• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 19,454 Views, 1,942 Comments

The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 80: For that special somepony

"Tia..." Luna said with a quiet voice.

"Yes, Luna?" Celestia replied, trying to act calm.

"Why is your student Twilight Sparkle sending you adult literature for mares?... And only a day before hearts and hooves day for that matter?" she asked as she held the little book up with her magic, "Very vivid adult literature at that..." she stated as she flipped through the pages.

"I..." Celestia started uncertain, "I have no idea..."

Luna raised an eyebrow, "Is there something I should know about?" Celestia's face went crimson red and her eyes wide, "I know I have been gone for some time, but... is it not still accounted for as unethical to have a relationship with your own students?"

"What?" Celestia was unsure whether she was hearing correctly, "Are you implying that..."

"I mean, it is not that I disapprove of Twilight Sparkle, but you should consider your age difference..." she gave her sister a smirk.

"You're unbelievable." Celestia cast a glare at Luna, "I'm going to my chambers, I have a letter to write." she turned around to leave.

"Don't forget your special friendship report!" Luna passed her the book with a smile.

"Simply unbelievable..." Celestia muttered as she walked towards her room. She would have a word with a certain unicorn very soon.


"So... Scar is supposed to do what?" the gnoll asked with uncertainty.

"You know, do something romantic with your special somepony." Spike answered.

"Romantic..." Scar muttered, "Spike means like flowers?"

"It could be a good start but it's not mandatory, you can do anything with her if you think she'll like it. Hearts and hooves day is for expressing how much you like your friends." Spike scratched his head. He had been trying to explain the concept to the gnoll for the last thirty minutes now. "How do you gnolls usually do these things?"

Scar put on a thoughtful look, "Normally gnolls go out and hunt something special. Then bring back food and share to show appreciation."

Spike made a disgusted face, "Yeah... I don't think that would work for normal ponies."

"Purple Haze is special pony." the gnoll stated, "Scar could go hunt stinger. Is difficult hunt but very tasty. Would be good gift. Shows that Scar is strong and good hunter!"

"What's a stinger?" Spike asked with worry. He was not liking where this conversation was heading. He didn't want to put any strange ideas in Scar's head.

Scar scratched his chin and went to one of the book shelves. After a moment of search, he pulled out a book, 'Creatures of the Everfree Forest' was written on it. He flipped through the pages until he found what he was looking for, "See... stinger."

"Dude, that's a manticore." Spike said in fascination, "You actually hunt those?"

"Mannnt..." the gnoll tried to pronounce the word, "Manticroe?"

"Manticore. Those are crazy dangerous! See? It states clearly that manticores should be avoided at all costs! You could get yourself killed!"

The gnoll shrugged, "Silly pony book says many things. Many wrong things too. If is for special pony, Scar doesn't mind." he turned and stepped towards the small closet, "Tag."

"Yes, master?" the maul replied as Scar opened the door.

"Is time for work."

"Splendid! That mop is more uptight than I enjoy anyway... What are we after today, if I may ask?"

"Sting... Manticore." the gnoll corrected himself as he lifted up the maul.

"Large game then? You have my attention, good sir. Let us be off!"

The gnoll nodded, "Large game, warm pelt for special pony." he started to head towards the door when Spike jumped in front of him.

"Dude, you can't be serious! Purple Haze will kill me if she finds out I put you up to this!"

"Wasn't Spike's idea, was gnoll's." the gnoll replied firmly as he simply picked up the dragon by its head and placed it aside, "Wait for Scar here... it will be back soon, with manticore." he opened the door.

"Wait!" Spike desperately tried to come up with something, "What would Fluttershy say?"

The gnoll stopped for a moment, "Fluttershy?"

"You know how she is." Spike replied with hope, "What do you think she'll say if you go and kill a manticore?"

"Mmmh..." Scar pondered on this for a moment. Fluttershy was incredibly caring for all animals... he clicked his tongue as he realized the obvious solution, "Is no problem, Scar will bring manticore back alive. Purple Haze can see... maybe even ride too... then Scar brings stinger back to forest." he said proudly.

Spike's face dropped, "What?!" he couldn't believe what he was hearing. A manticore in Ponyville? Twilight would go insane!

Before Spike could say any more though, the gnoll nodded the little dragon a goodbye, "Spike waits here. It will be back with sting... it means manticore, soon." With that the gnoll closed the door behind him, leaving a dumbstruck Spike behind.

"Twilight... is going to kill me..."


When Twilight and Purple Haze returned to the library, they found a very nervous Spike and no Scar.

"Hey Spike, where's Scar?" Purple Haze asked as she entered the main room.

"He... is out?" Spike replied with a drop of sweat on his brow.

"Out to where?" Twilight asked as she observed him. It was always a bad sign for Spike to act so nervously.

"Uhhmmm... you know I..." he was interrupted as he burped out a scroll with a puff of green flames, "Oh, look Twilight! It's a letter from the princess!" he gave her letter.

For a moment, he relaxed. Saved by the bell. His moment of hope was shattered though when he saw Twilight's face as she read the letter.

"Spike..." Twilight said with a very dangerous tone as her left eye started to twitch.

Spike gulped, "Yes, Twilight?"

She lowered the scroll to glare at him, "Do you mind telling me... What exactly did you and Scar do while we were gone?"

Spike felt the color leave his face as he remembered the book he had sent to Celestia. Maybe he should have checked what was in it first... "Eh heh..." he coughed, "You know... guy stuff?"

Author's Note:

Getting close to that magical 100k word count.. Also, chapter eighty! :D

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