• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 37: Barrels Up

Red with green stripes, white with blue dots, pink with yellow triangles, green with white flowers... The colors and shapes of Rainbow Dash's hair constantly swirled and rearranged themselves.

"THE BUCK!?! What kind of muffin was that?!" Dash cried out as she looked in horror at the kaleidoscopic effects dancing on her tail and mane.

"Special little cake from Pink Pie..." Scar said happily.

Rainbow Dash started to get pale, "It's from Pinkie?"

The gnoll nodded happily, "Pink Pie says is two hundred layers little cake. Many colors."

Applejack laughed out loud, "It's hilarious Ah tell you that!" Rainbow Dash made a face, "Lighten up sugarcube, Ah think Scar got you back fair and square."

"I guess he did..." Rainbow Dash tried to lighten up a bit as her hair switched to white and red stripes. She reached a hoof out to Scar, "We even?"

He reached out and lightly shook it "Is even."

Rainbow Dash eyed him with curiosity, "Say, you wanna stay for a drink or two? It'll be my treat!"

Scar eyed the little mugs the two ponies were holding with distrust, a sweet smell of rotten apples came from it. "Ponies drink rotten apples? Scar is not sure if it should drink."

"Rotten Apples? Sugarcube, this is finest cider from our own acres, there ain't nothin' wrong with it." she pushed her mug towards him, "Here, have a try. Ah'm sure you'll like it."

Scar carefully reached out and took the mug in his hand. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea, but the apple pony seemed trustworthy. He took a sip. He sat the mug down. He stared into the distance, unmoving. His world had just changed.


Purple Haze meanwhile had returned back to the library together with Twilight and Spike. She felt like she'd eaten her own weight in cake. For some reason Pinkie had simply disappeared on several occasion only to reappear from a totally different side. She constantly talked about some kind of new muffin and how awesome it was. When she came back with a new set of hair colors Purple Haze wasn't so sure if these new muffins really were her thing.

"Scar? Are you home?" Purple Haze called out as she carefully prodded his pile. It was empty. "Huh... I wonder were he is. It shouldn't have taken him too long to catch Dash..."

"Catch Dash? What are you talking about? Did she get Scar in trouble again?" Twilight asked from behind her.

"Never mind. I'm sure nothing happened." she couldn't help but feel a bit worried. "We should probably wait a bit for him. I'm sure he'll show up sooner or later." she took a place beside his pile. For some reason she missed resting on his back. "Say, Twilight?"

"Yes, Purple Haze?"

"What did you try to find out with those questions anyway? They seemed a bit strange..."

Twilight brushed lightly, "Well, you see, I want to write a detailed study on the race of gnolls."

Purple Haze raised an eyebrow, "The race?"

"There is not one piece of literature about them! Not even in the equestrian guide to mythical creatures! Where did they come from? Are there still more?" she waved her hooves around frantically to emphasize her point. "We need to find out about their culture, their social behavior, intelligence, conceptual understanding and their ability to plan ahead. There are so many new things to learn!"

She started to look a bit depressed, "Also, I hoped to learn a bit more about his likes and dislikes, you know... get to understand him a bit better... I'm afraid he doesn't like me a lot..."

Purple Haze was surprised by this, "What makes you think that?"

"The way he reacts when I ask him questions, he always seems so distant and hesitant to talk to me... and he still doesn't use my real name..." she looked at her hooves in dismay.

"I'll admit, he's probably a bit... overwhelmed by you, but I don't think he dislikes you." Purple Haze tried to cheer her up. Much to her surprise Twilight actually seemed worried. "Just try and chat with him a bit, I'm sure he won't mind as long as it doesn't turn into a quiz again."

"That's easy for you to say, the two of you bonded so easily! Didn't you notice how relaxed he is around you? I mean, I know he's had bad experiences with magic, but that can't be all to it! Why does he act so differently towards me?" Twilight said in frustration.

"Twilight, let me assure you. He isn't afraid of you, he just isn't used to conversing with ponies that much. Give him some time and I'm sure he'll come out of his shell." Twilight didn't look very convinced, "Tell you what, tomorrow morning we head out for a picnic, just you, me, Spike and the big guy. It'll be nice and relaxed. I'm sure you'll get your chance to get to know him better then."

Twilight smiled, "That's a great idea! Spike! We have a picnic to prepare!" she rushed off to find the little dragon.

Purple Haze chuckled as she watched her leave, "I just hope Scar's going to be okay with this..." she looked around the library, "Speaking of Scar, where is he?"

There was a frantic knocking at the door, "Captain Purple Haze?! Are you there? It's an emergency!"

"This can't be good..." Purple Haze whispered as she got up and headed to the door.

When she opened it she was greeted by a guard who was finding it difficult to find his breath. He looked as if he had just sprinted a good distance, "Captain Purple Haze!" he saluted hastily. "We... may..." he gulped for air "...have a situation on our hooves."

"Easy there soldier, catch your breath." she waited for him to take a few deep breaths, "Now, what's the problem?"

The guard took another deep breath, "It's about the gnoll, captain. There are reports that he and two ponies are rampaging in a local inn."

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