• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 4,953 Views, 232 Comments

Rainbooms and Romance - Kodeake

Series of short, non-related chapters of Twidash.

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“So… right there?” Rainbow Dash asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at the pony across a desk from her. Her hoof motioned to a thin, dotted line at the bottom of a piece of parchment lying on the desk.

“Yep.” The pony smiled back, motioning to a quill and ink jar next to the paper.

“So, just sign here and it’s done?” Rainbow asked again, asking sure she was totally clear with what she had to do.

“Everything else went fine, so this is all that’s left.” She smiled again, pushing the quill a little closer to the rainbow maned pegasus.

“And you’re alright with this?” Rainbow asked, for what felt like hundredth time, as she turned to the lavender unicorn sitting next to her. Twilight simply smiled and rested a hoof on her cyan shoulder. With a flick of her horn she levitated the quill to her friend and placed it next to her head.

“Go on.” She said encouragingly, glancing towards the document beside them. Taking a deep breath Rainbow grabbed the quill out of the air with her mouth and dipped in the jar of ink. One more deep breath stopped her trembling jaw enough fro her to write her name on the dotted line. A second later, she pulled her head away from the paper and admired her signature for a second before the quill glowed with a light purple aura and floated back down to the paper, writing another signature. She admired the names on the sheet; Rainbow Sparkle Dash and Twilight Dash Sparkle.

“Thank you. Both of you are now Scootaloo’s legal guardians. I can tell she’ll have a good home with you two.” The pony smiled and rolled up the scroll in a butter yellow glow before depositing the document in her briefcase. Twilight leaned over and enveloped Rainbow in a hug, resting their heads together. She smiled comforting at her cyan wife, nothing but love in the lavender pools ponies called eyes.

“I’ll go get her, one moment please.” The pony retreated through the door to the main body of the Ponyville Orphanage. Rainbow looked uncertainly at Twilight.

“And you’re sure you’re okay with this? You’re not doing this just because I want to?” Twilight giggled and kissed Dash on the tip of her nose.

“I already told you, Dash, I want this as much as you do.” Rainbow visibly relaxed at the words just as the door opened again.

“So what’s up?” Scootaloo asked as she walked through the door, looking up to the pony in charge of the orphanage she lived in though her eyes quickly switched to her idol. “Rainbow Dash?” She asked excitedly.

“Hey squirt, what’s up?” Dash asked, giving a playful noogie to the filly as she rushed up and gave the older mare a hug.

“Scootaloo, you’ve been adopted.” Scootaloo looked up quizzically to the mare standing in the doorway.

“I have? By who?” The answer came in the form of a nod, towards Rainbow Dash.

“No way…” She took a step back from her idol and looked up, her eyes moistening slightly as she looked in disbelief. “Seriously?”

“Well, ever since me an’ Twi got married, we’ve been considering having a foal. For a while we considered… other methods, but we agreed adoption was the easiest way, and who better to adopt than not only my biggest fan, but my little sister?” Rainbow smiled widely at the orange pegasus, who returned a tearful grin before jumping up and wrapping her hooves around Rainbow’s neck.


“So, do I have to call you mom now?” Scootaloo asked from atop Rainbow’s back as they trotted towards the library.

“Hmm? Oh, I guess that’s up to you, I’m not gonna force anything like that on you, and neither is Twilight, right Twi?” Rainbow turned her head to look at the unicorn trotting next to her, who smiled and nodded towards the filly riding on her back.

“Hmm…” Scootaloo rubbed her chin thoughtfully before looking back to Rainbow. “Mom?” She said slowly, sounding out the word slowly. “Mom? Mom… mom…” She repeated it a few more times; rolling the sound over in her mind and pairing it with the image she already had of Rainbow Dash. For some reason, it seemed to fit perfectly in her mind.

“Yeah, I think I’ll call you mom now.” She smiled happily, glancing over to Twilight. She repeated the process again, trying to match the title with the pony. Once again, the name stuck. And she smiled widely at both of her adoptive parents.

“How about that, Twi, we’re both ‘mom’ now.” Rainbow chuckled, smiling almost as widely as the filly riding on her back. Twilight giggled with her, smiling up at the orange pegasus filly.


“Mom’s, I’m home!’ Scootaloo called as she walked through the library door. Her saddlebags loaded with school work were quickly taken off her back and rested on the floor next to a coat hanger.

“Mom’s?” Twilight asked quizzically, glancing up from her book to look at her newly found daughter.

“Well, from what I’ve seen from Sweetie Belle, she normally says ‘mom, dad I’m home’ but I can’t exactly do that, and ‘mom, mom, I’m home’ just sounds weird.” She explained matter-of-factly. Twilight just giggled quietly.

“I suppose so.” She sighed happily as she placed a bookmark in the tomb she had been reading a closed it with a thud. “How about a snack? I didn’t eat lunch.” She offered, the filly nodding happily.

“Sound’s like a great idea, Twi.” Dash said, fluttering own the stairs with the aid of her wings. She flew past her wife for a quick kiss before gliding over to Scootaloo. “Hey Scoot’s, how’s school?” She asked, giving a light noogie to the filly, before landing on her hooves.


Rainbow rolled over in her bed, coming face to face with a pair of closed eyes. She smiled at the site of her sleeping wife before extending a hoof to draw the unicorn close to her chest.

“Mmm… Rainbow?” She asked groggily, her eyes fluttering open to look into a pair of magenta orbs.

“Heh, sorry, Twi, didn’t mean to wake you.” Rainbow apologized, as she took advantage of the fact that Twilight was now awake by shuffling a little closer. For a time they stayed silent, their breathing was the only noise amongst the quiet library. Eventually, Rainbow broke the silence.

“Twi, you ever have any regrets?” Rainbow asked quietly, her mind fearing the answer. Twilight smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips for a brief second.

“My only regret is not asking you out sooner.”

Author's Note:

Quick note; this takes place over the course of two days, I'm sure you can figure out when the days switch.

So, Scootaloo getting adopted, what are your thoughts on the matter? Personally, I think it's a nice idea should it be written correctly, but I want to know what you guys think about it. I will admit; this is not how you would write a Scootaloo adoption fic, this is pure fluff, so I altered it to make it short and sweet. However, depending on the responses I get, I may write a full-length fic, plot and all, where Scootaloo is adopted by Twi and Dash.

So post you're opinions down below and let me know!