• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 4,953 Views, 232 Comments

Rainbooms and Romance - Kodeake

Series of short, non-related chapters of Twidash.

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“YAHTZEE!” Rainbow exclaimed gleefully, marking down her points on the sheet on front of her.

“What? But… b-b-but how? That’s three in a row!” Twilight gasped, staring flabbergasted at the dice displaying five fours. Spike sat beside her, just as shocked at Rainbow’s luck.

“I dunno, I just get ‘em,” Rainbow said with a shrug, passing the dice and cup to Twilight. “Anyway, that’s my last roll, you’re turn.”

Twilight took the dice in her magic, putting them in the cup before shaking it and dumping it onto the table. The only spot she had left on her sheet was for a full house.

“Hmm…” She mused, rubbing her chin thoughtfully as she regarded her less-than-spectacular roll. After a second of thinking, she took two two’s off to the side and put the rest back into the cup. After another roll, she managed to get another two, which she kept, along with a three. Putting the last die back into the cup, she shook it and rolled her final roll, squeezing her eyes shut as the plastic cube fell out and skittered across the table. When the sound stopped, she slowly cracked an eye open. It was a six.

“Damn…” She muttered, crossing out her full house slot and passing the dice to Spike, who took them and began his own turn, trying desperately for a yahtzee. While Spike took his turn, she looked to her score sheet, beginning to total her scores in her head.

“Five plus twenty-five is thirty, plus seven is thirty seven. Then eight is forty six… no, wait, that’s wrong…, thirty six plus eight is… no, where was I?” Rainbow muttered under her breath, cursing silently as she brought her eyes back to the top of the sheet and started again, her mumbling distracting the unicorn adding beside her.

After a few tries from Rainbow Dash, and losing her place and having to restart more times then she cared for, Twilight finally turned to Dash. “Need some help?” She offered sweetly, trying to hide her frustration.

“No, I can do this on my own,” Rainbow said defensively, glaring at Twilight for even suggesting she couldn’t do simple math.

“Then please be quiet about it, I can’t concentrate with you vocalizing all your addition.”

Rainbow snorted, but said nothing as she returned to her sheet, this time keeping her math in her head.

“YAHTZEE!” Spike yelled happily, disrupting both Rainbow and Twilight’s addition. They both glared at him coldly, his happy expression withering under their stern glares. “Sorry…”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and once again tried to add her scores together. However, after getting mixed up and losing her place more times then she could count, both Spike and Twilight were done and waiting not-so-patiently for her to finish.

“Now will you let me hep you?” Twilight asked again, growing impatient and tired of doing nothing while Rainbow tried to work through it.

“I said I can do this on my own!” Rainbow retorted, glowering at Twilight for a second before quickly snapping her attention back to her scores. She could do this. She had to do this.

“Rainbow, just let me help you, it’ll be much faster.” Twilight insisted, leaning over the table to look at Rainbow’s sheet.

“I can do this, Twilight!” Rainbow shot back, grabbing the paper in her hooves and turning away from the unicorn.

“I never said you couldn’t, it’d just be faster if I did,” Twilight said, standing from her chair and walking around to Rainbow’s side of the table.

“Back off Twi,” Rainbow warned, twisting away from Twilight’s prying eyes. The unicorn moved, trying to keep the sheet in her site long enough to calculate Rainbow’s scores, but before she could Rainbow would move it and try to hide it. Spike watched them go for a while before sighing and standing from the table.

“I’ll go make some cocoa,” he muttered as he passed them, neither of them giving him any attention.

“Come on Rainbow! Just let me see. Please?” Twilight asked, giving the pegasus her best cute-face in the hopes Rainbow would break. Unfortunately, tonight she seemed extra stubborn.

“I can do math on my own, Twi, just give me a minute.” Rainbow had to look away from Twilight’s expression; it was just too cute for her to say no to.

“Just show me!” Twilight insisted again, wrapping her hooves around Rainbow’s barrel in the hopes of holding her still. Unfortunately for her, she forgot Rainbow was a pegasus.

She started flapping her wings, slowly lifting herself into the air and away from the unicorn. Twilight’s grip proved stronger then she thought, however, as Twilight was lifted into the air with her.

“RAINBOW DASH! GIVE ME THE SHEET!” Twilight shouted, flailing her hind legs in the hopes of dragging the pegasus back to the ground. Rainbow stayed aloft despite her best efforts, inducing a stalemate.

“NO!” Rainbow yelled, trying to shake Twilight off but to no avail.

“Give it to me!”

“Let go of me!”

“Let me score for you!”

“Let me do it myself!”

Back and forth they bickered, like siblings over the last piece of Halloween candy. In the kitchen, Spike heard their argument, but ignored it and continued making the cocoa. Too many times their game nights had ended like this, especially when Twilight chose the game.

Grumbling about old married couples, he filled three cups with warm milk, adding cocoa powder to each of them and stirring it in. He placed one to the side for himself and carried the other two out.

“Get… OFF!” Rainbow shouted, bucking her hips in time with a powerful flap from her wings. Twilight’s grip proved insufficient as she was flung from the pegasus, sent flying through the air, straight towards Spike.

In the split second before impact, the small dragon briefly pondered why he bothered to get up that morning, why Twilight thought it was a good idea to play yahtzee, and the meaning of the universe. After that all that went through his mind was the pain of having a purple unicorn flung on top of you.

“HOT HOT HOT!” Twilight shouted, leaping to her hooves and desperately fanning herself in an attempt to cool the scalding cocoa that had effectively covered her entire body. Using what focus she could muster she reached her magic out to the kitchen sink, turning it on and gather cold water in her telekinetic grasp before bringing it out and dumping it on herself. She sighed as the burning sensation was replaced by a pleasant cooling one.

Rainbow, meanwhile, had dropped back to her sheet and placed her score sheet on the table, a table that was well in range of Twilight’s water ball. “Hey! You ruined my scores!”

“It’s not my fault you threw me into Spike!” Twilight protested, wringing out her mane with her magic.

“I wouldn’t have had to if you’d just let go!”

“I wouldn’t have needed to grab on if you’d just let me tally your scores!”

“You didn’t have to tally my scores! I can do that myself!”

“ENOUGH!” Spike shouted, silencing both parties. “Both of you are to blame for this, meaning both of you are going to clean it up. And besides, it doesn’t matter now; the scores are too wet and smudged to read.”

“But-” They both said simultaneously, but after looking at the glare Spike was levelling at them, they both decided it would be better to remain silent and accept their punishment.

“No buts. The mop is in the closet. I’m going to go into the kitchen, drink my cocoa, and go to bed.” With that, Spike whirled around and plodded into the kitchen, leaving two very downcast mares in his wake.

“I’ll get the mop…” Twilight sighed, walking over to the closet and extracting both the mop and bucket.


Twenty minutes later, the living room of Golden Oaks library was spotless. One could even say it shined with cleanliness. Two sweaty, tired mares stood in the centre, admiring their work. They shared a tired smile, both silently agreeing that it was time to go to bed, Spike having hit the hay some time prior.

Together they climbed the stairs to their shared room, crawling into their bed, eyes drooping as soon as their heads hit the pillows. Instinctively they squirmed closer to each other, both searching for the heat and comfort of another body pressed against theirs. Eventually they found it, with Twilight’s back pressed against Rainbow’s chest and cyan hooves wrapped around purple body.

“You should really just let me count next time,” Twilight whispered, earning a sleepy chuckle.

“Maybe I will.”

Together they feel asleep with light, relaxed smiles on their muzzles.

Author's Note:

I'm back with some light-hearted fluff for you to enjoy. Still workign madly (AKA slacking off) on my contest entries, but I managed to get this done for you all.

Sometimes I feel sorry for Spike.

Let me know what you think as always!