• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 77: When gnolls smile

The scenery behind the window passed by with speed, random objects appearing and disappearing in a flash as the train roared through on the night. For a moment he saw his own in face in the reflection on the glass, his eye focused on the image.

It was a strange experience for him, he had never taken the time to look at his own face in detaill. It really hadn't occurred to him before, but now that he studied studied his own features... how long had it been since he had seen another gnoll?

His hand reached upwards and his fingers carefully trailed the scars that ran along the side of his face. They were still sensitive to the touch, but the pain would pass with time. His fingers reached the eye clap. He pulled it upwards, exposing the white and scarred remains of his eye. He looked at it with interest, turning and tilting his head slightly to get a better angle.

Scar's study of his own face was interrupted as his breath started to condensate on the glass, the image vanishing from his view. He muttered a few words under his breath as he used his arm to wipe the moisture off the surface.

"What are you doing?" Purple Haze mumbled through closed eyes, she had been sleeping next to him for the past hour.

"Watching unmoving eye, or at least Scar tries." he replied while continuing to polish the glass.

"Why?" she asked as she stretched her legs.

The gnoll shrugged, "Gnoll finds it interesting."

Purple Haze got up and looked at him for a moment, "Can I ask you something?"

The gnoll repositioned his eye clap, "Ask."

"Why do you wear clothes?" Scar raised an eyebrow, "I mean, you've got fur to cover yourself and you don't really seem to mind showing your scars." as gruesome as they were, she mentally finished. "We ponies don't wear clothes, expect for special occasions. So why dress yourself? It seems strange."

The gnoll looked at her for a moment, "Gnoll wears clothes to show others it is no animal. Also..." the gnoll hesitated to continue.

"Also?" Purple Haze asked.

He continued in a whisper, seemingly afraid any passersby could hear him, "Scar's face already makes the foals cry. It doesn't want to scare little ponies any more, so it hides its scars."

She laughed at this, "You? Make the foals cry? I have yet to meet a foal that doesn't take a liking to you the moment it meets you! Remember the foals in the hospital you read those stories to? They couldn't get enough of you!" she wiped a tear from her eye, "As for your face, its perfectly fine the way it is."

"Really?" the gnoll asked with a small smile, showing the tips of his teeth.

Purple Haze chuckled, "Really, you face is good the way it is. Those teeth of yours though, those will even get a grown pony to cry, I'm afraid." his smile dropped, "Oh, come on. I'm just joking with you. You've got a beautiful smile, anypony will tell you."

The gnoll gave her a skeptic look, "Purple Haze is sure?"

She nodded happily, "Absolutely."

"Scar will test right now."


Scar simply stood up and left the cabin they had been sitting in. Purple Haze followed him into the corridor and watched, first in amusement but then in horror as he walked up to another cabin, pulled open the door without a warning or a word and greeted the ponies inside with his best Pinkie Pie smile.

The screams of horror could be heard throughout the train.

Scar dropped his smile, the screams stopped. Not saying a word he pulled the door shut again and walked back to Purple Haze, "As it said, Scar's face already makes ponies cry. So it hides scars and teeth." he sat down on his seat again with a sigh, "Scar doesn't like scaring ponies."

Before Purple Haze could make a retort, a little filly came running to their cabin. It looked around the corner of the door for a second before giggling wildly and running back to its cabin. Purple Haze could hear her talk excitedly to her parents, "Mommy, mommy! There's a really big doggy in the next cabin!" the gnoll gave a groan.

"Cheer up, the foals still love you and I don't mind either. Even if they think you're a cuddly dog." she closed the door and gave him a nudge as she sat down next to him again. "I'm sure you'd make a great father."

"Ha!" the gnoll chuckled, "Purple Haze should be careful what to say, gnoll puppies have good teeth and run early. Also like to taste new things first to understand."

She shared a laugh with him before they fell into silence again. After some time had passed Purple Haze spoke up, "Do you remember your family?"

Scar's face hardened at this question, "Scar does, but gnolls do not talk about sad things and old ghosts."

"Oh." she said, realizing she had asked an inappropriate question, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...."

He held up a hand, "Gnoll knows. Is alright. It will tell story, but only because Purple Haze is special to it and only once." he thought for a moment, trying to bring the images back to his memory. It had been a long time since he had thought about his old home. Slowly he started to remember them, their smells, their faces... their voices when they sang...

For the first time in over ten years, the gnoll remembered his clan.

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