• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 14: Raising the roof

After Purple Haze had freed Scar from the two ponies he had merrily continued eating cake. The pink one had brought him punch. A fruity and sweet drink. But there was a strange sting to it, so he opted to stay with water instead. At some point he tired of the cake, it was tasty, but it didn't fill him. Luckily the apple pony had provided various foods with apples. Though not as sweet it was still a good meal, and it served well to fill his stomach.

Finally sated, he gave a delighted grunt and looked for a place to rest his back against. He inspected his surroundings, most ponies had left. The shiny one had stayed and was currently talking with the apple pony. The Pink Pie and the colorful one were seemingly trying to drown themselves with punch, their movements seemed slow and uncoordinated.

He took a moment to inspect what the ponies called a barn. The damage was clearly visible, the marks of his claws were unmistakable. He didn't remember taking a bite out of one of the beams holding the roof but the hole in the side was a clear sign of his rampage. He sighed heavily, he hated it when he lost control to his instincts. It was dangerous.

"Sure did a number one the place." a voice commented from his side.

He looked down, it was the apple pony. "Is apple pony's barn?" she nodded, "It is sorry for breaking barn, Scar will help fix."

She smiled at him, "Ah shucks, don't ya worry. We were gonna tear down the old place anyway. Haven't been using it for a while now and we're gonna need a bigger one once the season starts."

"Ponies build new barn?"

She nodded, "Yup, but first we're gonna need to tear this one down. If ya wanna help you'd be welcome. We can use a fella as strong as you."

He didn't even need to think about it, "Scar will help. Gnoll tears down old barn and then help ponies build!"

And so, with the promise to help he and the shiny one had left the barn behind to return to the tree.


"So you're going to help them with the barn tomorrow?" Purple Haze asked him as they walked along the farm.

The gnoll nodded, "Scar breaks pony barn, so it helps repair."

They continued in silence, the gnoll happy to have a full stomach for once, and Purple Haze relieved things were finally going smoothly. Maybe she could return to her guard duties again soon. Strangely, the prospect of returning to her old life didn't excite her as much as it would have a few days ago. When they finally reached the tree it took her some time to find sleep.


When she woke up it was already midday. She gave an annoyed grunt, messing with her sleeping rhythm always left her groggy. She got downstairs, nopony was there.

She found two notes attached to the door, she read the first, the writing was crude and hard to read. 'Scaar go to pony farm. Helps. It meet Purple Haze then.' she couldn't help but suppress a chuckle. He had crossed out several words he hadn't been satisfied with and rewritten the note several times on the same piece of paper. It surprised her he had used her actual name for once. She'd have to show him how to write his own name correctly on the next occasion.

The next note was obviously by Spike. 'Dear Purple Haze, we're going to follow Scar around a bit. Meet us at the farm. See you, Spike. PS: Scar didn't know how to write your name so I showed him. You have no idea how long it took him to get it right.'

When she arrived at the farm a small group of ponies had gathered outside the barn. She spotted Applejack next to Twilight and set down. "Well howdy Purple Haze, you're just in time for the show!" Applejack greeted her.

"What show?"

Applejack didn't get a chance to answer as Rainbow Dash came shooting out of the barn, "Get ready everypony! He's about to start!" She set down on top of a tree, "This is gonna be so awesome!" Purple Haze didn't know what was going on first, but when a huge black fist exploded through one of the barn's boards she knew.


The gnoll was enjoying this, it was simply work. Tear down the barn, gnoll work. Strangely enough, the corlorful one had requested that he'd make as big a mess as possible. He didn't understand her request, but if it would make them happy he wouldn't mind. And so he set to work.


Rainbow Dash was enjoying the carnage. The gnoll was tearing the barn apart piece by piece. Boards and beams alike were either shredded to pieces by claws and teeth or simply smashed to splinters by huge fists. Her favorite part was when he burst through one of the walls in a shower of wooden shrapnel, a piece of beam locked in his teeth, looked around confused, turned around, and went straight through the wall again right next to the other hole. Every now and then a plank or a random piece of wood was sent flying into the air, each piece accompanied by the cheers of the ponies.

Rarity, overly dramatic as always couldn't help but add her comment ,"Oh what brute force! How uncivilized! I shudder to think of the torment of those rags he is wearing. To think of the horror had I made him new clothes already! Unthinkable!" Still, she was strangely enjoying this display of raw power.

When the roof finally came down and the dust had settled, the gnoll stood on top of the rubble that had once been a barn. He checked the trashed remains, he had done good and thorough work. It would take a lot of water to lose the taste of wood though.

Among the ponies, none were enjoying this more than three little fillies. Even though burdened with chores for the rest of the day as punishment they still had time to watch the gnoll's rampage. What excited them even more was the fact that they'd get to meet him again. An awesome idea had come to their minds while discussing what to do with him, and they quickly decided that this would be the best idea, ever. Show and tell. No other pony would be able to present something nearly as cool. Maybe they'd even get their cutie marks!

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