• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 4,953 Views, 232 Comments

Rainbooms and Romance - Kodeake

Series of short, non-related chapters of Twidash.

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Twilight sat at her kitchen table. Mug of coffee in front of her and eyes glued firmly out the window at her mailbox. Her eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep and her hoof tapped the table due to drinking one too many cups of coffee. What was she at now? 3? 6? She didn’t know. She lost track the last time she glanced at the clock and had to remember the time. How long ago was that? What time was it?

She glanced back at the clock, 6:54. She had been up since around 2 in the morning. After she got up she proceeded down the stairs and to her kitchen, where she made her coffee, then sat down at the table. Since that moment she had not moved, minus the occasional turn of her head to get more coffee. She had to stay awake. No matter how much her body wanted to sleep. Any minute now and she could have her answer, the answer to the question that had been in her mind for almost two weeks.

She switched her eyes back to the window, outside lay her mailbox, the flag still down, showing that the morning mail had not yet come. As if on cue a grey pegasus with a blond mane flew into view, a mailbag hanging from her shoulder. Twilight launched herself out of the chair and dashed over to the door, barely slowing her pace to open the door with her magic.

“Wait! Ditzy!” She called out to the mail mare, currently depositing the mail in the box.

“Hey Twilight, what are you doing up this early?” She turned at the mention of her name, the mail resting neatly inside the box.

“I wanted to ask you...” Twilight paused as she rummaged through the mail with her magic, discarding a few letters directly onto the ground until she found the one she was looking for. It looked like a regular letter. It was red with a standard, circular wax seal and her address and name printed on it. The only thing that was missing was a return address, though from the nature of the letter, Twilight wasn’t surprised the pony wanted to remain anonymous.

“Do you know who sent this? Where you picked it up?” Twilight asked, desperation tinting her voice. For two weeks she had tried to determine the origin of these letters, and every day turned up another dead end.

“Uh… no, sorry, Twilight, that one was at the post office, dropped in the mailbox before we opened this morning. Whoever sent it must be an even earlier riser then you!” Ditzy giggle a little at her own joke. Twilight, however, just scowled in defeat.

“Oh… alright. I’ll see you later, Ditzy.” She turned and slunk back into the library, the lone letter floating behind her. The rest of her mail was left to its fate in on the ground. Ditzy was a little more then puzzled at the reaction, but decided to shrug it off. She scooped up the rest of Twilight’s letters and put them back in the mailbox before flying off to continue her route.

Meanwhile, Twilight sighed and shut the door, setting the letter on the table while she fetched her letter opener. After a few seconds it flew out of her desk and came to a rest next to the envelope. She hesitated for a second, a look of apprehension on her face as she stared at the thing before her. Nearly the exact same envelope had come for her every single day in the mail for almost two weeks. It was driving her nuts. The worst part was no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t figure out who was sending them. She had talked to every single pony in Ponyville that could be sending them, and none of them seemed to know anything about them.

She took a deep breath the slid the small knife under the seal, gently working at it until it came off of the paper without a single tear. She the opened the envelope and extracted a single piece of parchment from within. It was folded neatly in two places, dividing it into equal thirds; whoever had folded it had taken great care to make it perfect. With a quick flick of magic it unfolded before her, and her eyes began to move over the text, reading every word in her mind.

Dear Twilight Sparkle.

We are nearly at two weeks of this, and still you cannot find my identity. I promise I will approach you when I work up the courage, but until then, please be patient. I’m not sure how long it will take, since it took me a long time to start writing even these letters, but the time will come. I just wanted to say, you have beautiful eyes. In previous letters I have told you about your brilliant mind, you stunning coat or mane, and even sometimes about your body in general. But nothing even holds a candle to your brilliant, shining eyes.

I could go on for days, but I will leave some things for when I meet you face-to-face. Just as soon as I can without getting week in the knees, as the saying goes, at least. Today, Rainbow Dash will come by your house, and will extend Rarity’s invitation to a group lunch to you. I want you to know, I will be there. I may finally work up the courage to tell you, to approach you and tell you who I am and everything. But I may not. All I can do is hope.

At this point I know I must sound pretty creepy, like a stalker or something. I want you to know; I’m not. I don’t blame you if you don’t believe me, but when I finally tell you who I am it will all make sense. How I know all this, how I am always there, how it’s not creepy. It will all make sense. All I ask is that you have a little trust in me, trust that this will make sense. Is it so wrong to want a little trust? Especially since I’m-

Never mind. I still can’t tell you, not even in writing. For now this is the end. If I don’t have the courage today, I’ll talk to you in the next letter, but let us pray that I do.

Twilight Sparkle, I lov lik I am fond of you.

Your secret admirer.

Twilight sighed as her eyes reached the end of the text. It ended like all the others, a few crossed off words before the unknown writer finally came to a decision on what to say. Each letter had been signed the same, her ‘secret admirer’. It was driving her nuts. Before she had time to dwell on it any longer, a knock rang throughout the library.

“This is a public library, you don’t need to knock!” She yelled, not particularly caring who was at the door.

“Whoa, easy, Twi, what’s gotten you in such a bad mood?” A second after the voice reached her ears Twilight’s vision was filled with a light blue as Rainbow Dash flew in front of her.

“Doesn’t matter, Rarity asked me to-” She was cut off as Twilight held a hoof up to stop her mid sentence.

“To invite me to a group lunch?” She asked knowingly, a little disturbed that her so called ‘not creepy secret admirer’ knew so much about her and her friend’s activities.

“Yeah, how’d you know?” Rainbow cocked her head, her confusion draining as Twilight pointed at the letter on her table.

“Oh, right… still sending letters, eh?”

“Yeah, and still to chicken to tell me who they are!” Twilight shouted out towards the door, hoping that whoever sent to letter would hear her. Rainbow just shrugged.

“They said they’ll tell you eventually, so just have a bit of patience.” Rainbow said calmly, before walking over to the door. “So you coming to lunch or not?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. I’m coming.” She glanced at the clock as she walked by it; almost noon. She could have sworn it was way earlier then that just a few minutes ago. Had she been staring at the letter that long?


Twilight played idly with the food on her plate. Her head rested on the table next to it as she mulled over every single clue she had as to the identity of her unknown admirer. It was getting her nowhere.

“Twilight, dear, what is troubling you on such a fine day? You’ve barely touched your salad at all.” Rarity asked, taking a final, lady-like bite of her own lunch before setting her fork down delicately on her plate.

“It’s those letters. I got another this morning, it said the pony would be here, and try to work up the courage to talk to me. It’s driving me nuts; I wish they would just spit it out already!” Twilight yelled angrily and glanced around at the rest of the outdoor restaurant, most of the patrons staring at her for her rather loud outburst. Rarity glanced around nervously before speaking.

“I’m sure sh- they’ll work up the courage eventually, just give he- them a little time.”

“It’s been two weeks! How much courage do they need!?” She slammed a hoof down on the table, causing Fluttershy to jump and hide behind her mane.

“I’m sure she’ll tell you soon.” As soon as the words left her lips she cringed and covered her mouth with her hooves, hoping Twilight wouldn’t catch her slip up. Luckily she didn’t as she continued glaring angrily around her.

“How soon is soon? They say that in ever single letter!”

“Just calm down and take a deep breath Twi, y’all know ya can’t rush these things.” Applejack attempted to say, though her words were heavily jumbled by the salad still in her mouth. Her ‘uncouth’ behaviour caused Rarity to twitch.

“Yeah, I’m sure she’ll tell you as soon as she can. After all, it must be pretty hard telling your best friend you-” The pink party pony of Ponyville was silenced by a hasty hoof jammed into her mouth. Unfortunately, Twilight picked up on it this time.

“Did you just say ‘she’? As in, you know who it is?” Simultaneously, the all shook there heads, except Applejack, who instead held her head still.

“Applejack?” She leaned over the table, getting directly in the farmer’s face, glaring at her. “Do you know who’s been sending these?” Applejack made what was possibly the loudest possible gulping noise ever before turning to the rest of her friends. Eyes pleading for help.

“Uh… let’s say, theoretically, I did-”

“Stop stalling.”

“It’s me.” A shaky voice answered from behind her. She whipped her head around, expecting some previously unknown mare to be standing there. Instead she saw nothing, until she looked up. There, hovering just above the ground with a blush that could rival Big Mac’s coat colour was Rainbow dash.

“YOU!?” Twilight gasped, falling back into her chair. Rainbow scratched the back of her head sheepishly.

“That explains so much! Why the letters always knew what we were doing, how you showed up with perfect timing after I read the letter. Everything! How it actually does make sense that it’s not creepy!” Twilight paused mid-rant to cast a glare back at the rest of her friends.

“How many of you knew.” At the question they all raised timid hooves. Twilight just stared at the four hooves in the air.

“All of you knew, and none of you told me…”

“We couldn’t! She made us all Pinkie Promise! Since then every get-together we’ve had has been planned in advance so she could send y’all a letter about it. She thought that if she wrote enough letters she might work up the courage one day to tell ya!” Applejack’s statement was met with a chorus of nods from the gathered friends, including Rainbow Dash.

“And you!” Twilight spun on her hooves to face Rainbow again. “How could you not tell me? How could the Rainbow Dash, self proclaimed most awesome pony in Equestria, not have the courage to admit a little crush?”

“It’s… more then a little crush.” Rainbow’s mouth was suddenly very dry as the moment she had dreaded for months came at her like a speeding train.

“What? Then what is it?” Twilight tilted her head, not comprehending anything else that this could be.

“Twilight Sparkle… I love you.”