• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 19,453 Views, 1,942 Comments

The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 48: Go Fast

Lemon cheesecake, strawberry cream cake, chocolate muffins with sprinkles, the gnoll stuffed his face with everything in arms reach. He was intent on filling his stomach to the brim. He would prefer meat, maybe he could sneak off when nobody was watching... He saw Purple Haze watch him from across the barn. He rubbed his ear in memory, maybe later.

"Hello Scar." he turned around, it was Celestia. "It is good to see you are well."

The gnoll nodded a greeting and flashed her a smile, pieces of cake falling his teeth. "Gnoll is happy to be back." he said as he grabbed half a cake and stuffed it into his maw.

Celestia couldn't help but chuckle at his display. "I have brought you something, it is a present from my sister and myself." She pulled out a little book from beneath a wing and handed it him.

Scar quickly wiped his paws on the fur of his legs before carefully reaching out and taking it. He inspected the book from all sides, it smelled old. He loved the smell of old books. He read the title, "The wind and the flowers..." he mustered the little book, "Is good story?"

Celestia smiled as he flipped through the pages, "It is a very nice story, I hope you'll find the time to enjoy it."

"Scar thanks Celestia for pretty book, is very nice, smells good too." Scar nodded happily as he carefully placed it in the folds of his cape, he would read it the first chance he got. First though,... he grabbed another piece of cake.

"May I ask, what that is?" she pointed to where he had placed his club against the wall of the barn.

"Is club. For hitting rats, gnoll finds it in field..." he was somehow starting to feel funny, on edge somehow... Maybe he needed more cake? He downed another piece.


Purple Haze was watching Scar and princess Celestia converse from the other side of the barn. She was sure he'd try to sneak off into the forest the first chance he'd get. She wasn't going to give him that chance. Not until he was fully fit again at least.

"Hey Purple Haze, you enjoying the party?" Purple Haze turned to see Rainbow Dash accompanied by Applejack and Rarity approach her.

"It's pretty good, I'm just a bit tired though."

"I can imagine. You were at his bed for days! It's good to have the big guy back though..." Rainbow Dash paused for a second, "Speaking of Scar, there is something me and the others have been wondering about."

Purple Haze raised an eyebrow as she picked up a cup of punch, "Yeah? What about?"

Rarity stepped forward, "Well, even though it isn't very ladylike to talk about such private things we do have to ask... I mean, we fully understand if you do not wish to discuss these kind of things..." Purple Haze was starting to wonder what this was about.

"Darn it Rarity, just speak up and ask her!" Applejack spoke up with a groan as Rarity gave an insulted humph, "What me and the girls were wonderin' about was..." she paused for a moment, seemingly unsure herself, "Is that one of your feathers on his cape?"

There was an explosion of punch as Purple Haze almost choked on her drink.


"Scar? Are you feeling well? You seem a bit... restless?" Celestia asked with worry. The gnoll had been trembling slightly after his last batch of muffins. His eyes were looking strange too. "Should I call a nurse? Would you like to sit down?"

Scar shook his head wildly, "No, Scar can not sit now... Scar thinks..." he blinked his eyes a few times. "Scar thinks..." an idea started to form in his mind, "It wants to run."

"Run?" Celestia asked in surprise.

"Yes, go fast, Scar needs to go fast!" he nodded wildly with a shaky voice, "Fastest gnoll ever!"


"So does he know?"

"What? I don't even... I mean, he doesn't even know about our customs..."

"Did ya tell him then?" Applejack asked.

"NO! How could I? I mean, it was just for good luck anyway and I'm not sure how he would... wait. Why am I even talking to you about something like this?" Purple Haze asked with reddened cheeks. "Like I said, it's just for good luck."

"Then why are you as red as a strawberry right now?" Rainbow Dash asked with a snicker.

"Oh to think!" Rarity swooned, "What romance! Torn apart by worlds and yet so close to one another! A civilized mare and a wild but caring beast!"

Purple Haze was about to sink into the ground. "Don't you even dare mention this to him or so help me Celestia..."

"Captain, may I interrupt you for a moment?" Celestia walked up to them with quick steps, "I think there may be a problem."

Purple Haze quickly snapped to attention, "Of course princess, what is the situation?"

"It seems that Scar has a lower tolerance of sugar than expected..." Celestia said with a troubled voice.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Rainbow Dash.

There was a rumble as Scar threw open the barn doors on the other side of the room and reared his head into the wind. "GNOLL GOES FAST!" he roared into the wind as he shot off into the dark.

"I believe the correct term is sugar rush." Celestia said as she watched him take off like a storm wind.

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