• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 19,454 Views, 1,942 Comments

The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 44: New Threads

Purple Haze took a deep breath of the cool morning air as she and Scar walked the streets of Ponyville. Waking up in his arms had been... awkward, though she couldn't remember when she had last slept that well. Scar on the other side didn't look that energetic, his steps were shorter than usual and a bit uncoordinated. "Did you sleep at all?" she asked with worry in her voice.

Scar gave a long yawn, exposing a set of murderous teeth. "It did not... but it will when back in tree..." he said with a tired voice. Why was he so tired? He had spent days without sleep before and it hadn't worn him out like this. When had been the last time he had gotten an undisturbed nap? Maybe he should find himself a cave for sleeping? He scratched his shoulder, the bandages had been itching for hours.

"You should definitely get some sleep, you..."

"THERE YOU ARE!" a voice suddenly called out. Scar turned around, it was Rarity. "How dare you leave without getting your new clothes first!" she eyed him, "Are those new bandages?"

The gnoll nodded as he tiredly scratched his shoulder again, "Gnoll beats up dig dogs, gets dig ponies free."

Rarity turned to Purple Haze, "Could you please explain what he just said?"

"We went to Shoretrot to investigate on account of several ponies going missing. It turned out that a pack of diamond dogs had captured them and many others as slaves. Scar helped us free them, but he got hurt in the fight." Purple Haze gave a brief summary.

Raritys eyes became big, "You risked your live to save those poor souls? How heroic! Just the more reason to dress you like a hero! Come now, fashion calls!" she started to drag him along. "I hope you taught those vandals as lesson!"

Scar was too tired to resist at this point. "Scar will come to tree after it gets new clothes..." he called out as Rarity dragged him off.

Purple Haze looked after them as they left, "Poor fellow, I hope she doesn't tire him too much..." she continued walking to the library. She still had a report to write.


He eyed the clothes she had made him, they were exquisite. The first was black with red roses running towards the center, the red pearls sitting at the center of each flower and shining softly when the light hit them. The second one was a pure white with blue figures of ponies running across it, blue sapphires lined its edges. The material was soft to the touch, his own rough rags were nothing compared to this.

"Scar cannot wear this." he said quietly as he ran the fabric through his fingers.

"WHAT?" she almost shouted out in surprise, "But... but these are beautiful! Why would you not wear them?" tears started to form in her eyes, "Do you think they're ugly?"

The gnoll shook his head, "No, is very pretty. Scar has never seen something like this. But if gnoll wears these Scar will make dirty. Is too pretty to wear. If gnoll breaks them it would be very sad."

A smile spread her face as she embraced him for a hug, "That's so sweet of you!" she let go of him, "But don't you worry, these are my personal creations after all. Should they ever get dirty you can simply wash them. They'll always be good as new." she wiped away a tear, "And if you ever damage them just bring them to me and I'll have them repaired faster than you can watch."

Scar considered this, "Scar will wear then,... but Scar feels it should give Rarity something in return..." He scratched his shoulder again, was the itch was becoming stronger? He needed to lose the bandages when he returned to the library.

"Don't you even dare try to pay for these! Not after all you did for us. I will not hear a single word from you about payment for these, you hear me?" her voice already told him that there would be no arguing about this. He simply gave a tired nod to show he understood.

"Good,..." she watched as he held the black cloak in his paws, "WAIT! THAT'S IT!" her shout nearly made him jump. "The missing component! I finally have it! Wait right here!" she called out as she rushed upstairs.

He stood alone in the store as he waited for her to return. He could hear wild rummaging upstairs, just what was she up to? He shifted his weight, he felt so tired. His head was starting to hurt, had his arms always been that heavy? He wanted to sleep so badly. He scratched his shoulder again. He felt his eyes starting to grow heavy, maybe he could take a short nap. Just a little nap to relieve his eyes... he scratched his shoulder again, he felt so tired.


Rarity came down the stairs carrying two black eagle feathers, they would look perfect on the hoods of his capes! She hummed happily as she walked down the stairs, she seemed to overflow with new ideas these days. She stopped when she reached the bottom of the stairs. Scar was lying on the floor inside the shop, his back rising softly as he slept.

"Ohhhh, how adorable! That poor thing must have been exhausted!" she quietly walked over to the capes she had prepared him. She fixed the feathers to the hoods, they looked perfect. "There we go, perfection!" she said happily as she put them down again.

She walked over to Scar, he looked peaceful as he lay on her carpet. She nudged him softly with her hoof and whispered into his ears, "Scar,... time to wake up..." he didn't respond. "Scar?" she said louder as she nudged him again a bit harder. He didn't stir. His breathing seemed strange now that she heard it. "Scar? Come on, this is hardly a place for you to sleep." she called out, he didn't budge. "Scar?..."


Purple Haze had just finished her report on the situation in Shoretrot. She hoped the next few days would be more peaceful, they both needed some rest. Especially Scar, she had never seen him that tired.

"I wonder when he's coming back from Rarity..." Twilight said as she helped Spike with some books, she still had a picnic planned for him.

"Should I go check on them?" Spike asked with hope in his voice as he shelved another book. He was always keen for a chance to meet her.

"No, I'm sure he's fine. He said he wanted to head over here after he gets his new clothes. I'm sure he'll be here any second." Purple Haze commented as she checked her report again. Out of all the ponies of Ponyville, Rarity was one of the few she trusted enough to be left alone with him.

The door was suddenly flung open with enough force to shake the books on the shelves as Rarity stormed into the library. There were tears in her eyes and she was sobbing uncontrollably. Twilight was by her side immediately, "Rarity! What's wrong? You look terrible!"

"IT'S SCAR!" she wailed between sobs, "HE'S NOT WAKING UP!"

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