• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 4,953 Views, 232 Comments

Rainbooms and Romance - Kodeake

Series of short, non-related chapters of Twidash.

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(Continuation of Family)

Scootaloo opened the door to the tree library like she had been doing for the past three months. It had been three months since the adoption became official, and the family had never been happier. Maybe it was the fact of having a filly to call their daughter, maybe it was simply because they enjoyed being together, but no matter the reason, there was not a single doubt that crossed their minds when it came to family.

“Rainbow Dash, Twilight, I’m home.” Scootaloo called with a heavy sigh, depositing her bags by the door and walking into the library, finding a confused looking Twilight and an almost hurt looking Rainbow Dash. Twilight’s look of confusion faded as soon as she saw her adoptive daughter.

“What’s wrong, Scootaloo?” Dash looked to Twilight, even more shocked and confused then she had been.

“Whoa whoa whoa, back up a second. Squirt here walks in the door, calls us both by our names – something she hasn’t done since we adopted her – and then you call her Scootaloo instead of one of your thousand-and-one pet names? Who are you ponies and what have you done with my family?” Rainbow chuckled weakly at her own joke, but the serious look she received from Twilight told her that this was not the time for jokes.

“Rainbow!” Twilight snapped, glaring at her wife, “It’s not too hard to see that she’s upset about something.” Twilight pointed her hoof towards the down-trodden Scootaloo.

“No, I’m fine. I’m gonna go do my homework in my room; call me when supper’s ready.” She sulked up the stairs with her saddle bags clenched in her teeth, leaving a confused Rainbow Dash and a concerned Twilight.

“What do you think happened?” Twilight asked once she was sure Scootaloo was out of earshot. “She’s never been this upset before.”

“No idea…” Rainbow trailed off, her mind racing to keep up with the slew of emotions and thoughts while still trying to process what had actually happened. “But I’m sure she’ll be fine, she’s strong for her age.” Rainbow said after a moment’s pause, grinning cockily. Twilight didn’t loom as sure.

“I’m not so sure, Rainbow, she looked pretty upset about something, maybe you should go talk to her?” Twilight offered hopefully, Rainbow just looked at her for a moment.

“Twi, you know I’m not good at the whole feeling’s thing.” Rainbow said uncertainly, eye’s shifting nervously around the room. “What if I make it worse?”

“Rainbow, you do just fine with feelings when you actually let yourself show them, remember our first date? For the first half it felt like I was talking to a stone wall, but then you started showing your actual feelings, and it went just fine. Now you need to do the same thing with her.” Rainbow stood from her cushion on the floor and began pushing her toward Scootaloo’s room.

“But why do I have to do it? Surly you’d be better for this?” Rainbow planted her hooves on the floor, attempting to slow the unicorn’s attempt.

“You’re closer to her then I am.” Twilight reasoned, lifting Rainbow in her magic and beginning to levitate the flailing pegasus down the hall. Eventually she stopped thrashing in the magic and instead looked pleadingly at the unicorn carrying her down the hall.

“Can you at least come with me? Make sure I don’t say anything stupid?” Twilight had to stifle a laugh as she released Rainbow from her purple magic in front of the door.

“I never intended not to, I’ll always be here, for both of you, now go on.” Twilight nodded toward the closed door in front of Rainbow, who looked uneasily at Twilight before taking a deep breath and knocking on the door.

“Hey, Scoot’s, can I come in?” Rainbow asked slowly, unsure of what exactly she was supposed to do. Fro a time there was silence, both mares standing patiently in the hall waiting for an answer.

“Is Twilight with you?” At last a reply came in the form of a question. Rainbow looked to Twilight with some uncertainty, but answered all the same.

“Yeah.” Rainbow said slowly, unsure of what Scootaloo wanted to hear. Once again there was silence until the door finally opened, just a crack, revealing an orange, tear-stained face. She threw a quick glance to Twilight before turning back up to the cyan pegasus before her.

“What’s up?” She asked as casually as possible, though her voice came out strained and her smile was clearly forced.

“Come on, Squirt, what’s wrong?” Rainbow asked, attempting to make her voice as comforting as possible.

“N-nothing!” She insisted weakly, putting on an even less believable too-huge grin. She tried to shut the door, but Rainbow’s cyan hoof shot in and prevented it.

“I’m not blind, you’ve been crying. Now please, tell me what’s wrong.” Rainbow insisted again, cringing as her hoof was squished between the door and its frame. After a second of internal debate Scootaloo sighed and opened the door, allowing Rainbow to walk in, though she shut it before Twilight could follow. Twilight stared for a second at the closed door before sighing and sitting down in the hall, waiting patiently for something to happen.

Rainbow walked into the room, the door slamming shut behind her. She snapped her head around to look at Scootaloo standing in front of the door, her face completely neutral and unreadable. Rainbow silently wished for Twilight to open the door with her magic, but when nothing happened, she sighed and made her way to the bed, sitting on it and motioning for Scootaloo to join her. The orange filly did so with little hesitation, jumping up next to the older mare and sitting silently, refusing to make eye contact. For a time they sat in the most awkward silence possible for two ponies to be in, but eventually Scootaloo broke it with a single question.

“Are you and Twilight fillyfoolers?” She spoke the question quietly, fearing the answer. Rainbow looked half hurt and half appalled by the derogatory term, but caught herself before she could yell.

“Who told you that we were?” She asked cautiously, attempting to avoid the question.

“Answer the question.” Scootaloo said sternly, glaring up at the pegasus next to her.

“Well, kind of, yes, though we prefer ‘lesbian’, fillyfooler is used as an insult.” Rainbow said in her best ‘lecture’ voice that she had picked up from Twilight.

“Is it… natural?”

“Squirt, where is all this coming from?” Rainbow asked, honest concern showing through the wing she wrapped around the filly next to her. To her surprise, despite the frown on her face, Scootaloo leaned into her side, snuggling into the downy limb wrapped around her.

“At school, for a while now, the bullies have been going after you two, calling you ‘dirty fillyfoolers’. I don’t know what it means, but all the other kids laughed at me. I tried to defend you guys, but today… they told me what it meant: That you liked other mares… romantically. At first I didn’t know what they meant, but then I remembered all the things you two do together, stuff that a mare only does with her special somepony. I know you got married, but… they told me it was wrong for a mare to like another mare.” Scootaloo trailed off as a fresh wave of tears fell from her eyes and down her cheeks.

“I was confused, at first. Then I thought about it, and it made sense. I got mad at you two; I thought it was your fault that they were laughing at me. I blamed you… I didn’t even know why it was so bad, but they teased me because of it, and I thought it was because of you…” Scootaloo turned and pressed her face into her adoptive mother’s side, creating a dark stain on Rainbow’s cyan coat. Rainbow couldn’t have cared less; she wrapped her wing tighter around the filly’s trembling form as she began to slowly stroke her purple mane.

“Hey, it’s alright.” Rainbow comforted, bringing her head down to lightly nuzzle the top of her orange head.

“I was just so angry at you two… I don’t understand it… why is it so wrong?” Scootaloo mumbled into Rainbow’s fur, sniffling as her tears slowly stopped, though she still held her close.

“It’s not wrong, Scoot, they’re just… they’re jealous, because they don’t have what me you an’ Twi have.” Rainbow stopped her gentle stroking and used her hoof to raise the filly’s head to look her in the eye.

“There is nothing wrong with what me an’ Twi have. You just remember that, and what they say will mean nothing, ok?” Scootaloo answered with a nod and a weak smile. A weight lifted from her mind, there was nothing wrong with it, Twilight and Rainbow loved each other and they loved her. Why should that be wrong because they were mares? Scootaloo allowed this thought to grow, spreading through her thoughts and memories, turning the insults into nothing more then empty assumptions, and sometimes nothing but the truth, a truth that she shouldn’t, and wouldn’t, be ashamed of. She was drawn out of her now-happy thoughts by Rainbow’s voice.

“Now come on, Spike’s gonna teach me how to cook when he get’s back from his job, and I could use some help.” Rainbow offered, standing from the bed and making her way over to the door, Scootaloo still wrapped in her wing. She opened the door, revealing Twilight sitting with a patient smile on her face. Before either mare could say anything Scootaloo ran out from under Rainbow’s wing to Twilight and wrapped her hooves around the lavender unicorn.

“Sorry.” Scootaloo apologized into Twilight’s chest, smiling and breathing in the sent on her adoptive parent. “Mom.” She added after another second. Twilight smiled and wrapped a hoof around the filly’s back. Eventually Scootaloo pulled back and began walking down the hall towards the living room with her parents on both sides and a cyan wing around her shoulders.

Rainbow Dash smiled as they walked. Her wife was next to her and her daughter was under her wing. Nothing could feel better then being surrounded by those who love you.

Author's Note:

Well, the reasponse to my last chapter was HUGE, so I wrote another Scootadoption for you guys. Alos, based on the comments I got, I will be writing a full legth fic with Twidash and Scootadoption, but it won't come for about a month, but it will happen, so stay tuned for that. until then, enjoy some fluff.