• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 4,953 Views, 232 Comments

Rainbooms and Romance - Kodeake

Series of short, non-related chapters of Twidash.

  • ...



Twilight giggled gleefully as she soared through the cool night air. Below her lay Ponyville and the fields around it, and above was the endless canvas of stars that made up the night sky. The full moon was the large, silvery center piece of the perfect portrait. Luna had always been an amazing artist when it came to the night, but she did her best work on nights when the full moon shone down on the lands of Equestria. The off-white disk in the sky that was once the prison to the Lunar Princess was now a tool for her to use when assembling her masterpiece.

Twilight flew a little higher, flipping onto her back and admiring the scene above her. Or she would have, had a cyan face not come between her and the starry sky.

“Rainbow, I was looking at that!” Twilight whined playfully, earning a chuckle from her pegasus friend.

“Aw c’mon Twi, you know you like looking at me more,” Rainbow said with a suggestive smirk, her lips spitting to a grin at the crimson blush growing on the unicorn’s face.

“That doesn’t mean I don’t like looking at other things,” Twilight defended weakly, flipping back over to face the ground as she continued to float through the sky. Rainbow rolled, coming to a stop next to the lavender unicorn and flapping her wings rhythmically. Twilight watched her flap for a few moments, admiring the flexing muscles rippling just beneath the skin of the athletic mare’s slender body.

“See something you like?” Rainbow asked; having caught the stare Twilight was giving her.

“I dunno,” she said, reaching a hoof out and wrapping it around Dash’s neck, pulling her closer. “Do you?”

“Well…” Rainbow trailed off, looking down to the ground for a second before bringing her eyes back to Twilight’s. After a second of contact, they closed in tandem, both of them leaning in; closing what little gap there was left. Their lips met in the middle, both of them melting into each other’s hooves and lips as they continued to float through the sky. Eventually Rainbow pulled away and smiled.

“Yeah, I do.”

“So do I,” Twilight said with a smile, leaning back in a meeting their muzzles once more.


Twilight’s eyes fluttered open her vision clearing to reveal her bedroom wall. She smiled, remembering the dream she had awoken from: Soaring through the night time skies without so much as a feather. She liked those dreams the most. With a sigh she looked out her window, seeing the sun starting to poke its head out from below the horizon, letting off just enough light to wake her from her peaceful slumber.

Next she glanced over at her clock, reading the time to be just past 6 AM and sighed again. It was Tuesday, which meant Rainbow had work. With a slight pout she rolled over onto her other side and away from the intruding light of her mentor’s celestial body, expecting to be alone. Instead, she came face to face with a peacefully sleeping Rainbow Dash beside her.

‘Doesn’t she have work today?’ she thought, looking at her marefriend curiously. For a moment she pondered silently, taking in the adorable sight before her. The cyan pegasus was lying on her back with her chest rising a falling gently with her slow, rhythmic breaths. Every couple breaths her jaw would droop, just enough for a quiet, cute snore to escape and echo around the room. The blanket was pulled halfway up her neck, leaving very little of her coat exposed to the cool night air. Her mane was splayed messily around her head on the pillow, like a rainbow coloured halo.

To Twilight, it was one of the most beautiful sights she had ever seen. Unable to resist the temptation, she leaned in, kissing Rainbow lightly on her soft cheek. The pegasus stirred at the contact, scrunching her muzzle as her mind tried to wake her body. After a few seconds of fidgeting, her eyes opened and she yawned, rolling her head over to face Twilight.

“Hey,” she greeted groggily, giving a tired smile as she brought her hooves above her head and stretched.

“Don’t you have work today?” Twilight questioned, raising an eyebrow as Rainbow rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

“Mmmm… no, I took today off,” she answered slowly, her sleep addled mind slowly but surly catching up to its regular speeds.

“Oh?” Twilight asked, sliding over and draping a foreleg across Rainbow’s chest, resting her head on the cyan mare’s shoulder. “Why’s that?”

“I had a few extra vacations days, and I figured I could use a break. Besides, I got somethin’ special planned today.” Rainbow smiled, sliding one of her hooves under Twilight’s neck. “Somethin’ special for us.”

“And what if I’m busy today?”

“I asked Spike to check your schedule for me; I know you don’t have anything important planned for today.”

“Alright, so what do you have planned?” Twilight asked with a smile.

“First,” Rainbow glanced over to the clock, “at least two more hours of sleep. I may have taken the vacation for us, but I’ll be damned if I’m not gonna sleep in. After that, you’ll just have to wait and see.”

“Hmm, I think I can live a bit more sleep,” Twilight said, snuggling closer to Rainbow and closing her eyes again. Rainbow’s rhythmic breathing slowly lulled her back to sleep in the warm embrace of both her blanket and the mare next to her.

Rainbow watched Twilight sleep for a while, running through the upcoming day in her head. Slowly, her muzzle grew to a small smile as the lavender unicorn unconsciously squirmed a little bit closer to the pegasus. She chuckled and leaned down, kissing the end of Twilight’s snout and smiling affectionately.

“Love ya’ Twi,” she whispered, resting her head on top of the unicorn’s and closing her eyes.

It was going to be a good day.


“Twilight,” Rainbow called gently, watching as Twilight slept soundly in her embrace. Twilight’s ear twitched, but she herself remains asleep.

“It’s time to get up Twi,” Rainbow whispered, directly into Twilight’s ear. Still she got no more then a small twitch. Sighing, she leaned in and gently bit the tip of Twilight’s velvety ear.

“Mmm,” Twilight hummed in her sleep, a smile subconsciously forming on her face. Rainbow continued, gently kneading and massaging the lavender ear with her teeth.

“Twilight,” Rainbow tried again, whispering around Twilight’s ear. Slowly, Twilight’s eyes blinked open, a blissfully adorable look on her face as she woke up.

“Why isn’t this how I always wake up?” She groaned sleepily, nuzzling into Rainbow’s neck. In return Rainbow released her ear from between her teeth and instead nuzzled the top of Twilight’s head gently.

“Because not every day is today. Now come on, it’s 9; so we slept in longer then I wanted to. We need to make up for lost time.” With a flurry of wings and weathers Rainbow launched herself off the bed, landing beside it and stretching her legs before trotting out the door and down the stairs.

With a huff Twilight pulled herself out of bed, making a quick stop at her bathroom to make sure her mane was presentable before trotting after Rainbow down the stairs. When she reached the bottom of the staircase she found Rainbow sitting on a cushion in the mane room. Just sitting, facing at just enough of an angle that she couldn’t see the unicorn coming down the stairs

Twilight marvelled at the sight; Rainbow Dash, just sitting there. Doing absolutely nothing but waiting. She had changed a lot in the year they had been together. Instead of having to be told to slow down, the pegasus would often know when it was and wasn’t time to go fast. That was a world of improvement on its own, but it was more then that. She didn’t have the same abrasive, cocky attitude she used to. Sure, she still bragged, but she stopped long before it got annoying, sometimes going as far to apologize for it.

Twilight’s thoughts turned introverted as she thought about how she herself had changed as a result of having Dash in her life. She didn’t need everything to be perfect anymore. She liked it when it was, but she could live if it wasn’t. While she still made her daily schedules, she no longer planned out every single second, allowing plenty of time for adjustments and modifications. She didn’t need to be on a strict schedule any more. She didn’t need to make lists about everything.

It scared her.

Change was always scary, especially when the changes happened without you noticing it. It was like she woke up one day a different mare, even if it had been a slow process. It scared her when she first discovered how much she had changed, but at the same time, she liked it. She liked the mare she had become. She loved the pegasus who had changed her to be the mare she was. With a smile she walked the rest of the way into the main room, her hoof steps drawing the attention of Rainbow.

“So what’s the plan for today?” Twilight asked casually, stopping in front of Rainbow as she stood up.

“Well, the original plan was to have breakfast, but we’re a bit late for that. Instead we’ll skip to item number two,” Rainbow said as she walked over to the door.

“Where are we going? I should probably let Spike know in case he needs something. He’s probably sleeping since I never got him up.”

“Don’t worry about Spike; when I asked him about your schedule I told him what I was planning. He’ll be fine while we’re gone,” Rainbow assured, motioning towards the door. With a nod and a smile Twilight joined her. That was another big change in Rainbow; she actually planned some things now. She thought ahead. It was a change for the better, in Twilight’s mind.

“Alright then. But really; where are we going?”

“It wouldn’t a surprise if I told you would it?” Rainbow said with a sly smile, opening the door and trotting outside, beckoning Twilight to follow her. A second later Twilight followed her out the door, shutting it behind them in a magical purple glow.

“Wherever it is, there better be food; we did skip breakfast.” As Twilight spoke she walked up beside Rainbow, the pegasus starting off down the street, towards the edge of town.

“Don’t worry; I got it all planned out, even if I had to make up for some lost time,” Rainbow assured again, leading them down a plain, non-descript road away from the tree library the two called home. The direction unnerved Twilight; there wasn’t anywhere to get food where they were going. But at the same time it filled her with a certain filly-like giddiness from the mystery of it all. Rainbow was sure to keep her guess until she deemed it time to let her know what they were doing.

“I know there isn’t anywhere to get food down this road,” Rainbow said, having caught Twilight’s puzzled expression, “Unless you’re me, that is.”

Twilight accepted the answer with a nod, turning her gaze back to the road ahead of them and the scenery around them. The warm summer sun cast its golden glow on them and the many trees, houses, and flower beds around them. The sun’s heat was offset by a gentle breeze, gently blowing what little clouds there were across the sky. It was a beautiful but warm day.

With a smile Twilight turned her attention to wherever they were going. The only places noteworthy on this end of town were the lake, an empty field, and a swamp beyond that. As far as Twilight was aware, there was no way for even Rainbow to get food at any of those places. With a slightly confused look on her face she continued walking down the roads with her pegasus partner, a comfortable silence descending between them as Rainbow let them to their destination.


“We’re here,” Rainbow said finally. The walk hadn’t been that long, only 20 minutes from the library.

“And where is the promised food?” Twilight asked, throwing a sceptical glance around the area. There wasn’t much to see; Rainbow had led them to Ponyville Lake. The lake itself was nice enough, and there wasn’t a pony around, since it was the middle of a Tuesday and most ponies were at work. A few clouds dotted the clear blue skies, but as far as Twilight was concerned, there was no food.

A rumble emanated from Twilight’s stomach, voicing her disappointment.

“Don’t worry, Twi, why don’t you go find us a spot on the sand; I’ll be right back with the food.” Without giving Twilight time for questions she shot off into the sky, zoning in on a cloud sitting above the lake.

Twilight watched the mare fly away from a second before resigning and trotting to the sandy shore. She found a nice, flat patch of sand, clear of twigs or rocks, and sat back on her haunches, waiting for Rainbow to return with the food.

Not a minute later Rainbow came floating back down to the ground with a picnic basket in her hooves and a grin on her face. Twilight couldn’t help but return the smile as she realized what Rainbow had set up.

“A picnic on the beach? I didn’t know you were so sappy, Rainbow,” Twilight mocked with a grin, taking a blanket out of the basket and spreading it on the sand with her magic.

“You turned me into this,” Rainbow grumbled, setting down on the freshly spread blanket.

“Yeah, but I like what I turned you into,” Twilight smiled, her smile widening with Rainbow’s light blush.

“Let’s just eat,” Rainbow offered, changing the subject as she pulled a pair of sandwiches and passed one over to Twilight. The unicorn smiled knowingly, but accepted the offered sandwich, taking it in her magic and taking a bite.

“So how’d you get all this out here anyway?”

“I put it all together yesterday while you were in the basement, even brought the supplies out and put them in the cloud. I knew it wouldn’t get busted since I was on duty yesterday,” Rainbow answered around the sandwich still in her mouth. The uncouth behaviour that would make Rarity cringe made Twilight giggle.

“Clouds are really good insulators, so I put a little bit of ice around it and kept it all cold and fresh for today,” Rainbow finished, taking another bite if her lunch and smiling as Twilight did the same.

“You really did plan this out,” Twilight marvelled, more to herself then the pegasus beside her.

“You know it!” Rainbow said, puffing her chest out proudly. Twilight just giggle and continued munching happily on her food. The sandwich was daisy and rose with ranch dressing and cucumber slices; her favourite. The warm summer air was offset by the cool, crisp breeze off the lake. The sand, warmed from sitting all day under the sun, heated the blanket beneath her hooves, providing a comforting warmth. The pony that sat with her brought a warmth to her heart the laughed in the face of even the hottest summer day. There was nowhere in Equestria she’d rather be, and no pony she’d rather be with.

“And that’s not all,” Rainbow said, drawing Twilight out of her revering and back to the pegasus rummaging through the basket. After a second of digging, she pulled her hoof out, a bottle in her hoof. She tossed the bottle to Twilight, who caught it in her magic while she pulled another from the basket.

“What’s this?” Twilight asked, eyeing the bottle suspiciously. As far as she could tell it was an ordinary glass bottle with some form of liquid in it.

“Well, Pinkie owed me a favour, which I used to procure two bottles of her nearly year-round supply of Apple Family Cider,” Rainbow said, popping the bottle cap off with her hoof and smelling the sweet, apple-y scent of cider, letting a satisfied sigh escape her lips as she did.

Twilight giggled at the display, forcing the cap off with her magic and holding the bottle towards Rainbow. The pegasus raised her eyebrow, stopping halfway through the motion of taking a drink from the bottle “To us,” Twilight started with a smile, prompting Rainbow to lower her bottle, “On a perfect day for an almost perfect couple.”

“Almost perfect?” Rainbow asked, cocking her head to the side.

“What? There’s no such thing as perfect, Rainbow.”

“There is when I’m involved,” Rainbow stated matter-of-factly, smiling confidently at the unicorn. “Besides, today is for us, give yourself a break; just one day where we can be perfect, alright?”

Twilight had to suppress her laughing but nodded in agreement. Rainbow smiled, reaching out with her bottle and clinking it against Twilight’s.

“To us,” she said, taking a long drought of the heavenly cider, Twilight doing the same.
The two ate and drank in relative silence, the occasional conversation picking up between the two before dying back down to a comfortable, enjoyable silence. Simply being with each other was better then any conversation the two could have. Eventually, with her sandwich and cider gone, Rainbow stood and stretched her legs, looking up at the sun to gauge the time. Judging it at a little past noon, she looked at Twilight expectantly, seeing that she too had finished her sandwich.

“That was fantastic, Rainbow,” Twilight sighed contentedly, standing and stretching as well. She looked out across the lake, the rich blue water sparkling in the light of the afternoon sun. The waves gently washed over the sandy shores before them, the water expanding and receding in time with the soft splashing sound.

A grin split across Twilight’s features as an idea slithered into her head.

“Rainbow, would you mind packing up the blanket?” She asked sweetly, fluttering her eyes for added effect. Rainbow looked at her questioningly.

“Uh, sure, I guess. Why?”

“I just want to try something. I’ll tell you in a second,” Twilight explained. Rainbow kept her suspicious look but started folding the blanket they had been sitting on. Meanwhile, Twilight stepped a little closer to the water, focusing her magic. After a few moments, she decided that she had enough, and gently brought a rather large ball of water out from the lake. The ball, about the size of an average pony, floated gently over to Where Rainbow was standing, guided and held together by Twilight’s magic, careful to stay behind the pegasus at all times. Eventually, the ball managed to position itself a few feet above the pegasus.

“Hey, Rainbow?” Twilight called, trying to force her smile away as Rainbow turned to face her.

“What’s up?”

That set up was just too perfect, Twilight thought, struggling not to burst out laughing right in front of Rainbow Dash.

“Why don’t you find out for yourself?” Twilight struggled through strained breaths, barely able to contain her mirth.

“What are you talking ab-” Rainbow’s speech stopped dead in her tracks as her head turned skyward. Before she could utter another word, Twilight released her magic, allowing the large blob of water to fall onto the rainbow maned pegasus. The water instantly soaked her to the bone. Before she even knew what had happened Twilight was rolling on the ground laughing hysterically.

The lavender unicorn laughed for a solid minute, with Rainbow just standing there, waiting for her to finish. Her coat was slick and matted against her skin, with her mane plastered to her face and down her neck. Her wings didn’t fare much better, even with her feather’s natural water-resistant properties, even they could only handle so much water before becoming a soggy mess. The water dripped from her coat, adding to the large wet spot beneath her that the glob of water had created.

Eventually, Twilight gained a little control over her laughing and managed to quiet herself to strained snickers. With a hoof Rainbow brushed her soaking mane out of her eyes and gave Twilight a deadpan stare.

“You done?” She asked dryly.

“Yeah, I think so,” Twilight giggled, climbing back to her hooves to regard the pegasus.

“Good, because you realize; this means WAR!” Rainbow shouted, fluffing out her wings to get as much water out of them as possible before jumping into the air. After a few flaps she had shaken most of the water from her wings, enough from her to fly steady. She then swooped down, wrapping her hooves around Twilight’s barrel and lifting her a few feet off the ground.

“Rainbow, what are you- no, don’t you dare, Rainbow Dash. Do you hear me? RAINBOW!” Twilight shrieked as the pegasus slowly brought her closer to the water’s edge. She fought against the pegasus’s grip, yet she proved to be too strong for the unicorn to escape. Twilight’s struggling only caused Rainbow to approach the water at a much quicker pace.

Rainbow reached the shoreline, but kept going, flying further out into the lake, keeping Twilight just barely above the water level. Now, instead of struggling, Twilight clung closer to Rainbow, desperately trying to put more distance between herself and the water. After what felt like ages Rainbow stopped in the air, grinning devilishly as she slowly loosened her grip on Twilight.

“Rainbow Dash, you better not let me go,” Twilight warned, giving her the most threatening glare she could from her position.

“Or what?” Rainbow asked defiantly, letting the unicorn slip a little closer to the water’s surface.

“I’ll get my revenge,” Twilight said menacingly.

“Yeah, somehow I doubt that.” Rainbow’s grin widened before she let go entirely, dropping the lavender mare into the lake. The resulting splash was music to her ears.

Twilight resurfaced moments later, sputtering and desperately whipping her newly soaked mane off her face. Rainbow couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. Unfortunate for her, Twilight heard this laughing, and shot her gaze up the pegasus still hovering above the water. With a flash over her horn she grabbed Rainbow’s tail in her magic and dragged the laughing pegasus into the water before she had time to fly higher.

When Rainbow broke above the surface of the water she shot a stern glare at the unicorn that had pulled her in. Twilight, for her part, simply laughed harder at the pegasus’s face. Rainbow held her glare for a second longer before losing her composure and laughing along with Twilight. Together they laughed at each other and themselves, floating in the sparkling blue lake.

Twilight was first to regain control of her laughing, shooting a sly smile at her partner in the water. “I told you I’d get revenge.”

Rainbow smiled and shook her head in disbelief, chuckling lightly. “Yeah, but now I need to get more revenge for that.”

“And how do you intend to do that?” Twilight asked with a cocked eyebrow, watching as Rainbow started to turn away from her.

“Like… THIS!” Rainbow shouted, dragging her front hooves just below the surface of the water as she snapped back to face Twilight. Her hooves caused a large sheet of water to peel off the surface of the lake and fly at the unicorn’s head. Twilight covered her face with her hooves, giggling helplessly as Rainbow turned and threw yet another wave of water at her.

Eventually, she focused enough of her magic to launch a counter attack. Scooping as much water as she could into her magic from around her Twilight fired two large waves, aimed expertly at the pegasus still flinging volley after volley of water at her. From behind her hooves Twilight heard the large splash; slowly she lowered her hooves, revealing Rainbow Dash, looking as if she had just been hit by a monsoon.

“Remind me to make a ‘no magic’ rule next time,” Rainbow muttered, wiping her mane out of her eyes once again.

“Hey, you started it,” Twilight giggled, shrugging her shoulders as Rainbow began making the short journey to the shore.

“I did not! You dropped that ball of water on me!” Rainbow protested as Twilight began to follow.

“True, but that was for hiding all my ink last week,” Twilight retaliated with a grin.

Rainbow opened her mouth to argue, but all that came out was more laughter. “Yeah, but that was hilarious.”

Twilight muttered something under her breath as she waded out of the water and onto the beech, her water logged coat weighing her down as she slogged further from the water. After making it out of the lake’s range, she flopped down onto the warm, soft sand, rolling over onto her back, letting the sun slowly dry her coat. Rainbow sat down next to her, ruffling her feathers to get at least some of the water out.

Twilight hummed happily, letting her body relax and closing her eyes as she lay on the sandy shore.

“Taking a nap are we?” Rainbow asked with a chuckle, drawing Twilight out of her reverie.

“I don’t know; do you have anything else planned?” Twilight asked, rolling back over onto her belly and looking up at the pegasus.

“Well, I did bring the new Daring Do we’ve been reading together.”

“Oh, let’s keep reading that!” Twilight said excitedly, grinning up at Rainbow as she walked over to the picnic basket. She returned a few moments later with a book clenched in her jaw. Twilight took the book in her magic, opening it to the marked page and setting it down in front of her. Rainbow walked over and lay next to her, their damp coats rubbing against each other as they got comfortable.

After a second of fidgeting, Rainbow spread her wing around the unicorn, her feathers rapidly drying from the warm summer air and the sun’s rays. Twilight smiled in gratitude, turning and giving the pegasus a quick kiss before turning to the book.

“Daring Do and the Staff of Dreams, chapter 4; The Temple of the Shaman,” Twilight read aloud, as Rainbow snuggled closer to her, resting her head on a lavender shoulder as Twilight read.


“You’ll never get away with this!” Daring yelled, struggling against her bonds.

“Oh, but I already have. Without the Staff of Dreams you are powerless in the dream-realm and unable to escape-”

Twilight paused her reading, yawning loudly.

“Getting tired Twi?” Rainbow asked with a smile, grinning wider as Twilight’s cheeks lit up in a blush.

“I think it’s about time we head home; the sun’s going down,” Twilight said, floating her bookmark back into the book and snapping it shut. With a flick of her horn she placed it in the basket, closing the lid after it.

“Yeah,” Rainbow agreed with a nod, standing and stretching out her limbs. She brushed the sand that still clung to her out of her coat and mane, having dried off a long time ago. Twilight did the same, using her hooves to shake the sand out of her mane.

Rainbow grinned as she watched Twilight struggle to brush the sand off her back, having totally forgotten about her magic in the moment. With a sly smile Rainbow extended a wing.

“Need some help with that?” Without waiting for an answer she gently ran her wing down Twilight’s back, taking the sand with it. Twilight shivered at the touch, the downy feathers tickling her skin.

“Rainbow!” Twilight whined, fidgeting as the pegasus continued to brush her off, unknowingly tickling the unicorn in the process. Rainbow chuckled, reaching her other wing around. No longer brushing the sand out of Twilight’s coat, now she was just doing it for her own amusement.

“What’s that?” Rainbow asked with a smiling, moving her feathery touch down to Twilight’s ribs. The unicorn lost it. She burst out laughing, desperately trying to cover as much of her body as possible, but every time Rainbow found somewhere else to attack with her wings.

“R-Rainbow!” Twilight panted out between waves of laughter.

“I can’t quite hear you.”

Gathering what strength she could, Twilight righted herself onto her hooves and sprung off the sand. She tackled the pegasus head-on, sending them tumbling across the beech. They came to a stop next to the picnic basket with Twilight on top, pining Rainbow to the sand. With a sly smile, Rainbow shifted her weight, twisting and throwing Twilight off of her. In a flash she was once again on top, grinning down and her captured victim.

“Do you surrender?” Rainbow asked, beaming down at the unicorn pinned to the sand.

“Hmm, I don’t know. Should I?” Twilight said with a sly smile.

“Yes; you have no hope of escape now.”

Suddenly, Twilight lunged forward, locking lips with the pegasus on top of her. Rainbow leaned down into the kiss, giving Twilight the opening she needed to flip herself around, regaining her position above the cyan mare.

“Hey! No fair!” Rainbow complained, pouting as their roles were reversed.

“You know what they say; all’s fair in love and war,” Twilight said cheekily, climbing off of the pegasus and offering a hoof up. Rainbow accepted it, only instead of using it to pull herself up she pulled Twilight down, instantly rolling on top.

“Then so was that,” Rainbow grinned. Twilight just chuckled, accepting defeat.

“I surrender,” she giggled. Rainbow smiled, climbing back to her hooves and helping Twilight up off the sand. Once again they brushed the sand off themselves – though this time Twilight remembered to use her magic.

Twilight looked up to the sky, watching as the sun slowly sank beyond the horizon. The oranges, reds, yellows and purples lit up the sky in a brilliant light show of colours. The light refracting off the sparkling blue waters of the lake made the scene perfect in Twilight’s eyes.

“Hey, we going home or not?” Rainbow called, having walked a ways down the path before he noticed Twilight wasn’t following her.

“Hmm? Oh yeah, I’m coming,” Twilight said, galloping to catch up to her rainbow maned partner as they resumed their walk back into town.

“Hey Rainbow?” Twilight asked, breaking the comfortable silence they had been sharing.

“What’s up?”

“What’s it like to fly?” Twilight asked curiously, tearing her eyes away from the sky to look at the pegasus next to her.

For a while Rainbow was silent, contemplating the question quietly. What was it like to fly? She had never been asked that question before, most ponies just made their own assumptions about it, or could actually fly themselves.

“Honestly, I can’t describe it,” she said finally, frowning at Twilight’s disappointed look. “But I know how you can find out for yourself.”

“How?” Twilight asked curiously, cocking her head as Rainbow stopped walking. With a few flaps she took off, hovering a few feet in the air.

“Like this,” she said simply, crouching down to the ground a motioning to her back with a wing. “Get on.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked uncertainly, biting her lip nervously.

“Look, you wanna know what it’s like to fly. I can fly, it’s that simple. Now get on,” Rainbow insisted, staying crouched to the ground.

Swallowing her nerves Twilight accepted, gingerly climbing onto Rainbow’s back. Carefully avoiding her wings, Twilight wrapped her front legs around Rainbow’s neck and climbed her hind legs against her hips.

“Ready?” Rainbow asked, craning her neck back to look at Twilight.

Twilight audibly gulped, nodding shakily.

“Hey, you wanted to know what it was like to fly, right?”

“Y-yeah, but I never thought I’d actually get to fly.”

“Well you do. Trust me, I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, alright?” Rainbow assured comfortingly, smiling as Twilight’s shaking stopped. The unicorn nodded once, taking a deep breath to silence her nerves.

“Alright Rainbow; I trust you.”

“Good, then let’s go!” Rainbow shouted, shooting off into the sky with her passenger. A scream was ripped from Twilight’s moth as they soared into the evening sky.

“RAINBOW!” Twilight screamed as they continued to climb, flying high above Ponyville. The wind whipped her mane behind her head and ripped the breath from her lungs. Her eyes burned from the buffeting winds, forcing her to close them.

Rainbow blew breezily through a cloud, dissipating it and showering them in moisture. Behind them her signature rainbow trail formed as she carried Twilight through the skies above Ponyville. After flying above ever the cloud layers, she levelled off, slowly her velocity to a fraction of what she normally flew at. The lower speed allowed Twilight to open her eyes, which she did to glare at the back of Rainbow’s head.

“What were you thinking!?” Twilight screamed, “I could have fallen off!”

“Ah c’mon Twi, you know I would have caught you if you did. Besides, you didn’t, and that was the easiest and fastest way to get up here,” Rainbow said, turning her head to smile cheekily at her passenger. Twilight kept up her scowled until she took notice of the scenery. In an instant her expression changed from angry to amazed as she took notice of Equestria laid out below them.

Slowly, her eyes followed along the contours of the ground below them to the sunset behind them. She gasped as she gazed at the sight of the evening sun setting behind the mountains. If she thought it was beautiful on the ground, then it was gorgeous in the air.

“It’s…” Too awestruck to come up with the word, she remained silent as she watched the last rays of the sun fade away. Slowly the brilliant orange sky changed to a light lavender, slowly dimming to a deep purple, eventually becoming the black of night. All of it unfolded before her very eyes, high above what any normal unicorn would ever be able to witness.

“Awesome?” Rainbow offered, grinning at the slack-jawed stare on Twilight’s face.

“Yeah,” she breathed, shaking her head firmly to draw her mind back to reality.

“Hey Twi, you trust me, right?” Rainbow asked, looking over her shoulder to gauge Twilight’s reaction.

“Of course, Rainbow.”

“Then hang on, I’m gonna try something I think you’ll love.”

Twilight answered not in words, but in clamping down harder around Rainbow’s neck and hips, resting her head on a cyan shoulder. Rainbow smiled, as she started pumping her wings harder, slowly building speed. They passed Ponyville’s outer limits on the opposite side of the lake, but she kept going, building more speed. Suddenly, she banked, coming around back over Ponyville.

She felt Twilight bury her head into her neck, no doubt closing her eyes from the wind. She flared her wings, instantly changing her momentum from forward to up as she flew straight into the sky. Throwing her weight back, she flipped over onto her back with Twilight hanging on. After as second of flying upside down the continued to lean back, going into a dive.

They shot towards the ground, gravity aiding their decent as they closed in on the ground. Twilight risked opening her eyes to see the ground rapidly approaching. Instantly her eyes shot open, her mouth doing to same as she screamed, hugging Rainbow as tightly as she could. Taking that as her queue, Rainbow pulled up, coming out of the dive straight into a loop, once flying upside down for a split second before continuing, levelling off in the direction of the lake.

Twilight’s screams had turned into joyous laughter at some point during her stunt. She smiled with pride before pulling up again, readying for another trick.

Twilight laughed. She laughed, she screamed, she yelled and shouted. She did everything she could as Rainbow did trick after trick through the sky above Ponyville. Never before had she experienced anything so… exhilarating. She felt the adrenalin coursing through her veins as Rainbow pulled up for another loop. She felt the weightlessness of free falling, before the extreme G-forces of pulling up. She felt free.

The freedom of being able to do anything. The freedom of not having a care in the world. The freedom of flying through the skies. The freedom of being safe. She felt it all and more as she soared through the sky. Barrel roles, corkscrews, loops and dives, Rainbow did them all for her to enjoy. All for her to experience what it was like to fly.

Never before had she felt such joy.

Once more Rainbow levelled off, but she didn’t go into another trick. But she didn’t slow down either; instead she kept speeding up, going faster and faster. They shot past Ponyville’s limits, flying farther into the grasslands between the small town and Canterlot. Twilight, seeing what Rainbow was trying to do, made herself as streamlined as possible, squeezing her hooves tightly around Rainbow and pressing her chest against the pegasus’s back. Resting her head on her shoulder, she gave her marefriend a quick kiss before closing her eyes and waiting for it to happen.

She didn’t have to wait long. Seconds later she felt a force, pushing against every inch of her body, trying to force them to slow down. But they didn’t. They kept going faster, the force, in turn, getting stronger as they neared the sound barrier. Suddenly the forces stopped, the air no longer fought against them as they went screaming through the sky. Cautiously, she opened her eyes, looking back to see a brilliant ring of colour exploding out from a centre point. While half the Rainboom was its regular rainbow colour, the other half was almost pure lavender, with stripes of indigo and pink.

Beneath her, Rainbow noticed the colour as well, her smile growing as she banked around, heading back towards Ponyville and the rainboom that they had just created.

Author's Note:

Finally! After weeks of planning, writing and re-writing, it is done. The longest chapter of RR yet, and the first chapter to actually include a Rainboom.

I've been wanting to write this chapter for weeks, but only recently have I had the time to do so. I love this prompt, simply because I can do anything I want with it. This chapter is one of my personal favourites, it's just pure, unadulterated joy, as the names says. Hope you all enjoy.

If you see any typo's/mistakes, let me know in the box below, there are bound to be some.