• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 4,956 Views, 232 Comments

Rainbooms and Romance - Kodeake

Series of short, non-related chapters of Twidash.

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Close Together

Close together
(this was not written by me, I take no credit for this chapter at all. For more information read the A/N at the bottom of the page)

The wind howled outside, the snow piling up on the outside windowsill as the specks flew around in a blur of white. Twilight Sparkle sat on the couch as a fire roared with its orange glow bathing the room in a relaxing light. She had a book secured in her magic as she often did at night to help prepare her for sleep. She took a sip from her mug, of which contained piping hot chocolate. When the first little bit made contact with her tongue, it seared the sensitive flesh in her mouth, causing intense pain. She quickly swallowed the scalding hot liquid, opening her mouth and fanatically fanning her tongue.

“Hot! Hot! Hot!” She said, her hoof waving furiously in front of her mouth.

She heard a snicker from behind her, quickly snapping her head back as her tongue still hung out of her now partially closed mouth, “Hey Twi, I think it’s a little hot.” Remarked Rainbow Dash, a hoof covering her smile.

“Bery fummy, Bash.” She deadpanned, her burned tongue making it somewhat difficult to speak.

Rainbow snickered once more, “Oh relax, Twi. Lemme go get you some cold water.” She disappeared into the kitchen. Twilight heard the faucet turning on for a few seconds then shut off again, Rainbow coming back with the promised glass of cold water; the lip of the glass container clenched in her teeth.

Twilight took the glass in her magic, a magenta aura enveloping the glass as it levitated towards her. She drew her tongue back in her mouth as she titled her head back and emptied the contents into her mouth; the cold liquid providing a soothing relief from the burning sensation on her taste buds.

She sighed as she sat the glass on the end table to her right, “Thanks, Dash. I should’ve thought to blow on it before I took a sip.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled, “You mean to tell me, that the Twilight Sparkle, didn’t think something through?”

She felt her cheeks flush as she scratched the back of her head, a sheepish smile forming on her face to display her slight embarrassment. Dash kissed her lovingly on the lips, which took her blush away in an instant. They prolonged the kiss for a few more seconds, finally breaking their embrace to stare affectionately back into each other’s eyes.

“Scooch over, Twi.” Said Rainbow as Twilight shifted her position to allow the cyan pegasus a spot on the couch. The two lovers snuggled up to each other as Twilight replaced the blanket over them, Twilight nuzzling her marefriend’s cheek with her own; grabbing the book in her magic once more as she opened back to the place she left off.

Rainbow Dash on the other hand laid her head on her hooves as she shut her eyes; sighing as she felt sleep fast approaching. She wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than here, cuddled up to her lavender partner with the soft crackling of the fire in the background.

Twilight shifted her eyes to see the blizzard still raging outside. Shivering as she imagined how cold it would be without the fire. Or without Rainbow Dash. She loved cuddling close to the mare she loved, especially on nights such as this when it was freezing outside. Even the fire couldn’t help keep her as warm as she did whenever she was snuggled up close to her marefriend.

“Hey Dash?” Spoke Twilight.

“Hmm, yeah Twi?” Came the groggy reply of the rainbow pegasus, obviously fighting to stay awake.

“Don’t you just love nights like these where we have to start a fire? It just relaxes me to see the light from the flames dance across the room.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty great. Especially since I get to share it with you.”

“Aww.” Swooned Twilight, levitating her book over to the end table and leaning down to peck the cyan pegasus on the cheek. “It’s hard to believe that we’ve been going out for about six months now, isn’t it? Especially with how nervous I was at first.”

“Yeah, I was kinda surprised to see you actually agree to go out with me in the first place.” She added, looking into the lovely lavender pools of her unicorn partner. “But I’m glad you did.”

Twilight closed the gap between them as they locked lips a second time, this one being the more romantic of the two since they were close to each other. They each let out a soft moan as their passionate embrace lasted for a while longer, their intense love for each other showing in this one, simple kiss.

After they broke their kiss, the stared back at each other as smiles graced their faces.

“I love you, Rainbow.” Twilight said as she brought her into a hug.

“Love you too, Twi.” Rainbow replied, returning the hug without hesitation.

They were eventually taken by sleep as Twilight yawned and laid her head on Rainbow’s hooves; Rainbow replacing her head back onto Twilight’s as they slowly drifted off into sleep. The fire continued to roar and release its sedating heat to help ward off the chill that was the blizzard outside.

They didn’t need a fire, though. Simply being close to each other provided the two with enough warmth to be comfortable. It only provided a means to allow their current surroundings to be lighter and warmer, but other than that it was merely a prop that they used to help them make their cuddling position that much more magical.


Rainbow Dash was the first to wake up the next day. She fluttered open her eyelids as she let out a prolonged yawn. She looked out the window to see that it was still snowing outside, just not a fierce as it was last night. The snowflakes gently falling down in front of the window; lazily drifting toward the ground to join the others that covered the ground. She also noticed that the fire had burned out, leaving nothing but smoldering ashes behind to remind the pegasus that there had even been a fire in the first place.

She looked down at her hooves to see Twilight still resting peacefully on her front hooves. She leaned her head down to lightly kiss her head, hearing her hum happily in response to her action, making her chuckle. Twilight never failed to be adorable when she was asleep. Rainbow gently slid her hooves out from under her head, being careful not to wake her as she snuck into the kitchen.

Twilight sensed the removal of her marefriend’s proximity from her and raised her head as she groggily scanned the room for her missing love. She suddenly heard a loud clattering noise coming from the kitchen that sounded like somepony had caused an avalanche of cooking utensils. She cocked her head to the side, reluctantly removing herself from her warm spot on the couch to venture over to the library’s kitchen door.

When she opened it she saw Rainbow Dash in a pile of pots and pans. She was more surprised than angry since she didn’t know she even had enough of them to completely cover a pony in them. Then again, Rainbow had moved in with Twilight and had brought some of her own things when she moved out of her home. Even still, how she managed to bury herself in a mountain of cooking ware was beyond even Twilight. She also thought it funny how she had her legs sticking out of the pile with her head covered by one larger pot.

“Um. Do you need some help, Rainbow?” She asked with a smirk.

Rainbow quickly regained her composure and shuffled hurriedly out of the pile as the pots clattered on their way to the floor; pulling her head out of the pot and tossing it aside.

“I meant to do that.” She said, leaning on the counter with her elbow and looking up at the ceiling.

Twilight giggled, “Of course you did. Can you help me pick up your totally intentional mess?”

Rainbow nodded as her cheeks turned a slight pink, Twilight giggling at her cyan partner’s blush. They began cleaning up the metal cooking ware, placing them in the proper cabinets; which didn’t take long since they were both working on the mess together. Once they had defeated the mess, Twilight put one on her stove, poured some soup into it, and lit the burner.

“So what were you doing in here, Rainbow?” Twilight asked, looking over to the cyan mare.

“I was trying to make you something to eat before you woke up.” She answered, her eyes aiming at her hooves as she pawed at the floor. “But we all saw where that went, huh?”

Twilight smiled, enveloping the rainbow maned pegasus in her magic to bring her into a hug; nuzzling her cheek. “Well, thank you for doing that for me, Rainbow. I appreciate it.”

Rainbow smiled gratefully at her, kissing her on the cheek. A few minutes later, the soup began to boil. Twilight used her magic to shut off the stove and dish out two bowls of steamy carrot soup. They went over to their dining room table, sitting across from each other as they enjoyed their bowls of soup. The warm liquid providing them with more warmth as they filled their bellies with the warm substance while also savoring the taste of the broth and chunks of carrots.

“This is really good, Twi!” Declared Rainbow as she put another spoonful in her mouth.

“Well, I’d hardly call it a gourmet meal, but I guess it’s pretty good.”

Rainbow Dash waved a dismissive hoof in the air, “Pfff, your cooking could beat those chefs’ in Canterlot any day.”

Twilight blushed, “Well it’s nice to finally have somepony actually like my cooking. Spike had to get fast food one time because he thought my lasagna was going to eat him.”

“It growled at me, Twilight!” He shouted groggily from the staircase. “Plus I saw it move!”

“You overreacted and you know it!” Twilight shouted back, Rainbow having to stifle a giggle as she put her head down on the table and cackled into her arm.

A few moments later, Spike strode into the kitchen; one of his claws rubbing his eye as he let out a yawn. “You two sleep alright?” He asked as he took a seat at the table, Twilight levitating a fresh bowl of carrot soup down in front of him.

“Well, we were both too tired to go back up to our room, so we just decided to sleep on the couch.” Answered Twilight.

“Ah, okay.” Spike took another spoonful of soup, “So will you need me for anything today, Twilight?”

Twilight tapped a hoof to her chin as she thought for a moment, searching her mind for a task that her assistant could tend to. “Hmmmm… I can’t think of anything at the moment, Spike. Guess you get a day off.”

Spike sighed happily, “Awesome. I think I’ll catch up on my sleep after breakfast if that’s okay with you.”

“Not like we got much planned for today anyway.” Added Rainbow Dash.

“Besides, you could use some time to yourself with how much you’ve been working recently. So I think you deserve some time to take an early nap.”

Spike turned to look at the clock that hung behind him, the face reading just after nine o’clock. “Yeah, I could go for an early nap.”

After they finished their late breakfast, they went back into the living room and resumed their previous cuddling position with Spike ascending the stairs to return to his bed. Twilight restarted the fire with her magic before she snuggled up to her marefriend, replacing the blanket over them as she laid her head back down onto Rainbow’s hooves. The outside was still cold and white, the snow still continuing to fall just as it had that morning. Rainbow opened her eyes to peer out the window once more, her mind forming an idea that she had always wanted to try with Twilight. The current setting outside also allowing her the perfect setup for a plan she had in the works.

“Hey Twi?” She asked, lifting up her head.

Twilight did the same and looked back into her partner’s magenta eyes. “Yeah?”

“How’s about we go for a walk? May as well try it before the next blizzard hits.”

“I’d love to.” She replied, a smile forming on their faces as they leaned in for a short kiss.


They walked down the snow covered streets as the snow crunched underneath their hooves, Rainbow draping a wing over Twilight’s back as they walked side-by-side; their bodies close together. Twilight breathed out as her breath turned to mist, exhaling a prolonged breath to make herself resemble a dragon that was blowing smoke.

“Trying to breathe fire or something Twi?” Joked Rainbow, smiling at her marefriend’s antics.

“Hey, you know how I like winter days.” She chided with a playful smile, “Plus wintertime also gives me an excuse to walk close to you. Like this.” Twilight began walking closer to Rainbow, their flanks touching one another, making Rainbow blush.

“You wanna go to the park?” Rainbow suggested, looking to her marefriend.

“Sure, but why do you want to go there?”

“It’s a surprise.”


The two arrived at the park a little later. Twilight tried to extract more information from the rainbow maned pegasus, but she remained steadfast in keeping her secret exactly that; a secret. Twilight didn’t know what Rainbow was hiding or what sort of plan she had concocted, but judging by the smile she wore on her face it must’ve been something she was excited about.

Rainbow led her to a hill that overlooked Ponyville, Twilight was absolutely stunned by the sight of winterized Ponyville; the snow covered rooftops and the snow-capped trees, while the snowdrifts added an arctic setting to the rest of the town. The cloudy skies above still releasing their fluffy white flakes that slowly drifted down onto the ground.

Twilight found that her jaw was slack from gazing upon such a sight. She had always been able to see wintertime Canterlot from the castle and thought that the urban setting looked positively magnificent with the addition of snow, but Ponyville’s rural backdrop looked ten times better than Canterlot ever could during the winter.

“Rainbow…” She gasped, still looking at the powdered Ponyville, “This is beautiful.”

Rainbow chuckled, “Yeah, I found this spot a while ago when I took a nap under that tree over there. I figured you’d like it.”

“Like it? I love it!” She proclaimed, latching around her marefriend’s neck, pecking her on the cheek.

“Yeah, it’s pretty cool. But that isn’t what I wanted to show you.” She paused, turning to her wing and fishing out a small box that was covered in a royal purple felt. “This is.” She flipped open the lid of the box to reveal a diamond ring set in a shimmering gold band.

Twilight silently gasped, placing both her hooves over her mouth, “Rainbow… is this what I think it is?”

“If you’re thinking it’s a ring then yeah.” She smarted off, earning a playful glare from the purple unicorn, “You how I am with this kinda stuff, so I’m just going to come right and say it.” She paused again, her wings flicking nervously, “I love you, Twi. Plain and simple. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. Not matter how I’m feeling, seeing you always makes me happy.”

“Not mention you’re one of the most awesome unicorns around. I mean… the magic you can do beats any other unicorns by a mile, the spells you can do are some that other unicorns can only dream of doing. But that’s not why I love you. I love you because you’re smart, talented, and funny; even if you can be a bit OCD sometimes.” Twilight giggled at this, making some of Rainbow’s nervousness fade, “And then there’s that. Your laugh always makes me smile, not matter what mood I’m in. I’m just so… thankful that I can call you my marefriend, but I want to call something so much more than that.”

“So I’m gonna ask you one thing; Will you be my wife?”

Twilight took the box in her magic and levitated it closer to her face. She gazed at the gem-encrusted band as it shimmered in the light. She was at a complete loss for words, she wasn’t expecting this walk to turn into a proposal; let alone seeing Rainbow act so emotional, which was a rare occurrence in and of itself. With all that had happened over the past few minutes left her somewhat stunned. Sure she had paid attention to what she said, laughed at the attempts she made to crack a joke, But she couldn’t deny that Rainbow wanted to take their relationship to the next level.

Even though Rainbow was serious about this, Twilight was still debating on whether she was ready for something like this. If they were ready for this. Sure they had been dating for going on six months, most of which were the best days of her life, but she still wasn’t sure if they had been together long enough to be ready for marriage.

Twilight focused her violet orbs onto Rainbow’s, gazing into their shimmering depths. Within her magenta pools she saw not the usual fiery determination that normally burned within her, but she instead saw a much brighter fire burn in them. One of sheer devotion and passion that she had never seen in her before. But she knew that devotion was not focused on flying or becoming stronger or faster, but it was focused on her and her alone. It was at that very moment that she knew that this was not a heat-of-the-moment decision, nor was it because she wanted to make Twilight hers. She was proposing because she loved her, because she truly wanted to be with her for the rest of her life.

Rainbow sat there and waited for her answer. She rubbed her arm with her hoof as she waited. She was on the verge of saying that it was just a joke, that she should forget about what she said and the ring as well. But she couldn’t do that now, she was in too deep. Every second that went by felt like she was just waiting to be rejected by the mare she loved. The seconds passing as if they were hours felt like haymaker punches to her mind, each one more powerful than the last.

She would be brave though, no matter her decision. She should have guessed it was too soon for something like this. So she needed to face the results of her actions. Even if they may not turn out to be the products she’d hoped they’d be.

She cleared her throat before she spoke, “I-if you don’t feel like you’re ready, I don’t mind. We can wait a little longer if you want.”

Twilight closed the ring box with a resounding snap; her eyes drifting shut as she took in a breath. This was it, Twilight was going to turn her down and even after she put her in the most romantic setting she could think of. Rainbow shut her eyes tight as she awaited her answer, time itself seeming to stop as everything fell silent; the only sound being the slight breeze.

Then she felt a hoof touch her shoulder. She snapped her eyes open as she looked to Twilight; her face wearing a smile as she wore the ring on her horn. “Yes.” She said simply.

“W-what?” Rainbow stammered in a state of disbelief.

Twilight latched onto her marefriend, now fiancée and hugged her tightly. “Yes, I want to be your wife!” She squealed with glee.


“How many times do I have to say it, Rainbow? Yes!” Twilight pulled away, looking back into Rainbow’s eyes as tears of joy began to cloud her vision. “I would love to be your wife, Rainbow. I would love nothing more than to be with you for the rest of my life.”

Rainbow leaned in along with Twilight, their lips connecting and joining once more. Only this time with much more passion and fire than before. They were now on a completely new path, one they could now walk together. No longer did they have to figure things out on their own. Nor did they have to be away from each other.

They could be close. Forever and always.

Author's Note:

This chapter was not written by me. All I did was edit and post it. A close friend of mine (Who, for the time being, wishes to remain anonymous) wanted to try his hand at writing a Twidash and get some opinions on it. So I arranged for him to be able to get his writing out and get some feedback through my story, this gave him the freedom to focus on whatever point he wanted to in their relationship because of the type of story this is. As I said, for now he wishes to remain anon, but depending on the response he gets he may decide to make it known who he is. He wants opinions other than mine on his writing, so I request that you readers leave a comment letting him know what you thought, he will be reading all of them, and he may have me respond to a few of them, so post some feedback below for him.

One more note about the actual story, the part two to my previous chapter should be out soon, I'm currently working it out, and I hope to have it written soon.