• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 19,453 Views, 1,942 Comments

The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 8: Smile

While Purple Haze was busy sternly lecturing the other two ponies Scar had decided to return to the library. He had met clearly enough new ponies for the day and still had some sleep to catch up. So he started to trudge through the pony town towards the big tree.

He received scared looks from the ponies and heard them whispering amongst themselves, but they gave him a wide berth so he simply ignored their stares as he grumbled to himself. He intended to stay in the tree for the next few days as a precaution.

He had made it half the way before he was assaulted by a pink, bouncing blur of words. It took him a moment to realize that the thing bouncing around him was actually a pink pony. Her constant bouncing was making it almost impossible for him to make sense of her constant babbling. He was able to make out a few things like new friend, cake, party and something about a pink pie. It made no sense to him.

While she was still excitedly trying to tell him something he collected what little was left of his patience, after all, she hadn't done anything bad yet and seemed friendly enough. He didn't want to bark at her. That would be the last resort. He held up a paw, that seemed to catch her attention. She wasn't talking anymore but she was still bouncing. At least she was bouncing in place and not around him.

"Little pink pony..."

"Pinkie Pie!" she interrupted with a smile.

"Pink Pie?" she was still bouncing.

A crowd was slowly gathering to observe the strange conversation, "Yup, that's me! What's you name?"

"It is Scar. It comes with shiny purple pony to read books."

She was starting to bounce faster, "Oh my gosh! You're new in town? I knew there was somepony new in town but silly me you aren't a pony are you?"

Scar shook his head, "No, is gnoll."

"You're the gnoll? Twilight is going to be super-excited to meet you! You know the others didn't believe Applebloom and her friends when they said they met a gnoll but I got a twitch days before that so I knew there was something new in the forest!" He tried to progress her sentence, how had she known he was there? Had she seen him on his way at night? Twitch? What did that mean?

His thoughts were interrupted again by her bouncing. He was missing the talking one by now, "Little pony..."

"Pinkie Pie!" she interrupted again.

He corrected himself, though he didn't actually see the resemblance. "Pink Pie pony... Scar is tired and needs to sleep. What does Pink Pie want from gnoll?"

Her face lit up even more, "I want to make you smile of course!"

He didn't quite understand, "What?"

"Yes! I was eating my breakfast cakes when I had a eye-tail-hoof twitch and I knew somepony was feeling glum! So I came to make you smile again!"

He tilted his head, "Smile?"

She nodded excitedly, "Yes! Like this!" she gave him a huge smile, showing a set of pearly white teeth. "Now come on! Let's see you smile!" she encouraged him. If it would make her happy maybe she would leave him alone if he did. Also he was starting to feel uncomfortable about the ever growing crowd. The ponies were constantly talking to one another as they pointed at the strange pair and exchanged worried glances. He studied her expression and did his best to mimic it, putting his teeth together and drawing his lips back as far as possible.

A pin dropping could have been heard in the silence that followed. Even the Pink Pie had stopped bouncing and was staring at his teeth. Some pony coughed in the crowd, and a foal could be heard crying in the distance. Then the screaming started, "The beast is going to eat Pinke Pie!"

"The horror! The horror!"

Ponies were running in all directions. When the dust had settled only he and the Pink Pie were left.

"That is the best smile I have ever seen!" she was beaming at him and was starting to bounce again.

He dropped the smile, "Ponies did not seem to think so."

She waved a hoof, "Oh silly, they're just warming up to you! They're going to love you once they get to know you better. Just keep on smiling and the world will smile with you!"

He wasn't in the mood to argue, "Little... Pink Pie, Scar is very tired and needs to go back to tree."

"Okie dokie lokie! I'll see you at the party then! Oooh, that reminds me, I still have to prepare everything! See you later!" and with that she was off. He looked after her, what was a party? And what had just happened?

He gave a groan and sagged his shoulders, he would ask the talking one about it once he had slept. And he intended to sleep for some time after this. He starting walking towards the tree again, it was much nicer now that the ponies weren't constantly eying him anymore. Where did they go anyway? He decided it was not important. He remembered what the Pink Pie had said, 'Smile and the world will smile with you.', that did seem clever. Maybe she wasn't so crazy after all.

He reached the tree and opened the door, "There you are!" he was greeted by the shiny purple one.

"Where is talking purple pony?"

She shrugged, "Don't know, she and Spike seem to have left before I returned." he sighed in relief, "So, are you going to be okay? Rarity didn't handle you too roughly did she?"

He shook his head, "No, Scar is okay. What happened to colorful pony?"

She huffed, "You mean Rainbow Dash? She got a good lecture from me. In fact, they both did. They're going to come to apologize to you soon. And I made them promise not to pull any shenanigans on you anymore."

He nodded, "Good, it needs some peace and sleep. Pink Pie pony was very tiring."

She walked after him, "Pink pie pony? What happened?"

He stopped in front of the blankets, "Strangest thing happens, Pink Pie pony wants Scar to smile, so Scar did. Then Pink Pie happy but all other ponies run away. Also said something else but Scar did not understand."

Purple Haze was trying to put the pieces of his story together, "So you met a pink pony?" he nodded, "And you smiled for her?" he nodded again, "And all the ponies ran away?"

"Yes, maybe it smile wrong?"

She thought for a moment, why would the ponies be scared by a smile? "Let's see that smile."

Half a second later she knew. It also explained the mob that had gathered outside of the library.

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