• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 60: No Pony

There was no end to them. Scar gave an angry snarl as he smashed another row of shard ponies. He was doing his best to stand his ground but the sheer endless mass of them was slowly starting to overrun him. His arms and hands were covered with cuts where fangs of stone had found their way through his thick fur. Yet the gnoll stood his ground defiantly. The ponies were relying on him.

In between another series of swings he stole a glance behind him. It seemed that all the ponies had finally barricaded themselves in their homes, good. That meant he could make his way back to... At that moment an explosion shook the very ground beneath him and the gnoll watched in horror as the top part of the largest tower of the castle exploded in a fireball. A second later a shock wave reached him that nearly knocked him off his feet.

Forgetting the shard ponies for a moment the gnoll leapt onto the roof of a stand. Scar's sharp eyes fixed the remaining top of the tower, what was going on up there? There was sinking feeling in his stomach. At the top of the tower he was able to make out a purple streak flying circles and occasionally diving down. Purple Haze. As he saw her ascent again he saw flashes coming from the peak. Shortly after fireballs and lighting shot into the air, the mare barely dodging the projectiles. Another explosion shook the ground as the tower was basked in magical light.

Scar gave off a curse. He had taken too much time handling the shard ponies. Purple Haze was fighting for her life and he was down here wasting his time with black stones. He jumped off the roof and sprinted towards the castle. He needed to help her, if she would get hurt... if Purple Haze would get hurt because he wasn't there to protect her... The gnoll gave off a deafening roar as he shot over the ground on all fours. He would rather die than let that happen.


Purple Haze rolled over in a hard turn in mid air, the fireball flying past her close enough to make her feel the searing heat. The force of her turn nearly knocked her out of the air as she quickly changed the direction again to avoid a blast of energy heading her way. Down below, on the shattered remains of the towers top, formed out of black crystals stood Sombra, waging war on her and her friends.

The air seemed to buzz with energy as his black form shot of wave after wave of destructive magic in all directions. Twilight was doing her best to hold up a shield protecting an unconscious Cadance and Spike while simultaneously trying to aid Shining Armor in his fight against the dark unicorn.

The blast that had destroyed the top of the tower would have killed them all had it not been for Cadance protecting them with her magic. But the strain of casting such a protective spell had taken its toll on the princess and she had been knocked out by the sheer stress. Now, all that remained were Purple Haze, Twilight and Shining Armor as they tried to hold off Sombra's attack. And they were failing. As much as they tried Purple Haze already knew that they would not last much longer against him.

Twilight's shield was already webbed with cracks as Sombra hit it repeatedly with blasts of dark magic and Shining Armor's spells were not showing the smallest sign of effect on the crystal body of Sombra. Purple Haze repeatedly dived and tried to tackle him but she merely bounced off him before he shot off another barrage of magic projectiles after her.

Sombra gave a triumphant laugh as a dark beam of magic hit Shining Armor in the chest and sent him sailing through the air like a rag doll. He landed on the ground next to Twilight, unmoving. "Shiny!" Twilight called out in shock as she saw her brother lie on the ground.

Sombra gave off a sinister laugh, "Don't worry little mare, he is just unconscious. He will not have the mercy of a quick death. I will make him and his whore suffer for eternities for what they did to me!" He shot off another beam crashing into Twilights shield, making it shatter like glass as her spell finally failed. The mare sunk to her knees spent, trying to use her body to protect her brother and friends alike.

"YOU BASTARD!" Purple Haze shouted in anger as she shot down at him. Before she could reach him she was engulfed in an aura of black magic before being slammed into the ground with enough force to make the air leave her lungs. She was picked up again and thrown into the remaining pieces of a wall, her head crashing roughly against the cold stone.

"FOOLS!" Sombra thundered in a dark tone, "I have made contracts with the darkest and oldest forces of this world! As long as the equestrian blood runs through your veins you will never be able to even scratch me." He gave a laugh, "I am king Sombra, ruler of darkness! The hate I harbor inside me will not allow the likes of you to touch me! No pony, be it mortal or god will ever be able to defeat me!" He gave off another laugh, the sky darkening above him as thunder split the air, "This is my prophecy, no pony will ever be able to defeat me!"

As Purple Haze's mind started to fall into blackness she saw a huge black form rise behind Sombra. Two red eyes filled with hate glaring down on him as it held an impossibly large hammer up high in the air. "Scar is no pony." a deep voice rumbled as it brought the hammer down with enough force to split a mountain apart. Sombra whirled around to face the new adversary but was too late.

The hammer contacted with his horn. A shatter could be heard ripping through the air and an explosion of light filled Purple Haze's view as she finally succumbed to unconsciousness with a smile, the gnoll had come.

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