• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 10: On the run

Scar had found the big building the spiked back had told him about with ease, but something wasn't right. He smelled it first, there was food inside for sure, but there were also ponies, many ponies. And it was quiet, disturbingly quiet. He slowly approached the door and just as he had been told, he knocked. The big door swung open a bit and he peeked through the thin slit. It was dark inside, but on the other side of the large room he could see tables laden with food. The ponies were nowhere to be seen, but he knew they were there, the smell was unmistakable. He strained his ears, everything was quiet.

His hairs stood up. Painful memories of his last capture flooded his mind. He had been lured into a trap by his hunger before, and this was no different. But he had learned since then. Never again. He felt grief and sorrow that the ponies would once again try to cage him, he had hoped that this time would be different. Had he not been friendly enough? What had set them off? Had he done something wrong? Whatever it was, he needed to leave this place. Now.

He turned around to leave and found himself in front of the pink one, she was holding something in front of her. How had she snuck up on him? She grinned widely and there was a sudden explosion, the noise ringing in ears and his eyes filled with colors as he was flung backwards through the doors by the force of the impact.

The moment the gnoll landed on his back inside the barn he was blinded by a flash of light and a chorus of voices erupted around him, "SURPRISE!"

But their voices were drowned by the savage scream of the gnoll. He would not be captured again.


When Purple Haze and Spike finally arrived at the barn there was a huge hole ripped into its side, tables had been overthrown or simply ripped to pieces and the ponies looked disturbed and shocked. There wasn't anything in the barn left in tact, the boards had huge claw marks in them, there were even some in the roof. One of the pillars looked as if something had taken a huge bite out of it.

She made a quick check, no ponies had been hurt. She thanked the stars. She quickly found Twilight, "What happened?"

Twilight was slowly recovering from the shock, "I don't know! One moment we were shouting surprise and the next he went completely insane!"

In a corner of the barn sat a sobbing Pinkie Pie, "He didn't like my party! What did I do wrong? Was it to much confetti? Was the cake bad? It was the green balloons, wasn't it? I knew I should have picked blue! I only wanted to see him smile again!" she continued her wailing.

Rarity was trying to calm her, "There, there dear. You did nothing wrong! That brute however! Oh, I still shudder to think what could have happened!"

Rainbow Dash spoke up, "What the buck was that guy's problem? I've never seen anypony that angry!"

"He was scared..." the voice was quiet, but clear. The ponies turned to the yellow little pegasus, she was on the verge of tears. "Didn't you see his eyes? He was so terrified!" she turned to Purple Haze, "Why was he so scared?" the ponies were all paying close attention to her by now. Every single one of them wanted to understand what had just happened.

Purple Haze had hoped to avoid this conversation for as long as possible, but now there was no way around it. And so she told them exactly what he had once told the princess, of slavery, cages, scars and pain.

After she had told the story the ponies seemed downtrodden, Pinkie's hair had lost all fluffiness and Rarity was looking at the ground in shame. One pony had heard enough, she opened the door and started walking towards the forest. Twilight called after her, "Applejack! Where are you going?"

"Ain't it obvious? I'm gonna go get him back!"


He was a fool, how could he have been so naive? He should have expected this! Scar was still cursing himself even after he had stopped running. He had fled in wild panic, dashing deeper into the dark of the forest and not stopping until his lungs hurt. He looked up at the stars and growled in frustration as he realized his position. In his wild dash he had gone stray from the way to his cave, he would have to backtrack quite a bit to avoid the swamp and to head on to safety. And then?

He would have to leave the forest behind him, or hide deeper within it. The ponies were sure to give hunt soon. He decided that for the now the forest would be safe. No pony would be foolish enough to enter the forest at night. As he started to slink back through the forest his thoughts wandered to the little book inside his cape. He would miss the shiny one, she had always been truly friendly towards him.


On the other side of the forest seven ponies had gathered. Purple Haze had originally insisted on going after Scar alone, but after telling the story the other six ponies had been persistent to join her in her search. More than any other, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were determined to find him.

Purple Haze had been surprised by her change of attitude. One second ago she had been shy and timid, but the moment she had heard the gnoll's tale she had grown so furious it was almost scary. Luckily they had enough sense left in them to send Spike home. He had protested, but Purple Haze would have none of it.

Finding the place where he had entered the forest was easy enough, the gnoll had crushed several small trees that where unfortunate enough to stand in his way. Inside the forest though, things would be very different. They would have to move slowly and carefully. Flight was unthinkable in the thick foliage and even magic light provided only little sight.

"You really think you're gonna need all of that Pinkie?" an orange pony with a stetson asked.

Pinke Pie was carrying her own weight in cake and party balloons, "Of course Applejack! I still need to make him smile!"

Purple Haze shuddered at the thought, Applejack merely shook her head. "All right everypony, let's do this! Stick close together and don't stray! Winona, search!" The little dog put its nose to the ground and followed the trail, seven ponies following it as they were swallowed by the Everfree forest.

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