twilight, tears slowly streaming down her cheeks, took one last glance a the cyan pegasus before charging her horn and teleporting away.

As Rainbow saw the flash and heard the pop from behind her, she allowed herself a heavy, strangled sob as she flopped back down on her bed. Her tears already coming back as she curled in on herself, regretting everything she had said and wishing she could undo everything.


Soarin took a step back, admiring his Wonderbolt flight suit hanging on a stand in his hotel room. Smiling confidently, he moved around the large, expansive suite rented for the stunt team. A large bedroom connected to an equally extravagant living area with a small kitchen with all the essentials. The plush carpet under his hooves and the large, glass windows facing out across Canterlot's nighttime skyline.

A knock rang from his door, drawing his attention away from his luxurious quarters and to the large, ebony door at the front of his living room. Glancing at the clock curiously, he made his way over. Silently pondering who would disturb him as such a time, he opened the door to satisfy his curiosity. His surprised, and slightly annoyed, grimace fell from his face, replaced by a smile as he recognized the unicorn at his door.

“Twilight!” curiosity. He cried cheerfully, moving to the side and motioning for her to come in. The unicorn, however, staid still as a statue in the doorway. Her jaw set and a determined, steely glare beaming out of her red, puffy eyes. With a single glance Soarin knew exactly what had happened, and that made him all the merrier.

“So I guess it didn't go so well, huh? I'm gonna go ahead and say she's to stubborn and hurt to believe you, am I right?” He asked with a glowing grin, his smile radiating out into the clean and crisp hallway.

“Actually, you are; she won't believe me. So I'm not going to explain to her,” Twilight said simply, finally taking the offer and walking into his room. Soarin shut the door behind her, following her and motioning for her to take a seat on his couch as he sat in a chair next to it.

“It's too bad. She can be really stubborn when she really wants to. But why are you here?” He asked, already knowing the answer.

“Because, while she won't believe me, she just might believe you,” Twilight stated, ignoring the couch and walking straight up the the chair he resided in.

“Uh... maybe, but why would I tell her anything?” Soarin asked with a curiously raised brow. He was not expecting that answer.

“Because I asked you to,” Twilight shrugged nonchalantly. Soarin burst out laughing.

“You...” he stopped, struggling for the air to both laugh and talk, “You really think I'd want to fix this?”

“Oh I know you don't, but here's the deal,” Twilight started, her voice suddenly taking a very menacing undertone and silencing the pegasus' laugh, “Unless you fly your feathery flank down to Ponyville and explain this whole mess to her, I swear to Celestia I'll turn you into a loaf of bread and feed you to the geese.”

Soarin's eyes widened a bit before he started laughing again.

“Yeah right, I doubt you have that kind of power, and even if you did, I doubt Celestia would be very happy with her prized student killing somepony.”

“Did you not hear me? I said I'd turn you into a loaf of bread. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that means there will be no body, and no body means no evidence. They'd never even suspect me,” Twilight growled, focusing a deadly glare on the pegasus still laughing in the chair.

“Uh-huh, I'm su-” THUD

A loud bang rang through the room as Soarin fell to the floor, the chair underneath him having vanished. Though, as he soon found out, it hadn't vanished. Underneath him was a very, very prickly cactus.

“OW! Ow ow ow!” He shouted, jumping up off the floor and desperately trying to brush the needles out of his flank with his wings, only to get more thorns caught in his feathers. After a few moments of pain, there was a flash and the chair returned, the cactus and all it's bristles disappearing.

“That was turning an inanimate object into a living plant. You really think it'd be that hard for me to turn an animate object into bread?” Twilight deadpanned. “Oh, and when you finish, tell her I'll be at my library,” Twilight smiled, but her cheerful expression was alone in the room. She glanced out the window to the dark blue night. The silhouette of a pony could be seen streaking across the sky to Ponyville.

With a confident nod, she charged her horn, gathering the energy required for the relatively long distance between Canterlot and Ponyville.


Twilight sighed as she set her book down on the coffee table. Spreading over the entire length of her couch, she stared up at the plain brown ceiling, silently waiting. It had been almost an hour since she'd left Soarin with his instructions, and she was beginning to think Rainbow didn't believe him either. Even at the best of times Rainbow was as stubborn as a mule, and this was certainly not a good time for her.

As the clock ticked slowly on the wall, Twilight's eyes were drawn to the hands, counting out the slow passage of time as night became morning. If this wasn't fixed soon Rainbow would end up missing her 8 AM training, and that would mean a possible one-month suspension. All thoughts of their one-year anniversary had fled from her mind. She didn't care about that anymore, all she wanted was to fix this. But even that was out of her control; it was up to the very pony that had caused it all.

While Soarin was the absolute last pony Twilight wanted to trust with fixing this, he was the only one who's words would carry any meaning to Rainbow. While Twilight might try to lie to save the relationship, Soarin would have no real reason to try and fix somepony else's, especially if the relationship falling apart gave him a chance at another mare.

'Disgusting pig' she thought idly, sneering at the memory of how he forced himself onto her, then laughed when Rainbow saw it. 'he should be fired for that kind of behaviour'

Twilight was drawn from her thoughts by the sound of fluttering wings, followed but he clopping of hooves touching down on the stone path outside her front door. For a moment there was silence, as if the pony on the other side of the door didn't want to knock. Then again, Twilight couldn’t blame her for being nervous about the coming conversation. Sitting up on the couch, Twilight watched the door, waiting for something to happen.

After enough time had passed, and Twilight had grown impatient, she decided to initiate the confrontation.

“You gonna stand there all night or come in?” She shouted, eyeing the door as it opened slowly. Sure enough, Rainbow timidly poked her head in through the doorway, glancing around the front room of the library.

“Twi?” She called weakly, stepping further in until she saw the unicorn sitting on the couch.

“I'm here,” Twilight said, waving a hoof to attract Rainbow's attention. “I take it Soarin came to talk to you?”

“Uh... yeah...” Rainbow rubbed her foreleg anxiously before stepping all the way into the library and closing the door behind her.

“And judging from the fact that you're here, I'm also going to assume he convinced you?” Twilight stood from the couch as she spoke, intending on meeting Rainbow halfway.

“Well... he kinda told me what you threatened him with... which was awesome, by the way,” Rainbow chuckled weakly, desperately trying to reduce the awkwardness of the situation. Her joke, however, did little to lift the tension in the air.

“Awesome? I threatened to kill a pony and you think that's awesome?” Twilight asked incredulously, making Rainbow backpedal suddenly.

“No! No that's not what I meant! I just-”

“Relax, Rainbow. It was just a joke,” Twilight giggled, earning a small smile from the pegasus. Unlike Rainbow's attempt, Twilight managed to lift at least some of the awkward blanket draped over the library, allowing Rainbow to semi-comfortably continue into the room, stopping in front of Twilight.

“Twi, I... I'm sorry,” Rainbow started shakily. Apologizing may not have been her strong suit, but sometimes they were necessary, and this was definitely one of those times.

“I know, and it's alright,” Twilight assured with a smile, resting a gentle hoof on a cyan shoulder. Her smile fell when Rainbow shied away from it.

“No; it's really not. I should have trusted you the first time. I should have believed you.”

“Really, Rainbow; it's okay now. You made a mistake; that's it. Just a mistake,” Twilight tried again, only for her guest's frown to deepen.

“But it's not! Had it been me instead of you that he came into, you would have believed me, right?” Rainbow asked, shrugging off Twilight's hoof.

“Well, yes, but-”

“But nothing! I should trust you just as much as you trust me, but instead I was too stubborn to see that you were telling the truth. All because I thought I saw something I didn't.” As she spoke, Rainbow gently lowered herself down so she was sitting, looking away dejectedly as Twilight sighed,

“Rainbow, I know you don't think so, but it's really ok; I don't-”

“And if calling you a liar to your face wasn't enough,” Rainbow continued, forcefully ending whatever it was Twilight wanted to say, “I also ruined our anniversary, which I know you've been planning for weeks. I'm gonna get a suspension from the Wonderbolts, since there's no way I'm making it back to Canterlot now, and I... I made you cry, Twilight,” she finished quietly, finally meeting Twilight's gaze with a teary one of her own.

“Rainbow,” Twilight sighed, sitting down herself as she rubbed the bridge of her nose with a hoof.

“No matter what you say, I can't forgive myself for that, no matter the circumstances.”

“Rainbow!” Twilight snapped, drawing a slightly shocked look for the pegasus as she silenced herself, “you're angry at yourself because you didn't trust me, right?”

Rainbow nodded gently, lowering her head in shame.

“Then start making up for it by trusting me now when I say you’re forgiven. Trust me when I say I'm not mad at you,” Twilight said firmly, but also gently, ensuring she didn't give Rainbow any reasons to doubt her. Rainbow lifted her head, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks as she stared at Twilight.

Twilight's heart twisted in her chest at the sight. Without warning or hesitation she wrapped her hooves firmly around Rainbow's shoulders, drawing the mare into a tight, loving embrace. This time, Rainbow accepted the contact, eagerly returning the hug with both her hooves and her wings.

“I don't care about my plans for our anniversary, it's just a temporary suspension, and I've already forgiven you,” Twilight whispered comfortingly into Rainbow's ear, eliciting another strangled sob from the pegasus wrapped around her.

“How did I end up with somepony as great as you?” Rainbow wondered idly, smiling through the dark stains running down her cheeks.

“By being as awesome as always,” Twilight giggled back, slowly pulling away from the embrace and smiling softly.

“I love you, Twi; I really don't say that enough,” Rainbow said bashfully, blushing and looking away as Twilight grinned playfully at her.

“Watch it, Rainbow, can't have you getting soft on me,” she mocked, earning a matching grin from Rainbow.

“You're the one turning me soft!” Rainbow protested. Twilight just chuckled, glad that it was finally over. Glancing up to the clock, she stood from her spot on the floor, realizing how late, or rather, early, it was.

“Come on; let's get some sleep. We can worry about the Wonderbolts tomorrow, okay?” Twilight, motioning for Rainbow to follow as she approached the staircase to the second floor of the wooden structure.

Rainbow nodded in agreement, climbing the stairs directly behind Twilight. Anniversary plans forgotten and destroyed, Wonderbolts impossible to get to, and a mare that loved her. Despite the chaos all around her, the stress of facing Spitfire's fury the next day, and anxiety of having to fly next to Soarin and somehow restrain from killing him, Rainbow Dash smiled. She held her smile high and proud as she crawled into the neatly made bed in the ever-organized room. Her smile never once fading as Twilight slipped in behind her, wrapping her hooves around Rainbow's barrel and resting her head on a cyan shoulder.

“I love you too, Dashie, and don't ever forget that,” Twilight whispered, Rainbow's smile growing as she made herself a promise to never forget. Even as sleep took hold of her mind and body, that happy, confident, comfortable, loving smile never once faded or faltered.

Nor did Twilight's.

Author's Note:

Edited by Snowfrost, show him some love.

Special thanks to Muffy for the prompt.