• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 19,451 Views, 1,942 Comments

The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 81: Stripy pony (edit)

Zecora watched the forest with unease. Until a moment ago the Everfree had been relatively peaceful but then a commotion unlike anything she had heard before had started. Sounds of snarling, roars, breaking wood and utter chaos could be heard coming from the forest. Then, just as suddenly as the tumult had begun, it ceased. In its place a distant, rhythmic thumping echoed throughout the forest followed occasionally by a guttural snarl or the splintering of wood.

She stood outside her hut, debating if she should investigate the disturbance. What could have transpired inside the forest to cause such a commotion? Should she warn Ponyville? What was that thumping sound? Zecora hesitated for a moment, but then she stepped into the forest and followed the sounds.


When she finally found the source of the strange thumping noise, Zecora wasn't entirely sure what she was seeing. There beneath a large tree, a massive creature with black fur and sharp fangs was busy ramming its shoulder into the trunk while constantly grumbling to itself between impacts. "Stupid stinger..." she heard it say with a deep voice, "Stupid tree..." The creature rammed the tree another time, making its leaves shudder and creating a loud thump upon impact.

All around the tree, plants and bushes had either been torn to shreds or ripped out of the ground. There had been a fierce battle it seemed. She watched the scene for another moment, noticing a huge maul resting on the ground next to some rope and... was that a yellow bow? Another thump pulled Zecora out of her thoughts as the creature rammed the tree again.

"Erm, if I might interject, Master? You could always give me a toss. I could get that cowardly beast down with one swift blow!"

Zecora blinked her eyes in wonder, had that voice just come from the maul? The creature turned around for a moment, "Scar doesn't want to hurt it... Fluttershy wouldn't like..." He stopped and sniffed the air for a moment before turning his head towards her. She felt her blood run cold as a blood-red eye stared at her from a scarred face.

For a moment she thought about running, but the creature only raised an eyebrow before giving her a short nod, "Stripy pony..." and turning its attention to the tree again. He raised a fist and shook it in obvious annoyance at the canopy of leaves above him, "Come down, Scar has no time for games!" he pointed to the rope and the bow, "Won't hurt... it even has little bow. Will look pretty!" A whimper escaped the canopy, making the gnoll grumble a silent curse before slamming into the tree again.

Not sure what to think, Zecora carefully started to approach the strange creature. When she came close enough to see up and into the tree, she found herself at a complete loss for words. Up in the shadowed branches of the tree, clinging to a massive branch like some titanic, hideous housecat, sat a manticore. With each impact from the black-furred beast below, the manticore let out a pitiful whimper as its claws scrabbled to purchase in its roost.

She closed her eyes for a second and tried to clear her mind, had she prepared the wrong tea by accident? Another thump echoed through the air. Zecora opened her eyes and looked up once more. There it was, a shaking manticore clinging to the branches of a tree, and it was giving her pleading look, begging her for assistance.

She turned to the black creature as it rammed the tree another time with enough force to make the ground shudder beneath her hooves. She could understand why the manticore was scared. "A creature the likes of you I have not seen before, tell me, what do you want with that poor manticore?"

He stopped for a moment and tilted his head slightly as he observed her, seemingly surprised at her way of talking. "Scar is gnoll..." he said to her before pointing up at the tree, "Is present for special pony..." He rammed the tree again, grinning a toothy smile as he saw the manticore start to slip. He took an extra step backwards and prepared to charge.

When the gnoll struck the tree again, Zecora barely had time to jump to safety as the manticore came crashing down. The moment it struck ground it tried to run, but the gnoll had different plans.


"What do you mean, you didn't check it?!" Twilight gave a frustrated groan.

"He said it was a present!" Spike answered with worry, "What did she write?"

Twilight levitated the scroll before herself and read aloud, "My dear student, as much as I value your friendship, I must wonder what would make you focus your precious time on such subjects. Please refrain from sending me literature of this kind in the future, it makes for an inadequate impression of our relationship. I expect a five-page essay on the subject 'Why I shouldn't send my teacher adult literature' as well as a full index of your library's books by tomorrow and I sincerely hope that you are not letting Spike read these kind of books. Furthermore, I fear that you are spending too much time inside your library and I advise you partake in the upcoming festivities. Please relay my greetings to Scar and Marshall Purple Haze. I hope they are enjoying their free time and are in good health. Your teacher, princess Celestia."

Spike gulped, "That sounds pretty angry for her..." he paused for a moment, "What's adult literature?"

"Argh!" Twilight gave a frustrated huff, "Wait till I get my hooves on that gnoll! Spike! We've got a letter to write to the princess!"

Purple Haze was watching them with amusement; it seemed the gnoll had not lost his touch for stirring up trouble. She did wonder though... "Before you do... Spike? Where exactly did Scar go? I wanted to show him something I found at the market."

The little dragon started to sweat, "Heh... I think he wanted to go take a walk and... do gnoll stuff?"

She raised an eyebrow, "A walk? With Tag?" her eyes slowly narrowing, "Why would he need a giant maul on a walk?"

Spike gulped, "In case he runs into a manticore?"

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