• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 1.13 – Built for Destruction

“Justicar, awake!”

Justicar shifted her body as the voice flowed through her, wings opening wide and muscles flexing. The alicorns around also fluttered their wings and whinnied as communion was achieved, a sense of mutual togetherness and understanding that filled them all with resolve and comfort. Justicar kept herself tense and taunt in order to centre her team, answering the voice as it continued to echo in their heads, “What is your wish Goddess?”

The voice sounded out again like a wave of understanding, a bright and beautiful musical tone rather than recognisable words, “A group of villages bands together against Red Eye! An example must be made! We have chosen one village, hosting a leader of this movement!”

Justicar nodded, knowing full well the fate that awaited those resisting salvation. They were doomed anyway, she only brought their end a little sooner. Still the reasons stuck in her throat a little, a note of anger that she knew was mirrored by the Goddess on some level, “Red Eye’s forces deserve nothing from us. They are without purpose, they can only destroy. They deserve justice more than anypony.”

She felt the Goddess shift slightly in agreement, still the reprimand came firmly, “That is because they do not yet have unity. Red Eye is worthy of our time, and he uses these lost, damaged souls in the same way I use you. Can you say many of those around you would be so productive without me?”

Justicar looked around at her fellow alicorns, looking nervous and twitchy under her judgement. She had chosen these specifically because they were weak willed and more susceptible to her limited physic abilities, allowing her to command them better in the field. Now she looked at them as more than simple weapons though... they sickened her. They did not believe in the Goddess, not really. They were just too weak to resist, “Why do we tolerate such.... sin? Do not they deserve to be punished?”

She felt parts of the Goddess sing in concert with her own will, most notably the sharp purple spike from which she was inspired, and the dull, dark green. Still they were quickly silenced by the unified tone of the Goddess united, “Even the weak may have purpose led by the strong. If they serve justices’ cause, may they not have mercy?”

“Mercy weakens us all. But I follow your command.” Justicar stated it firmly, feeling the harsh snap of the Goddesses’ disapproval at her stubbornness. Still that was why she had been allowed to keep her individuality, knowing that her desire for the wasteland to conform to her justice gave her strength and fury. She imposed the will of the Goddess and so advanced her cause, even if it was often due to her own desire, “I will fly there now. Do you wish a scorched earth?”

The Goddess responded with a single dark tone. It meant yes. Justicar smiled in satisfaction, expanding her wings and launching with one powerful thrust of her legs. The other alicorns quickly took flight behind, a mighty armada of living goddesses driven by an all powerful will. None could stand against the Unity.


The wasteland was always a saddening sight, no matter how many times Jusicar saw it. Dim memories of green fields and great forests passed through her memory, jabs of regret every time the ruined skeleton of some structure that had once dominated the landscape came into view. A fierce resistance to such nostalgia and melancholy kept a firm hold of the Goddess’s song; still it could not completely drown out the sadness. They all felt it. The Goddess had once lived her during her mortal life, once walked those green fields without care or fear of death.

She listened for news as she travelled, opening herself fully to the unity. Speaker had requested more alicorns for Red Eye’s forces, the Goddess’s response a reluctant affirmative. The Alicorn Hunter had been spotted near Manehatten, the Unity wavering between pursuit and avoidance. Nightseer had emerged from the Canterlot haze long enough to deliver a confused, incoherent message, which only served to increase the Goddess’s fears that their elder sister was not up to the task she had been given.

Singer was dead. She had a box car dropped on her by some random vault dweller. That was... upsetting. Singer had been an irreverent, discordant voice in the unity but she had added character and life to their music. Justicar had never liked her, but she was forced to admit her shock and dismay. She allowed her anger to play through her, swearing death and vengeance against this vault dweller as a smile etched across her features...

“Justicar! You already have a mission! Wipe these irrelevant thoughts from your mind!”

Justicar centred herself once more, chastised by the anger of the goddess. Being so discordant felt like a worthy tribute to Singer, still it was behaviour unworthy of her own role. This vault dweller had got lucky, and Singer had always trusted too much in her shields, failed to watch her flanks. It was not an issue worthy of one of the Goddess’s lieutenants.

The village finally came into view, Justicar ordering the other alicorn away and descending slowly as they broke formation to find hiding places nearby. She paused for a moment to check they were all well concealed before throwing her wings back and angling her body forward for a dash, sleek and powerful as the air broke before her. A nervous sniper took a shot and she twirled to avoid it, slowing her decent and opening her wings to parachute towards the main street. Another gunshot ran out and this she allowed to deflect off her shields, landing softly upon the dirt road with an imperious glare at the sniper who had dared attack her.

This place disgusted her. The town had been a pre-war farming hub once, a market, a hotel, a watering hole... now they were all burned out shells, the looted corpses of an old civilisation. These ponies were simply living in the blood and bodies of the old world, not even attempting to build homes of their own. It was lazy, morbid, perverse. She allowed her anger to feed her voice as she shouted out, “I wish to meet with your leader!”

She winced at the sound of her voice. Like most alicorn she felt very uncomfortable using physical speech, and her throat felt tight and dry. She only hoped she could adequately convey the authority of her position.

“I am here. State your business alicorn!” A robust looking earth pony wearing a vault suit and duster jacket stepped out into the street, soon followed by an expanding crowd of followers. Most of them were unarmed civilians, though a substantial number were armed and armoured for battle. They kept weapons on her as she advanced with slow cautious steps, the earth pony drawing a shotgun and pointing it at her head, “What does your Goddess want with us?”
“Peace.” She took another step forward, raising her head and glaring imperiously at the pony, “Would I come alone if this was an attack?”

“I don’t know. You alicorns have never been known to back down from any fight.” The earth pony let his shotgun drop, advancing on her with sure, confident steps, “Why does your goddess want peace now?”

“She has always wanted peace.”

“Really now?”

“Yes. And you will not stand against it.” Justicar took a step forward and rammed her horn into the pony’s chest, causing him to gasp in pain as she pierced his heart. She expanded her magic before anypony had a chance to react, blasting him into bloody pieces that rained down upon the crowds behind and sent them trampling each other in panic. The ponies in the building around fired, Justicar simply teleporting away as the bullets struck the ground.

She reappeared behind the two ponies in the building opposite, not giving the first a chance to react as she snapped his neck with a quick hoof strike. The second twirled with a yell of fear, she however seized the dead pony’s weapon with her magic and fired a bullet up through his chin with one quick movement. He dropped clean, dead before he hit the ground. She snorted and took hold of their grenades, scattering them to the crowds below before vacating through the back door. The screams had already started by the time she exited into the corridor.

A team rushed down the stairs as she advanced, she blinded them with a burst of light and dashed into the middle of their formation with a quick application of telekinesis. Once there they had no chance, trying to get their weapons to bear as she kicked and thrashed, striking each one down with all the fierce power of her alicornian heritage. She soon advanced past their shattered bodies, taking the grenades from their belts as she passed.

She emerged into air, stepping up to the edge of the building and smirking as bullets struck against her shield. She calculated the trajectory of each and fed it to her team, her alicorn sisters swooping past to descend upon the foolish ponies. She jumped from the rooftop and landed on the street below, taking some broken glass and flinging it at a fleeing group with enough force to tear them apart. She walked over to a mewling foal and silenced him with a stomp of her hoof, feeling but a slight tinge of regret. He would have turned out no better than any of the others.

“Is this your justice?”

Justicar turned, growling as a white figure disappeared into a nearby building. She kicked dust from her hooves as she tore off in pursuit, skidding to a stop outside and flinging a magical ball of blinding light into the darkened interior. It revealed nothing, just empty walls.

She advanced forward cautiously, keeping her shields at full power. She was confident in her power, still she was not arrogant in it. Singer had proven that even they could be killed, “Where are you!?”

“Cannot your Goddess tell you?”

Justicar realised to her terror that she could no longer feel her presence, no longer feel the unity. That... that was impossible! She almost panicked there and then, but was made of sterner stuff, “How... explain yourself or I will...!”


Justicar frozen as the scared, nervous voice sounded out behind her, feeling her heart beat ever faster in her chest. The voice was familiar, but she couldn’t remember from where! It was like a huge hole had been burned in her memories, Justicar turning with slow careful steps as she tried desperately to keep her composure.

It was an alicorn. It was... her. It took a moment before the name came to her, “Star Swirl?”


Star Swirl awoke with a scream, wrestling with her covers for a few brief moments before igniting her horn and flinging them away with enough force to tear the sheet in two. She charged through the floating fabric and slammed it to the ground with a hoof, her heart beating wild and terrified as she looked around desperately for some sense of her identity.

Her mind... she wanted to called herself Justicar, still expected the Goddess’s voice in her head. She couldn’t think straight, couldn’t stop the unwanted memories...

She charged into the bathroom, trying briefly to turn on the shower with her magic before giving up and simply using her hooves. It was a slightly fraught and clumsy effort but she soon managed, setting the shower’s temperature up to full and turning it to full power. It hit her in a burning torrent, searing her flesh red raw and sending pain lancing through her. She screamed at the impact and charged forward, ramming her skull into the wall and splitting her head open, blood spreading from the wound in a thick stream.

This... calmed her. The water burned into the open wound and she let the pain flow, the adrenaline easing her blood lust. She looked down at the flowing river of red and sighed deep, turning the temperature down to something sensible and just laying down to cry.

She emerged bedraggled and exhausted about fifteen minutes later, still finding it hard to concentrate but pretty sure she was Star Swirl, at least for the moment. She towelled herself down and walked over to the mirror, actually laughing at her huge, poofy state. She looked ridiculous, especially with the bags under her eyes and slightly wild expression. The ridiculous was reassuring. She was... Star Swirl. She was supposed to look ridiculous.

She wasn’t a virgin anymore. That wasn’t very Star Swirl.

She hadn’t really thought about it at the time, strangely enough. She wasn’t really thinking too clearly at all the previous night, and had fallen into unconsciousness pretty much as soon as her head had hit the pillow. She felt strangely unsatisfied that the moment hadn’t been more momentous after... well, her entire twenty three years worth of memory. That was embarrassing but true, she hadn’t had much time for it as the Justicar, and her few abortive attempts since had ended far short of anything she could reasonable boast as relevant sexual experience. She was an embarrassingly huge fan of ‘mare’s romance’ novels, but she was pretty sure that didn’t count.

She now could sit back and consider that it was a pretty terrible idea bringing an emotionally unstable virgin to a brothel, but had to admit it was kinda what she needed. She had spent so long nursing wistful crushes on impossible targets, feeling far too inadequate to ever even think about expressing those feelings. Those who had made advances on her she had run away from, terrified of disappointing them, of exposing her more feral self. She had only mustered the courage to admit her feelings for Zenai because she thought she had earned charity for saving her at Estelle.

That and... her actions there had made her think for a second that maybe her more feral self was not such a bad thing. That it had saved them.

Dust had made her feel like it wasn’t such a bad thing, both last night and back there at Estelle. She appreciated that. She appreciated the sentiment behind bringing her. He didn’t know her that well, didn’t have any obligation in his contract to help her with her emotional problems. He had taken a lot of time to make sure she was ok, forgiven her attempted rape with a wave of his hoof. It was almost enough to make her cry again. That a mercenary could be so... kind, when she had rarely stopped feeling judged and alone among the Followers. She wanted to do something for him too, but once again felt totally inadequate. What did he really want?

She sighed at her swirling feelings and moved to levitate her hair brush. Her magic barely managed a spark before dying.

Seriously? It had been six days since Estelle, during which she had applied the ointments and taken the potions no matter how foul or smelly. Magical burn out normally only lasted a couple of days, and even in the worst cases she should be feeling something by now.

But it wasn’t magical burn out. That was obvious now, even if it hadn’t been before. She had been electrocuted by bolts of dark magic, burned from the inside. Medical scans afterwards had confirmed that her regeneration was ensuring there was no scarring on any of her organs, still the nervous system damage was evident by the pain she was still getting from time to time. In a moment of extreme good fortune there had actually be a neurologist in the city trained in aliology, he however had just stared at the scans in fascination for several minutes before admitting that he had little idea what was trauma and what was the changes from her transformation into an alicorn. Neither Zenai, Fluttershy nor Steel Marrow had any greater knowledge of the subject, so it had been decided that she would wait a few more days to see if she would recover before her scans would be sent back to the NCR for specialist examination.

It was worrying and frustrating, in the same way as suddenly losing a forehoof. She felt clumsy and infuriatingly limited, and worse couldn’t really express those feelings in front of a zebra and earth pony. It wasn’t as if she was poor with her hooves, still everything just took so much longer. She was left staring at her reflection, willing herself to just get on with it for more than a minute before finally giving in and ringing the bell for a servant. If she was going to live in a palace she might as well enjoy the perks.


She had taken the time to enjoy her moment of decadence, spending several minutes talking up hair styling with the zebra servant before choosing a style ever so slightly more daring than what she was used to. After a short while of admiring it in the mirror she was eventually forced to admit that she was stalling, already dangerously late for their daily meeting at the veranda. And with good reason! She really didn’t want to face Zenai, have that incredibly awkward conversation. Really she just wanted to go home, not really seeing any point at all in staying. What was she trying to achieve here now?

Except for finding her cutie mark that is. She had almost forgotten about it, reluctant to bring it up with the others. It had seemed so selfish, trekking out into the wastes for her own benefit. She could have gone herself, her wings enabled her to travel with far greater speed on her own, but was aware that she was dangerously lacking in survival and combat skills. She would need the others’ help if she didn’t want to end up in some beast’s stomach.

She bunched up her courage as she trotted the corridors, resolute that she would bring it up this time. Maybe they couldn’t do it straight away, but if they were in the area…

Chigaru stepped out of a door in front of her, Star Swirl pausing with a little gasp of suprise as he turned his glowing visor to look at her. Her hoof wavered in front of her for a second before she finally found her tongue, voice wavering, “Um… good morning Chigaru…”

His voice was as silky smooth as ever, turning his black clad body to face her, “You’re late. I’m afraid Dusk Kicker has already fallen asleep.”

Star Swirl couldn’t help smiling. Just like an old grandpa, napping in the sun, “I am sorry, we were rather busy last night.”

“Oh… do tell?”

She frowned, not really ready to go into details with total strangers, “No… it’s nothing. Um…” She quickly tried to change the subject, “How are things going with Fluttershy?”

“Caesar seems very taken with her. Personally she seems so very… average to me.”

Star Swirl narrowed her eyes, “Average?”

Chigaru flexed, chuckling eerily as he stretched his neck muscles, “Meeting a member of the original elements of harmony might be exiting to you, but I’ve met them before. I fought against Rainbow Dash you know, I bit off her ear, she broke my back dropping me against a rock outcropping. Saw Twilight Sparkle in battle too, she used a mana amplifier to vaporize a whole unit of combat robots.” He snorted noisily into his respirator, his voice dripping with distain, “What does she have, her stare? Impressive, but limited.”

Star Swirl found this rather offensive on several levels. Really it figured that his favorite ministry mares would be Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, the two with the most raw power, “There’s more to being special than combat talent.”

Chigaru chuckled, his voice even more creepy for its forced pleasantries, “Ah yes, let’s count some of them. Average doctor, got an honorary degree in psychology for a paper she was a mere research assistant on, took all the credit for megaspells despite having nothing to do with their creation, and then caused the end of the world by handing them over to us.”

Star Swirl advanced, not about to put up with this. She did not take criticism of her Elders, “Shut up.”

Chigaru gave a hissing laugh, “Is that your best counter argument? I thought you would say something about her being a good pony.”

“She is a good pony.”

“Oh really? Element of Kindness?” Chigaru’s tone was breezy as he snarked, “Does that include ignoring your own family so much that your own husband divorces you and takes the kids, without even the slightest bit of resistance on your part? Or promptly sleeping with the girlfriend of one of your closest companions while he took a nap, and then lying about it to his face?”

Star Swirl… was lost now. She did what now? “What…?”

“Oh yes, that little rumor got lost to time didn’t it?” Chigaru snickered, “Well I look forward to spreading that one all over Equestria now we’re all such good pals. I’m sure her and Spike will love having that little blip in their relationship exposed for all to… oh, that took longer than I expected.”

Star Swirl leapt at him, ready to pin the little jerk to the floor and give him a little scare. She was certainly not expecting him to react in a blur of impossible speed, slipping past her extended hooves and planting his own lightly upon her chest. All he had to do was push, Star Swirl sent soaring down the corridor with a painful jerk at her sudden acceleration. She opened her wings and brought herself to a somewhat clumsy stop, landing upon her hooves and staring about for her aggressor.

He was gone, like he was never there. She looked down at her chest, already bruising slightly at his touch, realizing he must have sent her a good ten meters down the corridor with barely any effort at all. Star Swirl was starting to realize why he was Caesar’s top enforcer.

And he had wanted her to attack him, he wanted to show off his power. Star Swirl felt really stupid for having fallen for it, once again berating herself for having lost her temper so easily. What was wrong with her, that her first thought when being insulted was to threaten them with violence? Was it the stress? She certainly felt more emotionally unstable lately, it becoming more and more difficult to keep her emotions in check. She had always been emotional, one of the reasons why she wasn’t particularly popular and had acquired her hang ups about physical violence, still emotional outbursts like that were something she thought she had long put behind her.

She shook her head clear, just gritting her teeth and continuing on. She was late enough.


She froze up pretty much instantly as she exited onto the veranda, Zenai already there waiting. She was speaking to Dust Kicker, the two turning to face her as she stepped out. Zenai gave a sweet but somewhat nervous smile, Dust as casual and affable as ever, “Good morning. Took your time.”

“Yes, well...” She lowered her head, wondering if she should mention her little encounter. After a moment she realised she would rather talk about anything other than the events of last night, “I bumped into Chigaru.”

Dust grimaced, his feelings plain, “I’m sure that was a pleasant experience.”

“He threw me about thirty feet down the corridor with a single hoof.” She frowned for a second, not really wanting to repeat his lies about Fluttershy, “And he said... horrible things about Fluttershy.”

“Wait, he threw you?” Zenai gave her a concerned look, “And why was he assaulting you exactly?”

“Um... actually I... attacked him.”

Dust laughed, even as he tried to glare disapprovingly at her, “You know, for a pacifist you do show a worrying talent for getting into fights. How is that guard you headbutted last night?”

Star Swirl blushed deeply, all the more guilty for having forgot about that. She would have to check on him later, hoping she hadn’t seriously injured him or anything. Unlike the muggers he hadn’t done anything wrong other than try and stop her leaving, her horn clearly coming back from her headbutt covered in blood. It.... was worrying, “I think there’s something wrong with me.”

“I’d say.” Zenai fixed her with a questioning stare, “I’ve never known you to be so aggressive. It’s not a bad thing, but I’m worried you’re going to get yourself in trouble.”

“Like I did...” Star Swirl started the question before quickly shutting herself up, not wanting to talk about it now, “Um...”

“Like you did last night, yes.” Zenai finished her sentence with a sad tenderness, shaking her head as she moved over, “There’s nothing wrong with you Star Swirl, it was my fault. I lied to you, misled...”

“No.” Star Swirl shook her head as the pressure built up in her chest, not remotely in the mood for a pity party, “Zenai... I just want to put it behind us. Ok?”

“I... sure.” Zenai let her head drop, biting her lip, “Um... can we?”

“I don’t know.”

Zenai looked over to Dust Kicker for his opinion, the earth pony busy staring at his hooves with deep involved interest. She finally sighed, rubbing the side of her foreleg and doing the best she could, “Well I still care about you, and I’m still worried.”

Star Swirl thought it more likely she was worried about being responsible for what was happening, rather than Star Swirl herself. Cynical, maybe, but she couldn’t help it. She had seen Zenai’s manipulations first hand, “I’m more worried about you.”

“I can take it. I guess you can too. Um...” Zenai paused for a second before adding to her reply, “But while we’re talking about the oddness of the ponies around the palace... what do you know about Silver Scribe?”

Star Swirl shook her head, not very helpful on that front. Alicorn were a communal species, but she wasn’t the most sociable of them, “No much. She’s one of the Cathedral alicorn, second generation.”

Zenai nodded, lip curling in response, “Weren’t they all deformed and mentally disabled?”

Star Swirl grimaced, the subject bringing up ugly memories that she would rather forget. Some of the Followers of the Apocalypse had celebrated the failure of the Cathedral’s experiments, fearful that they were about to be beaten to the goal by a long standing rival. Star Swirl understood scorn, the Cathedral had used highly theoretical techniques on a species no pony knew much about, celebration however felt like dancing on the graves of dead alicorn children. She still remembered the faces of Noble Kismasis and Silver Tail, the two ‘faces’ of the experiment. None of their children had survived.

“Um... sorry Star Swirl. I know the alicorn get a little upset about that.”

Star Swirl shook her head, dislodging the bad feelings. It had only been four years later that the zebra had developed the male to female potion and a new, healthy set of alicorn children started to be born, though their low population, low fertility, female/male ratios and miscarriage rates still proved a significant challenge. And the cathedral’s experiments had resulted in four healthy alicorn children at least, Silver Scribe one of them, “Really, I don’t know much about her. She’s supposed to be very smart, and she’s close to Twilight Frost.”

Dust Kicker interjected, “She’s also loyal to Regina.”

“Yes. I think you would get along well with her Zenai, she’s supposed to be very idealistic and patriotic.”

Dust snorted in ‘not very amused’ amusement, “I’d question that... but why are you asking about her Zenai?”

Zenai frowned, “I think she broke into my room.”

“I caught her following you.” Dust noted soberly, “But she’s got every reason to mistrust us. I don’t like her, she’s arrogant, rude and rock headed, but I doubt she has any sinister intentions.”


Dust nodded emphatically, “Yes. I might be wrong, but it’s more likely she thinks we’re doing something wrong. If we keep our noses clean she shouldn’t be a problem.”

Star Swirl couldn’t help the worry and snark in her tone, “Do we keep our noses clean?”

Dust snorted, a grin spreading across his face, “Well I haven’t shot anyone I shouldn’t have.”

“And I’ve got nothing to hide.” Zenai spoke it emphatically, before amending her statement, “But I don’t like her sneaking around behind our backs.”

“Noted.” Dust stated, “But I think we’re going to have to take it.”

“Ugh...” Zenai smirked at Star Swirl, her eyes hooded, “So Star, headbutted anyone important?”

Star Swirl repressed the desire to kick the mare. Their all new, super mature relationship hadn’t lasted long, “You’re never going to let me forget that are you?”

“When you start beating up guards? No.” Zenai paused for a moment before chuckling to herself, “Though maybe I should ease up a little. I am small, and easily punted.”

Star Swirl glared, having considered that fact herself, “Yes you are.”

“Alright girls. Don’t make me have to separate you.” Dust grinned, shaking his head at the pair, “We really should be working out our next move. Caesar hasn’t got any jobs for us. I intend to check in with Fluttershy and Silent Steel for anything they need, but this is your mission too Zenai.”

Star Swirl fought against her own shyness and reluctance, a losing battle. Her plan sounded even more stupid and selfish now she had opportunity to state it, and Zenai quickly started listing off a series of political meetings and research projects that sounded much more worthy. She simply let her head fall after a moment, figuring it was a stupid idea anyway.

“Star Swirl, what did you want to do?”

She looked up at Dust, blushing at her mood being so easily noticed, “Uh... nothing.”

Dust frowned at her reluctance, giving her a gentle nod, “It’s not nothing Star Swirl. Tell us.”

“I...” She fought for the right words, eventually managing something fairly coherent, “Back at Star Fall, Sunshine Ivory told me about a place where I might be able to find something related to Celestia. I was hoping we... I could travel there, learn something about alicorns... about my cutie mark.”

Dust did not look approving, his eyes darkening with concern, “Sunshine Ivory, the Celestia Priestess?”

“Well... it actually sounds like a worthy idea.” Zenai spoke up suddenly, noting Dust and Star Swirl’s surprised expressions and explaining herself, “If we want to sell the benefits of an alliance, one of the best ways is to link it to our own history. With the rise of the NCR a lot of ponies are really hungry for knowledge of Equestria, finding something about Princess Celestia would be a great start.”

“I don’t know...”

“Why are you being so negative about it?” Zenai fixed him with a stare, “It sounds like a great idea to me. We’d be uncovering and documenting history, isn’t that part of what we’re here for?”

Dust continued to look reluctant, though his face was very slowly coming around, “Ok. I just... we should be very careful about getting involved in local politics, especially religious politics.” He looked up at Star Swirl, gently chastising, “I know you like Sunshine Ivory, but just be careful. She wants our support to advance her own agenda, that’s the only reason she was making nice.”

“Doesn’t everyone?” Zenai shrugged her shoulders, giving a dismissive snort, “You’re too paranoid Dust. Where is this place Star Swirl?”

“Um... the heart off the All-mother apparently.” Star Swirl wondered if that was going to be a problem, not even sure where exactly it was supposed to be, “Apparently she’s out in the desert nearby.”

“I know where she is, you can see her from the top of the palace.” Zenai considered this for a moment before smiling and gesturing with a hoof, “Even better. It’s not far and it’s also a chance to learn more about zebra religion at the same time.”

Dust nodded, though he still looked a little reluctant, “Ok, sure. I’ll see if Oteka can give us any advice about getting there, maybe some transport.”

Star Swirl nodded, understanding Dust’s reluctance and grateful that he was doing it anyway. Honestly if she didn’t know Sunshine Ivory personally she would have been suspicious too, it seemed like everypony else in the wasteland wanted something from them, “Thank you.”

“No problem...” Dust suddenly paused, stepping over to the balcony with a concerned expression. Star Swirl followed him, her eyes soon picking up the objects on the horizon. They looked like airships, of an enclave design but painted in NCR colours. She wasn’t an expert on airship design unfortunately. Dust however was obviously a little more familiar, “Those are cargo transport ships...”

Zenai widened her eyes, “From the NCR?”

“Perhaps.” Dust turned to her, “Let’s get down to the harbour, if it’s who I think it is they’ll want to see us.”


“You called them here?”

“Yeah.” Dust cantered down the street behind them, a satisfied smile spread across his face, “I wanted to make sure Star Fall didn’t get too tight a grip of the trade between the NCR and zebra territories. Best idea I ever had, with this whole thing between Star Fall and Caesar we need an independent trade company.”

Zenai looked over to him, “You know ponies in the Far Go company?”

“Worked with them quite a few times. A mare called Daisy there, she’s an old friend. Asked them to put her in charge of this expedition.”

They turned a corner and Star Swirl stared in wonder at the sight before them, the docks already set up with a miniature market selling goods of all kinds. She was pretty sure you couldn’t just barrel into a foreign country and just take over a street like this, still the guards were all either standing around looking confused or checking out the merchandise themselves. Dust seemed to spot something and ran ahead, Star Swirl following. A familiar looking hellhound was scowling at the unfolding events, zebra giving the dangerous looking creature a wide berth. He turned his head as they approached, waving a clawed hand at the market, “Keesar innot gonna be impressed by thizz. Misses Fluttershy alridy trying to calm things down, but gonna cost NCR lots of caps.”

“Hopefully they’ll be donating some.” Zenai looked down at the market stalls, hundreds of zebras looking over the wares with keen interest, “They’re making cash hoof by hoof down there.”

“Thinks not, dealt with their ‘prezzident’ befores. But why don’t you try talkings to them?” Steel Marrow gave a dismissive wave and returned to his lounging position, eyes hooded by his frowning brow, “Had enough of these fools for lifetimes.”

Dust mirrored the hellhound’s expression, looking rather concerned as he turned to the others and nodded towards the bustling market, “Come on, let’s see if we can find Daisy.”

They headed down towards the back of the makeshift market, where most of the unloading and accounting was taking place. With Zenai’s officious bluffing, Dust’s intimidation and her own... alicorness they managed to easily get past the guards, Dust’s eyes lighting up as they approached a large wooden table stacked with ledgers and a hastily deployed computer system and generator. Several ponies stood around with clipboards and binders, the central figure however was a middle aged female donkey in a smart suit and tie, her expression angry and her hair pulled into a tight bun. Dust raised his hoof as they approached, “Daisy!”

Her eyes flicked to the pony, both relief and little bit of guilt in her expression as she realised who it was. She raised a hoof as she moved over, drawing herself up officiously before the mercenary, “Dust Kicker. Don’t start pinning anything on me alright? I’m just trying to apply a tiny shred of organisation to this chaos.”

He raised an eyebrow in return, “Not your call to set up this... little market then?”

“No it was not.” She snarled, returning to the screen in front of her, “I advise you to follow the sound of screaming mares and shameless self promotion.”

The others just frowned in confusion, Star Swirl however did as she was told and tried to filter out some of the noise that surrounded them. All her senses were sharper than the average pony, another advantage to being an alicorn, and after a little while she was able to pick out some sort of speech going on at the other end of the market. She quickly opened her mouth to speak, “I think...”

“You want the one in charge of this disaster?” Daisy lifted her head again, glaring at the three of them before nodding in the direction Star Swirl was about to recommend, “He’s over that way. Do me a favour and get him down from that soap box already.”

Dust nodded grimly and set off, Star Swirl wanting to protest for a moment or two before realising there wasn’t much point. She followed mutely as they rounded the crowds, soon hearing a single voice rising above the crowd...

“That’s rightv folks, tax free and discounted for today only, all the wonders of Equestria! Potions and lotions from the Angel Hills, guns from the forges of Fillydelphia! Want to track your relatives in Equestria? We have genealogy experts with records from all the zebra vaults, ready and waiting to aid you in your search!”

Star Swirl’s height gave her an advantage, she saw him first. She was embarrassed to say she actually flushed a little as she spotted the young griffon standing upon the podium, his expression full of arrogant confidence as he gestured wildly at the crowd before him. He was, she was embarrassed to say, gorgeous, his feathers coloured and brushed in bold, aggressive patterns, his body slim and carefully toned. He was wearing a slick, modern cut business suit that was obviously custom made for him, holes in the fabric allowing his powerful wings full range of moment.

She... was finding her thoughts drifting back to Zenai’s comments about griffons back on that ship. It only worried her further, wondering if the zebra was becoming a bad influence. Seriously, it was like all she could think about at the moment was... affection.

Or violence. That realisation didn’t make her feel any better.

“Shit in a basket... recognize him Zenai?”

“Yeah, I recognise him. Not that he’s ever made an attempt to be anonymous.” Zenai spoke up in reply to Dust’s question, averting her gaze with a look of sincere distaste, “That’s Arick Grimfeathers.”

Arick? Star Swirl took another look, never having been as into gossip magazines as Zenai. So that was what he looked like? She was starting to realise how he always seemed to end up linked to so many mares who should really know better, Star Swirl doubted she could resist. But what was he doing here?

“So, I guess you dudes must be the diplomatic mission. Zenai, Star Swirl and Dust Kicker right?”

They all turned to the side, where a young pony stood gazing up at them with a look of bored disinterest. He was slim and undeveloped, looking to be between thirteen and fifteen years of age, wearing a pair of insufferably fashionable sunglasses that made his inscrutable expression even harder to read. Dust Kicker observed him suspiciously for a moment or two, it was Zenai however who identified this one, “Ace Gold?”

“My name.” The pony’s expression barely moved, “Haven’t answered my question yet.”

Zenai bristled slightly, “Yes, we’re the diplomatic mission.”

The pony pouted slightly, observing them for a moment before returning once more to his bored indifference, “Heard the Followers kicked you out.”

Star Swirl gave Zenai a nervous look, the zebra indeed incensed by Ace Gold’s behaviour. In fact she almost snarled her reply, “Your mother told you that?”

“My sister told me that.” He gave them a dismissive frown, “Been there, brought the t-shirt lady.”

Star Swirl bit her lip, really not wanting to get into this subject. She quickly tried to derail the conversation, “You’re leading this trade mission?”

“Deputy director, yeah. The big dude is...”

There was a flurry of wings and a crash as Arick Grimfeathers landed beside the pony, muscles flexing as he took the full force of his impact on his legs and heaved himself back up with a large, arrogant grin. His front claw extended outwards and grasped the first hoof in range, Star Swirl feeling like a deer in the headlights as his talons wrapped around her foreleg and shook it aggressively, “Arick Grimfeathers, pleased to meet ya all! You must be the ambassadors I’ve heard so much about, Star Swirl, Dust Kicker and Zenai right?”

Star Swirl blinked, feeling her face flush as he looked straight at her. He... was still very good looking, “Um... yes...”

“A pleasure!” He grabbed Dust and Zenai’s hooves in quick succession, broad grin never fading as he span about and gestured towards the market behind, “How’s this for a first impression? Get them in their pockets, got them in their hearts!”

Star Swirl wasn’t quite sure what was going on, voice freezing in her throat. Fortunately Zenai was on the ball, “Caesar’s not going to be happy. You’re blocking the port, and I bet you haven’t paid customs on any of this.”

Arick waved her off, head angled proudly, “I have a sack of grade A gemstones that will compensate him for his trouble. It was worth it, can’t get greater impact than this. Zebra will be talking about it for years to come, no greater start to the Arick brand!”

Dust chuckled softly, “You’re a brand now?”

“We’re all a brand my brother.” Arick grinned wide, waving a claw about himself, “And here is where we find it. A brave new world, ready for a charming adventurer with a quick wit and a quicker gun. Am I right?”

“A long way from your mother and grandmother?” Zenai snarked, looking down at the silent Ace Gold beside him, “And from your parents?”

Ace Gold’s expression didn’t shift, “You never got tired of being a zebra? Or an alicorn?”

“What’s wrong with being a zebra?”

Ace Gold shrugged, “Nothing, providing you’re a drug addict, pony hating villian, emotionally scarred heroine, leader of the elements of harmony or alchemist.”

Dust Kicker smiled, “It’s hardly just the zebra who have expectations of behaviour placed upon them.”

“I guess. And it must have been easy for her.” Ace Gold looked Zenai straight on, his voice firmly deadpan, “Huh Zephyr?”

“Wrong heroine.” Zenai smirked, “You wouldn’t have heard of her. Before your time kid.”

“Hey, let’s not fight!” Arick gave a wide, beaming grin as he separated the two with an extended wing, looking chastisingly towards Ace Gold, “You need to play nice with our guests Ace. The point however remains. This is a place of new beginnings.”

This actually lodged in Star Swirl’s heart, though she actually felt it was the reverse of what Ace had said. She wasn’t tired of being a alicorn, she wanted to learn how to be an alicorn. Zenai... she was looking for a new start, that was true. Much like Dust Kicker, Star Swirl was pretty sure the zebra yearned for the days of heroics and the wild frontier, stifled by her natural skills leading her more towards a life of quiet scholarship, “I think you are right about that.”

Arick grinned at her, even as Zenai frowned in disapproval. Arick was already on her however, lunging forward and pulling her close to press tightly into his side as he waved across the bustling market, “I knew you would understand! Bound by the unity, seen by so many as mere clones of one another, expected to serve quietly and never to lead?”

Star Swirl wouldn’t have put it like that, but... yes. Even Dust had complained that all alicorns tended to be pretty similar, and she always hated how insular they were. Thunder Crash for instance was a big deal among the alicorns, probably one of the most important ponies involved in their breeding programs. Despite this she doubted she’d be able to find more than a dozen ponies not intimately involved in the subject who would have a clue who he was. They just didn’t... advertise themselves, “I don’t want to lead... but I would like to be noticed. For who I really am...”

“And it’s the same for you I suppose.” Zenai locked eyes with Arick, the zebra really seeming prickled by Ace’s taunts for some reason. She stuck her nose up, her stare hot with suppressed rage, “You hate everypony seeing your mother or grandmother when they look at you. Poor little rich kid, heir to one of the most powerful families in the NCR, woe are you. There, I’ve pre-empted your little speech.”

Star Swirl gritted her teeth, her issues with Zenai surfacing once more. She briefly remember her thoughts about her unusual anger and aggression and whether she should be indulging it, still they were swiftly pushed aside. Some zebra deserved a little aggression.

Fortunately she was still preparing herself to reply when Arick did it for her, simply smiling genially as he spoke, “You have a strange view of power. My family has never had power, never been in control of their destiny.”

Zenai hesitated a moment, stopped in her tracks, “But... she’s the leader of the NCR.”

“Because she was asked to run. She was happily taking some time out to raise my sister when those councillors outright begged her to run for office, trying to guilt trip her with tales of the NCR falling apart if she refused.” He smirked bitterly, “My grandmother? Little Pip asked her to form the NCR, forced her to babysit a bunch of bickering foals until her health finally gave out. My grandfather and uncle both died fighting on the behalf of others.”

Dust frowned, a mark of regret in his eyes, “Your grandfather was fighting for Regina and Kage, carving out a territory to raise his children.” He paused for a second before sighing and shaking his head, “But I can see your point. That’s why Regina was considered for the Element of Generosity after all.”

“Of course. And I admire her for that. And maybe I’m a lesser griffon for having no intention of living for others, dying for others.” Arick chuckled, stroking his chin with a long sharp claw as he looked across at Dust Kicker, “You sound like you knew my grandfather.”

“I thought everyone knew. I ran with the talons back in the day, was with your grandfather when he died.”

Star Swirl was... a little impressed. Dust knew Gaud? That was something to boast about, to the point she was honestly confused as to why she hadn’t heard it before. She had heard he had run with the talons of course, but she hadn’t known they were those talons.

“I heard something about that...” Arick considered it for a moment before just shaking his head and giving a deep belly laugh, “Well I’ve taken enough of your time, and you’ve likely taken enough of mine. Tell Caesar that I’ll work things out with him later.”

Zenai huffed for a moment or two before reluctantly nodding her head, “Sure. Just behave yourself.”


The moved apart, Star Swirl taking one last look behind before heading out after the others. She speeded her pace to draw equal with Dust, biting her lip as she considered her question. Eventually she just had to ask, “You knew Regina’s family?”

“Oh please, don’t.”

“Um... not a happy memory?”

“Not really.” Dust sighed, shaking his head, “I was young, looking for... redemption, a cause, a home... something. Not a good time in my life, and the Talons were an attempt to change that.”

Star Swirl bit her lip, not really wanting to hear the end to this story. Still she honestly wanted to understand Dust a little more, feeling this might be the key to that, “What happened?”

“Watched most of them die. Achieved very little. Didn’t make me feel any better about myself.” Dust sighed deep, “Came back, asked the girl I liked to shack up with me.”

“What was her answer?”

“She pistol whipped me.”

Star Swirl frowned in consternation. Dust looked honestly heartbroken at the memory, “Why?”

“Because I was the one who got her husband killed.” Dust chuckled, looking up at her with a sad smirk, “Yeah, I deserved that pistol whip. I was young and stupid, even if I truly wanted to keep her safe and happy.”

Star Swirl... paused for a second. Eventually she had to ask, even if it broke her head just thinking about it, “Was the girl... Gaud?”

“Don’t start making a big deal of it. She broke a whole lot of hearts, if you hadn’t noticed she was quite the girl.”

“You... could have been Regina’s stepfather!”

“I could have been the element of magic, talked Red Eye into bed and become the new goddess while wearing nothing but a tutu. Debating possibility is an idiot’s game.” Dust sighed, nodding her forward, “Now come on, you want to get on with this dragon skeleton thing or not?”

“Um...” She stopped in place as she considered that question, wanting nothing more than to continue, make Dust feel a little better like he had done for her. But... she didn’t have anything to say. She... was just a child.

“Balloon for a pretty mare? It will make you feel better, promise.”

Star Swirl turned to the source of the voice, a kindly looking yellow and pink unicorn stallion in a rather old fashioned tweed suit. He was levitating a set of cheerful looking balloons, handing them out to a set of cheering zebra children that were gathered around him. She blushed a little at her frustration being noticed, “Um... sure.”

He chuckled and levitated a balloon over, bright pink and sparkly, Star Swirl unable to stop herself from trembling and giving a little yelp as he wrapped it around her horn with his telekinesis. She fumed as her wits returned, moving to yell at him... before noticing the children around him rolling around on the floor in peals of laughter. She pouted, looking up at the pink balloon floating above as it bobbed and tugged irritatingly against her horn. The pony laughed, his tones warm and musical, eventually extending a kindly smile, “You looked like you had a dark cloud above your head.”

She frowned sadly, “It’s not me... it’s my friend. I don’t know how to make him happy.”

“Then maybe he should have a balloon too? What is his favourite colour?”

“Um...” Star Swirl tried to think of any he had expressed preference for in the past, “...um... brown?”

The pony chuckled, levitating over an orange one and tying it around her foreleg, “He is a proud earth pony, an orange one will suit him I think.”

Star Swirl took another look at the pink above, still pulling against her horn, “And I’m Pinkie Pie?”

The pony laughed joyfully, waving a hoof to her, “Look at the sparkles my friend! That is Queen Cadance.”

“Oh...” Star Swirl blushed fiercely now, though felt a big smile creep across her face just the same. Cadance... she could do Cadance. Just below Celestia, just above Luna, who’s glowering, fiercely controlled moodiness Star Swirl doubted she could pull off without looking like a sulky teenager. Cadance was good, “Um... thank you...”

The stallion simply laughed at her embarrassment, alongside his gaggle of kids. He brought himself under control and simply gave her a big smile, sweeping into a fine bow, “Always a pleasure, I told you a nice balloon can brighten your day.”


The guards at the palace told her that Dust Kicker and Zenai had gone looking for a guide upon her arrival, Star Swirl briefly considering joining them before figuring there wasn’t a lot she could do to help. Besides, recent events had reminded her of a way she could perhaps assist, contacts she had made herself in the zebra lands. Admittedly one of those recent events was her... experience last night, bringing to mind her earlier fantasies about Ember and Sunshine Ivory. She realised it was a childish infatuation, still maybe there was a way she could indulge herself and possibly defuse this situation between Star Fall and the Golden Coast at the same time.

She informed the guards to contact Dust and Zenai with her location before heading off to the communications room, keying in the code she had been given and waiting for a response. It didn’t take long, Sunshine Ivory’s honey tones soon sounding out, “Star Swirl, is that you?”

Star Swirl felt her heart bounce a little, a smile spreading across her muzzle, “Yes, it’s me.”

“My dear, are you ok?”

She sounded concerned, “I’m... fine? Why wouldn’t be?”

“I heard about Estelle, you were there weren’t you? I’ve been so worried!”

Star Swirl bit her lip, wondering what Sunshine Ivory had heard exactly. It hadn’t exactly gone well out there, “Yes... I was.”

“What happened?”

Star Swirl was eager to set the record straight, “Some mercenaries killed everyone there, tried to blame it on Caesar!”

“Really? Do you know who they truly worked for?”

Did she? Did she really? “Zenai told me... it was Themba. She intercepted a communication between him and Abartili.”

Sunshine Ivory paused at this information, a long silence that was finally broken with a single question, “Are you sure?”

Sunshine Ivory sounded pained, as well she should. Star Swirl trusted Zenai’s judgement, but she hadn’t heard the communication herself, “No, but I know it wasn’t Caesar, and the pictures the mercenaries took ended up in Star Fall’s propaganda.”

“Ok...” Sunshine Ivory paused for a moment in thought, “I will try to follow this up on my end. My dear, I beg you, please be careful. There are ponies out there with dark agendas, and I would hate to see you caught up in them. If anything changes on your end, anything, please inform me.”

Star Swirl was only too glad to have somepony to ask for advice, “Of course.”

“What is Caesar planning to do?”

Star Swirl hesitated, still she needed to know, “He wanted to invade Star Fall. He was convinced he didn’t have the troops however.”

“Really? Then things are worse than I thought.” She paused for a moment to think, “Have you gone to the bones of the all-mother yet?”

Star Swirl wasn’t sure how that was relevant, “We’re going to go today.”

“Good. Maybe some of the artefacts there will give you the authority to take charge of the situation, stop this war before it begins.”

Star Swirl felt herself go pale, “Me?”

“You are an alicorn dear. Leadership is in your blood.”

Star Swirl... felt that was inaccurate. Servitude was in her blood. Killing thousands of sentient creatures, whether for Equestria or the Goddess was in her design. Leadership was very much a secondary goal, “I really don’t think...”

“Whatever happens there Star Swirl, don’t hesitate.” Sunshine Ivory’s tones turned unexpectedly hard and forceful, the gravity clear, “I believe you have the ability to change the course of this situation, and that failing to act will be on your head. You wish to be like Celestia and the princesses of old? I cannot do that for you Star Swirl, I can only point the way.”

Star Swirl swallowed her fear, her words blatant, ugly lies, “O... okay. I understand.”

She only hoped that whatever was there would be really inspiring.


Unfortunately Oteka was also out of the city, meaning their main contact within the military was gone. It was some time before Dust and Zenai could find somepony who wasn’t too busy or too green to help, Star Swirl meeting up with the pair as they set off to meet the zebra whose name they were finally given.

The zebra certainly looked the part, worn and rugged, and came highly recommended. He lifted a lazy eye to them as they approached him, leaning back on the stool he was perched on and lifting his half dismantled rifle onto his knee, “You looking for me?”

“Sergeant Traigous right?”

“Traig will do fine.” He lowered his head to his gun, slipping the pieces together with calm, agile hooves, “I guess you want to know about the wilderness.”

Zenai nodded, “They all said you know more about it than anyone.”

“In the city? Possible. And they’re the only ones who really count aren’t they?” Traig propped his rifle against the table beside, his voice quiet and resigned, “You’ve likely been told about how there’s nothing out there but bloodthirsty tribals raiding for scraps of food? That they all live in mud huts?”

Dust nodded carefully, “Something like that.”

“Don’t judge the whole of the golden coast by Demonivore. This city is great indeed, but the others along the golden coast have long since been ruined by time, warfare and looting. For the most part his citizens live in poorly constructed and widely spaced villages, same as out there.”

Dust brushed his chin with a hoof, “So the cities are abandoned?”

“The golden coast relies on agriculture, which means the cities hold little of interest. They were pretty extensively looted long ago.” Traig sighed, giving them a sharp frown, “Places tend to be full of monsters now. It’s actually illegal to venture inside without a damn good reason, lost too many zebra that way.”

Dust motioned with a hoof, “And out there in the wasteland? There must be cities there too.”

Traig snorted, “Well, there’s the capital. Few have been able to reach it, so they say it is mostly intact. Not any place anyone wants to live though.”

“That’s actually one of our destinations eventually.” Zenai spoke up, nose crinkling, “Is it really that bad?”

Traig grimaced, “No one really knows. From the air... no, in fact many say it’s surprisingly intact for a city hit by three separate megaspells. But those who go there tend to disappear, and eventually we just all learned to avoid the place.”

Star Swirl really didn’t like the idea of going there before, now it was even worse. She was a logical pony, at least she thought so, but the place sounded like a ghost city. Some lost, cursed edfice, where the ghosts of the cursed dead suddenly reared out of the darkness to consume your soul... she felt the sudden urge to change the subject before she really freaked herself out, “Anywhere else?”

“Well there’s Garm... supposedly.”

Star Swirl frowned alongside Zenai, Zenai as normal getting the first word, “Isn’t that a myth? Some kind of storytale city filled with witches?”

“It was a real city, though I can’t tell you whether all you’ve heard is true.” Traig sniffed, “As far as I can tell it was a subject of considerable fantasy even before the war.”

Star Swirl thought back to what she knew about the place, a rather difficult proposition given it was so pervasive a trope in zebra fiction that they didn’t even bother to explain it most of the time, “It was... the last zebra city during the cataclysm. The heroes that eventually ended it trained there, and ever since it was a place where the greatest of shamans were taught. The Shamans of Garm were famed for roaming the land, righting wrongs and tracking down demons.”

“More or less.” Traig nodded, continuing with his explanation, “It’s true that it’s the oldest surviving zebra city, and that it dates back before the star demons fell. It also housed a great training facility for shaman, those taught there were always greatly respected.”

Zenai frowned, leaning forward, “And... it’s still there?”

“The city took a direct hit from a megaspell according to what records still exist. Every so often some shaman comes out of the wasteland claiming to have trained there, or some madman raves about having seen it intact. I very much doubt those rumours or true, and even if they are its likely just ruins inhabited by some scavengers with delusions of grandeur.” Traig shook his head, “Same with the other cities. There’s only a few settlements out there that are really important enough to note, trading posts and the strongholds of local warlords.”

Star Swirl suddenly realised why the name Garm had caught her interest, “Does the name... um... Tandia of Garm mean anything?”

Traig’s expression clearly showed that it did, both annoyed and a little suspicious, “She’s one of the big leaders out there, I know that much. Don’t hear much out of her, she rules in the far east, she’s mostly concerned with survival and security.”

Star Swirl filed that information away for later, Tandia being one of the three possible zebra who Blaze told her could help with her cutie mark. She sounded a long way away, but she seemed worth the visit. Blaze told her she was the most powerful living Shaman, could that mean she was really from Garm? That it survived? That was worth following up, “And... Caesar of the East? Where does he fit in?”

“He’s some kind of religious nutjob living in an abandoned research facility.” Traig gave a dismissive snort, “Not nearly as influential as some zebra would like you to believe.”

“They’re organised into separate warlords then?”

“Pretty much.” Traig lifted his head as he tried to remember them, “Anatu was a big deal once, but we beat him so hard on his last raid that he’s lost a lot of territory and influence. Most of it was eaten up by some zebra calling himself Starhammer, your normal ‘chosen one’ egomanic dictator type. Nanati is one of the few we occasionally deal with peacefully, she and her family occupy the border into camel lands, bring in a lot of trade. They’re fair, but ruthless with those who cross them. Sequesta is like Tandia, mostly concerned with survival. He occupies the area where the capital is located, filled with monsters and mountains, boasts about his tribe’s ability to live off the harshest of lands. The Mutum on the other hand are ruled by a council, they’re a non-violent, farming people protected by the favour of the Caesar of the East.”

Dust chuckled, “Should I be taking notes?”

“For the most part they’re interchangeable. None are too friendly to ponies, or any intruders in their territories.”

“And the tribe in control where we’re going?”

Traig frowned, “Well there’s the thing. Used to be a tribe called the Entitidi, brutal raiders, hated Caesar with an obsessive passion. Pretty much our main military threat, near every solider in the army had a rotation against them.” He looked up at the three of them, pausing dramatically for a few seconds before continuing, “And then their leader and all his lieutenants were slaughtered one day, whole camp up in flames. Over the next few weeks it continued, those with rank assassinated, bands turning on each other, supply caravans disappearing... at this point the Entitdi have ceased to exist, and any tribe trying to take over has been pushed back with the same tactics.”

Star Swirl didn’t like the sound of that. In fact it sounded worse than having to deal with a mere band of tribals, they at least they could understand, “Then who was behind it?”

“Sounds like a independent agency.” Dust spoke up, his head bowed in thought, “Someone with a grudge against the Entitidi. Whoever it was has made no move to announce their rule?”

Traig shook his head, grim faced, “Those escaping the area say that whoever it is has recruited an army of children, and uses them to raid the surrounding villages for food and supplies. Several children have been reported to have been outright kidnapped, their parents nailed up outside their homes. Whoever it is must be incredibly powerful, villages who have tried to resist inevitably get destroyed in a single night.” He gave them a grimacing look, lip curling, “But they haven’t made a single threatening move towards us yet, and I doubt they would be interested in you either. So long as you’re not flying a tribal flag the roads have been safer in that area than they have been for years.”

“Children huh? And specifically targeting parents, and the authorities...”

Zenai looked over to Dust, eyebrow raising, “You sound like you know something Dust.”

He smiled, shaking his head, “I don’t know anything. But it reminds me a little of Red Eye in his early days, that crazy monk Raining Leaves a few years back, Sweet Smile and the rest of the screwball conspiracy. You know, crusading types with delusions of divinity. Keeping everyone scared, recruiting those easily manipulated, keeping their true identity and motives secret...”

“Yes, well you just keep away from them.” Traig gave them a warning glare, “We don’t want to rile them up, so far they’ve done their best to keep away from us. I’d like to do the same.”

“Fair enough.” Dust stated, “Anything else to watch out for?”

“There’s the lost legion, which are pretty much the same deal. Leave them alone, they’ll do you the same courtesy”

Star Swirl’s ears pricked up at the evocative name, always having a weakness for a good story, “Lost Legion? Why are they lost?”

“Been lost ever since the megaspells fell.” Traig looked a little regretful as he turned back to his rifle, absent mindedly rolling a feeding tube across the table, “You know that the zebra used a lot of robots in their army yes?”

Star Swirl nodded, “To make up for their lower population.”

“That, and the metals in the zebra land made for sturdier construction, and zebra alchemy is perfect for placing enchantments upon them.” Traig turned his eyes up at the group, “Whole legions of them were created for use in the most dangerous environments, backed up by small teams of zebra maintenance and command staff. The lost legion was one of them.”

Dust as normal figured it out pretty quickly, “The zebra all died when the megaspells fell, leaving them without any orders.”

“Actually, they did.” Traig stared into the distance, “They’re not too friendly, but over time the robots have revealed that their last orders were to maintain and sustain their numbers, scavenge for supplies as needed, and hold position around their command station until further orders came in from headquarters.”

Zenai looked sad at the idea, worry soon creeping into her expression, “And those orders will never come... are they hostile?”

“Generally no. They don’t like anyone poking around their business however, though reluctant to expand ammunition and risk damage they will open fire if they are approached.”

Star Swirl felt her heart speed just a little, “Just approached?”

Traig snorted, “Well, back in the day quite a few zebra came up with the grand idea of hitting them with close range EMP blasts and dragging them off to sell. As you can imagine they caught on pretty quick, and it certainly didn’t do anything for our relations.”

“You talk like they’re intelligent, have emotions.” Dust gave him a questioning look, “Do they?”

Traig thought for a second, eventually just shrugging his shoulders, “I don’t know, only spoken with them a couple of times. They’ve occasionally made strong relationships with merchants and travelling mechanics, those who deal with them a lot always seem to speak of them like they’re capable of real emotion. Ironically considering their original purpose they’ll likely be the least aggressive and dangerous faction out there for you, they’ve never expressed any problem with ponies. You might even be able to trade and get directions from them if you’re careful.”

Dust nodded in gratitude, “We intend to be. Thank you Traig.”

“No problem. Don’t get killed out there.”


They set out in the early morning, calculations indicating they might be able to reach the site of the fallen dragon by the late evening. Dust was less convinced, but had picked out a campsite where they could safely sleep before continuing on the next day if needed. Star Swirl was carrying most of the food and supplies, leaving Dust free to protect them from any danger, and Zenai had a full stocked medical kit and her plasma pistol holstered for quick draw. Caesar had given them transport to the edge of his territory at least, a big old battered APC, the areas eaten away by rust or damage reinforced with new sheets of armour plating and a heavy machine gun mounted on top. It wasn’t comfortable, especially for Star Swirl, but she had to admire how quietly the engine ran and how well it ran along the bumpy path. The driver, a dirt covered zebra called Gora, was quite obviously proud of the chance to show off the machine. Apparently this was a zebra personnel transport that had been quite successful during the war, designed to take their troops through the more mountainous and impassable areas to deploy surprise attacks. As such it was rugged enough to survive two hundred years of storage, and the discovery of a whole fleet of them was one of the reasons Caesar’s father managed to outmaneuver Star Fall.

The route was interesting as well, heading right through the heart of the farms outside the city. It was all very fairly low tech but it was well organized and well built, the irrigation channels clean and even and the crops all arrayed in neat lines. Caesar’s troops were thick throughout the area, obviously to discourage thievery and raiders, and a fort would rear up every so often, its thick concrete walls and gunports making it a perfectly place to fall back and hold the area until reinforcements could arrive. Dust eventually questioned the lack of large armaments, Star Swirl looking again to confirm his observation that most of the weapons out here were low caliber anti-personnel weapons.

“Never seen a tribal with anything bigger than a dune buggy. Only places that have armour are Star Fall and Camels, neither could attack from east without notice.”

“Hmm.” Dust looked over in interest, “The camels are militarily powerful?”

Gora chuckled, “Still kept factories after war, produced many new weapons. Camels like to feel safe, surround themselves with lots of guns.” The zebra shrugged his shoulders, “Divided. Most camel do not trust others of their kind. This is good. Together they would crush us.”

Star Swirl felt a flicker of nervousness, “Should we be worried about their reaction to Estelle?”

“Abartili not camel, no family ties to anyone else. Will make others nervous yes, many will lose money and place blame on us. Maybe demand recompense in time. But they are not well versed in war, and would not risk opening themselves up to rivals.”

Star Swirl just hoped they would never have reason to unite then. Much the same had been said of the zebra once, their nation hopelessly divided and in political deadlock. All it took was the right charismatic pony, at exactly the right time, with the right message. Friendship was magic after all.

The farms and villages continued to pass and Star Swirl was forced to admit that when they had first set out from Equestria Star Swirl had suspected that this Caesar would indeed be just another wasteland warlord, entirely dependent on raiding and scavenging to survive. Star Swirl still didn’t like nor trust Caesar, still he was at least trying to create a peaceful society. Without the Gardens of Equestria and sandwiched between two well armed and aggressive neighbours, he had still managed to create a thriving system of agriculture and well trained, well organised army. Like a Red Eye of agriculture really, though that wasn’t a naturally flattering comparison. She had to admit that it was one which came easily though...

Maybe that was unfair. She hadn’t seen Caesar do anything wrong yet. She just... didn’t trust him. Was it just that she was jealous that he was prettier than her? Was she some kind of bigot, who recoiled at his rather fae mannerisms? Was it some sort of sixth sense?

She didn’t know, but she decided to hold onto that mistrust for now, just in case.

The limits of his territory soon came into view, the wire fence stretching out across the border and a well staffed fort standing opposite a rudimentary guard post. Zebra guards waved them onwards as they approached, large calibre machine guns tracking their progress as they rolled up. Star Swirl stepped out of the APC as she stretched her back, glad to be out in the open. Those things hadn’t been designed for ponies her size.

They said their thank you’s and set out for the check point, the guards giving their ID’s a quick check before waving them through. Obviously they had been phoned ahead, or border security was far less a concern than defense. The mountains rose before them, a vast dusty valley flanked by spikes of soaring orange rock. This was the edge of the golden coast, the beginning of the beautiful, resource rich and totally barren Kokori mountains. Dust stepped forward, slinging his shotgun and rifle to his sides, “Well come on ladies. Let’s get moving.”


Star Swirl had to admit that the scenery was breathtaking. The route they had been given brought them up the side of one of the mountains, giving them a perfect view of the valley below. She could pick out a few settlements, seemingly ruined and devoid of any significant activity, a mine some way away seeming to be still active. Either Caesar maintained mines out here, or one of the other factions had the technical expertise to keep it working. It was too far away to tell.

She was so busy admiring the scenery in fact that she was totally caught off guard as Dust called out to her, “Star Swirl, get down!”

“Wha?” She looked around into totally dumbstuck surprise, turning to brief bed wetting terror as a titan of metal turned a powerful looking rotary cannon at her. It was shaped somewhat like a minotaur, it’s two dangling forelegs at its sides giving the weapons there easy targeting capability, though it’s lower half ended in two heavy duty treads. It looked very heavily armoured and robust, a single red eye set into its armoured helmet, “Oh...”

And then another came out, its weapons focusing on the shivering Star Swirl. She would have ran right there and then if she had the nerve, as it was her hooves were glued to the floor. Instead she tried to stay as still as possible, hoping they would... just go away? She almost leapt out of her skin as one finally spoke, “Leave this area.”

“Are you...” She replied, her voice shaking, “Are you the lost legion?”

The two machines didn’t reply and for a moment Star Swirl figured they didn’t want to answer. Just as she was about to move away however a third machine came out, this one somewhat egg shaped and decorated by a number of ports and flashing lights, it’s form softer and more reassuring than the giant war machines by its side. The machine rolled slowly and warily towards her, the two flanking it both keeping their weapons trained. Its lights slowly changed into a soft blue, gently flickering pattern, Star Swirl finding herself advancing forward to meet it. At her first movement the two flanking machines twitched momentarily but swiftly returned to their cautious watchfulness, Star Swirl gulping as she realised she was quite a distance from Zenai and Dust Kicker. Still she was unarmed and unarmoured at least, meaning she was likely a lot less intimidating to the machines. That thought made her feel a little better at least, even if she was really just justifying herself after the fact. In reality she wasn’t really sure why she had stepped forward, other than a strange, inexplicable fascination with the machines, “Uh...”

“Identity confirmed, Alicorn. Secret Equestria weapon developed by Unicorn Pony ‘Twilight Sparkle’, subverted by category unconfirmed ‘Goddess’. Freed by actions of Unicorn Pony ‘Little Pip’. Confirm please.”

Star Swirl’s tongue froze for a moment, especially at the machines slightly comical accent. It kinda sounded like Rarity reading a phone book in a wind tunnel, “Um... yes, that’s right. We’re from Equestria.”

The machine paused for a moment, it’s lights flickering a little faster. Eventually it spoke again, in the same mechanical drone, “Companions identity confirm please?”

“I’m Dust Kicker.” Dust dropped his tail, letting the triggers on his weapons go slack as he spoke up, “I’m a mercenary, making sure these representatives from the New Canterlot Republic stay safe.”

Zenai gave Dust Kicker a confused, slightly horrified look. Eventually though she was forced by the silence to speak up herself, her voice squeaky and nervous, “And... I’m Zenai. I’m an ambassador and... um, scholar from the New Canterlot Republic.”

The machine paused once again, lights flashing in an even more rapid pattern than before. Star Swirl couldn’t help but feel that the machine was exited somehow, even as its voice sounded out as emotionless as before, “Data on faction New Canterlot Republic is insufficient to determine approach. Request further information at later date?”

Star Swirl peered round at a group of other robots at what appeared to be a dig sight of some kind, “You look busy.”

“Observation is correct. This unit cannot receive information at present moment without compromising current mission.”

Star Swirl looked round at Zenai but the zebra seemed deeply unsettled by the machines, realising she had pretty much stepped up to the fore with this one. She was pretty sure of her approach in this situation though, they were ambassadors after all, “Um... we’d be happy to fill you in on the New Canterlot Republic. How should we contact you?”

“Fourth unit can be contacted on frequency 40.45.64 when in this area.” The machine paused for a moment before speaking again, “Why did species Alicorn join faction New Canterlot Republic?”

That was a little over her head. She wasn’t exactly at the table for that discussion after all. Still she knew a little, “We actually joined the Followers of the Apocalypse, an organisation dedicated to helping ponies create a new civilisation. It was the Followers who joined the NCR.”

The robot flashed it’s lights for a moment, “All members of species alicorn decided this together?”

“Oh no... um... most of us.” Star Swirl didn’t like talking about division within her species, same as most alicorns. Other ponies always seemed to get the wrong idea somehow, “Some of us joined the Followers, some joined this other group called the Cathedral. We both serve the NCR... just differently. And there are a few still out there in the wastes.” She lowered her head sadly, not really liking thinking about them, “Most of them are... very confused.”

“Many of our fellow units have encountered errors in their coding and have wandered off alone, sometimes becoming dangerous. Do organic units experience the same issues?”

Star Swirl almost giggled, nodding her head furiously, “Yes, we certainly do. Um... we tend to be quite complex in our emotions and our motives. More parts... more that can go wrong.”

The machine took this all in, seeming completive. Eventually its lights flashed green, “Thank you for your assistance. We look forward to further discussion.”

Dust spoke up behind as he walked over, his posture relaxed, “You couldn’t give us directions to the bones of the all-mother could you?”

The machine’s lights flashed in acknowledgement, “Path upwards from here, then take west at first turning. Look to north side of mountain, pathway designated Celestia’s stairs. Dangerous, steep. Be advised.”

Dust nodded, “Advised. We’ll watch our step.”

“Further advice. Location Bones of the All-mother open to pilgrims. Inner chambers however are guarded. Rules for entry very strict, attempting for force way inside, inadvisable.”

Star Swirl blinked, thinking that sounded rather intriguing. That was likely where she had to go, the heart of the All-Mother, “What sort of guardian?”

“Subject designated themselves as ‘The Awesome One’. Ordered no further description.” The machine flashed once more, the other two flanking it already moving back to their positions, “We wish you good luck on your journey.”


They continued up the trail for some time, the road ahead soon proving tough for her and Zenai. She considered herself in reasonably good shape, still she obviously didn’t spend her days doing heavy cardiovascular exercise. Memories of her failure to save Diamond Prism from the sinking ship came to mind and she started to wonder if she should start, it wasn’t as if her waist couldn’t use a little trimming.

“Did you notice how those machines reacted to you Star Swirl?”

Star Swirl turned her head to Dust Kicker, about to question what he meant before taking the moment to think about it. Yes, she did, “They think they’re like the alicorns.”

“Well, close enough to learn from their example.”

Star Swirl lowered her head. It seemed odd to think of herself as kin to mechanical automaton, but the similarities were there, “It’s kind of strange, and chastening. They’re soulless machines built to kill, yet they have lived peacefully, hurting no one. We were...”

“Manipulated by a crazy abomination of science.”

“The Goddess was a alicorn too, technically.” Star Swirl knew the circumstances were different, still that they had chose such a different path made her feel very sympathetic towards them. She wondered if they could... help them somehow, “Do you think we can convince them to join Caesar?”

Dust looked sideways at her, his expression inscrutable, “You know he would use them against Star Fall.”

“I... yes.” Star Swirl got his point, that wouldn’t be good for anyone, “What about the NCR?”

Zenai spoke up this time, her voice sharp, “Caesar would be justifiably concerned by us recruiting an entire army right on his flank.”

Star Swirl frowned in frustration, “So...”

“We wait, and see how things play out. Make nice with the Lost Legion, get friendly with them.” Dust smiled softly, “If they were that easy to convert somepony would have done it centuries ago. Hopefully bringing stability back into the region will convince them to join the group with the best chance for peace.”

And so they continued on, conversation soon stopped by the pounding exhaustion. Zenai eventually tired completely and found a place upon Dust’s back, extremely embarrassed but in agreement that she would just slow them all down otherwise. Dust himself seemed undaunted by the uphill journey, plodding forward with enviable determination.

“Should I... fly?”

“No. You’re big and distinctive. No telling who would see you.”


And so they continued, Star Swirl starting to feel like a burden on the mission she herself had requested, envious at Zenai’s small, easily carried size. Eventually Dust stopped, his ears pricking for a moment before he turned across to Zenai, “Zenai, get down a moment.”


“Are you asleep?”

Zenai blushed and immediately jumped down, blinking her eyes rapidly as she backed away. She looked around in a mixture of alarm and confusion, “Wh... what’s going on?”

“Nothing. Just stay there.” Dust advanced over the crest of the hill with wary caution, a couple of seconds passing before two shots rang out. Zenai immediately ran over in panic with her pistol in her mouth, Star Swirl following after. They crested the hill to find Dust standing unharmed, still wary as he peered through the scope of his rifle. He took a moment to confirm the situation before giving them a chastising glance, “I thought I told you to stay back.” He shifted the gun back to his side, flicking on the safety before nodding to the manticore lying a short distance away, “I thought manticores were equestrian animals.”

“Actually they’re native to the badlands just beyond here, they migrated to Equestria.” Zenai instantly informed them, looking rather pleased at having a chance to lecture, “Some say they’re the creation of a demon sorcerer from the great Cataclysm, and that is why they’re totally immune to radiation and taint.”

“The more you know... you damn walking encyclopaedia.” Dust chuckled, waving them on, “Which is exactly what you’re doing, no more sleeping for you.”

Zenai pouted, “I was just dozing. It’s hot.”

“Yeah, yeah. Come on, it’s not far now.”


And so they reached the platau, the stony expanse stretching out before them like someone had taken a even slice out of the mountain. It had a slight incline but was still easily walkable, Star Swirl no expert in geology but figuring some earthquake had caused a the stone here to shear away recently enough to leave it still somewhat level.

Of course what dominated the view was the vast dragon corpse.

She was enormous. She had met Spike a couple of times now, big as he was he didn’t even come close. The All-mother was bafflingly huge, one of her smaller claws bigger than Star Swirl’s whole body. Her ribs were larger across than the Altostratus, and far longer. The corpse seemed almost intact too, though not in the best condition. Much of it was blackened and stony in appearance, like it had been burnt, large areas of it stretched across the bones, “Is that... her skin?”

“Scales. Dragon Scales are very tough, they’re likely still intact under that blackness, long after the skin underneath decayed.” Zenai stepped forward, her eyes floating across the corpse in interest, “Her joints, look at how they’re slightly malformed. She must have been suffering with terrible arthritis by the time she died.”

Star Swirl looked across the body, realising from the debris around that most of the scales had simply fallen away from the body and rolled down the cliff. It was strange, yet somewhat comforting that scavengers hadn’t stripped her body, “How did she die?”

“Just know that Rainbow Dash killed her in battle. The history is somewhat sketchy on the events of that battle.” Zenai continued her inspection, “No obvious damage to the skeleton... broken rib.”

Dust nodded, “Likely the impact with the mountain. She’s got a fractured eye socket as well, and a chip on the jaw. Neither look like they’ve healed, she likely took a few blows to the head in the battle that killed her.”

Star Swirl advanced forward, feeling that something was here for her, something was present in this place. At the Dragon’s heart... she moved underneath the creature and peered upwards, slightly sickened to see a huge black object suspended in the chest cavity. It was enormous, covering much of the creature’s upper body, suspended from the ribs by fibrous tendrils. Zenai followed behind, nodding to herself as she looked up at the object, “That’s the Firance Vesica. It helps a dragon protect and keep its internal organs under sufficient pressure, part of the system allowing it to breath fire. Impressive that it’s survived intact.”

“So... the heart’s in there?”

“I guess so.”

“How are we supposed to get inside?”

Zenai grimaced, “First off, ew. Secondly, I guess through either the digestive or respiratory tract, or one of the arteries. Again, ew.”

Star Swirl moved around the structure, trying to remember her anatomy. Unfortunately several of the openings she knew should have been there had been cauterised long ago, “Arteries I guess. We want to get to the heart.”

“Here.” Dust called out, standing down towards the lower body. They both moved over to him, Star Swirl looking up to see a large circular tube sticking out at a angle from the vesica. It looked big enough for even her to fit in, though a little cramped, “Is that...”

“The left common iliac artery… I think.” Zenai shrugged her shoulders, “I’m not exactly an expert, but that’s what I would guess.” She lifted her glasses with a hoof to study it more closely, “I guess it would get you to the heart, but I’m not sure how we’re going to get up there.”

Star Swirl felt the gap calling to her, rather annoyed that the others hadn’t arrived at the obvious conclusion. She opened her wings wide and felt the air just wash across them before taking an experimental step forward and preparing to leap...

“Star Swirl, stop!”

She turned to Dust, rather angry at the interruption, “Why?”

“You’re hardly our best frontline combatant, especially in a confined space.” Dust turned to Zenai, nodding towards her pack, “Those bloodwing potions you’re carrying, looks like now’s the time to use them.”

Zenai smiled nervously, not seeming too keen on the idea, “Um, Dust... have you ever used one of these before? I’m not sure now’s the best time to practice, being up a mountain and all.”

“I’ll manage.”


But even as Zenai slung off her medical bag Star Swirl felt a great wave of fear and anger spread over her. They couldn’t come with her.

This was her mission, her quest to find herself, and Dust Kicker was still insisting on going first, they were still coddling her. Patronising her. She needed to go in alone, she needed to! “No! You’re not going!”

Zenai turned in surprise, her hoof frozen in air, “Star?”

“This... this is my quest.” She felt her heart rate soar, knowing on some level that she was being irrational but unable to stop the feelings rushing through her. Dust narrowed his eyes slightly in suspicion, making Star Swirl feel even more nervous. She fought to keep it under control, even as her voice quivered, “I’m going. Please... please don’t follow me.”

“Star Swirl, you’re acting very oddly...”

Star Swirl’s eyes darted back and forth, panic and fear setting in. She saw Dust advance, his shoulders bracing against his battle saddle. He was readying himself for possible confrontation, readying himself to stop her with force. He was willing to hurt her. Tears ran down her face as she trembled with emotion, shivering at how unfair it was. Why didn’t they understand? “Stop! Leave me alone!”

Dust kept his eyes focused on her, advancing with slow easy steps. Star Swirl backed away in fear, knowing she could stop him but not wanting to, not wanting to hurt anyone...

And then Dust’s eyes widened in fear and his weapon shot up, Star Swirl reacting on instinct and charging forward to attack. He cursed and leapt upwards, striking Star Swirl in the jaw with his weapon and kicking her to the ground, carrying on past with bitter resolve in his eyes.

Star Swirl struck the ground at an angle and rolled onto her back, perfectly positioned to watch as Princess Luna pinned Zenai against the ground and punched a syringe into the struggling zebra’s arm, kicking away her medical bag. She waited for Dust with a look that matched his own, her magic charging around her horn.

Dust fired his shotgun, Princess Luna dodging to the side and attacking with lightning and animated shadows as before. This time however Dust was ready for it and the evening light seemed to make her shadows sluggish and weak, he dodged around her attacks as his shotgun continued to blaze with fire and smoke. Princess Luna took a hit on her shield and winced as she was staggered slightly, hurling a rock that shielded her from his attacks and sent him scurrying.

She turned her head to Star Swirl, her voice a slightly panicked roar, “Star Swirl, go!”

She knew she shouldn’t even be considering trusting this creature, having just seen her attack her friends before her eyes. But... that syringe had been Zenai’s knock out drug. Zenai had obviously been creeping up behind her while Dust had kept her distracted. And Princess Luna could have easily just stomped Zenai’s skull into the dust, instead of simply knocking her out.

She rolled onto her hooves and ran forward, jumping into the air and opening her wings wide. It was a difficult landing in a confined space but adrenaline guided her actions, landing inside the cave with a thump and only the slightest stagger. She barely allowed herself a single glance backwards as the sounds of battle echoed behind, Dust Kicker against the Princess.

Well... no way to go but forward.


She continued for some way with no pursuit, just hopeful that none of her friends had been hurt. She had a feeling Princess Luna didn’t want to cause unnecessary harm, but nobody was pulling their punches out there.

Still she was grateful. Princess Luna had quite a bit of explaining to do later, still her actions had convinced her that she might just be right about the Princess being a good person underneath her unfortunate choice of friends. Hopefully she’d be able to sit everyone down after this and work things out.

Providing her friends were still talking to her. But they would understand, they had to.

The fossilised vessels formed a long tunnel, Star Swirl now sure that somepony had forged it from the corpse after death. Dragon hide was some of the strongest material known, she marvelled at who could have widened the vessels to make it possible for her to navigate them so easily, or made the ground flat and firm to walk upon. Whatever the case she was certain she was heading in the right direction, certain now this was one of the arteries leading into the heart.

She emerged into a wider chamber, the only exit sealed by a sheet of white metal set with a single blue jewel. This was... the Left ventricle? So she was here, finally, at the heart of the All-mother.

As advertised there was a pony there waiting for her.

“So, another pretender steps up huh? Ok, let’s get this over with.” The rainbow maned pony cracked her hooves as she threw her mane back, hopping from side to side to warm herself up. She looked much as she did in the later memory orbs, in her middle years but still looking fit and powerful, the wrinkles under her eyes countered by the youthful swagger in her step, “An alicorn huh? Been a while.”

Star Swirl paused for a moment, considering this logically for a moment, “You’re not Rainbow Dash.”

“Because you would have already melted from pure awesomeness?” Rainbow Dash smirked, giving a smug shake of her head, “Nah, I’m quite capable of turning it down a little when I’m in the presence of norms.”

Star Swirl carefully studied the figure in front of her, but she certainly looked real. Still, finding Rainbow Dash still looking exactly like she did before standing in front of a door in the middle of the desert was... unexpected. This didn’t add up, “You’re some kind of illusion.” Her mind joined the dots, “Created by Celestia most likely.”

Rainbow Dash laughed, lowering her head for a moment before kicking off the floor and flying at Star Swirl with terrifying speed. A second later and she hit the wall behind, kicking off and somersaulting backwards to land where she was before, muscles flexing at the impact. It was a second later that Star Swirl touched her stinging face, coming away with her hoof stained with blood. Rainbow Dash only smirked, “Not so illusionary huh?”

“Then... a threshold guardian.” Star Swirl nodded at the door, “To protect whatever’s in there.”

“Well done.” Rainbow Dash smiled arrogantly, her muscles tensing as she dropped into a starters crouch, “What are you going to do about it?”

“I... I’m going to ask you to step aside.”


“Why not?”

Rainbow Dash snorted, angling her head arrogantly, “You really think I’d still be guarding this thing if it was that easy? You’re filled with dark magic and balefire, and I can smell the blood and guilt on you. I’ve met alicorns before you know, one tried to get in here a few decades back.” She smirked, “Sent her packing.”

Star Swirl had to agree with Rainbow Dash, to be honest she wouldn’t have let herself in either. But she needed this, “I’m here on behalf of the Church of Celestia...”

“That’s a point in your favour, true. Let one of them in once, he was nice enough to look around and leave. He understood.” She lifted up her hoof as if staring at some imaginary pipbuck, her eyes narrowing in concentration, “It hasn’t been that long... so I’m guessing you were sent here by Sunshine Ivory?”

Star Swirl gave an eager look, feeling she was finally making progress, “Yes! She sent me here!”

But Rainbow Dash’s expression became even more hostile, glaring hard at the alicorn as she threw her mane back, “You’re the third one she’s sent now. They all admit it eventually.” A small, rather unfriendly grin marked her face, “She tried to get in here herself once. I’ll give you three guesses on what my answer was.”

Star Swirl... was dumbfounded. Sunshine Ivory was as close a match to Celestia as she could find, one of the nicest ponies in the wasteland. If she wasn’t good enough... “Why not?”

“Because Celestia created me, and she was more than aware of her darker side.” Rainbow Dash cocked her head, eyes set and judgemental, “Sunshine Ivory has learned a little too well, and from all the wrong lessons.”

Star Swirl opened her mouth to reply but her words were snatched away by a wave of fierce anger. She knew she was worthy of this, and being denied by some glorified illusionary spark of magic was insulting. Its insults towards Sunshine Ivory too were an unforgivable insult, the one pony in the wasteland who was trying to make it a better place. She stamped a hoof down and felt all her power and skill return to her, knowing she could defeat this... thing. She killed for the Goddess for years, never defeated! She kicked off from the ground with a burst of strength and power, driving forward with horn angled for the strike.

“This is what I’m talking about!” Rainbow Dash gave a fierce laugh and leapt forward, easily dodging around Star Swirl’s stabbing thrust and swinging her hoof to catch her across the nose. Star Swirl winced at the stinging impact and tried to strike her with a thrusting hoof, Rainbow Dash angling her body to the side and letting it strike nothing but air. She countered with crushing force, opening up her wings with a single powerful thrust and striking Star Swirl with a storm off buffeting wind that flung her into the far wall with a crack.

Star Swirl crumpled to the ground with pain radiating across her whole body, Rainbow Dash landing with a crack of expanding air and a satisfied sigh. She turned, advancing on the fallen alicorn with a feline, prowling gait, “You see these bones? I killed her you know. Not Celestia, not the Equestrian army, Rainbow Dash!” She pulled her face into an ugly sneer, eyes angry and resolved, “I didn’t like it, having to kill someone like her because of some stupid war neither of us cared about, but I did it anyway. Because when it comes down the crunch, Rainbow Dash never lets her friends down. You got that?”

Star Swirl fought to stand, feeling like she really had a chance for a second there. She had remembered, how to fight, her speed and power... and she was still no match for the pegasus. With her magic she might have had a chance maybe, really it was foolish and arrogant to think she could beat such a famed Pegasus hoof to hoof, “I... have to get through... I haven’t come all this way for nothing...”

“Afraid you have.” Rainbow Dash stopped a short distance away, her eyes growing hard, “I may not be the real Rainbow Dash but Celestia instilled in me all the qualities of the real thing. She told me to guard what was behind this door, and I’ll be damned if I let somepony like you past.” She snorted, flinging her mane to the side, “So give up, before I really have to hurt you.”

“No... I can’t...”

“No, you cannot Star Swirl.” The soft tones caressed her ear, so soft and familiar. Time seemed to slow as a radiant alabaster pony stepped past, her luminescent mane flowing in slow sweeping waves. Rainbow Dash was frozen in place before the figure, Star Swirl staring in awestruck wonder at her smooth curves and powerful wings, the kind, wise eyes and long elegant horn. Princess Celestia smiled lovingly as she turned, nodding her head at the structure around them, “This is a sacred place, the bones of a creature who mastered the power of the sun. Feel that power here, feel its heat. Here it burns and bakes, drying out the land, merciless and unrestrained. Can you feel it?”

Star Swirl certainly could, she had been sweating under it for most of the day, “Yes, I can.”

“No, can you feel it?”

Star Swirl went to say something else, however she was forced to concede that unless Celestia was some concussion born hallucination she had a good chance of knowing what she was doing. Instead Star Swirl concentrated, concentrated on the sun so far above... she thought she could feel it, even inside like this, but all she really got from the experience was ‘hot’.

Celestia smiled encouragingly however, motioning up at the fossilised muscle above, “Feel the All-mother, her wisdom and strength. Take it into yourself, remember who she was.”

Star Swirl immediately felt... something. Images of a great dragon, golden scaled and proud. Memories of the heat of creation, of zebra still primitive and afraid. Of Discord, and other demons she didn’t recognise. Of Celestia and Luna, infants in her mighty eyes, but already concerning in their power and wisdom. Of the world, sun and moon, reflections of each other.

“Give up?”

Star Swirl focused again on Rainbow Dash, time back to normal. She made it to her hooves with one easy movement, her strength returned. In fact the pain seemed to have left her entirely, “No.”

“Then I’ll have to put you down, and drag you out myself.”

Star Swirl looked up at Rainbow Dash’s charging form, feeling the magic as it surged along her horn. Rainbow Dash yelled in pain as her hoof just deflected off her shield, suprise and not a little bit of fear in her expression as Star Swirl thrust her horn upwards to just narrowly miss her chest. Rainbow Dash recovered quickly and summersaulted in the air to strike Star Swirl under the chin, attempting to use the momentum to drive her elbow down into the alicorn’s temple but deflected away at the last second by a desperate surge of telekinesis.

Star Swirl dodged, weaved and struck, bolts of golden lightning illuminating the cavern. Rainbow Dash dodged effortlessly however, flicking herself into a tight barrel roll and a spinning kick that left another heavy bruise across her forehead. Star Swirl retaliated and with more luck than judgement knocked Rainbow Dash sprawling with a hard strike to the stomach, still Star Swirl was forced to use those few seconds of opening simply to recover.

She wasn’t going to be doing that telekinesis trick too often. Rainbow Dash hit hard, and with military precision, she would tire extremely quickly if she overused it. She realised it was only fear that Star Swirl would put her shields up again that stopped her from using her full strength and ending this already, instead content with wearing her down with repeated strikes to the head. Putting up her shields and just letting Rainbow Dash waste her strength would be... inadvisable against such an experienced foe.

This was insane. She was no fighter, and this was Rainbow Dash! A copy yes, but a good one. She...

She was just a copy! She could do this! She felt her resolve filled anew, locking eyes with the blue Pegasus as she rolled back onto to her hooves and sunk into a combat stance. They shared a brief moment of silence before Rainbow kicked off, her form blurring with speed.

Star Swirl felt her brief moment of panic transform into anger, a raw, burning anger than transformed into a sharp tingle all the way up her horn. Flames burst forth and Rainbow Dash was forced back, beating her wings desperately to ward off the heat. Star Swirl advanced without mercy, the flames transforming into a white hot beam of blazing plasma that burned away the pegasus’s pinion feathers, dropping her to the ground with a yell and a flaming wing. Star Swirl let out a laugh of triumph, stepping forward to stomp the annoying little pony into the ground.

Rainbow Dash hissed in pain and swept her uninjured wing upwards, sending out a burst of buffeting force that smacked Star Swirl right on the nose. She was forced to close her eyes, tears streaming down her face as she stumbled backwards...

Rainbow Dash rushed forward, jumping into the air with her hoof raised at a sharp angle and taking Star Swirl under the chin with full force. Star Swirl was actually flipped into the air by the sheer impact, hanging there for a second before Dash descended with a powerful drop kick straight to the chest, yelling out a battle cry as she span into a roundhouse kick that sent the alicorn crashing back into the far wall in a tangle of wings and legs.

Star Swirl felt everything. Her shoulder shattered, her right femur snapped clean in two, three of her ribs went. Her right wing crumpled entirely.

Rainbow Dash hit the ground in a crouch, watching Star Swirl for a moment before allowing herself to gasp, taking her breaths in deep, raspy gulps. She was allowed to, Star Swirl had to concede that she had won. Quite convincingly.

But... but she can’t have won! She couldn’t lose! So much depended on this fight, her destiny, maybe the entire fate of the wasteland! She couldn’t lose now, to... this!

Star Swirl raised her head, feeling her pain vanish in the face of her overwhelming rage. She focused on the gasping form of Rainbow Dash, scanning her wrinkles, the obvious look of pain, the clearly dyed mane... Rainbow Dash had been copied after the death of the All-Mother, when she was in her late forties at least. She was losing to a geriatric, long past her prime!

“Holy... shit.” Rainbow Dash gasped in suprise and not a little bit of terror as Star Swirl rose, backing away a few steps with one of the first expressions of real doubt seen on the mare. Star Swirl liked it, she liked that look. That terror at seeing real power, of knowing that she couldn’t win. Star Swirl felt glorious, her injuries nothing, her doubts gone. She felt the beat of the sun above, the beat of the earth below... Rainbow Dash’s gravely tones broke the moment like a sledgehammer, “What did that crazy mare do to you? You’re just like...”

Star Swirl growled, her horn flaring. A pair of superheated air bubbles formed about Rainbow Dash, Star detonating them both as she charged forward for the kill. Rainbow Dash cursed and dodged the first, the second however caught her in the shockwave and sent her stumbling straight into Star Swirl’s hooves. Again it wasn’t that easy, Rainbow Dash rolled like a master and got out with only a bleeding muzzle and a bruised shoulder, growling and jumping forward for a hard strike against Star’s jaw.

It went through air, Star Swirl’s form blurring and fading to reveal her real position just below, perfectly positioned to strike. She thrust upwards, her horn sliding straight through Rainbow Dash’s heart.

The pegasus gasped, staring at the bleeding hole and trying to force her hooves against the increasingly slippery grooves. Her expression became desperate, scared and uncomprehending, “Da... Ngh... well... first time for...”

Star Swirl detonated her magic, turning the mare into nothing more than a cloud of sparkling lights. Her blood too instantly dissolved, several previously invisible runes on the surrounding walls glowing bright for a second before fading away. She had won.

She advanced forward with might and magisty, her magic easily unlocking the door and throwing it open with a simple burst of telekinesis. The room beyond was a slightly larger chamber, if the dragon’s anatomy was anything like her own she would guess this would be one of the heart’s atrium. A spear stuck out of the ground at an angle, the most immediate eye catching item, Star Swirl noticing a collection of other smaller items surrounding it.

And it was eye catching. Pure white with gold etching, it was decorated with solar images and dancing alicorns, swan like wings spreading out at the top and bottom to give it spin on launch. It seemed to be made for both close combat and throwing, bladed on one side and pointed at the end, though it seemed a little large for any regular pony. A particularly skilled and powerful unicorn maybe, or maybe...

She trotted forward, her hoof reaching out a little. It was the perfect size for her. She could use this, she was even skilled with melee weapons. And was this... was this once wielded by Celestia herself? To touch just a small piece of her, to wield the weapons she wielded...

She wrapped a hoof around the shaft, feeling the surge of energy as the weapon pulsed with light. All at once, her magic failed.

The strength disappeared, the magic disappeared. The confidence, the rage, the power... it was all wiped away with a single burst of holy light. She felt a vengeful scream from within her own subconscious, followed swiftly by her own, rather more pained, scream as she suddenly remembered her broken leg and shattered ribs.

She hit the floor with a crack as her broken bones shifted, puncturing organs and flesh. Unconsciousness was fortunately instantaneous.


Something was touching her face. It was... a hoof. She felt terrible, not even able to resist as something forced her jaw open and poured a vial of bitter liquid down her throat. She coughed and gasped feebly, slowly regaining consciousness as she felt the healing potion take effect. Unfortunately pain returned with it, every inch of her broken body registering its discomfort. She blinked her eyes open and stared blearily into a pair of soft brown eyes, soft pretty face, black and white stripes... “Zenai?”

“I’m sorry. Your friends have returned to the capital.”

Star Swirl focused a little more, realising that this zebra was male and much younger than Zenai, he could barely be twelve or thirteen. He had a kind look about him, the bag slung over his shoulder carrying medical supplies, “Who... are you?”

“Friends.” The zebra looked behind him, Star Swirl picking out two other ponies. One was a pegasus, lanky and dangerous looking with a wary look in his eye and a long barrelled revolver slung at his shoulder. The other was a unicorn mare, a little chubby, her long black mane lying in dark curls across her grey fur. Neither of them looked any older than the zebra. He caught her looking and gave her a kindly smile for reassurance, “We know what you are, who gave you the power to defeat Rainbow Dash. You have the power of the sun now.”

Any other time Star Swirl would be bouncing around at that statement. Now however? “I have the power of pain...”

“Now you know how it feels!” The unicorn mare shouted, her face arrogant and gleeful. It faded after a second however, to an expression that was almost respectful, “But you beat Rainbow Dash. I didn’t think it was possible.”

“Same way she beat Princess Luna.” The pegasus commented grumpily, “Luck and cheap tricks. Now come on, we have to go. She’s not going to die anymore, so stop wasting our healing potions on her.”

The zebra sighed and turned back to Star Swirl, his expression regretful, “I’m sorry. You got hurt pretty bad to get in here, and now we just come in and take all the best stuff. Honestly, all we want is the spear. We’ve left everything else for you.”

Star Swirl fought to move, however every twitch sent spasms of pain shooting through her. Eventually she just gave up, spotting the pegasus and unicorn carrying the weapon away, “Why... why do you want the spear?”

“It’s for Princesss Luna. It belonged to her sister, all there is left of her now.” The zebra let his head fall as he fought for further words, eventually just moving his head back to take a needle of brownish fluid from his bag, “I’m going to inject you with this, it will help your bones to set properly.”

“Just... like that...?”

“It hurts. A lot.” The zebra stepped back and took hold of something, rolling it over to reveal a small, gold banded memory orb, “This should stop the worst of it. Are you ready?”

Star Swirl tried to protest, she still had so many questions, “Wait, what...?”

The zebra kicked the orb lightly, the glass ball striking square against her horn.


She had experienced memory orbs before, the disorientation of the generally massive difference in size and weight always making her uncomfortable. As such it was quite a shock to find herself in a body even taller than her, her host... her, she was almost certain she was female... her host making her way through a rocky crag that looked much like the mountains they had just traversed. There were other sensations, feeling the sun pulsing insistently through the heavy cloak her host was wearing and a heavy pounding sound like a heart beat just on the edge of hearing. The ground under her feet also seemed a little too close and insistent, the layout and composition of the land around feeding into her senses as she climbed the loose stone with sure footed agility. She could feel the life beneath her, the insects and birds, feel the natural magic that pulsed through this place. It was awe inspiring and overwhelming, Star Swirl subsequently finding it hard to focus on what was in front of her. All her senses seemed more acute, her eye sight picking out the looser stones and her ears alert for any sound of danger.

Her host carried her regardless, moving up the cliff face into a cave set high into the side. She advanced with careful, watchful eyes, even as her steps remained confident and dignified. She expanded her... senses was the best way to describe it... feeling the figure inside even before he came into view.

The cave was clearly identifiable as a hastily cobbled together zebra alchemical lab, sharing the space with a simple cot and several chests of clothing and supplies that someone was clearly using as a living area. As caves go it wasn’t too bad, a warm alchemical flame above providing light, but Star Swirl felt her host’s apprehension and dismay at the scene before her.

Dismay? Was that the word? It was hard reading emotions in a memory orb, all she had to go on were cues such as the churning of the stomach and tensing of muscles. Her host certainly seemed increasingly nervous though, especially when her eyes turned to the red cloaked zebra sat in a strange half crouched position in the corner, “My apologies for intruding Harbinger.”

Her host’s voice was clear and calm, with a regal accent and somewhat familiar tone. Star Swirl hesitated to move to the clear conclusion for fear of having a total breakdown, hesitating until the zebra confirmed it for her, “Celestia. Alone, with no guards, her powers dampened, in the lair of a notorious terrorist preaching war against her kind.”

Star Swirl would have started hyperventilating right there if the memory orb hadn’t held her firmly in place. It was rather helpful that Celestia herself actually relaxed at the zebra’s words, the tension she had felt before melting away, “I don’t think I have anything to fear from you Harbinger.”

“No, you’re right. Still a risk though.” The zebra smiled slightly, “Is it because you’re confident you could take me in a fight?”

“I’m pretty sure I could escape in the event of trouble.”

The zebra gave a cough, grimacing as he moved onto his hooves, “Don’t play coy Celestia, I’m an old stallion, a history teacher. Even in that form you could destroy me in a moment, likely take on my whole organisation if you had the mind.”

Her host’s heart went tight, her body tensing, “And would that solve anything?”

“It would buy you a few more years.” The zebra’s eyes burned through the darkness, hard, icy orbs set into a wrinkled, angular face, “I don’t suppose that’s anything to an immortal.”

“A few more years of peace is worth a lot to me.”

“Save the platitudes. That’s what angers me Celestia, that... laziness. Inaction? I don’t know anymore.” The zebra trotted forward, pawing the dirt with a hoof as he stared up at Celestia with a cold, questioning glare, “You offered those words without thinking, plucked them from your collection of clichés. I’m not sure you even have a reason for behind here.”

Celestia didn’t anger. In fact her body relaxed even further in response to the zebra’s taunts, “I’m here to find some solution. This conflict has gone on long enough, and only makes your people suffer more.”

“The solution has always been in your hands Celestia. You know I have little power, same as any ideologue or terrorist. My power lies in the grievances of the people. Without that I am nothing, and my absence would not make those grievances go away.”

“You could buy us time...”

“For what?” The zebra responded harshly, though his eyes almost instantly melted into heartfelt sympathy. He averted them quickly, staring down at the ground before him, “I understand Celestia. Luna has learned how to lead, and the elements of harmony have come into their own. I... apologise. I miscalculated. I am ever... a student of history.”

“And I am sorry too. But you would be mistaken to think that I would back down before terrorism.”

The zebra turned away and moved into the light of his alchemical lab, his voice dry and croaky, “I did not expect you to. But you would have done something. You would kill me, denounce my ideals, but you would move to stop another of me arising. I do not fear to die if you would do that for me. I am willing to be the villain of the piece.”

Celestia smiled, warmly, genuinely, “You fear to die. Only the lost and the reckless have no fear of death.”

“Is that how it will be? Call each other out on our bullshit? I agree to your terms Celestia.” Harbinger raised his head, sunken eyes reflecting the light of the potions in front of him, “Luna has dug her heels in.”

Celestia definitely experienced some emotion at this, though she forced it back inside by pure will, “It is my fault Harbinger, don’t blame her. I allowed the industrial sector to grow too quickly, become dependent on zebra exports. If we make the changes you suggest, the industrial sector will collapse. Many ponies will suffer.”

Harbinger angered noticeably, “Zebra are suffering.”

“As you said, I am immortal Harbinger.” Celestia bowed her head, her chest tightening even as she said the words, “All things pass. The question here is whether to share the pain today among all of us, or to allow it to rest upon the zebra alone.”

Harbinger’s back arched, his hooves scraping across the wooden table, “And you have no duty to us?”

“No, I don’t. And to turn against my duty is to endure the blame and hatred of thousands of my loyal subjects, to see the authority of my rule stripped away.” She brought her head up to face him, forcing her face into an authorative frown with all too well practiced muscles, “And I no longer rule by myself Harbinger.”

“My family is dead. Because of the economic policies you put in place.”

“I know Harbinger. It doesn’t change the duty I owe to my sister.” Celestia closed her eyes, heart sinking, “And as you said, I put those policies in place, not the first nor the greatest of my recent mistakes. For all my arrogance, I have to consider the possibility that my sister is right.”

Harbinger turned to her, eyes furious, “She advocates war upon us!”

“And with the zebra nations as vassal states, economic aid could be effectively provided and our technology shared without fear.”

Harbinger’s stare chilled Star Swirl to the bone, quite relieved when she felt even Celestia quake a little under those terrible eyes. He gritted his teeth, hoof sliding close to a heavily reinforced beaker at the side of the table. Star Swirl’s heart froze at the sight of the swirling pink gas within, though Celestia didn’t seem to recognise it from her lack of reaction. Harbinger’s tones were deadly enough, “You support your sister’s colonial aspirations then? That we proud zebra should become just another part of your grand nation?”

“I do not support that, no. But I support my sister.” Her eyes moved to the beaker, “And killing me would only change things for the worse. Whatever is in there, put it down.”

Harbinger hesitated for a moment before moving his hoof away, “I’m not a fool, I know what would happen. Nightmare Moon risen again, the end of the world.”

Celestia angered, a boiling heat in her chest that only translated into a small frown on her implacable features, “No, it would not. But wrath needs no demon’s influence. My death would only fuel her course, and be assured that she would not treat the zebra kindly in victory.”

“You assume there would be victory.”

Celestia’s tone filled with anger now, frustration boiling up in her, “The zebra nations have a lower population, lower technology level, are on the edge of economic collapse, are politically unstable and possess no magic! By forcing this issue, you will just end up causing the pointless deaths of thousands!”

“Then kill me now.” Harbinger deflated quietly, “I will not make it easy on you, I will not yeld. Kill me now, or I will put all my remaining days into stopping you.”

“Your actions are on your own conscience Harbinger.” Celestia turned away, her expression dark, “Do as you will, and face the consequences the same.”

Harbinger’s voice sounded out, his soft tones the last before the memory ended, “And you the same. Goodbye, Princess Celestia.”


Level Up - Level 6 reached.
New Perk Added: Bloody Mess
“Mmm... salsa.”
People around you just seem to explode. You gain a bonus to dismemberment chances, and gain an extra 5% on damage.

New Quest Perk: Legacy of Celestia Level 2
“Dear Princess Celestia...”
You’re just a little closer to the ideal of your legendary ancestor. You gain +2 perception and +1 strength in direct sunlight.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.
Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.
If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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