• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 92: The squad is formed

When Purple Haze came back down into the main room of the library, Scar was busying himself with a couch while Twilight was watching with some amusement.

"They all left?" she asked, "Thank goodness, I thought..."

She was interrupted as the gnoll's arm shot beneath the couch and pulled out a frantically flailing pony from beneath, holding it up a few feet above the ground like a caught fish.

"Lieutenant Berryshakes?" Purple Haze watched her struggle with surprise.

"Berryshakes." the gnoll nodded, "Also, four others hiding behind shelves..." he pointed towards the shelves with his maul, "Won't take much longer." he started to pull the maul back, Berryshakes' eyes widened.

"Wait!" Purple Haze interrupted him, "You're not going to hit her, are you?"

"Is only tag spell." the gnoll mumbled, "Won't hurt. Only sends them away."

Purple Haze tilted her head with a frown, "Where?"

"Lulu." Scar replied, making Twilight blush and Purple Haze raise an eyebrow. The princess would likely not be amused by this. Also, she'd have to make a choice concerning her squad.

"Alright, alright." Purple Haze sighed, "Put her down. The rest of you, come out of hiding."

Slowly, as the gnoll set down Berryshakes with a humph, the remaining guard ponies started to appear from behind book shelves and curtains, each of them careful not to get to close to Scar and his maul.

"Thanks, Marshall." Berryshakes managed to choke out between ragged breaths. For the rest of her life, she would be careful of making the gnoll angry again, especially so in closed spaces.

Purple Haze looked over the guard ponies, there was Berryshakes, the privates Whistler and Greenfield from Manehatten, also... "You two?"

Cloud Dancer and Star Glaze gave her sheepish looks as they stepped up to her, all the while keeping a good distance to the gnoll.

"When we heard that you were getting your own squad, we just couldn't help ourselves." Cloud Dancer cringed as the gnoll passed him a skeptical look.

"We just didn't think that the trials would be this hard." Star Glaze commented with a sour face.

"Trials?" Scar turned to Purple Haze, "Scar doesn't understand."

Purple Haze gave a sigh, "It seems that princess Luna has set us up with our own squad, and since these five are the only ones remaining... I guess that means they'll form the new squad." At her words, a huge grin started to form on the faces of the new squad members.

"We made it!" Berryshakes gave a shout of joy, "I'm going to become the best tracker ever!" Scar gave her a look, "At least, the best pony tracker..." she chuckled.

Scar shook his head, "Gnoll still doesn't understand. What is pony squad?"

"It means they will support us during our missions." Purple Haze explained, "They'll travel with us and help keep our backs free."

The gnoll scratched his chin in thought, "Is like hunt pack?"

"Something like that, I guess." Purple Haze replied.

Scar gave Berryshakes and the others a questioning look, "So ponies help Scar hunt rats?"

Whistler took a step forward, "Of course! After our mission in Manehatten there is nothing we wish more than to hunt down those terrible creatures!" next to him, Greenfield gave an approving nod.

Scar eyed them for a lingering moment, "So where are rats?"

Berryshakes tilted her head, "What?"

The gnoll gave a huff, "Where are rats? Ponies say they want to hunt rats with Scar, so where are rats?"

"We don't really know anything new about them..." Berryshakes admitted, "We were kind of hoping that Marshall Purple Haze would give us an update once the squad was formed."

"I am sorry to disappoint you, but the princesses haven't given us any updates either." Purple Haze replied, "I was kind of wondering about that anyway... After all, we did take a few prisoners, so surely there is something they found out?"

Scar pondered on this, "So... Lulu and Celestia should know where rats are?" he asked to no one in particular.

"I guess... they should have interrogated the prisoners by now so they ought to have some kind of intel on them..." Purple Haze gave him a dubious look, "What are you doing?"

The gnoll had raised the maul to his chest, and was holding the head towards himself with a grin, "Scar goes to Lulu and Celestia, finds out for himself."

Purple Haze's eyes became wide, "Wait! Don't tell me you're..."

Before she had finished the sentence, the gnoll poked himself with the maul, "Tag..." and was gone with a puff before the maul hit the floor with a loud thud.

Twilight stared at the spot where Scar had been standing only a moment ago, "Did he... did he just..."

"Could someone pick me up? This floor is very cold."

Purple Haze gave a groan, "At least he'll probably manage to get some information..." she turned to the open-mouthed guards, "So... what are we going to call ourselves?"

Star Glaze raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean, Marshall?"

"Well, we are going to need a name for the squad, don't we? And since Scar is likely going to be gone for a bit we may as well figure one out now."

"Are you ignoring me?"


Luna and Celestia had just finished getting the suddenly appeared guards out of Luna's chamber when there was another loud puff, "Oh no..." Luna did not even dare look up this time.

Celestia cringed as the gnoll landed on top of Luna with an audible thump, but couldn't help but wonder, what was this all about?

"Blagh, teleportation always makes Scar dizzy..." the gnoll groaned, "At least Scar landed on something soft... Hello, Celestia!" he waved her a happy greeting.

"Hello, Scar." she replied timidly. Beneath Scar, with big eyes and struggling furiously to get free, Luna was close to tears.

Scar looked down, "Oh... Hello, Lulu!"

"Scar..." Luna managed to wheeze out, "Would you please get off me?"

The gnoll chuckled as he got up and helped Luna to her hooves, "How is Lulu today?"

"I could be better, I am afraid." Luna replied as she wobbled from side to side.

The gnoll watched her with amusement before turning to Celestia with a serious face, "Scar comes to talk."

"You are always welcome to visit us." Celestia replied carefully, "But I am supposed to welcome a delegation from the griffons within the next hour... could it wait until after then?"

Scar scratched his head, "Featherclaws? Mmmm... Very well." the gnoll nodded happily, "Gnoll will meet featherclaws first, then Scar and Celestia can talk."

Celestia felt a bead of sweat run down her forehead. For some reason, she was hesitant to bring the gnoll and the griffons together in one room... but before she could form a response, the gnoll was already walking towards the doors with busy strides, "Oh dear..."

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