• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 19,449 Views, 1,942 Comments

The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 53: Pony Hunt 2

"I think we lost him..." wheezed a pony as it stood with two others in one of the hallways. "Are we all that's left?"

"I don't know..." a mare said between gasps, "I thought there were more behind us."

"We need to come up with a plan. I don't know about you but I can't keep on running much longer." they all felt like they had been running for hours. But whenever they thought they had lost their pursuer he would come around a corner or shoot out of a dark hallway. It was like a nightmare for them.

The third pony nodded, "That thing is way too fast for its size!"

"Alright, let's try to come up with a plan,..." he turned to the mare, "You stand guard while..." his eyes grew wide, "HAMMER!" She turned around in time to see the hammer fly towards her.


Three well placed strikes later the gnoll stood alone in the hallway and looked around himself with a satisfied smile. These three had been fast but his nose had not failed him. He gave a happy grunt, the game was over. It was time to head back to the courtyard.

As he was starting to head back though, a voice could be heard throughout the halls of the castle. "Scar, this is Celestia." was it only in his mind or did she sound angry? "Please be aware that the game has not ended yet." He raised an eyebrow, had he missed a pony? "As of now, captain Purple Haze and captain Flying Shield will take part too." there was a pause, "I believe two minutes head start should be enough."

The gnoll listened for more but the voice did not return again. So Purple Haze and Flying Shield wanted to join the game? Good for them! He would certainly give his best to make sure they could enjoy the hunt. He started to make his way down the hallway with slow steps, now if he only knew how long two minutes were.


There was a flash as Purple Haze and Flying Shield were teleported into the castle. Both of them looked around themselves for a moment to identify their current location.

Flying Shield was the first to speak up, "Was it just me, or did the princess seem to be a bit... angry?"

Purple Haze rolled her eyes, "And what pray tell gave you that impression? Is it the fact that she is having us mauled by the gnoll or was it somewhere in between her lecture? What were her words again?..." she made a dramatic pause. "Ahh... I remember now! Premature, irresponsible, unwarrantable and racially incorrect!"

Flying Shield gave a sigh, "I know! I know! I was just teasing you. Don't worry, give her a day to cool off and you'll be fine."

Purple Haze gave her a glare, "You're taking this way too relaxed."

"Oh come on, we're no rookies! All we need to do is keep him off our heels for a couple of minutes." Flying Shield replied with self-confidence, "We find a place to sit the time out and we're done with it. Simple as that."

"Only problem is that you can't hide from him! He'll smell us out in minutes and then..." Purple Haze stopped.

"And then?"

"Pshh,..." Purple Haze shushed her sister. She perked her ears and listened. At first there wasn't a sound to be heard, but then she thought she could make out a click from down one of the hallways. The sound claws would make on stone floor. "We gotta move, NOW!" she grabbed her sister and dashed off. She was intent to last a long as possible. She would show Scar what she could do.


Princess Luna was in her routine again. Breakfast, something to read, order. Her sister's announcement had surprised her a bit, but whatever Celestia was doing with the gnoll again she definitely wanted no part of it this early in the day. She would keep her distance and she would most definitely not get involved.

"This way!" a shout could be heard outside the door accompanied by the sound of running.

"Oh heavens not again..." muttered Luna before the doors to the dining room were thrown open and Purple Haze and Flying Shield shot through them. The moment they had passed they immediately bolted it shut and leaned against the heavy doors while panting heavily.

"This is the dining room! I thought you knew where we were going!"

"I got confused, okay? I for my part don't have a gnoll at my heels everyday!"

"And angry at that! Did you really have to hit him with the pepper?"

"I thought it would slow him down not make him chase us harder!"

"What makes you think that making him angry would slow him down? What kind of logic is that?!"

"Look, it works with dogs so why shouldn't it work with him?"

"Pardon me." Luna finally spoke up from her position. The two mares looked at her and passed her sheepish smiles. "May I ask, exactly what is going on here?"

"Uhhh, we're playing tag with Scar... and he has this hammer... and remember that sparring spell the night guard uses for training?"

"I remember it, yes. What about..." Luna suddenly understood what was going on. "Please let this be a poor joke." the two mares shook their heads. Luna let out a frustrated sigh before she realized something very unnerving. "He is hunting you?" the two mares nodded, Luna cast a glance over the freshly set up breakfast table. "And he is on your trail?" the two mares shook their heads.

Luna gave a sigh, "Then all is well, for one second I was concerned..." the table started to shake. Heavy footsteps could be heard drawing nearer. It stopped just as the sounds came exactly from behind the door. Something could be heard sniffing with deep breaths. Purple Haze and Flying Shield started to back away from the door. Luna gave a frustrated groan, "It is far too early for this..."

Princess Luna stood up and headed for the doors. She would end this madness right now before it would ruin her morning. On the other side, something was flying towards the doors at extremely high speeds.


Celestia stood in the courtyard patiently and waited for the two mares to appear. The hunt had been going for some time now, surely it wouldn't last much longer. There was a puff, but what fell onto the ground before her was neither Purple Haze nor was it Flying Shield.

"Sister,... are you alright? What are you doing here?"

Luna rubbed her head as she stood up with shaky legs. "Do you know what happens when a gnoll is attacked with pepper?" she asked with a groggy voice as her head reeled.

"No, I do not..." Celestia answered in surprise.

"They get angry. And do you know what gnolls do when they get angry?"

Celestia gulped, "I am afraid I know the answer..."


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