• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 25: More promises

At first both Fluttershy and Purple Haze were too shocked to move as they stared at what remained of his back. There was no chance to tell were the scars ended and the burn marks started. It was a horrid sight. But then, a little thud broke their trance and they both looked down. There lay a little black book.

It took them a moment to identify it, but the moment realization hit both of them made a jump for the book.


Scar had been watching the scuffle for a full minute now. Was this how ponies fought? It didn't seem very effective. They were shouting a lot though. Or was it a game? It did look like fun, maybe he should join. There was little tap on one of his toes. He looked down. A little bunny was tapping on his toe impatiently.

He craned his neck to look at the little thing, "Yes?"

The bunny started making gestures, the gnoll listened.

"What? No, is no dirty dig dog, is gnoll... No,... no, is gnoll... No, Scar promises yellow one not to..."

More gestures from the bunny.

"Mmmh? No, Scar isn't sure... gnoll thinks yellow pony wants book, but maybe ponies just don't like each other... What? Why would Scar do that? Is more fun to watch."

The little bunny raised an eyebrow and made some furious gestures.

The gnoll shook a finger at it, "Is no way to talk to gnoll, don't make it forget it's promise... No,... yes,... yes, Scar understands, urgh." he gave the little thing a distasteful look, "Is no word for bunny to know. Bunny is lucky Scar isn't hungry."

"YOU BIT ME AGAIN!" came a shout from the scuffle, he gave a groan. He silently prayed that the next pony he'd meet was a sane one.

He walked over to where the two ponies were still locked in a furious fight over the little book, "Alright, bunny is right, is enough." he picked up a pony in each hand. They struggled wildly in his clasp. He gave a sharp bark, "IS ENOUGH!" They finally snapped out of their frenzy.

"Now, gnoll is going to put down ponies, and ponies will behave..." he got two sheepish nods, "Good."

He put the two down and got the book. Purple Haze was rubbing her flank and was looking like she was ready to go again, but Fluttershy simply looked ashamed of herself. He bent down a little to talk to her. "Why does shy pony want book so badly? Is good book, but not worth fight."

"I know..." Fluttershy replied meekly, "It's just... I'm so shy around other ponies and... that book, there's just so many things in there I've never heard about. And it's just... so... vivid! It's like a whole new world! I would of course never do anything like that, it's much too embarrassing. But still, the stories are so fascinating!"

"More weird than fascinating if you ask me." Purple Haze murmured to herself.

The gnoll thought for a moment, "Gnoll will give shy pony book..." Fluttershy's face lit up, Purple Haze looked like she was about to faint. "BUT... shy pony must promise gnoll to behave and not cause any more trouble. And to bring it back to Scar when is finished with it. And not to tell purple pony."

"Oh yes! I..."

Scar held up a paw, "Gnoll is not finished. IF shy pony breaks promise, gnoll will break his promise too."

"You mean you'd..."

"Scar would."

Fluttershy got a stern expression, "I promise! By the safety of my pets! Pinkie promise!" she rehearsed something he didn't understand. It would do.

Scar nodded and handed her the little book, she put it under one of her wings, "Now, let's have a look at your back!"


After Fluttershy had finished mending the cut on his back Purple Haze and Scar had left and started walking back to the library.

"Purple Haze okay? Bite mark looks painful." There was a clear mark of teeth on her other flank.

"Don't even talk about it. I plan on staying out of that crazy mare's path for as long as possible."

"Scar thought Purple Haze isn't scared of anypony?" he chuckled as he watched her grimace.

"I withhold the right to make exceptions." she rubbed her flank, "Damn, that's going to leave a mark."

He shook his head as he laughed, "Was good show though." she couldn't help but join his laughter.

After a while she got serious again, "Scar, are you sure it was a good idea to give her that book? I mean it's your choice, but still..."

"Is no problem, shy pony gives Scar promise." he made a mental note to eat the bunny first if she broke it.

They walked on in silence for a bit.

"You know, we should get you some new clothes. That thing you're wearing is starting to reek, and blood stains aren't exactly inviting."

"Scar can wash."

"They'd still be rags. They look like they're about to fall off any time. We should go to the market tomorrow morning. I'm sure we can find something to fit you. Where did you get that thing anyway?"

He fingered the rough fabric, he had been wearing it for quite some time. "Is from pony wagon."

Purple Haze chuckled, "At least it fits. Come on, we'll get you something better tomorrow."

They reached the library. The guards let them pass without any objection. When they entered they were surprised by the state of the place. Everything looked perfect. The shelves had been fixed, and all the books were back in place. Nothing had remained to remind of the carnage that had taken place a few hours earlier.

"What happened here?" Purple Haze asked in surprise.

"Oh, it's you guys." Spike popped up from behind a desk. He was looking a bit tired, "Twilight went nuts when she saw the mess so she repaired everything. It was pretty neat. I haven't seen her use that much magic in a while. Knocked herself right out." he scratched his head, "At least it helped her to forget about whatever happened down here for a while."

He walked up to Scar, "Are those bandages? Did you get hurt? What happened to you?" he looked at Purple Haze, "Are those teeth marks?"

"Evil rats."

"Sleazy books, don't even ask."

"What? Books bit you? Rats? The princess and Twilight mentioned something about rats but didn't tell me much more. So what happened? It sounded like hell down here! On second thought,..." he eyed the gnoll's bloody rags, "Don't tell me. I think I'll skip this one. I'm going to hit the bed."

Scar shook his head after the little dragon had left, "Spiked back is too soft, should go hunting with Scar once."

"Twilight would have your head for that. Come on, let's hit the hay. First thing tomorrow morning we're getting you some new clothes."

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