• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 2.10 - The Seat Of Power

Chapter 2.10 - The Seat Of Power

Sebastian awoke, blinking in confusion for a while as he admired the unfamiliar ceiling, the whitewashed walls decorated with elegant purple script. The bed too was too soft, too fluffy and insubstantial. He wondered where his itchy, factory made university sheets were, and why he now seemed to be in a palace.


He groaned as he levered himself out of bed, stretching out his talons to relieve the stiffness of the long journey. His suitcase sat at the side of the room, untouched, leaving the fancy furniture and elaborate paint job stark and impersonal. He yet again resented this, quietly and personally of course. He wasn’t the sort to complain out loud.

“Massta Baster! You wanted to be woken up... aw, no fair, you’re awake.”

He turned his head to look at his sister, unable to keep from smiling a little at her excitable, grinning face. She was still a damn skinny little thing, her head feathers dyed in wild purples and reds and her ears pierced with dangling gold and gems, “You’re still a dashgirl then Kerri?”

“We can’t all be boring.” She quipped, padding over to him and running a claw through his head feathers, “Do they teach you that at University? All those little Manehatten graduates in their grey suits and natural feathers, is it an actual dress code or something?”

“I like to look professional.”

“Oh man, you’re actually serious!” She chuckled wildly, punching him on her shoulder and jumping on the bed behind to push him forward, “Come on Baster, go go go! We’re got a lot to do this morning!”

He sighed, rising reluctantly at her urging, “Ok, ok, I’m going...”


Kerri was gone when he got back from the shower, off causing trouble somewhere else no doubt. He enjoyed the silence, carefully dressing himself in his vest and tie, brushing his feathers into something approaching neat respectability.

Many had asked him why. Because of his older brother, always in the papers for one reason or another? Because of his grandmother, great founder of the NCR? Because of his mother, war hero and companion of the Elements of Harmony and Littlepip?

He did it for himself. He liked looking nice. He wanted to be seen as humble and reliable. He wished everypony would stop thinking he was being anything other than himself.

He stepped out into the hall, feeling the humble bit drained away with every hoofcarved dresser and antique portrait. A pony in a courtier’s uniform stood expectantly a short distance away, turning with a smile and a regal bow. Sebastian hesitated and the pony approached, his tone impeccable as he primly addressed him, “Master Sebastian, good morning to you. May I assist you with anything?”

This was weird. And vaguely undemocratic, his mother was ‘Arbiter’, not ‘Princess’, “Um... where is everyone?”

“If you are referring to your family, your father is in the living room with Mistress Stefani. Mistress Kerrida left five minutes ago without telling anyone of her destination.”

“Sounds like her.” Sebastian smiled, having wondered how his ever independent sister was coping in a place like this. As always, with a smile and a skip it seemed, “She’ll find me when she wants to I suppose.”

The courtier nodded politely, “As you say sir. Your mother is currently engaged in the business of the morning, however she asks that you meet her at the entrance to the Sister’s Hall at 11am.”

He couldn’t help smiling, having been worried that the current situation was going to keep them apart. It felt profoundly uncomfortable that he hadn’t seen her in months, and that she had been away on business on his first night home. He didn’t blame her of course, she was a busy griffon. Still he was finding it hard, “Thank you. I think I’ll see my father.”

“Very good.” The pony waved an elegant hoof, “Just down the hall, third door on the right.”

The living room was equally as posh, still it clearly showed the signs of being lived in at least. Rather chewed toys and a heavily mauled scratching post cluttered up the corner of the room, the likely culprit curled up snoozing on the sofa next to her father. He could tell this was obviously his father’s room, his big, dog eared books piled up on tables and several empty cans of beer filling the bin, a pile of his half finished portraits stacked up on a side table. The television was on, his father’s eyes narrowed as he paused and rewinded the same bit of footage repeatedly. He looked round as Sebastian entered, grinning crookedly and rising to meet him, “Good morning son.”

Sebastian smiled, his father hadn’t changed. His jacket was still smart but crumpled and worn, his feathers slightly ungroomed in a way that suggested he hadn’t attended to them in a couple of days, his glasses still a few levels away from being remotely fashionable. His voice was wonderfully familar, gruff, straightforward and full of affection, “What are you watching dad?”

“Red Eye.”

He spoke simply, sitting back down and rewinding the footage. Now Sebastian was closer he could clearly see he was right, the recording some sort of rally, filmed from the crowd. His father played the footage and the large, crimson alicorn on the balcony gestured and waved, Sebastian moving closer. It looked... well, who was he kidding, Red Eye had died before he was born, it wasn’t like he was any sort of expert, “Hasn’t it got sound?”

“Listened to his damn speech a hundred times over.” His father responded, tapping a claw against his cheek, “Nothing interesting. A load of crowd pleasing nonsense, flattering the egos of idiots.”

“His voice matches?”

“Yeah. And his body language, mannerisms... can’t tell his face, he’s too far away for a good look. Physique is different, but he’s apparently an alicorn now.”

Sebastian felt that should provide some clues. There weren’t that many of them, “Any male alicorns unaccounted for?”

“None that match up. No female alicorns either.” His father grunted, taking another swig of beer and shaking his head as he paused the recording once again, “This is the third decent recording of him we have, and we still don’t know anything.”

“Could it be him?”

“I worked with Red Eye.” His father reminded him, his voice low and growly, “This guy might be a damn good impersonator, but his tactics are pure raider. Burning isolated settlements, raiding caravans... nothing big, nothing that will pay off large. It doesn’t match, Red Eye was all about the big plots.”

Sebastian didn’t like the sound of that, “Maybe it’s a distraction. Maybe he’s planning something bigger.”

“Oh, we’ve thought of that. And we’re on alert as much as we possibly can, given the circumstances.” He sighed, sinking into the chair and turning an eye to the sleeping form of Stefani. A satisfied smile spread across his face as he observed her chest rise and fall, eventually nodding to Sebastian, “Go find your mother, she’s waiting for you.”


Sebastian stood in the corridor outside the Hall of the Sisters, idling the time away as he waited for his mother. His eyes were once more drawn to the portraits of Arbiters, one of three walls within the palace hung with pictures of them. Each were different in some way, this wall saw them in their elegant best. His mother looked strangely comfortable and commanding in a black and gold silk ballgown, even though he had never seen her wear a dress before or since. Flowing Script looked suitably overpowered by his overdesigned suit. Olden Charms gave a cheeky and grandfatherly smile from his somewhat quirky and old fashioned waistcoat and cravat. Velvet Promises was naturally clad in her slinky crimson dress.

And his grandmother, standing proud in the Talon dress uniform.

He had never really known her. To his eternal shame he had been scared of her when she was alive, scared by the contrast between the stories and the sick, crippled thing that lay wasting away under a crowd of medical equipment and scurrying doctors. Her voice had been a whisper, her touch trembling and weak. He hated himself for it now, that he had been unable to face it.

It still made him shiver. She had been an icon. Ponies talked about her in hushed tones, the founder of the republic. She hadn’t deserved to die like that, still so young, yet crippled by a slow, incurable disease that stripped everything from her. He was a coward, and liked certainties. That death was noble, that the strength of heroes was eternal, that the ones he admired would one day just... leave, without forcing him to watch them decline into shadows of what they once were.

His sister had mocked him, told him that one day it would be up to them to help the elements of harmony find their teeth and make it to the toilet on time. He knew it was true but it still scared him like nothing else.

He sighed and activated his radiobud, wanting something to distract him from his morbid thoughts.

“...there has been no word. All sources close to the government say that the official response is still under discussion, and that there is no imminent danger to our borders. But you heard it here first folks, despite action still being ‘under discussion’ old Rusty Needle has eyewitness accounts that agents from the regular army and Steel Rangers are currently landing in the zebra lands. Rescue mission? Prelude to invasion? Your guess is as good as mine listeners.

In other news, the Applejack Rangers have announced the death of Star Paladin Lucky Days. You might remember this guy as the one in charge of the Uniclip raid, not to mention he earned those paladin stripes in the war against the Enclave when he downed the heavy cruiser Cloudreaper from within. Official reports are that he fell in battle to Red Eye’s forces, but my sources tell me that the guy was actually stationed around Route 52 at the time, a heck of a long way from the fighting.

And this is where it gets interesting folks, because that Followers mare Zenai that I told you about? She actually hails from the town of Ironworks, and was a member of the Route 52 church. Coincidence? Or is there some connection between this enigmatic little zebra and the death of one the Ranger’s most decorated officers?”


Sebastian froze up, instantly recognising those familiar tones. He wasn’t sure if he was thrilled or terrified, again embarrassed at just how deeply her affections could affect him. Call it an affliction of having spent all his life surrounded by strong women, he was now pretty used to his lack of will when it came to them.

He turned slowly and clicked off his radio, finding himself grinning as the young pony trotted up, the very picture of grace and authority. She had grown since they last saw each other... a little bit at least. Pretty like her mother yet robust like her father, she already had the makings of a great beauty. Her grey coat was highlighted by a dramatic, ice blue mane that draped about her shoulders, striped with a single streak of white. It matched her clear, intelligent eyes, her cutie mark a sparkling set of three silver tiaras. He smiled warmly at her, wondering quite how to address her now. She certainly seemed a little more mature, so would ruffling her mane be inappropriate? Twelve year old girls were complicated... he went with what felt most honest, “Elegant Waters, it’s good to see you again!”

It was the right choice, she positively bounced at his greeting, “Oh Bastian, did you miss me? Did you really?”

He grinned, she really was a charmer, “Of course I did.”

A small, quiet little buck snuck out from behind Elegant Waters and stared up at Sebastian with a pair of impossibly deep, yellow eyes, not a hint of emotion on his face. He looked around for a moment before locking eyes on Sebastian once more, “I liked your old house better.”

“Yeah, me too.” Sebastian smiled at Pitch Perfect, shrugging his shoulders, “I don’t live here anymore though, I’ve moved out.”

“Why?” He questioned, “Do you hate your mother?”

“What? No.” Heaven forbid. Sebastian was well aware he was a momma’s boy, “I’m just at university now.”

“Ace Gold ran away because...”

“Pitchy, enough of that.” Elegant Water warned officiously, her eyes narrowing in irritation.

“I’m sorry.” Sebastian stated emphatically, having wanted to say it to her for a long time. His family was tight, and he had always struggled to cope with Elegant’s lack of stability, “Have you had any further news?”

“My brother is an idiot, but he can take care of himself.” She stated with a wry grin, instantly fading into a snobbish, irritated frown as she angled her nose upwards, “I am perfectly capable of dealing with his foolishness, but honestly! Our father and mother are both currently involved in very delicate situations, and he chooses to have his little teenage rebellion now?? Buck is simply looking for attention, and I refuse to talk about him any more than I need to!”

Ah Elegant, as always the voice of self satisfied reason. Knowing her she was likely thrilled at all the attention this was getting her, and half the reason Ace Gold had run away was to escape his younger sister’s shadow. He sympathised, “I understa...”

“It’s not even about our mother you know?” She interrupted him, flinging her hoof upwards in a exaggerated gesture of exasperation, “Our poor mother has always been a convenient scapegoat to hang the fact that he is completely incapable of talking about his problems, I mean honestly!”

“Elegant Waters, not every...”

She sniffed loudly, waving her hoof in a wide arc, “I mean, he’s supposed to be the eldest. He’s supposed to be our father’s heir, but instead I have to pick up the slack. It’s just typical, he never thinks of anypony but himself!”

“Elegant Waters.” He grinned as he held a single talon to her lips, silencing her momentarily. Her shocked, slightly embarrassed look was worth it alone, “Not everypony is like you. Let’s face it, you don’t know the slightest thing about machines.”

She glowered, trying desperately to hide the blush in her cheeks as she muttered her reply, “Because they’re stupid. We’re rich, we can hire ponies to work machines for us.”

He chuckled, again aware why so many ponies found Elegant Waters to be exasperating. Sadly, he was not one of them, and all the worst for it... “Then just accept that not everypony is as confident or skilled with expressing themselves as you are. Your brother was never going to fit in to the high society we live in as well as you.”

Indeed, he kinda understood. He wasn’t exactly suited to this life either, rather glad he came of age when his mother first became Arbiter. He had been able to flee to university before he was immersed in politics and celebrity, the academic world a place a griffon like him was instantly at home with.

“Expressing yourself is easy. You just think about what you want, and say it!” Elegant Waters cut his thinking off once again, never letting a silence go unfilled. Indeed she... totally distracted him, fixing him with a pair of pretty, blue eyes, her mouth open in an inviting pout, “You’re looking even more handsome than ever Bastian. You’ve been working out haven’t you?”

He froze, “Uh...”

She grinned, stepping forward and wrapping two hooves about his leg, pressing her ear to his side as she whispered seductively, “I still haven’t forgotten you know. I haven’t got a boyfriend yet...”

“I... uh...”

She suddenly stiffened, moving away and glaring up at him with an expression of cold burning rage, “You haven’t got a girlfriend have you?”

“What... no... I...”

“You cheated on me?!”

“I haven’t got a girlfriend!”

She glared at him for a moment more before her expression softened, a cute smile taking her lips, “Good. You’re all mine.”

“I... um...” He resisted the urge to forcefully take hold of his tongue and tear it out, simply taking a deep breath and trying to extract himself from this conversation, “Elegant Waters, you’re... twelve. And I’m fifteen...”

“My father is seven years older than my mother.” She stated smugly, grinning as she rendered him speechless once again, “And think about it, our children would unite the two most powerful families in the NCR. It would be a dynasty that would bring real stability to the nation.”

“Our children?” Images of horrific monstrous crossbreeds briefly surfaced before he punched them back down, shaking his head at the mare, “Elegant Waters, you do know... I’m a griffon, and you’re a pony.”

She frowned deeply, looking rather hurt, “I’m not a racist Bastian!”

“No, I mean... we can’t have children. We’re from two entirely different species.”

“That’s rubbish! I’m sure I’ve seen... heard of...” Her expression dropped, now looking a little panicked, “Really?”

Sebastian felt bad now, she really looked crushed. He knew that her affection for him wasn’t just some game to her, that she had planned out their lives in elaborate detail. It felt like breaking a child’s toy to crush her dreams like this, “I’m afraid so.”

“But there are plenty of griffons and ponies that are together!” She waved her arms somewhat hilariously in his general direction, “And I’ve studied! We’re the same... general... shape...”

Oh heavenly Celestia preserve him. Of course she had looked it up, how very like her. He just hoped she had used reputable sources... “Please... don’t talk about things like that so openly... and it’s not able that, it’s about DNA...” He frowned thinking she really should know about this, “Haven’t you done sex education at school?”

“Oh yeah.” She grinned widely, “It was hilarious.”

He sighed. Elegant Waters was extremely intelligent when it came to things that interested her, unfortunately her sense of inevitable purpose extended to her certainty that certain subjects were irrelevant and not worth her time, “The instructions for building... little griffons... are very different for those for ponies. You can’t mix those instructions together and expect them to make any sense.”

She dropped her head, her lip quivering for a second before she set it firm in place, “Well I... that doesn’t matter. We can adopt orphans, give them the opportunity...”

“Elly.” Pitch Perfect tugged at her side, eyes gently pleading, “I need to go potty.”

“Oh, right.” She perked up, though her smile still looked a little forced, “We’ll speak later, ok Bastian?”

“Sure.” He nodded as she took Pitch Perfect’s shoulder and led him towards the toilets, feeling really down now. Although not in the way she hoped, he did like Elegant Waters and... hoped they would have some kind of future together. Maybe he could even start to feel that way about her when she was older, though pretty much all ponies seemed a little too fragile and pretty to... think about that kind of thing.

“You’re so smitten with that underdeveloped flank. You big pedo.”

He span, startled by the sudden voice, pouting a little as he saw his sister there grinning from ear to ear. He batted at her with the back of his claw and she playfully blocked it and backed away, still grinning cheerfully. He sighed, his sister never changed, “I don’t think of her that way and you know it.”

“Oh come on.” She smirked, “I can hear your heart beating from here. She’s got you smitten, admit it.”

He... wasn’t going to deny that. He wasn’t after all, entirely sure himself, “That doesn’t mean I have any interest in... flanks.”

She laughed, shaking her head in despair, “You are such a boyscout. Courtly love and chastity, that is just so like you Bastian. It’s... kinda adorable actually.”

“Look Kerri, don’t joke ok?” He turned his eyes sadly in the direct she left, feeling his chest really hurt now, “She’s really upset.”

“Because you two can’t have little griffon babies?”

“Yes.” He glared at her, wishing she would take things seriously for once, “Ok, she’s a little self centred. She’s young Kerri, you weren’t any different.”

She smirked, “A little?”

“Yes. Because she really does want to help. She wants our families to bond together to give the republic stability.”

Kerri snorted, “She wants our families together so we can become royalty, and she can be a princess.” She gave him a wry, mocking grin, “You were always a sucker for a pretty face Bastian, and always assume ponies are more virtuous than they actually are.”

He pouted back at her, “Maybe they might suprise you.”

“Oh Bastian, you’re so cute...” Kerri suddenly grinned wide, giving a amused little giggle as she spotted something behind Bastian. She leaned closer, her words whispered, “Mother duck, incoming. Watch out Bastian, she knows you want to molest her daughter and she’s brought reinforcements!”

Bastian turned, unable to keep from smiling a little alongside her. The troop before him made its way down the corridor at its leader’s hurried pace, her chubby form only made more commanding by the elaborate grey and gold robes she was wearing. Her coterie of young, skinny looking ponies did indeed cut a rather amusing sight as they trailed behind, carrying clipboards and hurriedly typing into pipbucks, “I guess they’re starting. So where’s...”


He turned as another group emerged from behind a corner, composed of a pair of guards, a gently smiling Life Bloom and his mother’s aide Gavorn, his mother marching in front. She was dressed in her normal uniform, neat but not too neat, in a dull grey suit unbuttoned at the top and a purposeful look in her eye. He hesitated, stammering a little at seeing her so suddenly, “M... mother...”

“Walk with me son.” She stated, taking him with a gentle claw as she passed and pulling him alongside her. He fell into position after a brief stumble and looked up at Regina, his mother continuing ahead with a determined stare. It was... impressive, feeling a little flushed at the sight. He had seen that expression on posters, marvelling at how well she pulled off the ‘grim, serious, angry public servant’ image. This was pretty much the first time he had seen it in person, and he had to admit it was convincing.

She noticed him looking after a moment and the grim look faded, his mother returning with a gentle, apologetic smile as she turned her head to him, “I’m sorry things are so busy. You’re going to have to put up with me being selfish for now, and I really am glad you’re here beside me.”

“It’s ok...” He soothed, feeling his heart glow at her words, “Are you really taking me to the meeting?”

“You’re a Grimfeather. You can try and choose whatever path you want, but you learned long ago that the republic expects us to stand in its defence when it matters.” She spoke gravely, her eyes moving to the distance ahead, “Your sister eagerly took up my pistols. I expect no less a commitment from you.”

He lowered his head, afraid of this. He admired the family tradition, but always hoped his sister could fulfil that obligation and leave him to forge his own path. He loved the republic that his family had forged, but he was no fighter, “I’m an artist and naturalist mother. I hate politics.”

“You hate politicians, which is hardly a bad trait in politics.” She gave a soft, half smile, “You’re patient and honest, with a good eye for the positive qualities in others. You make friends easily, and you know how to compromise.”

“Which makes me a terrible politician.”

“That cynicism will serve you well too.” She replied with a deadpan snort, “And I’m not asking you to do anything but watch, and give me your opinion when we’re done.”

Sebastian wasn’t sure how valuable that would be. He knew as much about politics as he did about quantum physics, “You want my opinion?”

“The opinion of an honest griffon is a rare and valuable thing in these halls.”

His mother had certainly developed her own cynicism, “What about Velvet Remedy?”

Regina gave a wide, lopsided grin, “She didn’t become the most powerful mare in the NCR by throwing around the truth without cause.”


Regina chuckled, “Never play her at cards.”


The chamber of the sisters was as pretty and impressive as he had heard, smaller than the grand council chamber but no less inspiring and intimidating to stand within. Celestia and Luna stared down from their carving upon the far wall, the old Equestrian flag hanging either side. The guests were already present at the great table at the centre of the room, looking up expectantly as Regina moved to take the position at the head. Sebastian looked around, noting the previously seen Velvet Remedy, Elder Stern Lancer of the Applejack Rangers, General Brigandine of the Army of the Republic, Captain Silver Rade of the security services and Admiral Swift Ender of the Republic air force. It was an impressive group to be sure, even with Silver Rade and Swift Lancer standing in for Commissioner Calamity and Grand Elder Peach Trees. He bent his head to whisper to Life Bloom, “Why is Velvet Remedy here?”

“Her own son and Elder Fluttershy are two of those missing.” He paused for a moment before adding, “It is unconventional, Regina invited her. Technically this is all unconventional, the civilian and military branches of government are separated. Regina ‘invited’ them all here to discuss their possible decisions, she has no authority over them.”


Life Bloom gave a thin, slightly nervous smile, “Calamity and Brigandine are personally loyal to your mother, and Swift Ender will side with them. This is how an arbiter gets things done Sebastian, by overstepping their authority at every turn.”

“Thank you for coming to this meeting today.” Regina spoke, her voice instantly shifting into the slightly deeper, less accented voice he had heard her use on radio broadcasts, “I have called you all in to discuss a unified approach to the recent events in the zebra territories. I trust that you are all familiar with the general situation?”

“To an extent Arbiter.” General Brigandine started, his voice deep and diplomatic. It matched the griffon perfectly, old and grandfatherly, covered in numerous scars that didn’t spoil a kindly, thoughtful looking face, “Last reports were... confusing, to say the least.”

Silver Rade stepped forward, Sebastian having to have lived under a rock to not recognise her by sight. It was certainly odd seeing her in the same room with Velvet Remedy, Sebastian now wondering who Elegant Waters and Pitch Perfect were attending with. She certainly cut an impressive figure in her scrupulously neat uniform, a direct contrast to the normally worn and scruffy looking Calamity. Her voice too was clear and sharp, “In response to the loss of communication we sent scouts from the 4th Paras across to Star Fall, Demonivore and Karvoi. They all confirmed the same story, that assassins from within the Followers and diplomatic delegation assassinated Caesar’s father, and attempted to assassinate Caesar himself. During the conclusion most of the conspirators then fled into wilderness, along with Ambassador Fluttershy.”

“A captive, or a simple innocent party caught up in the confusion?” General Brigandine replied, “Or indeed, herself part of the conspiracy?”

Velvet Remedy moved her head to look at the griffon, seeming surprised but not angry as such, “You’re accusing Fluttershy?”

Brigandine shrugged, his expression amblivant, “No, simply raising the possibility. Fluttershy is not known to be violent true, but she is known for her extreme opinions and headstrong nature. “

“Whatever the case, this is a clear and grievous error on your part Velvet Remedy.” Stern Lancer accused as he leaned forward across the table, his sharp, somewhat sunken features giving him an air of grave authority, “Care to explain what exactly your response is to be?”

Velvet Remedy bowed her head in contrition, looking to each of her companions with an expression of profound sadness, “I accept the guilt on behalf of my organisation Elder Stern Lancer. I have reason to believe that the primary conspirator was a member of my organisation, and that she made it onto the expedition through a serious failure in our internal security.”

Stern Lancer’s face furrowed even further, “She tricked her way onto the expedition?”

“Indeed. When this was discovered she was expelled from the followers and her resources cut off. However, lacking any means to bring her home, she was still in a position to conduct this conspiracy.”

Stern Lancer grunted, sliding back into position behind the table, “Who?”

Velvet Remedy nodded to her assistant, who tapped a button on her pipbuck and caused an image of a pretty young zebra with a ponytail to appear as a hologram in the middle of the table. Velvet Remedy turned back to the others as she spoke, “This is Zenai, an archivist within the Route 52 Church. We believe she is the mastermind behind the conspiracy, and though her motives are still under investigation we believe she wished to drive a wedge between the NCR and the Zebra Nations.” Velvet Remedy’s voice dropped in pitch, her tones full of regret, “She is a well known NCR and Equestrian patriot, and expressed a hatred for the Zebra Empire in journals we recovered from her room. The Department of Justice is continuing their investigation as we speak.”

She then looked over to Silver Rade, nodding to the mare. Brigandine couldn’t help noting a slightly knowing look pass between them before Silver Rade spoke, “We are confident that she is the soul conspirator within the Followers, and that she acted alone.”

Stern Lancer didn’t look convinced, “She acted alone?”

“We believe she had aid from some mercenaries within Far Go traders, as well as those sympathetic to her cause in Caesar’s own lands.” Silver Rade pressed a button on her own pipbuck and another image appeared, this one a scruffy, weather beaten stallion in his middle years, “This is Dust Kicker, a respected NCR mercenary. He was escorting Zenai, we believe she might have possibly got to him. He has knowledge of explosives, the weapon used in the assassination attempt.”

“You are certain of these conclusions?” His mother asked firmly, receiving nodded acknowledgements from both Velvet Remedy and Silver Rade. She then bowed her head, deep in thought for quite a while before looking straight at Silver, “I am commissioning a special apprehension order on both Zenai and Dust Kicker. Level 4 and Level 3 respectively.”

“We accept these orders, and they will be entered in the record.” Silver Rade answered immediately, nodding to one of her aides, “To clarify, Zenai will have a dead or alive bounty, Dust Kicker an alive only bounty. The hiring of bounty hunters in this endeavour is authorised.”

Regina nodded, “That is correct. Thank you Commander Silver Rade.”

“This is well and good, but it doesn’t address the pressing danger.” Stern Lancer interrupted, still looking stern and angry, “This Caesar has a large powerful army and a grudge against the NCR. He also now knows where we are.”

“We took on the Enclave twice and won both times.” General Brigandine commented dismissively, waving a claw at Swift Ender, “Admiral, you know the NCR’s defences. What danger does this pose?”

The Admiral had been silent in thought for some time. At Brigandine’s question he looked up gravely at the griffon, “A serious one.”

Brigandine looked surprised, “Really?”

Swift Ender nodded, “You should know from your battles with Red Eye. Our military is designed to fight pegasi, against ground troops we lack experience, training and weapons. Red Eye’s forces are bandits and they have given us a tough fight, Caesar’s regular troops would be a far more difficult proposition.”

Stern Lancer shook his head, “We are doing fine against Red Eye. It’s more a problem of catching them, in any straight battle we easily prevail.”

“Exactly.” Swift Ender stated bluntly, “We are slow to react and we have no manoeuvrability, our troops more used to protecting fortified locations than seeking out opponents in complex terrain. This will prove a serious problem given the geography of Equestria and the current conflicts.”

“General Brigandine nodded gravely as this sunk in, “Fillydephia and the East coast are on opposite ends of the NCR. There will be no easy way to share forces, we would have to split them into two separate armies.”

“We cannot.” Stern Lancer declared, low and firm, “That would leave both armies without enough heavy and elite support, the Rangers simply do not have the ponies or equipment for such a task.” He tapped his pipbuck, grimly studying the map there, “If the army stations on the east coast they could mount a delaying action, falling back from the outlying villages to buy time. The Rangers would similarly retreat from the suburbs of fillydelphia. We will then shut down the caravans and leave a garrison to protect the city while the bulk of the organisation moves to reinforce the east.”

General Brigandine shook his head in disgust, the expression echoed by several of the others, “We cannot give up near ten percent of our territory as a... delaying action.”

Swift Ender nodded, the disapproval downplayed but still present in his voice, “Giving the zebra our ports will allow them to more easily land reinforcements.”

“That is war gentlestallions.” Stern Lancer declared stoically, “We cannot throw our army away defending the indefensible.”

His mother allowed this to sink in for a couple of seconds before finally speaking up, clear and determined, “There is another solution, one that will help the entire NCR.”

Brigandine smiled in cautious relief, looking to the arbiter in interest “And that is?”

“One of the biggest problems facing the NCR at present is the struggles of the industrial sector, hit by the lack of new construction and rising fuel prices.” Regina continued with authority and resolve, even as Sebastian noted the clear signs of nervousness in her eyes, “If we institute war taxes we will have the reserves to commission power armor, tanks and heavy weapons, supplying jobs for the suffering lower classes, stimulating the economy and allowing the regular army to stand on its own as an independent entity.”

“That is against military protocols and you know it Arbiter.” Stern Lance immediately answered, harsh and angry, “The Rangers have always provided the army with its elite and heavy support. It is an arrangement that won every war we have fought, and I will not allow you to change it just like that.”

His mother sighed, looking wearily across at the Ranger delegation, “Times change Elder.”

“Nothing has changed.” Stern Lance set his face hard against her, “You do not have the authority to do this and you know it.”

“Very well. I will call a vote among the military council.” Regina looked round at those sitting at the table, stubborn resolve taking root in her eyes, “This will be informal of course, but the Republic will note your decision and expect you to stick to it when the decision comes to formal vote.”

Stern Lancer shrunk a little now, looking round at the others as he likely tallied up his support, “But... we are not all here.”

“Actually I have a signed document here, authorising me to speak with Commander Calamity’s full authority.” Silver Rade stated, holding up the document in question and laying it down upon the table. I also have holocommunicator access to him, should you wish to confirm this.”

“And we all know which way Peach Trees would vote Stern Lancer.” Brigandine noted cheerfully, laying his claw down upon the table, “I’m happy to do this.”

“Of course you are!” Stern Lancer shouted, his composure lost, “This would immediately hand you twice the resources and authority!”

“ORDER!” Regina yelled, her fully raised voice shaking the room. Sebastian winced and ducked down in sheer terror, reassured to see many of the others doing the same. He smiled as his mother glared harshly at Stern Lancer, “I will not have raised voices or foalish outbursts about this table. You are a representative of this government, and you will conduct yourself accordingly.”

He shrunk back like a naughty child, “Of course...”

“Now, are all participants ready to vote?”

Nods were given from everyone around the table, Regina turning her eyes to Silver Rade first. The mare stared back for a moment of shared... something, before delivering her verdict, “I vote in approval. The safety of the citizens is paramount to our office.”

“I vote in approval.” Brigandine agreed, “For too long the army has lacked respect, not given the chance to rise above being mere grunts to the grindstone.”

“I vote in tentative approval.” Swift Ender noted cautiously, turning his gaze to Stern Lancer, “Regina offers a clear, sensible plan of action. Until you can offer the same I cannot in good faith do otherwise.”

Stern Lancer struggled with his emotions as the others all looked at him and his entourage, finally drawing himself up proudly. He stared across at them, his eyes cold and judgemental, “Since the birth of the republic the Rangers have protected it with their blood and bodies. In every major conflict we have seen the death of our best and brightest, and all we asked for it was respect for our honour and traditions.” He pursed his lips angrily, “And if you’re looking for more practical reasons... our knights and paladins are trained from birth for a life of service and battle, instilling them with the skills, virtue and physical prowess to be worthy of the power they bring to the battlefield. If you think giving a farmhand power armor and a missile launcher will make him a Ranger you will be sorely mistaken.”

The room went silent, Regina letting a second tick by before leaning across the table, “Your vote please Elder.”

“Damn you to hades Regina.” He muttered, glaring back at her, “I vote in disapproval.”

“Then that’s three votes to one. The motion passes!” Regina stepped back, turning her head to Life Bloom, “Get me some hard figures Life Bloom. Tell me how much this will cost, and how long it will take. If Caesar comes across that sea tomorrow, I want to be damn ready for him.”


“So that’s politics.”

Regina smiled at his comment as they sat together in the cosy confines of the drinking room, a tasteful and well furnished place with red velvet sofas and elegant curtains all around the walls, a redwood bar in the far corner holding beverages he had never heard of. Regina herself held a glass of whiskey between two claws, watching the brown liquid swish around, “On a good day, yes. Coming together in combined purpose to fix this country.”

It hadn’t looked quite that pleasant from where he was standing, “I noticed Velvet Remedy and Silver Rade looking at one another, and your parts looked a little rehearsed as well.” He noticed his mother deflate slightly, just saying what was on his mind, “Was everypony in on that? Except for the Rangers I mean.”

“You noticed that huh? Damn.” Regina sighed, stretching out her shoulder, “That’s another thing to remember in politics, make sure you know the table before you lay down your cards. Velvet Remedy, Silver Rade and I planned our part out before today, yes.”

“You knew the others would vote for you as well.”

“Brigandine would, of course. And Swift Ender has always been a pragmatist, I knew I could catch his interest with a well prepared solution. Doesn’t help that the Rangers were exactly the same as always, vomiting forward that same bloody minded lack of imagination.”

He nodded at the glass, “And when did you start drinking in the middle of the day?”

“I’ve found it’s far easier to play the arbiter when I’m a little buzzed.” She chuckled, sounding much more like his mother now, “You think all that shouting and table pounding is done sober?”

He had wondered about that actually, “Why do you hit tables anyway? I notice you didn’t do it in there, but in all your public appearances...”

She smiled disarmingly, taking a sip of her whiskey and sighing deeply as it went down, “I got a bit carried away at a press conference, made everyone jump. Afterwards it was all everypony could talk about. My image consultants convinced me to work it into my image.” She shrugged, “We’ve had two damn accountants for Arbiters before me Sebastian, was it any wonder the public didn’t warm to them? Whatever else you can say about them, your grandmother and Velvet Promises knew how to put on a bit of street theatre.”

There was a knock at the door and they both looked round as it creaked open, Regina opening up in a huge smile as a familiar grey coated pony entered. The pony returned the smile as she saw them, moving over to one of the tables and carefully and elegantly removing her heavy robes, “Did somepony mention my name?”

“Common mistake. We’re talking about Velvet Promises.”

Velvet Remedy held a hoof up to stifle a laugh as she removed what was left of her robes, “Ah, the brothel madam, not the religious leader. An easy mistake to make indeed.”

“Well one hires out her followers so they can be fucked over, and the other...” Regina snorted, sinking into the sofa cushions and waving her glass around, “...I think I’ve lost my point.”

“I swear, you’re felling more guilty about it than I am. She’s a member of my organisation.” Velvet Remedy commented as she moved over, shaking out her hair a little now she was free from her robes. Sebastian couldn’t help staring a little as she did, noting that she had once been considered one of the most beautiful ponies in the wasteland. Even in her late thirties and despite gaining a fair bit of weight she hadn’t aged badly at all. At the very least she was proof her daughter was likely to age very gracefully herself... Velvet made him look away hurriedly as she turned her smile to him, the mare chuckling and looking back to Regina, “You want to talk about this now?”

“Neither of us are the element of honesty Velvet, but I can at least be honest with my son.” Regina replied, somewhat angry and defensive, “Unless you have a problem?”

A moment of consideration passed through her eyes before she smiled again, warm and with a somewhat cheeky sparkle in her eyes, “No. Sebastian is a fine young griffon.” She stepping up onto the sofa and reclined down into its cushions, sighing as it took her weight, “I must be getting old. It feels better and better to shrug off those heavy robes and just... relax.”

“You’re the one who chooses to wear them.”

“And we all have our vanities. I was voted the best dressed mare in the NCR three years running, and still do well in the polls.” She chuckled, her expression becoming more serious, “But we didn’t come together to talk about my dress sense.”

Regina dropped her eyes, “Business as always Velvet.”

“My propensity for being all work and no play has gotten considerable play time over the past decade. I doubt it surprises you now.” She turned a pair of knowing, gently probing eyes Regina’s way, “Talk honestly. Are you having second thoughts about Zenai?”

Regina paused in thought for a long time, her expression full of that old familiar storminess. Finally she raised her eyes, grimacing, “Only that something could easily go wrong. And that Homage and Zephyr would never approve.”

“Nothing is ever completely safe Regina. This has a better chance of succeeding than the other plans we discussed.” Velvet Remedy sighed, her expression drifting away, “And let’s face it, Calamity, Zephyr, Homage, Ditzi, Lionheart... they were always the true heroes, saving damsels and being the pure, good avengers Littlepip wanted us to be. That always left you, Life Bloom and me to act a little more dishonestly when the situation demanded.”

“I never acted dishonestly.” Regina started before her face fell and she waved a claw distractedly, “Dishonorably at least.”

“Honor is for stallions Regina, showing off their virtue for the sake of their egos.” She gave her a serious look, “I cannot, and will not compromise the good of all for some... subjective code of ethics.”

Regina sighed, cupping her chin in a claw, “You’ve gotten cynical.”

“Maybe. But neither the Rangers or Zenai deserve our charity.”

Sebastian couldn’t take this anymore. His rose from the seat, facing Velvet Remedy with a look of angry challenge, “This Zenai... she’s innocent? She’s innocent and you’re still blaming her for this, putting a kill order on her?” He looked round at his mother, “You’re sitting here discussing murdering innocent zebra?”

“Don’t be so dramatic Sebastian, I am doing nothing of the sort.” Velvet Remedy stated soothingly, amused at the implication, “A dead or alive bounty pays far higher for an alive target, and providing she co-operates she won’t be harmed. All it does is informs hunters that she is armed and dangerous, and most importantly informs Zenai that she is not some charming rogue tweaking the nose of her parents but a criminal, playing a very dangerous game that might well get her killed.”

Sebastian calmed a little, that at least sounded... reasonable, “But you’re still blaming her for all this, even though she didn’t do it?”

Velvet Remedy shook her head, “She might not have done it.”

Regina spoke up to explain, “We don’t have much evidence to go on, certainly not enough to secure a definite conviction. But the public needs a pony to blame, and Zenai got onto the expedition by deception, has few close friends to back her character, and has purposely kept her motives obscured.”

Velvet Remedy gave him a warning glance, “She’s a proven liar, and has broken both the rules of the followers and the laws of the republic. She should already be in prison, and I have no reason to trust her innocence.”

“But there are other possible culprits?”

Regina looked nervous as she nodded, “There are.”

“Arick.” His heart filled with fury. He didn’t like anger, didn’t have any time for it. A stupid, destructive emotion... and he was angry with his mother right now, and couldn’t do anything to stop it, “You’re still protecting him?!”

She shrank from his anger, fragile and weak, “I’m not protecting him. I’m protecting... us, this.”

Now he understood, “Having him as a culprit would make you look bad.”

“I’m sorry.” She stated a little bitterly, “But think about it. Arick isn’t a good enough planner for something like this. If he is involved, it’s as a mere pawn under a greater intelligence.”

Sebastian stared at his claws, remembering the time he had lain them upon his brother. He had never hit anything before or since, but it had felt right like nothing else, “You’re justifying yourself.”

“Maybe I am.” She stated woodenly, “But I won’t call it a weakness to not want your child’s name dragged through the mud.”

“Maybe one day you’ll understand Sebastian, when you see your firstborn in your hooves.” Velvet Remedy spoke, a tiniest bit of recrimination in her rich tones, “Whatever the case, we need your mother at her strongest. We cannot let her name be mired in scandal.”

“Ok then...” He muttered, still not liking this, “What about the others?”

“Star Swirl is an alicorn, and they have enough prejudice heaped upon them.” Velvet Remedy stated, “I won’t risk falsely accusing her.”

“I very much doubt Dust Kicker is involved, but Zenai might have hired him for protection.” Regina continued, “That’s why I want him brought in as well.”

“Ace Gold... my son is intelligent, but not that kind of intelligent. I sincerely hope he doesn’t have the mindset required for a plan like this either. That might be his mother talking of course.” Velvet Remedy smiled, taking a deep breath as she considered further, “And Fluttershy... well, Brigandine might have a point, but I’m not going to go that far just yet.”

Regina raised an eyebrow, “You would honestly suspect Fluttershy?”

She chuckled, “You don’t know what I have to put up with. Fluttershy already has a reputation for being extreme in her opinions, and I am instrumental in holding her back from her worst excesses. She’s also the only one with the kind of top security clearance needed for many aspects of this plan.” She noted Regina’s rather worried stare with noticeable regret as she finished, sighing as she shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t think she has anything to do with it. But its worth considering.”

Sebastian knew Velvet Remedy, though he couldn’t exactly say he knew her well. She was kind, motherly, the one who could tell you off without making you feel too bad. She wasn’t... this. He wasn’t sure what this was sitting in front of him, accusing Fluttershy of high treason, “How can you accuse Fluttershy like this? Isn’t she supposed to be your best friend?”

Velvet Remedy smiled, soft and sad, something fragile in her eyes, “I wouldn’t exactly call us friends... we seem to spend most of our time arguing.”

This was absurd! “Velvet, how could you...!”

Regina turned an angry eye upon him, her claw reaching out to grip his shoulder, “Sebastian, that’s enough!”

“No.” Velvet Remedy interjected, lifting a hoof as she spoke in that same calm, sad tone. She smiled at Sebastian, not a trace of anger there, “I don’t deal well with stress, I know. I’m sorry you have to see me like this.”

Regina pulled Sebastian back towards her, her voice strained, “I’m sorry Velvet Remedy...”

“No... you’re right, this is good for him. Good for me too.” Velvet Remedy chuckled lightly, the musical tones sweet and genuine, “We hold the Republic together Sebastian, and that’s not always easy. At the moment I’m watching the country I put my whole life into face the threat of destruction on multiple fronts, and have to seriously consider the possibility that Fluttershy, Littlepip and Ace Gold are dead.”

Sebastian felt like he had run into a brick wall. He quickly shrunk back down before he made any more of an idiot out of himself, “I’m sorry...”

“No... don’t be.” Velvet Remedy shook her head, smiling warmly, “I’m ok Sebastian. I have a lot of ponies looking after me, and I’m not without justified self confidence. With the help of my husband, Silver Rade, your mother and all the others standing behind me I’m certain we can overcome this, just as we did every other threat that’s come our way.” She chuckled, raising her pipbuck to reveal the gemstone set into its face. It was her cutie mark, the subtle but distinctive appearance of the device making its identity immediately obvious, “Harmony lights the way.”

Regina averted her eyes, “They’re useless without Zephyr.”

“Now who’s being cynical?”

Regina smiled, though there was still a fierce vein of regret there, “I miss her. I miss us.”

Velvet Remedy chuckled, “We’re still here Regina.”

“I haven’t spoken to Ditzi in ages, and I think I piss Homage off every time I make a political statement.” Regina turned to Velvet, giving a big grin, “And furthermore... let’s face it, are we really going to be storming out like we used to, kicking ass and taking names? Our kids would die of embarrassment.”

“What, at me waddling out, half my gut sticking out of my armor?”

“Huh, what about me, dropping my guns every five seconds with these damn stiff old claws?” Regina chuckled, shaking her head at Velvet, “You’re not that fat.”

“I’m not going to be sprinting across any battlefields.” Velvet noted, looking down regretfully at her gut before smiling sympathetically at the griffon, “We’re still the heroes of the moment Regina, and there’s still plenty of life in us yet. Sebastian is a sweet kid, but he’s not quite ready to take the weight off our shoulders I think.”

Sebastian looked at them both. They both had so much to take care of, and they both looked so tired... “I would if you asked.”

“Don’t going looting my tired corpse just yet son.” Regina grinned, sharing a look with Velvet Remedy, “The world just never stops needing saving does it?”

“You sound like an old mare Regina. You’re five years younger than me, and I’m still a good two decades away from letting anyone even consider me old.” Velvet chuckled, her eyes twinkling with a quiet resolve, “If Caesar does come over here we’ll send him to the same place we sent the Goddess, Red Eye, Sweet Smile and the rest of those would-be overlords.”

“To harmony, now and forever.” Regina nodded, “Good to have you here with me Velvet.”

Sebastian smiled as he looked between them, even though a subtle darkness still gnawed at his heart. His sister had said it right.

All heroes fail eventually. All heroes decline and die. Nothing ever lasts forever.


Level Up - Level 1 reached.

New Perk Added: Pure of Heart
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This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.
Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.
If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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