• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,548 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 3.16 - Sins Of The Past

Fluttershy was flung to the floor as the whole tower shuddered briefly, then opened up in a beam of green light so intense that the whole city, perhaps the whole country was lit in a terrifying, unnatural daylight. Her fur stood on end, something in her brain tingled and the whole city shook as the shockwave echoed outwards. She watched as megaspells aimed for the city suddenly shifted off course to be consumed completely by the beam of light, changing its color from green to blue and covering it in swirling, violent patterns.

It hit the moon straight on and a mighty crater exploded outwards from the impact point, flinging dust into space. Some of it hit the planet's atmosphere, turning into large, angry looking shooting stars.

"Oh, that's not good..."

She looked back at where the voice had come from, noting with horror that the courtyard of the academy of science was almost empty. Puppysmiles stood alone among piles of little more than dust, her eyes wide. Ace Gold was looking at those piles in horror, torn away from them for a moment only by the flashes from the moon debris entering the atmosphere, "Puppy, what the fuck!?"

Puppy's voice came out in a babble, "The megaspell impact on the tower shifted the alignment! It's still within... oh crap, everypony get clear!"

Fluttershy staggered to her feet, watching as a wobble in the pillar of light traveled downwards towards them. Her eyes tracked round as she saw Myrtis tear across the courtyard with Remicon on her back, dropping him behind some blast barriers before sprinting back towards the tower. The others were all also attempting to get clear, Fluttershy realizing after a moment that she wasn't running.

"Lady Fluttershy, get clear!"

She looked across at Myrtis, feeling a little shell shocked by all of this, "Is everypony... ok?"

"No!" Myrtis screamed, hitting a switch on the side of her facemask, "Invictus, you need to get out of the tower!"

Then the wobble in the column of light hit them, the whole tower seeming to... bounce. A couple of floors just vanished, though credit to the builders it still managed to remain upright. Silence seemed to reign for a moment before the ground around the tower seemed to simply implode, a shockwave echoing out and slamming into Fluttershy with the force of a shotgun blast to the chest.

She flew through air for a moment before opening her wings as a reflex, the motion sending her spinning. Something caught her midair, span her about then broke for the horizon with a roar of sound, dodging through the flying debris.

The beam turned into a roaring whirlwind, stripping the tower of its sensors and outer armor. It started to pulse from inside now, the moon above also starting to pulse in unison. A bright, shining blue, the whole surface glowing brighter and brighter.

Then streaming light, flashing in from all directions. It hit the beam at its base, glowing light of all colors, forming into a bright flashing blast of rainbow light that blocked out the sky.

Fluttershy had just long enough to appreciate how pretty it was before falling unconscious.


"Lady Fluttershy."

She opened her eyes, blinking for a moment in the soft, twinkling light. She marveled at being alive for a moment before realizing... no she wasn't, this was all just a dream. Invitus stared down at her, his voice calm and cool, Dust Kicker looking wounded and exhausted but happily resting up against a rock. She knew both of them had been in the tower, so this couldn't possibly be true.

And as for the surroundings... "Hello little friend." She whispered as a little bunny like creature skittered past, looking past it to the verdant landscape beyond. The proud regal structures of zebra design rose up among a blanket of gently glowing plantlife, vines and tall proud trees bearing flocks of brightly colored birds and animals. Ahead was a vast tree made up of what she realized was in fact a huge number of different vines, bushes and other growths, supported by a enormous skeleton of steel and plastic, "Are we all dead?"

"No Lady Fluttershy." Invictus stated with a noticeable hint of sadness in his voice, "Your party appears to have survived completely intact."

She noticed the hesitation in his voice, recognizing where she was after a moment. This was where she fell, and ahead... that was what used to be the academy of magic, now just a broken skeleton, "The scientists...!"

"Are all gone." Invictus confirmed with a soft nod, "All that remains are the Caesar, Myrtis, and I."

"Invictus, I..." She stood up to reach for him, then regretted it instantly as she shook on unsteady hooves. She swooned for a moment and he caught her, steadying her as her head leant upwards... towards the giant, glowing blue marble in the sky, covered in a thick array of forests, rivers and jungles, "...oh my giddy aunt..."

"I rest a little easier knowing that my friends' last project has caught the attention of the world." Invictus noted, looking across at where Fluttershy saw Puppy was talking with Easu, "Though for the sake of their continued state of mind, I have encouraged your friend to withdraw the moon back to its usual position in the sky as soon as possible."

She smiled at him, then looked across at Dust Kicker. He smiled weakly back at her, nodding his head, "Hey Fluttershy."

"Are you ok?" She asked, noting the magical burns across his body, "You were inside the tower when the megaspell activated?"

"Yeah... herding the scientists out..." He nodded at the sky where a pegasus hovered, seeming to be watching the sky, "Clear Skies pulled my ass out as the tower began to collapse."

"As she did for me." Invictus commented before simply staring up at the sky, "Though I hesitate to understand why I proved worthy, when so many others are dead."

Fluttershy watched him sadly for a moment before looking up towards Puppy and Easu, agreeing that the moon's current position was certain to be worrying a lot of ponies. She gingerly and cautious moved over to them, starting to catch their conversation as she closed, "...damage it can do at this early stage is incalculable."

"I know, but it's not the moon anymore, I can't just direct my horn upwards and punt it out of the..." Puppy turned as she saw Fluttershy approaching, Fluttershy noting the mare looked terrible. Indeed she looked like she was starting to ghoul a little, the skin stretched tight across her face and most of her fur fallen out, "Fluttershy, you're awake!"

"Yes, thank you." She decided to approach this as diplomatically as possible, "This didn't go quite as you planned?"

"Uh, not really. I mean... yes, in theory. But I didn't really plan..."

"The consequences." Easu finished, sighing grimly, "The Gardens megaspell ate the ones directed at the city, as a result the moon is currently intensely radioactive. With its size and proximity to the planet, it is likely to be doing heavy damage to the atmosphere."

Fluttershy looked around, "Is the city radioactive too? I can't help but notice we're standing in blue flowers."

"Ye...ah... a little?" Puppy confirmed, "Ace Gold and Xaphina went out to gather anti-rad medications."

Fluttershy decided to put it out of her mind for now, resolving to just keep her eye out for any symptoms of radiation poisoning, "So can you move the moon back into its usual position?"

"I... no..." Puppy admitted quietly, "It's not responding as it used to, that spell fundamentally changed its resonance. And frankly... this body won't take it a second time, I'd tear myself in half even trying."

She looked up at it, both awestruck and terrified. It looked like a whole world now stretched across it's surface, wild and untamed, "It supports life?"

"Yes." Puppy confirmed, nodding her head, "I don't understand how, Jessa was confident the megaspell wouldn't work. But I can definitely feel life up there, a population of several million at least."


Puppy gave an exasperated shrug, "I really couldn't say."

She noticed Puppy's eyes turn then, following them round to where Ace Gold and Myrtis were emerging from the city to make their way over. They all went to meet them, Ace giving Fluttershy a nod before taking a big sack of medications from his saddle bag and giving them over to her. She took it in her hoof and opened it up, confident after a quick count that it would tide them over for a while, "Do we have any equipment to monitor exposure?"

"Not with any great accuracy." Puppy answered, "It's everywhere, and it really hard to work out exactly what's coming from where."

"Same." Ace agreed, "I know a few basic spells, but they only tell me that we really shouldn't be standing here for longer than we need to."

"That does raise a point." Dust Kicker pointed out, "We'd be much better off inside, preferably somewhere with supplies, a lab and a medical bay."

They looked at each other for a second or two before Remicon suddenly interjected, "What about the palace?"

Dust shrugged, then gave Fluttershy a quick smile, "Well it makes as much sense as anywhere."

She nodded back at him, "It's nicer than standing here at least."


The palace thankfully was still mostly intact, it's age old walls having weathered everything the last few hours had thrown at it. Indeed the plant life that now decorated it gave it a sense of life and purpose that had been absent before, lighting it in a hundred different shades of blue.

They approached the giant stone gates, Remicon going ahead and standing before them. He gave a single command in a language Fluttershy didn't know and they shuddered open with a ponderous rumble, revealing the courtyard and gardens beyond. They abounded with color, their long faded wonder restored once more.

"Will the city become inhabited again do you think?" Fluttershy asked, looking around in wonder. When she was younger she definitely would have wanted to live here, spotting a few small creatures bouncing through the bushes, "Even with the damage, it's still far more intact than Manehatten was."

Dust pulled a face, his nose rumpling slightly in disapproval, "Fluttershy, literally everything here is radioactive."

"Star Swirl would have loved it." Ace Gold commented moodily, before his expression softened slightly, "Ghouls too."

"These creatures and plants..." Fluttershy observed them as she looked around, noting that they looked nothing like any varieties she had seen before. She longed to gather one, find out more, still she was aware that anything here could be poisonous, aggressive or otherwise dangerous, "Do you think they feed on radiation too?"

"You're the ecologist." Ace Gold commented back, smirking slightly as he scanned the view, "Sebastian would love this. He could name something after his mother, Reginus Grimfeatherus..."

"I wish I was an ecologist." Fluttershy commented, regretting once again the path her life had taken, "Ironically I don't have a single qualification in anything relating to animals or plants. I wouldn't know the first thing about naming a species."

"I think you still get first dibs." Dust nodded to a small, squirrel like creature wrestling with a petal from one of the flowers, "What about that one?"

"I... I can think of so many creatures to name it after..." Fluttershy felt her heart flutter a little, a lump forming in her throat, "Look at it. It's so small, and that flower is so much bigger than it is. But it's not going to give up..." She touched a hoof to her nose, firming herself, "We... we're going to name that one after Zenai."

"Here, here." Dust agreed.

"I would like to name something after Jessa and Adisa." Puppy quietly commented, "A flower maybe. A nice flowering bush, with strong roots and pretty leaves."

Dust sighed, looking very troubled, "That's a good idea too."

"Maybe name something after Midnight Dreamer." Puppy commented softly, looking rather depressed now, "I hope there's a lot of different species here. I can think of a lot of friends to name it after."

"Would it be inappropriate to point out the irony of all this?" Ace Gold bluntly stated, "That the zebra fought to the end to protect this place from Princess Luna, and now a piece of her just ended up making it look like she did the decorations?"

"And I was just thinking how pretty it was." Invictus replied, not without a little humor, "The pony has now ruined it."

"You're just making me feel worse." Puppy protested, glaring at the plants around her, "You know, now you think about it... did Princess Luna make the megaspells all sprout blue flowers on purpose?"

"I hope not. I still have a tiny spark of respect for her." Dust snarked as they entered through the main doors and the vast entrance hall stretched before them. The banners of the dragon over sands that symbolized Remicon's family still fluttered along the walls, the statues of two of the great zebra flanking the central path still picked out in amazing detail and the other four not looking bad considering, "Wow, this place really is tough."

"Those two statues at the end, they're the oldest. Zephyr and Zenophilious." Remicon mentioned softly, "Both they and these walls were created with stone from Philidios's city, and are famous for never having cracked or weathered."

Easu gave a knowing nod, "Of course. Philidious's city was reinforced with time spells. Remember Zenai found an Academy of Science expedition down there? Zenospira likely engineered his time magic from the samples sent up from there, the same stone used to build this palace."

Remicon gave them a look of awestruck respect, "You have walked his city?"

"We did." Dust Kicker acknowledged, face grim from the memories, "There's still a entrance at the side of the mountain. Two in fact."

"Star Swirl and Midnight Dreamer killed Philidious himself." Puppy noted, though with an air of resignment in her voice, "He had gone mad, trapped down there."

"That is... impressive." Invictus replied with a slight shake in his voice.

"A lot has happened while you've been trapped here." Fluttershy answered, feeling just a tiny bit of a thrill at being able to reintroduce them back into the world after all this time. For a moment she didn't feel quite so alone, having zebra from the same world as her being thrown into the future as she was, "The world really did survive, and there’s still so much of it to see."

Invictus shared a look with Myrtis before his head rose, his body straightening out slightly, "I look forward to seeing it."


After all that had happened Dust had recommend they all took the time to get some much needed rest, a recommendation Fluttershy was only too happy to take. With everything that had happened she was asleep before her head even hit the pillow, collapsing into a bed softer than anything she had lain on in years.

She had strange dreams. She was standing into Rarity's apartment, the bedsheets all blown off by the wind to stream past her and into the open skies beyond. She looked back at the bed, seeing Rarity standing there, vulnerable and scared. Rarity briefly began to mouth something before she too was taken by the wind, her fluttering form disappearing into the night.

She looked out beyond the balcony, staring over the vast expanse of the zebra territories. Megaspells rained down, exploding into fierce, rainbow colored fireballs. She heard Luna laugh above, looking up and seeing nothing but a vast blue moon hovering...

Then the scene changed so suddenly her mind actually had to pause a moment to process it. She was... standing on the ground now, among tall, black shards of obsidian, shaped like the bones of some great beast. They were arranged like a city of some kind, the shards arranged together like the walls of twisted buildings.

Bones lay all around, bleached and white like the alicorn staring at her from across the street.

"Where have you been? What did you do to the moon!?"

She blinked furiously, looking at the alicorn. She couldn't focus, half in and half out of dreaming. It wasn't Celestia, though... the similarities were there. This alicorn was more grey than white however, her long blue and pink mane hanging limp and wet across a muscular body that didn't look like it held a ounce of body fat. And the feeling... cold, angry, a sense... of betrayal and malice... Fluttershy opened her mouth, trying to talk to the creature, "I don't understand, who are you?"

The alicorn circled her, always staying just on the edge of vision, "You should have stayed away. You've ruined everything, you know that?"


"I have to fix your mess! Kill innocent creatures, because once again you had to screw everything up!"

Fluttershy fell to her knees, suddenly hit by waves of pure despair. She sunk down, terrifed and confused, her muzzle settling into the ashes as she felt the fires rise up around her. She shook, gasped...

"Hey! What are you doing!?"

The alicorn turned as the clear, sharp voice echoed across the field of ashes, that voice driving the fire away with a burst of cooling air. The alicorn gave a slow growl of annoyance before speaking in reply, tone grim and threatening, "This isn't your concern Puppy..."

"Because I can fight back?!"

The alicorn glared silently for a moment before giving a soft snort and turning away, her form fading into the blackness beyond. Fluttershy watched her go before turning her head, looking up at another young alicorn as she approached. It did not take Fluttershy long to note the shock of golden hair and the smooth pink fur, even with the wings sprouting from her sides, "Puppy?"

"Don't worry Fluttershy, I'm gonna watch over you tonight." She sounded unexpectedly serious, Fluttershy having never heard the mare sound quite so... grim and angry before. Her eyes looked tired and deeply troubled too, Fluttershy just about to ask when the mare's expression melted into a smile and she nodded at the horizon, "Look, they're ready to join you!"

Fluttershy looked around, seeing a flock of winged sheep standing in the field, fluffy and adorable. They baaed cheerfully at her and Fluttershy couldn't help the feeling of purpose and elation that took hold of her. She firmed her sides, opened her wings and galloped forward, the sheep singing their encouragement as she leaped upwards and soared, leaving the world far behind.

It was the best dream she ever had.


She awoke, feeling more rested than she had in years. Boosted by half remembered memories of fluffy coats and beautiful skies she set to washing and dressing, finding a set of gorgeous zebra dresses in the wardrobe. They seemed a little small for her at first but they clasped up very easily, Fluttershy moving up to the mirror and noting just how slim she had gotten. She guessed she really had fallen out of shape over the last few years, eying her new silhouette with enthusiasm before finally buttoning up a modest green number and leaving in search of the others.

She moved past ever burning braziers, staring out of the windows into a beautiful landscape of blue. It unfortunately was still night time, still she assured herself that Puppy would deal with that soon enough. Indeed she could hear the sound of activity just down the hall, moving towards an open door just ahead.

She moved into the chamber, looking to be some sort of control room. It fit in rather oddly, the elegant wooden walls and floor clashing somewhat with the consoles, holographic projectors and monitors stretching out everywhere. The two ghosts were both currently at the controls, Fluttershy spotting Ace Gold's legs sticking out from under an opened console. She stepped forward and lightly cleared her throat, speaking as they turned to her, "Good morning everyone."

"Good morning lady Flutterzhy... Fluttershy." Myrtis greeted her, sounding cheerful, "I hope you zlept well."

"I did, thank you." She looked around the room, "What is this place?"

"It links up to all the city's systems, giving you access to sensor readings and status reports." Invictus stated with a note of annoyance, not looking away from the console, "As you might imagine, getting it operational is of vital importance."

Fluttershy nodded, "Searching the city by hoof would take quite a while."

"I am more worried about patrolling the city." Invictus replied, turning his head to her, "Any day now, groups of zebra will be making their way here. We must have some way to monitor them when that happens."

"Is the city's grid even functional?"

"The hardlines should be fine." Ace declared from under the cabinets, scooting himself out and rolling back onto his hooves, "They were built into the rock, designed to take a beating. The actual tech they're interfacing with... maybe not, but once we're up and running we'll be able to get some status reports and find out exactly what's broken and why."

She looked up at the lights, "I've noticed we've got power back."

"Actually, out of the cities' six generators, two are reporting full functionality, and a third minor damage. They made things to last here." Ace noted with a respectful tone, "We shut them down anyway, just in case. We're currently running on a straightforward energy cell generator under the palace."

"Your boy iz a geniuz." Murtis noted with cheer, "And a blind engineer! Hehe!"

Ace gave an uncomfortable look, turning away from them all, "It actually makes things easier. I don't know the first thing about zebra tech, but looking at the flow of magic makes it all very logical. I actually feel quite privileged, this stuff is far more advanced than Equestrian designs."

"Heeh... I only wizh Jessa waz here, or Adisa..." Myrtis explained with a gentle sadness, "We know something of zecurity zistems, but we are no engineerz."

Fluttershy gave a nod of grim acknowledgement. It was a terrible thing indeed, that they would lose the entire science team just as they were faced with a whole city that needed fixing, "Hopefully the zebra that come up to investigate will include a few engineers."

Invictus grunted, "Well that presents its own problems."

Fluttershy smiled at this, now that was something she could do something about, "I'm not a ministry head anymore you know?"

Invictus turned, regarding her with his faceless mask, "What are you now then?"

"An ambassador." She declared proudly, already planning it out in her head, "Down in the Mutum valley is a city, Clendal, ruled by a king who seems to speak with great authority. And he's allied with the merchant lords of Saddle Arabia, and the High Shaman of Garm Tandia. And then there's a religious leader, Caesar of the East, who seems to hold great respect from every zebra up this end of the country."

"It makes sense to seek allies to defend this place, though you should really speak with Lord Caesar." Invictus acknowledged, turning back to the monitor, "We shall continue here in the meantime, attempt to get at least perimeter sensors up and running."

"Yes, that is a good idea." Fluttershy agreed, thinking that she should really talk to Remicon anyway, "Do you know where he is?"

Invictus made a quick search on the console before speaking, "He is talking with Sir Dust Kicker two floors just below."

"Thank you." She nodded with a warm smile, "I will head there at once."

"Wait." Ace Gold raised a hoof, looking worried, "Can... I talk to you in private?

"Of course Ace." She swiftly answered, motioning for him to follow her as they walked back out into the corridor and finding a isolated corner. That done she focused her full attention on the buck. He seemed worried, and Ace was rarely so open in his emotions, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is... wrong." He started hesitantly, sighing a little, "Puppysmiles says that she can fix my eyes."

"She can?" Fluttershy was rather struck by this. 'Fix' them? The latest medical science couldn't do a thing, yet Puppy could so easily make a statement like that? "Why has she never mentioned this before?"

He looked really worried now, avoiding her gaze, "She has to be... inside me. Possessing me for a time."

Fluttershy turned away, trying to bury her true expression a she wrestled with her feelings. Finally she spoke the simple facts, "That's dangerous for both of you Ace."

"Well... she's already done it."

Fluttershy turned, eyes darting across Ace for signs of demonic possession, "What?!"

"After her stone was destroyed, she and Selene fled into my body. Selene is still there, asleep and dormant, along with a husk of Puppysmiles." He shrugged his shoulders, trying to look indifferent, "Puppy said that she needs to take Selene back and remove... herself, but asked if I wanted to have my eyes repaired first. Apparently she fixed my eyes in a previous time line, so she knows she can do it."

Fluttershy sighed. She could understand, knew that Puppy didn't have much choice in the matter. Not that she was happy about it... but things had worked out at least, "So what’s worrying you Ace?"

He sighed, pursing his lips in indecision. Finally he spoke after a long pause, "This is me now, the blind warrior. It's... the pony I've become."

Fluttershy smiled, she understood that too. That sense of identity, of owning your weaknesses and drawing strength from them, "You have learned a lot Ace, you're stronger than you've ever been. But you would still be strong with your sight back."

"Yeah..." He sighed, "Change is scary, you know?"

"As long as Puppy is confident there will be no side effects." Fluttershy felt her fur prick up a little, unable to restrain her worry, "Selene is inside you? Can you... feel her?"

"Puppy said she's confident Selene is dormant. She said..." Ace grimaced a bit, "...she said she didn't trust me not to... hurt her if she was awake."

Fluttershy couldn't help smiling, "Okay... well, I admire her concern for her friend, but I'm sure you can play nice with the young lady Ace."

"Eeeh... she's messing with me." His expression dropped, his posture looking a bit deflated, "But she said I was the most difficult host she ever had... including Princess Luna."

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes, "Difficult how?"

He glared at her, his tone defensive, "She said I was reckless, insecure... angry all the time... don't laugh!"

Fluttershy clamped her muzzle shut with a hoof. To be honest she had never thought of it that way before, but she guessed Ace would be a challenging stallion to possess. After she felt she had recovered enough she gingerly removed her hoof, facing down that angry little scowl, "Well... she amplifies emotions doesn't she? You are already pretty..."

"Emotional?" He sniffed, looking away, "I killed Arick Grimfeathers."

Fluttershy felt her heart skip a beat, "What?!"

Ace nodded grimly, "I know he was a... horrible griffon, and that he tried to kill us. But I... he didn't even have a weapon."

Fluttershy reached out a hoof, "Ace..."

"No." He backed away, shaking his head, "I don't want to be patronized, I don't... just don't know anymore Fluttershy." Ace sighed deeply, voice dropping in tone, "He was a bad griffon, but I feel bad for doing it. And there's more. While you were gone I tried to lead the team, tried to help... but all I really did was insult them, make bad decisions and get everypony captured."

Fluttershy withdrew back, chastising herself for trying to treat him like a child. These were serious questions, and she had to treat them seriously, "Ace, when I first started adventuring I was the biggest liability you could imagine. It took me decades of... screwing up before I felt worthy of my role."

He scowled, "So I'm young, and expected to screw up?"

"Yes." She stated with a smile, nodding softly to him, "Ace, you do the best you can with the information you have at the time. You still have so much to learn, and no matter how good you are you will never be prepared for every situation. So expect to have regrets, and expect that things will not always turn out like you hope."

He mulled this over for several long moments before finally taking a deep, calming breath and giving her a remorseful look, "I get that Puppy is trying to wind me up as revenge for giving her a hard time. But... she's right, I am angry, and envious, and bitter. And if a star demon possessed me I'd likely be a demon twice as evil as Nightmare Moon at her worse."

Fluttershy grinned, "That's a little bit of a..."

"I love you Fluttershy. And I'm so grateful for everything you've done for me."

Fluttershy paused now, looking down at his determined face for a moment before opening up in a warm smile, "I know Ace."

"But I never say it!" He angrily declared, lip curling, "I spend so much time talking about the ponies I hate, never even bothering to thank the ponies I... owe something too." He paused, mulling something over for several seconds before finally speaking again, quieter this time, "Arick... he blamed everything on his mother. He couldn't take responsibility for his own failings."

Fluttershy didn't want to say it... "Ace..."

"I... can't forgive her. But I want to." Ace stated firmly, "No matter my own thoughts on her actions, blaming my mother is just avoiding responsibility. I need to let go of the past, I need to let go of my anger... and I need to start being a little bit more like you, and a little bit less like Arick."

She gave a broad smile, "I'm proud of you Ace."

"I haven't done anything yet." He grumpily reminded her, "So be sure to give me a kick up the rear if I start backsliding ok?"

She grinned at him, "It's the least I can do Ace."

"Right..." His head angled to the side for a moment as he frowned to himself, eventually replacing it with a somewhat forced smile in her direction, "We'll we've both got things to do."

"Yes." She nodded encouragingly, "Good luck with the repairs!"


She followed their directions best she could, wishing the palace was better signposted after a few false turns and confused walking in circles. Still she eventually found her way down the stairs, hearing Dust's voice and following it through the corridors. She soon saw him just ahead, walking alongside Remicon, "Dust Kicker, Remicon!"

They both turned, Dust smiling broadly, "Good morning Fluttershy... or at least I think it is." He shrugged, "Puppy hasn't quite figured out our moon problem yet."

Fluttershy had noticed, "Is it a problem?"

"Young Puppysmiles assures us that someone will be able to fix it eventually." Remicon answered, his voice already having recovered a lot of it's old strength, "It's already started to retreat back to it's usual location."

Fluttershy felt bad leaving it for others to sort out, but their options were somewhat limited at the moment, "So what were you two discussing, before I so rudely interupted you?"

"My tendency to break my equipment." Dust answered with a long suffering grin, "We managed to retrieve some of our gear from the tower, but I'm still lacking armor or rifle."

Remicon nodded, "We have plenty of equipment stored within the palace. I offered him a chance to resupply."

Fluttershy beamed at him, having been worried the others might find his true identity uncomfortable to deal with. Looks like he was already winning them over, "Thank you Remicon!"

"It's doing little sitting around here." He waved a skinny hoof before continuing on, "Come."

He led them further on and through a barracks area, opening up a reinforced door and leading them into a large store room containing many full length safes. He moved over to one and placed his hoof on a metal plate, resulting in a quick crackle of magic and a thunk of moving metal as the safe door slowly swung open.

Dust let out a little breath at the sight in front of him, a standard of craftsmanship that Fluttershy had rarely seen before the war and was definitely a rarity now. It was perfectly preserved, suspended and open within its harness, seeming ready and waiting for is long dead owner to strap it on and head out to battle. A zebra elite uniform, the sleek black bulletproof bodysuit was layered with elegantly carved and embossed ceramic plates, red silk lining running around the neck and across the flank. Dust immediately moved forward to inspect it, running his eyes over the armor with awe, "I've never seen a whole bodysuit made out of steelknit, normally you only find it around the joints. And layered with zebra steel laced plastics? This could stop a fifty cal to the chest!" His eyes then travelled over to the rifle beside, "Wow... this... custom forged, based on the .44 plainswaker rifle by the looks of it. Higher quality woodwork throughout, a new ignition chamber and spring, a custom crafted top of the line scope..."

Fluttershy chuckled, "You like it then?"

"This... this is the Strider. The weapon of Pinous Aralelous." Dust commented with a reverencal air.

Remicon gave a look of suprise, "You know of him?"

Dust grinned at him, "A few things. I spent a lot of time down near Shattered Ridge, they still talk about him there. He repulsed the Third Fillydelphian Rangers with just twenty men, some of the ponies still worship him as a god of death."

Caesar nodded, his eyes clouding over, "This is his armor. He was named to the praetorians for his service, we presented him with this armor personally."

Dust looked back at him, "And why are you showing it to me?"

Caesar bowed his head, "Because you have no armor to wear, and Pinas Aralelous was a similar size to you."

"I... well, I'm not sure what to say." Dust picked up the rifle in his hooves, carefully suspended there as he looked down the barrel, "This is the weapon of a praetorian."

"You have defended the dragon's throne, and liberated our sacred city." Remicon pointed out, eyes firm and assured, "You are all worthy of that distinction."

Fluttershy felt it was time to speak up, "Dust, take it. It's a fine armor and rifle, and we're going to need all the advantages we can get."

"It's not that simple." He protested, looking troubled for a moment before turning to her with a smile, "I'm not going to sully the armor of another warrior. If I wear this, it will be as a praetorian. I'll be making a vow, a commitment. Been a long time since I made one of those."

Fluttershy thought he was being silly, "To who?"

"To the zebra." He nodded to Fluttershy, "To you."

"Nothing would make me happier Sir Dust." Remicon responded, bowing his head, "That you would defend my zebra alongside Fluttershy."

"Wait... to me? I'm not a Caesar Dust Kicker. I'm not even a zebra." Fluttershy started, feeling rather embarrassed by the idea, “You can’t be a praetorian guard to me, that’s silly.”

"You were the only one who spoke out against the war." Remicorn argued, "Do you still speak out against conflict?"

Fluttershy chewed her lip for a moment before deciding to stop being so grumpy. This was too important to let her reticence get in the way, "Yes. And... well, with Caesar's curse down, it's more important than ever."

Dust grunted in frustration, "Damn, I had forgotten about that. Well... that didn't go as planned."

"No, but we can still fix it." Fluttershy stated firmly, refusing to let it get her down, "We need to find out what's going on down there, start making friends. We do what we came here for in the first place, we get an alliance working between the zebra and Equestria."

"And you will need a bodyguard." Remicon finished, looking across at Dust Kicker.

"Sorry Fluttershy, not giving you a choice here." Dust commented with a grin, standing up straight and looking directly at her, "As of now, I'm officially giving up my title as mercenary. From now on I will fight for the protection of the zebra, and for their representative within the NCR. My life, I pledge to Lady Fluttershy, until she relieves me of my burden."

Fluttershy almost rolled her eyes, but eventually she swallowed it and gave him a smile, "Ok... but shame on you Dust, by your wording there you bound me too. I now have to work to protect the zebra, or you have to... commit ritual suicide or something."

"Well I pretty much made that up." Dust admitted with a chuckle, turning to Remicon, "So I'm sure it's not really remotely valid..."

"It is a vow." Remicon replied, smiling back at him, "So it is as binding as your honor is of worth to you, the same as any other."

"Heh, really." Dust grinned, then looked to Fluttershy, "So what do you say Fluttershy? Are we going to be lady and knight?"

"It does make sense." She finally accepted, smiling across at him, "But you're a fine diplomat yourself Dust Kicker. After all you're the one that killed Zenospira, freeing the capital of the zebra from his dark magic."

"It was Adisa who shut him down." Dust pointed out, "If I'm going to be a praised for it, it will be for helping him save the world from that bastard."

"I am glad you do not hate us."

Dust turned to Remicon at his words, frowning angrily, "Why would I? For fighting for what you believed in? For losing your way in pursuit of a better world?" He shook his head, "It's long since time to accept the truth, that we've all learned a little humility."

"The zebra are very much respected in the NCR." Fluttershy assured him, though she felt a twinge of sadness as she did, "The element of magic that belonged to Twilight Sparkle? It was eventually found by a zebra, she led the other elements and became our greatest hero!"

"Second greatest." Dust commented with a smirk, "Maybe."

"I am glad." Remicon's brow furrowed, "And what of the ponies in our own lands?"

"Mmm..." Fluttershy paused to consider how to approach this.

"Complicated." Dust answered for her, "The Equestrian army forces that were here when the megaspells fell... well they weren't the best neighbors."

"Didn't the Enclave attack the zebra lands too?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Occupied it I hear." Dust answered before giving Remicon an embarrassed shrug, "So in short... trust might be a little harder to find. But I'm still confident, during my time here I've seen how distrust can be overcome with enough effort."

"I am glad." Remicon smiled softly, "My zebra... they may seem reluctant, but they are gentler than you might think. A hard front conceals their true hearts."

"We're gonna make this right." Dust stated firmly, "Trust us on that."

Remicon smiled warmly, then turned to Fluttershy, "And you will need a weapon too."
"I..." Fluttershy almost protested, but she hadn't seen her shotgun since her capture, "I guess so."

He moved over to a set of drawers, unlocking one and scooping out an intimidating looking rifle. Fluttershy froze at the sight of it, not wanting to seem ungrateful but unable to stop a touch of doubt from spreading across her face as she inspected the weapon. It appeared to be a shotgun like the one she was using, but this was... evil looking. Pitch black except for the green glow from the dozens of coolant wires running down its surface, it was sleek and incredibly dangerous looking, "That's... I'm not sure it would work with my image."

"You could paint it yellow." Dust Kicker pointed out.

"It's actually... this should be perfect for you. I considered giving it to you when I first saw you arrive." Remicon nervously declared, making Fluttershy rather confused.

He looked at this and thought of her? It was... black and scary. Really scary.

"This actually looks like an energy weapon." Dust Kicker noted, "Those lines are mana channels, and those blocks on the side, they're fetishes aren't they?"

"In a way, though it fires physical shells." Remicon explained, "But by activating those fetishes you can apply specific effects to the shells. This one for instance allows you to stun an enemy without directly harming them, this one fires obscuring smoke and this one provides the standard flaming rounds in a wide spread."

"This is a very impressive weapon." Dust looked it over with a look of deep respect, "It must have cost a fortune to make."

"It did. It served more as a concept than a practical weapon, and you have to be able to channel magic to use it." He offered it across to Fluttershy, bowing his head, "As such, it may help you in your training Fluttershy. I am told you are exploring your zebra talents."

She took a deep breath and took it from him, surprised at how heavy it was. Still he was right about the magic, she already felt it flow, "How do I work it?"

"I am not a shaman." He answered, "But reach out, find the fetish you want."

Fluttershy had no idea what she was doing, but she considered her stare and wind walk. It was a question of letting the rest of the world fade out for a moment, focus on exactly what you wanted to do.

And she felt it. Three in a row, throbbing in a different sequence. She reached out for one, grabbing hold of it. It was hot, Fluttershy figuring it was the flame enchantment. She wondered how she was supposed to activate it, seeing connections but... ungh, they moved, but it was impossible to line them up! It was like... knitting with her eyelashes, "This is... impossible..."

"That's why they call it training Flutters." Dust noted with a chuckle, "You'll have plenty of time to get the hang of it."

She sighed and reluctantly accepted that, realizing that she had already improved much faster than she had any right to, "Thank you Remicon."

"No thanks is needed. Indeed I am pained to say that I have to ask another task of you."

She turned, smiling at the sorry looking zebra, "Anything."

Remicon nodded gratefully, "We are open to the world once more, and I have no doubt many wish to sit upon the Dragon Throne. Nothing would break my heart faster than for the zebra to war against each other once again."

Fluttershy grinned, "I was thinking about that actually. I'm intending to go down there once we're ready, gather allies to protect this place and hopefully unite the zebra in peace."

Remicon smiled gratefully, "Then we are of the same mind."

"Fluttershy... I have a favor to ask myself." Dust started hesitantly, sighing and trailing off after a moment, "...no, don't worry. You've enough on your plate."

Fluttershy frowned at him, did he really think she could leave it alone after that? "What is it Dust Kicker?"

He took a deep breath, looking defeated, "I feel useless even bringing it up. It should be my responsibility, but I'm getting nowhere."

"Dust Kicker, please." She nodded at him, smiling gently, "You can tell me anything."

He smiled back, then finally relented, "It's Puppy. She's... acting very erratic, and I don't know why. She lost her temper pretty badly at Ace Gold this morning, and has been shut up in the palace laboratories ever since. I'm worried about her, especially after... everything that's happened. I mean... I see why she did it, but that body... it just plain gives me the creeps."

Fluttershy noted his concern. Puppy actions had been understandable in her eyes, but she saw why others might find her use of a corpse worrying, "Have you spoken to her?"

Dust sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, "She told me to go away and leave her alone. This isn't like her Fluttershy, and I'm... a little freaked out."

She sighed. Puppy had been through a lot, and a bit of emotional turbulence was to be expected. Still that was just more reason to intervene, "I'll go talk to her."

"Thank you." Dust stated with a smile, before it dimmed a little, "And uh... be careful."


Fluttershy stepped into the lab, a rather haphazard affair that looked like it had been assembled in a hurry. It was in full swing, several plant samples sitting inside the scanners, computers at the fair end processing data, a chemistry set bubbling away as it did something scientific. Puppysmiles was busy staring into a microscope, her horn gently glowing.

She looked terrible. The body she was in was clearly starting to decompose now, not remotely a pretty sight, "Puppysmiles, may I come in?"

She looked up, seeming hesitant for a moment at the request. Finally she nodded wordlessly, turning away and looking rather embarrassed at the interruption.

Fluttershy silently padded over, waiting to see if she would speak. When it became obvious she wasn't going to initiate Fluttershy finally decided to start, "I'm willing to listen, if you want to talk about what's happened over the last couple of days."

"I don't have time." She replied, seeming more depressed in her tone than dismissive or angry, "There's so much to do here before we leave."

"You... could stay?" Fluttershy thought that might have sounded bad, deciding to clarify, "Not that we don't need you, but Remicon could certainly use your help."

Puppysmiles hesitated at this question for a little while before shaking her head, "I'm a demon pony in a corpse. What Zebra wants me in their capital city?"

"You saved it Puppy."

"I didn't save anything." She delivered the words plainly, then seemed to regret them. It was a couple of seconds before she spoke again, "There were three hundred and eighty seven lives in that tower. I saved nine of them."

Fluttershy admitted it must have been pretty traumatic for Puppy, she knew them better than any of the others save the two ghosts, "It's not your fault Puppy. All those Zebra, they... they died a very long time ago."

"They didn't have to." Puppy replied bitterly, "If I had been smarter, if I had been more careful... I might have been able to control the collapse of the time dilation field, might have been able to shut down Zenospira without destroying the tower, might have been able to neutralize those megaspells before they hit the city..."

"Puppy!" Fluttershy cut her off swiftly, the mare getting a little manic, "That's a lot of if's. You were under pressure the whole way, and that was technology nopony really understood."

"I could have done it." She finished, turning away, "They didn't have to die."

"Puppy..." Fluttershy moved forward and hugged the mare, Puppy going rigid under her grasp. She wigged slightly and Fluttershy released some of the pressure, noting that she looked very uncomfortable, "I'm sorry, I..."

"Fluttershy, you don't have to..." She sounded embarrassed, lightly pushing against Fluttershy's grasp, "I'm... icky."

"You're wonderful." She reassured, before hugging tighter. It was no worse than hugging a ghoul, and she made a point of that, "Puppy... without you, we'd all be dead and Zenospira would be laughing."

Puppy gave a soft smile, then gently moved out of her grasp. Fluttershy let her go, silently watching her as the mare placed two hooves upon a worktop and slowly began to speak, "Fluttershy... this body isn't going to hold together much longer."

Fluttershy nodded, "I noticed. Do you have a plan to fix it?"

"No." She gave a pained look, "It's going to fall apart, and without a shard of Star Metal I can't exist outside of organic matter."

Fluttershy pursed her lips, not quite sure how to answer that one. The answer was obvious, but hardly ideal, "Well... if one of us agreed we could... I mean it worked with Star Swirl..."

"No, it didn't!" Puppy suddenly shouted, Fluttershy taking a step back as the mare slammed a hoof down on the floor. She wasn't aware Puppy could shout, or stomp around in a rage like she was now. It was honestly rather scary, Puppy's magic flashing in a slightly sinister way as it sparked in reflex, "I was inside Ace Gold for a day and it was terrible! I felt so angry, so justified, I wanted to just... let loose! And I did! I... I... lost control... more than once... I'm only glad he doesn't remember. I wish I didn't..."

The mare's voice faded out, Fluttershy sighing. Puppy hadn't been just playing around when she told Ace how difficult he was as a host. She certainly seemed to have inherited some of his bad habits, his temper most of all, "Nopony is judging you Puppy."

"You should." She bluntly answered, "You know, I considered leaving that shard of myself inside Ace Gold. It would have been the perfect weapon, I would have been able to control him at will. And power, let me tell you, he was well named. I was unstoppable when we were combined together, I tore down a vault door with nothing but my telekinesis! And... I loved it."

Fluttershy shook her head, reassured that that was the worst temptation she could come up with, "Power tempts everypony."

Puppy pouted, staring angrily at Fluttershy, "I've worked out how to corrupt others through dreams too. I bond with their sleeping selves, then grow myself within their bodies. I don't even have to be on the same continent as them! I did it to Arisa, I took over his thoughts, got him to prepare this body for me!"

Fluttershy blinked. That sounded useful... but then she reminded herself that it had been a power Nightmare Moon had herself possessed, and had used to corrupt Rarity in a very similar process. It made sense that Puppy would possess it too, "Could you find... Red Eye?"

"No..." Puppysmiles expressed with regret, "I don't even know what he really looks like. But I could corrupt Regina, take over the NCR. Destroy the world, eternal darkness, all that."

Fluttershy sighed, "'Could' means very little Puppy."

"But..." She looked away, sighing, "...the idea of what I am, what I could be. It's scary, and I don't know how to deal with it."

Another thing she inherited from Ace Gold, "I'm glad you're asking these questions Puppy. It shows you're maturing, exploring the consequences of your actions." She smiled, patting a hoof against her breast, "In this world of such destructive technology, any pony could kill thousands if they really put their mind to it. If we're going to survive as a species, we have to be asking ourselves these questions."

"I'm not a pony." She looked across at Fluttershy with soulful eyes, her body quivering, "I'm a monster."

Fluttershy glared at her. Really, after everything she had been through? "You are no such thing."

Puppy looked away, then turned her eyes back to Fluttershy, "Would you... come with me somewhere?"

Fluttershy saw the hesitation there, and the feeling behind it. This was very important to her, but not something she asked lightly, "Of course. Where do you want to go?"

"It's inside the city, just a short walk away." She answered with some hesitation, notiably avoiding eye contact, "It's dangerous to go on my own, but... I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the others."

Fluttershy trusted her, still she felt compelled to dig a little harder, "Why not?"

"I like being Puppysmiles with them." She explained, turning to Fluttershy and giving her a broad, sweet and enthusiastic smile... that quickly melted away as her broken expression returned, "I trust you... to keep a secret."

Fluttershy wanted to make a speech about how she shouldn't be afraid to express weakness in front of her friends... but that would be hypocritical, "Ok Puppy, I'm on board."

She smiled, softer this time, "Thank you... now?"

Fluttershy nodded, "No time like the present."


Fluttershy kept her eyes open and her mind focused as they made their way through the streets, fully aware that they were now surrounded by strange, newly born, and totally unknown life. She was eager for a chance to meet it, still she couldn't discount the spell simply producing monsters only waiting for a chance to eat them.

Puppy walked ahead, an occasional flash from her horn lighting the way. The moon still hung large above and gave more than enough light, still it tended to leave a few too many shadows on their path for comfort. Their journey was wordless, whether by caution or preoccupation Fluttershy couldn't say. She didn't initiate, simply leaving Puppy to her thoughts.

Finally they arrived, a large manor house standing among the plantlife. It was old and traditional looking, the family's symbol of a flying fish leaping over a stylized depiction of wind prominent. Puppy paused briefly before advancing, Fluttershy following.

Puppy pushed the door open, the shattered timbers drifting inwards. They had been broken at the lock, Fluttershy observing the shards scattered across the marble floors, "Something forced their way inside."

"Likely Zenospira's bots." Puppy answered, moving inside and scanning the lobby. It looked like some zebra had made a barricade of furniture across the middle, several sections broken and thrown aside.

Fluttershy observed the damage, thinking that didn't really fit with what they had seen before. Xenospira's bots had melted locks open with energy weapons and tidied up after themselves, neither of which had happened here, "What are we looking for?"

"I don't know." Puppy replied sadly, before picking her head up and moving towards one of the doors. She gave it a shove and it opened, moving forward into what looked like a living room. It was elegantly furnished with what looked like traditional zebra crafts, expensive and comfortable but not ostentatious. The fanciest thing here in fact was a large portrait hung on the wall, depicting five noble looking zebra standing together in a family portrait. A father, mother, two girls and a boy, Fluttershy's eyes draw to one of the girls. She was clearly the elder, about sixteen maybe with a firm expression and a book clasped to her chest with one hoof. Fluttershy looked to the mother for a moment to confirm the resemblance before looking across to Puppy, "Is that Jessa?"

"It must be." Puppy stated after a moment's pause, "She had a younger sister and two younger brothers. Her mother died during the war, killed in an Equestrian bombing raid. She was a doctor."

Fluttershy looked, noting the silver clasp of an academy healer upon the mothers' shoulder, "Puppy, she saved us all. I'll always be grateful to her, and Adisa too."

"You didn't know them." Puppy stated, not sounding angry, just... depressed, "I shared his memories, I occupied his body, he fought beside me to save everyone. And now... it just feels like a big hole."

Fluttershy knew the feeling, and that there was no easy answer, "I understand Puppy."

"No, you don't." Puppy stated glumly, already moving for the door, "Let's keep exploring."


The house became increasingly eerie the longer they searched, mostly untouched but scattered with small elements of wrongness that slowly mounted up. The gun cabinets was unlocked, swinging on its hinges. A bloodstain expanded across the kitchen table. A map of the city marked with strange symbols lay across the living room floor.

They made their way upstairs, Puppy having barely said a word for a good few minutes. She just slowly and robotically searched, seeming to be looking for something but unable to tell Fluttershy what it was. They moved into a long corridor and opened the first door, looking inside at a large bedroom dominated by a double bed and decorated in rich and intimidating looking brown and black color scheme. Puppy browsed a bookcase full of complicated looking political texts as Fluttershy looted a cabinet full of drugs, several of which Fluttershy was taking herself. Puppy obviously didn't find was she was looking for here either, moving on after only a short look around and moving to the next room.

They opened the door, Fluttershy instantly struck by how immaculate it was. It was helped by the very restrained decor, all light browns and grays, clearly the room of someone who lacked a taste for color. A large bookcase heaving with technical manuals and adventure stories took up most of one wall, Fluttershy also noting dozens of sealed, mint condition comic books on the bottom shelf. A portrait of a zebra dreadnaught was proudly displayed on the other wall, next to a desk featuring a top of the line computer system. A few pens and a highlighter were neatly placed away in a glass jar, "I might be wrong... but doesn't this look like the room of a scientist?."

Puppy nodded and moved inside, walking over to a drawer and pulling it open, "Hmm, empty."

Fluttershy moved inside, opening the wardrobe and noting just some formalwear in a slightly immature style for a zebra of Jessa's age, "Whoever's room this is, I don't think they spent much time here."

Puppy had booted up the computer, looking through it for a few short moments before her expression soured, "The most recent file here is a photo of some zebra boyband from years before the war."

"Well... she lived in the tower didn't she?" Fluttershy commented, reminded rather intensely of Twilight's house... any of them. Fluttershy was aware that Twilight had owned at least three, and that all of them looked like warehouse showrooms. Her mind found itself wandering back to Rainbow Dash's house, covered in trophies, pretty much always a mess, constantly bustling with her army of 'staff' which as far as Fluttershy could tell were simply old friends that Rainbow Dash paid to keep out of trouble. Her kids running about, Storm Rider constantly panicking over every tiny detail, Glory Wing looking for new and exciting ways to cause trouble...


She looked round, spotting Puppy at the door, "Huh, what?"

"I'm..." She pointed with her hoof, "I'm going to keep exploring."

She blushed, then hurried after her, "Sorry, I was daydreaming."

"What about?"

"Before..." She looked around, feeling her heart fall as the memories returned, "It all feels so cold and lonely here. There's... distance."

Puppy looked round, confused, "Distance?"

Fluttershy didn't know how to describe it. Maybe she was just imagining things, "Let's continue searching."

"Ok... let's try... woah!" She opened another door, her eyes opening in shock. She grinned as she trotted inside, her voice rising for the first time since they had set out, "I want this room!"

Fluttershy came in after her, taking a little gasp of horror as she did. The place was a mess, the bed haphazardly pushed to the side to make way for two big desks, one covered in clay, sculpting supplies and paint, the other groaning under books, paper and a rather beat up and well used computer. Even the carpet underfoot was covered in paint... Fluttershy's heart quivering a little as she saw a shotgun discarded in the corner of the room, "This looks... more lived in."

"Oh..." Puppy paused, her smile dying on her face, "That... that's beautiful."

"Puppy, what... oh my." Fluttershy felt herself frozen in place as she paused before the items on the shelf, one in particular striking her instantly. It was a model of a zebra, wearing a labcoat and looking stern, her forehoof reaching out to clearly display the hoof mounted computer mounted there. She walked over, noticing that like all the other models on the shelf this one was placed on a sheet of paper bearing a name. She lent down to read it, quickly deciphering the rather elaborate writing, "Kajessa Nanjyu, Wonderkid of Science. At 34 Jessa is the youngest zebra to ever hold a senior position in the zebra academy of science. She is the inventor of the Hoofbuck 2000, the Zenorth portable reactor and the ESS National Defense Network, among many other achievements..." Fluttershy trailed off, looking away at the other models here. There were dozens of them, Fluttershy spotting Caesar, General Tactus...


"Puppy!" Fluttershy exclaimed, as the mare knocked one of the models off the shelf and stepped on it, breaking the head off with a crack, "That's very disrespectful!"

"Did you want to have a go?" She questioned, removing her hoof to reveal a tall skinny zebra in elaborate robes. She cleared her throat before announcing him, "This one... ahem, is Zenospira, High Scientist of the Empire! The single greatest scientist in the world, Zenospira has worked tireless to design and perfect the many great inventions..."

"Ok, ok, fair enough." Fluttershy waved her off, not wanting to think about him right now, "But no more, ok. These are... well these are art."

"Some creatures don't deserve art... this one is a pony!" She looked over, eyes widening, "Lightning Dust, Brave Defector! Horrified with the decadence and corruption of the pegasi, Lightning Dust bravely traveled to the empire to warn us of their intentions. Now having found love with Prince Nassar, she has done much to prepare our armies to resist their attacks!"

"That's... an absolute lie!" Fluttershy felt a little indignant now, especially since this struck so close to home, "She married Nassar before the war even started! Before the Empire was formed!"

Puppy smirked up at her, "So Equestria never stretched the truth any?"

Fluttershy huffed, that not really being the point, "Ugh... it still makes me so angry. And don't think I was fine with the lies that Equestria was putting out. I know how... awful we were." Her anger dimmed slightly as she looked at the model, taking a deep breath, "But they tried to write a lie that put her in a positive light at least. And it is a very good likeness, whoever made these was very talented."

"I've gotta learn how to do it. Make statues out of all of us!" She looked down the line, "They have a Ghost Operative!"

Fluttershy shivered slightly as she looked at it, body crouched dangerously, "The Ghosts, Secret Warriors of Justice."

"I like Invictus. He's a very justicy stallion." Puppy commented with a smile, "He reminds me of Dust Kicker a little."

Fluttershy accepted that, smiling back, "I guess so. Maybe I shouldn't judge all of them by first impressions."

"I wonder whose room this is." Puppy moved over to the computer, switching it on and quickly hacking through the password protection. It swiftly let her into the menu, Puppy happily darting between commands, "It's the computer of some zebra called... ModelPro. And... oh, she's got a log saved here!"

Fluttershy closed her eyes for a moment, feeling fear run through her body. She looked down at the shotgun, noticing... it had jammed, a shell still protruding from the chamber. And then she saw beside it, just behind the door... a bloodstain, "Does it date from after the bombs fell?"

"Yeah." Puppy reported, "There's a log for every day after, running for... three weeks and two days."

"Then they stop?"


"Leave them be." She sighed, feeling a coward, "There'll be nothing good in them."

"Ok..." Puppy paused for a moment in uncertainty before continuing, hoof skimming across keys before... "Hey, there's a text conversation here, with... Jessa Nanjyu! Five days before the bombs dropped!"

Now that sounded more promising, "Let me see."

Puppy called it up with a key press, the words appearing on the screen.


Jessa N :- Liadia, are you there?

ModelPro :- sis sis sis sis! HELLO!

Jessa N :- You are as bouncy as ever.

ModelPro :- I'm happy! Got lots of work done today.

Jessa N :- A new model?

ModelPro :- Legionnaire Darius, unbroken survivor! And new caesar model very cool.

Jessa N :- Darius will be honored to be included in the line I'm sure. I hear he's a fan.

ModelPro :- He's cool, and sexy!!!!

Jessa N :- Three exclamation points, oh my. Which reminds me, what of the task I asked of you before?

ModelPro :- Sexy reminds you?!! What are you doing up there sis!!!?

Jessa N :- Liadia dear, I am thirty four.

ModelPro :- What's it like??

Jessa N :- What is what like?

ModelPro :- With a downtown man! I've always wondered.

Jessa N :- I've already told you what he's like.

ModelPro :- But what is he like in the bedroom!!! Wait! You haven't done it in a dirty alley have you?! That would be so sexy!!

Jessa N :- You have thought about this, I can tell. And no, because he is just a normal zebra like any other.

ModelPro :- But he's from the streets isn't he?

Jessa N :- Liadia, he grew up in a house just like us. Slightly smaller than ours, true but

ModelPro :- but??

Jessa N :- He is unpretentious Adisa, and he appreciates what he has. Does that make you happy?

ModelPro :- Who wouldnt appricate you???

Jessa N :- Oh, far too many, believe me. That's one of the things I like about him. Other stallions I've been with, too many seem to be focused on their own performance, like it's some kind of competition. With Jedda for instance, I so often felt like I was just a prop to his own self indulgent masturbation. Adisa on the other hand, he simply wants to be with me, be close to me, love me in any way he can. It is very flattering, and very real.

ModelPro :- That is so hot!!!!

Jessa N :- Are you happy now?

ModelPro :- Can I borrow him?

Jessa N :- I'm afraid not. You will simply have to live vicariously through asking me inappropriate questions about my sex life.

ModelPro :- I just want to know you're happy sis. You've had two many worthless stallions in your life.

Jessa N :- That is true... and yes, thank you. I am very happy.

ModelPro :- They're in my desk drawer. I have them all ready.

Jessa N :- Thank you. I owe you a great deal for this Liadia.

ModelPro :- Dad is going to be furious.

Jessa N :- This will work out, believe me. Our father is stubborn true, but he respects family tradition. I will force him to meet this on my terms, and strangely enough I am confident he will get along famously with Adisa once he knows he has no other choice but to accept it.

ModelPro :- You really think a washing machine repair man is going to impress father?

Jessa N :- He is a polite and dutiful stallion, who respects his elders. Something I know our father has always wished I would be.

ModelPro :- You know I'm going to cry right? When are we doing this?

Jessa N :- We should not delay too long. I am aware that the war will force some sort of political response soon.

ModelPro :- Next week?

Jessa N :- Let me deal with the date. Xenospira wishes us all confined to the tower for the moment, and I confess I have not spoken about this to Adisa yet.

ModelPro :- He hasn't asked you?!

Jessa N :- I fear he would consider it presumptuous. But we are both adults, we will have a reasonable discussion about it. I am simply waiting for a good time to raise the subject.

ModelPro :- Oh dont start sis, I know procastination. Are you sweating on it sis?

Jessa N :- I admit, I am a little nervous. I feel I might be rushing him.

ModelPro :- Believe me, putting it off isn't going to help sis.

Jessa N :- Of course. Please, I will handle this.

ModelPro :- Promise?

Jessa N :- If you will promise me something in return.

ModelPro :- ?

Jessa N :- Keep them safe. No matter what happens. I will contact you again soon.

ModelPro :- Sure thing!

Jessa N :- Liadia. I love you. I love all of you.

ModelPro :- Aww, so sweet!

Jessa N :- I fear I do not say it enough. I am more like our father than I would wish. But however aloof I might sometimes seem, always believe that sister. Everything I do, I do to keep you safe and happy.

ModelPro :- You'll win the war for us soon sis, and then you'll be able to come home.

Jessa N :- I will do everything in my power. Stay safe Liadia, look after them for me.


Puppy stepped away from the monitor, eyes blinking slowly. Those blinks became more rapid as they went on, her face twisting in frustration. Fluttershy finally spoke up, worried there was something physically wrong with her, "Puppy, are you ok?"

"Yes..." She answered with a leaden bluntness, "...and that's what hurts."

Fluttershy turned her head, biting her lip before trying again, "I know you knew them better than we did..."

"Yes, I did." She grunted, the anger in her eyes growing, "Apart from Invitus and Myrtis, I'm the only one who can remember them. They saved you all, and you can't even morn them properly."


"And neither can I." Puppy's hoof drifted over to the drawer, linking with the handle and pulling it open with a crack as the lock snapped. Her eyes softened as she reached inside, taking out a silver torc lovingly inscribed with the house symbol. She placed it down on the top of the cabinet, reach back down for a second object. This was a silver headdress, the tiny blue gems hanging from it glittering as she held it up to the light, "They were planning to be married. They loved each other. It's sad."

"It is."

"I can't... feel sad. I don't know how." Puppy tensed, muscles bunching across her neck, "I can remember grief and remorse, but I... don't understand how to feel them. That's why I'm... a monster..."

Fluttershy's hackles rose at this, instantly stepping forward in offense, "You are not! You are... different. That's not..."

"I don't want to be different!" She pleaded, her voice rising in pitch, "I want it to hurt! I've... lost my parents, I've lost Zenai, and now them too! And... if I'm ever going to understand ponies, if I'm ever going to help them I have to know... pain, sorrow... regret... I HAVE TO!"


"I could destroy the world if I wanted to!" Puppy stomped a hoof onto the ground, spittle flying, "I'm NIGHTMARE MOON! And I don't even have the power to cry for my friends?!"

Fluttershy stared down at the mare before her, a strange feeling within her heart. This... was Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Rarity. The star demons, who had caused so much hate and torment.

But standing here now, Fluttershy knew that it would make every principle she held a lie not to help her now. That it would make her as bad as those who discriminated against the hellhounds, just because they were big and scary. That deep down...

Deep down they were all just another animal, trying to survive while retaining as much dignity as they could manage, "Are you sure about this Puppy?"

She looked up, uncomprehending for a moment before nodding, "Yes."

"Look at me." Fluttershy ordered, locking her eyes with Puppy's. They were clear and bright, the soft pink of her irises reminding her of Celestia's.

Celestia. Littlepip... it hurt to think about them. Who knew what had happened? Were either of them still alive?

Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Luna, Rarity... her kids... her husband... her world... her life... two hundred years of regret and pain. She had cried all her tears, but she still remembered the pain.

And as she felt those emotions she stared deep into Puppy's eyes, feeling the connection between them blaze like the sun. She looked through those eyes, penetrating to the mare within. Both young and so, so old, an innocent stepping into a world she feared she would never understand. She was struck by the passionate, furious, unrestrained vigor that ran through the girl, the raw unfettered fire of youth. She opened herself up, let the connection flow both ways, let those eyes stare back into her heart just as she stared into Puppy's.

She felt connections form within the mare, struck hard when she recognized Luna within Puppy's heart. That spark, that fragment of Luna smiled back, a second before a familiar force shone deep within Puppy's heart. A whirling, comforting, powerful heartbeat, it glowed like rainbows and filled Fluttershy with visions of past happiness... before the regret fell upon her like an avalanche.

She felt it, the heartbreak. She immersed herself in that feeling, understood it, knew it... and she reached deep inside Puppy, found the emotional connections and allowed her to know it too.

"Oh... no... no..." Puppy's eyes filled with tears, her whole body shaking, "What... what did you do...?"

"My stare." Fluttershy stated sadly, "It allows me to create empathy. Allows others to understand what I understand."

Puppy pounded a hoof against her chest, struggling for breath, "But I... I'm a Star Demon... I can't... how?"

"We're not so different." Fluttershy stated, now knowing just how true it was, "The connections were there. I just had to show you how to join them up."

"I've lost everypony..." Puppy stated, the tears running free now, "I never even... considered it before... I can't! I can't Fluttershy! I can't deal with this, I was mistaken! I'm going to explode!" She gasped and ran at the wall, slamming into it and just sliding into a ball on the ground, "Help me, please!"

"Puppy..." She reached forward with a hoof...

"No! AH...!" Puppy thrust a desperate hoof out and Fluttershy saw stars, feeling her jaw shift and a tooth drop onto her tongue. She gasped and hit the wall, slumping down and spitting out blood as she tried to shake her head clear. She looked up to see Puppy looking absolutely terrified, tears running down her face, "Oh no, oh no... Fluttershy, I'm so sorry!"

"It's... it's ok..." She blamed herself for that one, should have known better to get so close to a panicking patient. She massaged her jaw before beginning again, moving a little slower this time, "Puppy, look at me."

"I can't Fluttershy, I can't..."

"I can help you get through this." She smiled as Puppy's tear filled eyes met hers, "I've been through it myself."

She held that gaze as she advanced, slow and steady, allowing their minds to fully connect. She reached down with her magic, grasped Puppy's pain and clutched it tight. It hurt. It hurt like losing her friends had hurt, like losing her world. It felt like guilt, like regret, like despair. It felt like she would never be happy again, and she cried, broken by every bitter memory. But never once did she let go, never once did she look away. And she felt Puppy grasp those reserves of strength and experience Fluttershy had built up, and slowly her pain eased.

Her lips slowly curled into a trembling smile, her eyes full of love and relief, "Thank you."

They made their way back, both feeling a little stronger than before.


Fluttershy was content. Blissfully, transcendently content. Her body still tingled slightly, spread out on the bed, totally unable to move.

This bugged her, an annoying itch at the back of her mind. She tried to rise, only to simply wobble a little bit. Her next attempt barely got her head off the pillow.

She heard Dust Kicker laugh from outside her vision, "Lie back Fluttershy, relax for five seconds."

She couldn't. She wouldn't, "I'm being selfish."

"That's the last word I would use to describe you." He padded over, leaning down and affectionately nuzzling her neck, "You’ve been running around helping ponies all day. No wonder you're so tense."

That just made her feel worse, "I'm neglecting you. Using you. I've barely spoken to you all day..."

"Fluttershy, I care about them. I was worried about everypony, and now I'm not." He moved onto the bed next to her, setting his body against hers, "I'm grateful that I can help you relax a little at the very least."

"Mmm..." She murmured happily, not having the energy to argue. He was so soft and cuddly, Fluttershy wondering why it had taken so long for her to notice, "You're so nice Dust Kicker."

He chuckled, lifting his head a little to grin at her, "To be honest you cut such an adorable image laid out like that, I hardly have any reason to complain."

"Ugh..." She reluctantly rolled herself onto her side, crossing her legs and trying to reclaim some dignity, "I don't know what you see in me. I can't even bear to look in the mirror these days."

"Clearly, because you missed the part where you're totally stunning." He chided, moving behind her and putting two hooves about her waist, "You look younger than me on my best day."

Fluttershy sighed. It might well have been true, which elicited those old, familiar feelings of slightly bizarre guilt. And then she felt guilty for feeling guilty, which only added to the mix, "I wonder if anyone would have ever listened to me if I was ugly?"


"All those ponies, lining up to hear me speak about peace and kindness. How many of them were actually interested in what I had to say, and how many just wanted to see me?"

"Well there's a question." Dust contemplated, before sighing, "Sad but true. None of the arbiters are exactly bad looking, and nor was Red Eye."

"Ugh, rule by the prettiest..." Fluttershy pouted to herself, "If I was ugly, and... say Mint Diamond had mares falling at his hooves, would they have listened to him rather than my poorly thought out opinions?"

"There are a lot of attractive ponies in the world Fluttershy." Dust commented as he nuzzled her ear, "Not all of them want to spread love and kindness wherever they go, and bleed and sweat to make it a reality."

"I never wanted to be this Dust Kicker." She explained, sighing softly, "I wanted to live in my cottage and look after my animals. Some days I wish I had thrown the element of kindness in a river and run away into the mountains, lived peacefully, simply... happily."

"You didn't." Dust observed.

"No... because I'm a coward." She curled up, feeling vulnerable. She pressed herself against Dust's body, wishing that everything had been one bad dream and she would soon wake up to a life doing exactly that, "I never learned how to say no."

"That's not it Fluttershy." He reassured her, holding her tight, "It's because you're a good pony, and you always will be. That's what makes ponies listen to you."

She felt tears well up in her eyes, feeling Dust's warmth flow through her in a cleansing wave, "Thank you..."

"The fact that you look like a supermodel and never age likely helps though."

She giggled then rolled herself onto him, wrapping hooves around his body and nuzzling deep into his cheek. She pressed her body against his, enjoying the curves of his body, melting into the strength of his hooves. She fell to the side and drew forward for a deep kiss, drawing away to flash him a grin fueled by so much happiness it felt like she was about to burst, "Ok, you just listened to me whine about being pretty without a word of complaint. I really owe you now."

He grinned back, holding her close, "Oh, I think I can think of some way for you to repay me."


Fluttershy woke once again to an empty bed, sighing gently and moving to get herself washed and dressed. This time she picked a nice silvery number that she felt really flattered, noting how easily she managed to slip into it. When she first left Equestria she needed help with everything that rotated a joint slightly beyond standard tolerances, now she was easily slipping into complex outfits. She honestly wondered if she was really that out of shape, or if she was somehow aging backwards.

She frowned as she got a good look at her flank in the mirror, quickly covering it with the dress. Not young enough yet that she was in a hurry to let anyone see her out of the dress though.

She heard arguing as she approached the control room, reassured to hear Ace Gold inside. She didn't instantly recognize the other voice, and to her confusion whoever it was seemed to be speaking a language she had never heard before. She peaked round the corner just as Ace started up again, sounding deeply frustrated, "We got a reward because we actually did something!"

"I did thomething. And you theed me to cother the thity from the air, unleths you hath another pegathis in mind."

"Ahem." Fluttershy coughed, moving inside. She nodded to the two ponies, "Ace Gold, Clear Skies, good morning."

Clear Skies gave a big grin, "Good monthing!"

Fluttershy smiled at the pegasi, not that surprised to see her really. She seemed to have a habit of turning up unexpectedly, "So what brings you to the city Clear Skies, I...?"

"Don't be nice to her!"

Fluttershy turned to Ace Gold, frowning a little as the buck glared at her fiercely, "I thought you said you were going to be less angry."

Ace's stare got harder, "She doesn't deserve it Fluttershy. She abandoned you to your fate, she abandoned all of us!"

Clear Skies shrugged, looking casual, "I didnth think rushthing into the enemy basth wasth a sensethible plan." She looked over at Ace, then pointed to a discolored area on her cheek, "Espethially after he gave me this."

Fluttershy tried not to roll her eyes, not exactly surprised at any of this. Clear Skies she well knew as... rough, and Ace Gold's flaws were well known, "Ace, she saved Dust Kicker and Invictus from the tower."

Ace puffed up instantly, "She...!"

Fluttershy silenced him with a glare, not afraid to stop him in his tracks with a tiny bit of the stare before turning to Clear Skies, "And Clear Skies, I believe I saw you asking for payment before you actually completed a job. That's considered rather rude."

Clear Skies shrugged, "I did complete a job. I goth this pony and histh frienths to the tower."

Ace gritted his teeth, "Only because I forced you!"

Clear Skies nodded, "He threathend to kill me."

"I..." This stopped Ace Gold in his tracks, briefly thrown off balance, "It... it wasn't like that. She was working with Arick, she was trying to rob the place!"

"Scathengers rithes."

Ace took a step forward, before Fluttershy glared him back into position. He pouted for a moment before speaking again, "She was working with Sunshine Ivory!"

"Sunshine Ivory?" Fluttershy's eyes widened, she hadn't seen Sunshine Ivory since Dusklight, "Is she ok?"

Clear Skies shrugged, "Seemthed fine."

Ace gave Fluttershy a warning glance, "Star Swirl is with her."

Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness."

"No! I... I'm not putting this across!" Ace Gold stamped a hoof in frustration, "She was working with those mercenaries, alongside Arick!"

Now this shocked Fluttershy, feeling her heart beat faster for a moment. She looked to Clear Skies, "Is that true?"

Clear Skies actually looked worried for a moment, briefly looking around the room before giving another very casual shrug of her shoulders, "She wanthed to geth to the cithy, shut down thesthers cursth. She hired me, then joined up with them for protection."

Ace Gold gave her a low, angry glare, "And where were you when they killed Zenai?!"

"At the back, with the baggathge train." Clear Skies explained rather casually, "Your alicorn, she amothsed kilthed me, blew up the whole building. Dropthed a grenade on her in the end, and Sunthine got all upthet. She grapthed the alicorn..."

"Her name was Star Swirl." Ace declared acidly.

"...graphed Star Thirl, then buggethed ofth. Tolthed us to carry on without her."

"And you promptly ditched your job the second you got here."

"Hey, my job wath imposthible." She protested, then gave a grin, "And I alwaths wanted to rob a banth."

Ace tensed for a moment or two, then turned on Fluttershy, "Don't tell me you believe this crap!"

"Ace." Fluttershy declared with as much bluntness as possible, just wanting to defuse this whole silly argument before she even began considering what was and wasn't true, "Believe me, I've worked with Clear Skies enough to know what she's like. And Clear Skies, I've told you before to stop antagonizing everypony."

"Dinthed do anything wrong..." She muttered.

"But Ace, you cannot accuse her of having something to do with Zenai's death, just because you don't like her."

Ace gave her a furious look, "I don't like her because she did nothing to save you!"

"With the utmost respect Ace, she doesn't have one of the richest families in the NCR supporting her, nor does she count me as a personal acquaintance." Fluttershy gave him a little glare to confirm that she was being very serious now, "And therefore you cannot expect her to risk her life in a suicide mission to save me, for no material reward..."


"...especially after you physically assaulted her."

Ace went to interject, but his head slowly fell and his mouth closed. His eyes still simmered however, speaking after a moment in a low growl, "I'm not the bad guy here."

Fluttershy wasn't going to comment, turning instead to Clear Skies, "I will find a way to compensate you for your services Clear Skies. And if you are able to help out in scouting out the city you will gain both further reward and the gratitude of many influential zebra."

Clear Skies grinned happily at this, looking deeply pleased with herself, "I can get on boathd witfh that!"

"Now if you wouldn't mind, I would like to speak to Ace Gold in private."

Ace watched her go, his emotions written all over his face. He continued to simmer then silently after the door closed, just pouting there as Fluttershy stood quietly beside. Finally he spoke, not looking at her as he did, "She's a bad pony Fluttershy. She's lying to you, I know it."

"Ace, I've met her before." She sighed, allowing a small smile to move across her face, "I've wanted to hit her myself on occasions."

He looked at her now, "Really?"

Fluttershy's smiled faded now, giving him a disapproving glare, "But I didn't, because that would have been petty and unhelpful."

Ace pouted back at her, "I'm sorry ok?"

"Good." She gave him a soft smile, "Have you seen her fly Ace? I knew Rainbow Dash, and even I have to admit she's one of the best I've ever seen."

"And a disloyal, cowardly bitch..." He gave a disdainful sniff, "You know, the very opposite of Rainbow Dash."

"Of course she is." Fluttershy agreed with a broad smile, "Keep a close eye on your caps, and never give her the access codes to the stores. During the enclave war I caught her looting corpses. But she is useful Ace, and we need all the help we can get."

"Fine..." Ace muttered, before giving Fluttershy a rueful look, "I am trying ok? Is it really so bad that blatant cowardice rubs me the wrong way?"

"No Ace." She smiled at him, taking a deep breath before shaking her head and limping over to the console, "And now I'm done critiquing you, I wanted to ask for your help."

Ace Gold gave her a curious look, "What is it?"

"It's about Puppy. You know that her body is decaying right?"

Ace frowned, naturally reaching the wrong conclusion, "After everything she said about me being a terrible host, you ask..."

"No, no." Fluttershy quickly assured him, "I doubt she would even accept in the first place. But I've got a better idea, providing we can pull it off." She looked him in the eye, checking the room was empty before continuing, "One we've both got experience with."


It took a short while of brainstorming for Ace to be convinced the plan was viable enough to be worth the effort, but finally the calls had been made and Invictus and Clear Skies had been sent off to scout the reminds of the Academy of Science. After this Ace had stated that he needed some time to plan, so Fluttershy set off to find her own entertainment. Stuck up here there wasn't really a lot for her to do, she wasn't scientist enough to help Puppy nor engineer enough to help Ace. Instead she contented herself with wandering the corridors, planning out how exactly she would make all these peace talks work.

She felt the need to see the city, so eventually made it up the one of the rooftop gardens. She almost failed to consider the sunlight shining through the doorway as she approached, her heart lifting joyfully as she strode out into the brilliant sunshine, "Oh my... I wonder if it was Puppy or somepony else who finally got the sun to rise. Still, how beautiful the city looks in the daylight." She wandered over to the balcony, drinking in the view, "...I really should stop talking to myself. It's a sign of insanity, certainly not a habit I want to cultivate."

"Princezz Luna, most definitely."

Fluttershy's eyes turned as she heard Myrtis' voice, seeing her, Dust Kicker and Easu also standing on the balcony a short distance away. She walked over to join them as Dust replied, looking impressed, "You fought her?"

Myrtis nodded, "Yez... well... no."

Easu gave her a look, "Which?"

"Well it wazn't really a fight." She explained with cheer, "Zhe got zeperated from her guard during a battle, and we were ordered to attack her. It was three ghozts, me, Invitus and Nortiz. We waited until she was engaged with a group of nearby infantry on the ridge, then we attacked her all at onze."

"Smart." Easu replied.

"Well..." Myrtis giggled, "...we had only just started on our approach when she spotted uz. Hit Nortiz with a horn blazt that zhredded his zuit while ztill firing her energy gatling at the troopz on the ridge. One of them fired a rocket at her and she grabbed it with her telekineziz and threw it at me, knocking me off my hoovez. Then zhe teleported right in front of Invictus and broke all his legz in about four seconds. Then... hehe... then the whole Equeztria army came flying at uz, zcreaming and hollering."

Dust grinned, "What did you do?"

"I grabbed Invictus and ran like my tail waz on fire!" Myrtis laughed joyfully, "I told the bozzez that they wouldn't get me anywhere near a princezz ever again."

Fluttershy smirked, not really sure she approved of this conversation but able to find the humor in the situation, "Talking about past battles?"

"Hardezt fight you've ever had." Myrtis declared cheerfully, "Dust Kicker next!"

"Me..." He sighed, rubbing his head with a hoof, "Actually it's likely another alicorn ironically enough."

"You fought a princezz?"

"Not a princess, thankfully. One of Twilight Sparkle's alicorns."

Fluttershy frowned, "When did you fight an alicorn?"

"I've fought three actually... five really." Dust Kicker considered his words for a moment before starting to speak, "Don't let me give you the wrong impression, I admit I developed a skewed view myself. In fact generally most alicorns I've met had been the quietest, most dutiful ponies in the wasteland."

Fluttershy nodded, though secretly she herself had always found them somewhat unsettling, "They are."

"But they've had a rough history, and there are a few that... lose the plot a little." He shrugged, "And whenever they started causing a problem they hired me to bring them in for... treatment."

Easu frowned, "If they're anything like Star Swirl, that must be challenging."

"The first one I encountered was really simple actually." Dust admitted with a grin, "She had been stealing from a nearby town, and one day tried to drag off a small child. That was enough for them, and they hired me to track her down. Found her in a field nearby shouting nonsense to herself, two shots of tranquilizers to the neck and she was out like a light. Brought her back to a Followers, collected my reward. Simple."

"I'm betting that wasn't your toughest battle." Easu commented.

Dust chuckled, "No. You see, that had been so easy and lucrative I accepted the next alicorn contract instantly. This one was for an alicorn camped in some mines, mines the NCR wanted to restart. They sent some representatives to speak to her and she killed the whole lot of them, so that's where I came in."

Fluttershy pouted at him, "They were trying to kick her out of her home."

"When I got there she had their heads on spikes and was cackling to herself Fluttershy." Dust commented dryly, before continuing, "Well I set up my rifle, took aim on her neck, and fired. Her eyes instantly flicked to my location, her shields deflected the tranc rounds and she teleported in a flash, appearing right in front of me."

Myrtis chuckled, "Not good."

"No." He admitted, "She smacked the rifle away, shoved me backwards and put a horn through my shoulder. Pinned me to a rock and started twisting."

"What did you do?"

"I pulled out my knife and started stabbing." Dust stated, wincing at the memory, "I severed her jaw and put out an eye and she still kept driving her horn through my shoulder. So I... sawed off her horn."

Fluttershy winced, "Dust! That's... horrible!"

He grimaced, "Yeah. It didn't get better. Because there she was, horn gone, face cut to ribbons... and she just kept attacking. Smacking me with her hooves, kicking me about... I tacked her to the floor and started stabbing, she bit most of my throat out..."

"That's a fight." Easu admitted with a nod.

Dust chuckled, "I honestly thought that was it for me. But finally... she stopped moving. I lay there for half a day before somepony came up to check on me, found me half dead in a field of blood."

"You're one tough old coot!" Myrtis declared cheerfully.

"Yeah, well... I've never been quite as tough since." Dust shifted the fur on his neck aside, revealing a deep, jagged scar, "Since I'd been lying there so long, my wounds all scarred up. Took a long time before I was able to get back out there again, and I never fully recovered."

Fluttershy looked to him with sympathy, "Oh Dust..."

"It's alright. We all get old, and hey... back there, I thought I was going to die." He tapped a hoof on his breast, "I'm happy to have been wrong."

"What about you mizz Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy opened her eyes wide in surprise, then glared back at Myrtis a little. Easu noticed her discomfort and opened his mouth to speak, Fluttershy silencing him with a look before answering herself, "If you must know... I think it was King Sombra."

"Thatz a good anzwer." She chuckled, "He waz pretty zcary, though before my time."

"I... don't actually know who that is." Easu commented.

"Me either." Dust agreed.

"Uh... tale for another time." Fluttershy stated grimly, not really wanting to revisit that memory. It did remind her of her second choice however, and that this was a perfect time to get more information on him. She looked over at Myrtis, "Myrtis, do you possibly know a ghost operative called Chigaru?"

She dropped her head to the side, completive for a moment before answering, "Yez. We worked with him a few timez."

"What... was he like?"

"Chigaru?" Myrtis asked, sounding a bit confused, "He waz... quiet. Good operative though, he never let hiz emotionz get in the way of a mizzion."

Fluttershy shivered, "I... see."

"No, not like that... well yez like that, but... he was never cruel either. He got the job done, without any fuzz. And he was always so polite and respeztful." She chuckled briefly before continuing, "He waz a little obzezzed with you actually mizz Fluttershy."

Fluttershy had to pause at this, "With me?"

"Yez... well it wazn't uncommon. The prophezy of the fire maiden!" She chuckled, "It waz all rubbizh of courze, but a lot of zebra believed it."

Fluttershy leaned forward, knowing she was on to something now, "Adisa mentioned the prophesy of the fire maiden too. What is it, what does it say?"

Myrtis shifted her position, looking uncomfortable, "Well... it'z juzt a ztory..."

"Even if it is, I need to know what people think about me Myrtis. Please."

"Alright... I'm not the bezt ztoryteller, and I might not remember all the detailz..." She took a deep breath, then nervously began, "The fire maiden waz prophezied... by zome zebra, who I forget. They're zuppozed to be able to fly without being a pegazi, zpeke the language of animalz without being an earth pony, wield the most powerful of magicz without being a unicorn and know the eternal arts without being a zebra. And although they bring together the ztrengthz of all racez, no alicorn are they eitherz."

Fluttershy... could see points there. She could fly, she could use the stare, she could talk to animals and she had used pre-prepared megaspells. Still, "But I am a pegasi."

Myrtis shifted uncomfortably, finally speaking softly, "Forgive me mizz Fluttershy, but some called you a half breed, and that waz how you fit the prophozy"

Fluttershy winced, her heart snapping sharply and painfully.

Dust leaned in, sounding concerned, "Fluttershy?"

"It... it's ok." She sighed, "It was never formerly confirmed, but... it was always pretty obvious."

"What's a half breed?" Easu asked carefully, inspecting them for reactions, "A combination of two different pony species I presume, but that cannot be uncommon."

"Actually it is." Fluttershy explained, falling into doctor mode to avoid her own emotions on the subject, "The genes for pegasi, earth and unicorn are mutually exclusive, if you are one, you cannot be another."

"Like the chance of a having a boy or a girl." Easu commented.

Fluttershy laughed at the analogy, "Exactly like that. Because sometimes... it doesn't work like that. You can get a baby that is... both."

Easu considered this for a moment, "That sounds... useful. Being two pony species that is, not being... two genders."

Fluttershy winced, not the best way of putting it, "Actually, it's really not. The pony species are mutually exclusive for a reason, half breeds generally suffer from none of their abilities working properly. That's alongside dozens of other medical problems, physical defects..."

"But they do work." Dust soothed, "You're a great flier, and you can talk to animals..."

"Actually I'm a terrible flier." Fluttershy admitted, feeling that maybe her abilities had been oversold over the years, "And I was never a very good farmer either. I always wonder if the only reason I discovered any of my talents was the influence of the elements, as it wasn't until then that I became at all comfortable with my flying, or gained control of my stare."

"But you did." Easu observed with a look of interest, "And you do fit the words of the prophesy, which cannot account for many in this world. You command the abilities of four races."

Fluttershy didn't like prophesies, especially ones about her, "So what is the Fire Maiden supposed to do?"

"Um..." Myrtis tipped her head back, humming to herself, "...ok, thiz iz from memory, but... you are..."

"The fire maiden is." Fluttershy corrected swiftly.

"...the fire maiden iz zupposed to carry the lazt zparks of the old world within her heart, a zymbol of purity within a corrupted wazteland."

Fluttershy looked to Easu as he nodded, frowning sharply at him, "I am not a symbol of purity. I've killed ponies, I compromised a hundred times before the war even ended."

Myrtis looked at her before hesitantly continuing, "Her zymbol will ztand for all to see, a promize of kindnezz and protection in an unforgiving world."

Dust Kicker snorted in amusement. Fluttershy had to admit to having nothing to say to that, though she maintained that was Velvet Remedy, not her.

"Yet againzt her, harmony will alzo choose a champion of the new order to come. Born in weaknezz and corrupted by the zhadow of death, his zoul will live on within the miztz of the worldz ending. He will ztrip down the fragile beauty of the old, he will march beside the new kingz and he will give them the ztrength to zurvive the cruel firez of dizcord."

"Fuck that guy." Dust kicker breathed, Fluttershy replying with a little shiver at the memory of his voice, his stare...

"The fire maiden of the old world, and the mizt walker of the new. They will meet in battle at the gatez of the zhining city, and from death will come new life, from corruption, new ztrength, and the old world and the new will finally come to an end. From the firez of ambition and wrath, a new order will be formed."

Fluttershy ran the words through her head, "What... exactly does that mean?"

Myrtis shrugged, "I waz hoping you knew. I'm zuprized I remembered all that, but Chigaru muzt have mentioned it zo many timez that it ztuck."

"It might mean nothing Fluttershy." Dust warned, "You fitting the description of the fire maiden might be a coincidence. But it would certainly explain Chigaru's actions."

Myrtis straightened out in surprise, "Chigaru iz alive?"

Fluttershy nodded softly, her voice coming out a whisper, "And he's a monster who's been terrorizing the zebra territories for two hundred years."

"Wow..." She giggled nervously, "I mean... Chigaru was real good, but I never expezted he would zurvive five minutez without zomeone telling him what to do. He was alwayz... zimple, you know? Pluz... he's juzt one zebra."

"He's hardly a normal zebra." Dust pointed out, "I blew his head off, put a hundred bullets through him and he only paused to laugh. And Steel Marrow chopped him in half, and he treated it like a minor inconvenience."

"Wha..." Myrtis gave another nervous giggle, thumping her chest with a hoof, "That... we don't work like that."

"You don't?"

"No." She shook her head, "You chop me in half, I'll be very, very dead. Trade zecret, but zevering our zpine kills uz. That'z why our zuits have the thickest armor along our backz, and the back of our neckz."

"You're a Canterlot Ghoul." Dust Kicker observed.

Myrtis turned her head in confusion, Fluttershy expanding, "Like Remicon."

"Oh." Myrtis though a moment before nodding, "Zame procezz, though we're expozed in a more controlled fazion. Lord Caesar got a big doze all at onze and without adequate healing, it'z rotted hiz body, made it fragile. We're exposed to it zlowly over time, with a conztant zupply of healing potion. It makez our zkin hard as rock yet almost as supple as it was before, our bones like steel, our muscles strong enough to knock a hole through concrete."

"I'm surprised they didn't make more of you." Dust commented.

"Well only very few were compatible apparently. And a lot ztill died during the tranzformation." She tapped her goggles, "We're alzo rendered nearly blind, zo we're only any good in cloze combat."

Fluttershy didn't know that. She instantly felt a wave of concern, "Really?"

"Yeah." Myrtis answered, "The gogglez allow uz to zee the world az zhadows, but detailz are impozzible and our depth perception is zhot. We're not going to be winning any beauty contezts either... though I like it."

Fluttershy blinked, "You like being stuck in that suit?"

"I waz alwayz mocked for being different. Never knew what I waz zupposed to be." She posed proudly, "Now, I'm a ghozt. Defender of the zebra, warrior of truth and juztize. Thiz iz my face."

Easu nodded from behind his bandages, "I understand that."

Fluttershy smiled, feeling so much better that she had a more positive example to put behind the masked faces of the ghost operatives, "Thank you Myrtis. I really appreciate it."

"No problem Mizz Fluttershy." She paused for a moment before speaking again, voice hopeful, "And Lord Caesar wanted to speak with you whenever you had time. He zaid he'd be in the shrine most of the morning."

Fluttershy nodded, having wanted to speak to him in private, "I'll go right away, thank you."


The bones still sat upon the altarstones where they had lain them, Remicon at the far end of the room knelt before a representation of the holy fire. She coughed as she approached, Remicon turning to regard her with a pair of broken, hopeless eyes, "You know..." He started, his voice quivering, "...it is told by the priests that when a soul returns to the holy fire, the nature of its death stays with it. That murder and killing is a bloody wound against all life, born and unborn alike."

"Maybe so." She answered, having heard this before, "But wounds heal."

"I am selfish and worthless Fluttershy, I worry for myself above all others." He turned away, voice cracking, "Healed or not, I struck against the divine itself. How could I earn redemption after that?"

Fluttershy smiled, thinking of her own sins. These questions had once filled her heart too, "It won't be easy."

He looked back at her for several seconds before waving her on, starting towards the door, "Come."

She followed him out into the corridor, moving down towards the section where the historical murals decorated the walls. Remicon slowed and stopped before one of them, his eyes moist as he studied its details. Fluttershy recognized the story after a moment, depicting the end of the war against the Star Demons. Zebra celebrated and warriors set their weapons down, a tall robed zebra Fluttershy recognized as Zenophilous the Wise forging a crown of gold from the dragonsfires of the All-Mother. The next image had him standing with a regal looking zebra on top of a tall mountain framed by the rising sun, placing that crown down upon the zebra's head.

"Back then, the world was full of promise." Remicon spoke, his voice heavy with regret, "We had beaten the Star Demons, we were one people. We had a new king, Sandrain, tested in battle and crowned in gold. He ruled from the city on the mountain, and for a moment our future was assured."

Fluttershy had heard this story from Remicon before. She hadn't realized back then just how much it mean to him, "He was assassinated by his brother, and the zebra fell into civil war."

"And it never stopped. We warred and fought with one another until our future lay in ruins, till we became some backwards colony for Equestria to bully and abuse." He touched a hoof against the mural, tears running down his face, "I wanted to turn back the clock, to a time when we were united. I wanted to lead a victorious people into a glorious future."

"Victorious over the Star Demons." Fluttershy commented with a sigh.

"Nightmare Moon destroyed us all, and she never even existed." Remicon shook his head, "I intended her to be a symbol, a symbol of Equestrian decadence. But she grew stronger than I ever intended, into a figure of terror that inspired the zebra into a fanatical hatred that escaped all reason. And in the end it consumed me too." He looked across at her, searching her features for... absolution? "I sincerely believed you would kill us all if you won."

Fluttershy gave him a sympathetic smile, not about to blame him now, "Rarity didn't help with those propaganda leaflets. Equestria actively encouraged those feelings, trying to break the zebra's spirit."

He laughed humorlessly, "They obviously knew nothing of zebra."

"No, maybe not."

"What was she like?" Remicon asked, turning away, "Princess Luna. You know, I never actually met her."

"A... lot like you." Fluttershy conceded, "I think she found herself lost in her own propaganda too. But she had the right intentions... and she was still my friend."

"She arranged to have you killed Fluttershy." Remicon stated with deep regret, dropping his head.

Fluttershy set her lips, ignoring those words, "She would never do that."

He shook his head, "If you're right that we're the same, I think she would." He sighed, his face screwing up, "Because I let them take my own son."

Fluttershy considered those words for a time, simply staring straight ahead as she turned them over. This was after all a question she had wanted to ask for a very long time, "What happened to Nassar?"

"I do not know."

She turned with a gasp of exasperation, now that was no answer at all, "Remicon?!"

"I handed him over to Xenospira." Remicon explained with a slow resignation, "I... did not want to know what he would do. He only promised that he would live, and that when Xenospira was finished my son would be more than ready to join me in the fight against Equestria."

Xenospira? Fluttershy couldn't help but consider the terrible implications. Had they missed him? "Was he in the tower?"

"No." Remicon shook his head, "He was taken away from the city. I... wanted him away from here."


"I am so sorry Fluttershy."

She forced a desperate smile at him, shaking her head. She had little care for regret at this point, "If we're going to apologize for all the mistakes we've made, we'll be here a very long time."

Remicon nodded, turning back to the mural, "Yes. Let us finish what I came here and be done with it." His hoof reached over, fitting cleanly in a little depression in the mural. There was a spark of magic and Fluttershy heard something unlock, Remicon withdrawing his hoof and stepping back as a small drawer emerged from the bottom of the mural, "Fluttershy, if you will?"

Fluttershy took his invitation, advancing forward and reaching into the drawer. She was not prepared for what she found there, hoofs clamping around a circle of smooth metal and lifting it from its container. The torchlight shone upon its mirrored surface as it emerged, sending waves of black and crimson across the bright golden metal. It was perfect, completely circular with rows of dragon tooth spikes along the top, not a scratch or mark of corrosion on its surface, "This is... the Dragon Crown of Caesars!"

"I never wore the thing. But I know it's important to the zebra." Remicon motioned to it, hesitant to get too close, "I hid it away here, after I emerged from... below."

Fluttershy held it with due respect, marveling at its lack of pretension as much as anything else. No ornamental carvings or gems, no fur lining or even a unique shape. It made sense, this was likely one of the oldest surviving equine forged objects in existence, made when the zebra were still restricted to iron and bronze and were by and large slaves to the Star Demons. Apparently it had been forged from dragon forged gold, heated by the All-Mother herself, "What are we going to do with it?"

"Return it to the throne room where it belongs." Remicon answered, starting off in that direction, "Please, if you would come with me? If I have read this correctly I will require a witness."

She nodded and followed him back, soon making it into the great hall. As ever it was totally unchanged from before, Fluttershy would have been surprised if there was a mote of dust out of place. She followed Remicon as they moved towards the throne room door, the zebra slowing a bit as he approached, "You remember don't you Fluttershy? The throne room was locked when you were here last."

Fluttershy nodded, she remembered, "There was a council in charge. The throne room was sealed, and they met in the council chambers above."

"I came here to claim the throne at the head of a vast multitude of zebra, all chanting my name, demanding I be let through. The guards bowed as I moved past, the councilors declared their allegiance or fled." Remicon's head rose for a moment, proud and strong once more, "I was confident I had divine mandate. After years of strife my conquest of the capital had been completely bloodless. And as I approached the throne doors I declared this, declared my right to take the throne as those behind chorused their agreement."

"It must have been an inspiring sight."

He stopped at the doors, stared up at them for a moment or two before sighing, "They opened before me, those doors that had been closed for more than a hundred years. And before me, sitting upon the throne... was my crown. Waiting, like it was destiny." He sighed before lifting a hoof, pushing open the great stone doors, "Now the doors stand silent."

Fluttershy stepped into the throne room alongside Remicon, the room somehow seeming lighter than before. The oppressive atmosphere she had felt before was now replaced with a somber restfulness, like the palace was simply peacefully asleep.

"What did you want Remicon?" Fluttershy asked, looking around at the pillars of harmony.

"A world where justice mattered. Where the weak did not have to fear the strong." He looked out upon the throne, eyes heavy with burden, "But maybe in the end, I simply did not want to be afraid anymore. Afraid for the zebra, who had fought so hard only to receive scraps from those who had been simply handed their wealth and power. Afraid for my son, and the other children of the zebra, born into a world where their pride and destiny had been stripped from them."

"You had a point." Fluttershy conceeded.

"And that is a terrible thing." Remicon stepped forward towards the throne, his stride slow and respectful as he looked upon the regal structure, "The righteous and justified can be far more dangerous than any madman. The truth justifies a thousand sins."

Fluttershy sighed, uncertain what to say. It was painful but true, whatever 'points' he could make faded away when you weighed them against a billion lives, "You followed your heart."

"No... greed perverted my aims. My heart was swayed by a lust for power." He smiled, looking strangely relieved as he spoke the words, "I should have sued for peace after I destroyed your armies in the first battle of the war. Then maybe I would have been remembered as righteous, showing the ponies the strength of the zebra and buying a new future for all of us."

"Why didn't you?"

Remicon let his head fall, "Because your armies were destroyed, and I saw a chance for glory and conquest. At that moment I held the future of the world in my hooves, and greed swayed my heart towards war."

Fluttershy sighed. She couldn't blame him. The desire for more lay in the victories of all the great, and sadly also in their defeats, "We all failed Remicon."

"And I am done with it." He turned to Fluttershy, extending a hoof, "The crown please."

She hoofed it over, Remicon holding it carefully as he turned and moved towards the throne in the centre. There he lay the crown, its golden surface ringing softly as it settled against the stone.

A hum filled the room, rising in pitch as Fluttershy felt magic well up around them. She looked around, aware of ghostly figures standing in the shadows just out of sight. After a moment a voice rang from one of them, clear and commanding, "The crown has been returned to the stone?"

Remicon nodded, "It has."

"The house of the sand drake has ended, without heir or successor?"

Remicon's face fell, "The house is no more."

"Then Caesar Remicon the First, rightful bearer of the Dragon Crown and protector of the zebra, has returned to legend." The figure stepped forward into the light, his form comprised of shifting mists that managed to form into a strikingly recognizable zebra. Tall and commanding, clad in simple yet striking robes.

Fluttershy instantly recognized him from his statue, "Zenophilious the wise..."

Other figures emerged from the shadows, zebra of every shape, all crowned in gold. They all bowed their heads in respect, Fluttershy running down the line until she beheld the last figure, forming before her eyes. He was thin, hatchet faced, stern and commanding with an air that demanded respect. Proud and just... but maybe in the end far, far too proud.

"The bells will ring tonight, so that all may pray that the Caesar will find his way to the holy flame, where sins are forgiven and virtue may live forever." Xenophilous declared, all the kings bowing in agreement as he continued, "And the crown will rest here, until a worthy zebra returns to lead us once more to glory."

Remicon ignored him as he turned and slowly strode back to the exit, Fluttershy hurrying to follow as the ghosts all bowed their head at their departure. Fluttershy felt the magic die behind them as they emerged into the great hall, the light fading. A moment later and the doors moved, those great stone slabs slamming shut behind with a final sounding thump.

Remicon paused at the top of the steps, bowing his head, "And so it ends... "

Fluttershy looked to him. He looked... lesser somehow, "Yes."

"...until another fool comes with an army and far too much pride." Remicon sighed and continued down the stairs, moving up to the stone of harmony and looking up at its featureless surface, "This stone never shone for me you know? Some of the zebra in my court could activate it, Tacticus was attuned to the element of Loyalty. But I... I could never get so much as a glow."

"None of my friends can either." Fluttershy soothed, "It doesn't mean you're a bad zebra."

"Make it shine for me Fluttershy." Remicon asked desperate, his voice cracking, "Let me see harmony one more time."

Fluttershy felt her heart shatter like glass. They had both lost so much, "I can't Remicon. I... I lost my connection to the Element of Kindness."

"I do not believe that." He looked back at her, eyes pleading, "Stand beside me. See what you are."

Fluttershy was more resigned that anything. It was a moment of endings it seemed, and she was eager to end it. To see the truth, that her destiny had passed, that she was just a normal pony. That her legendary kindness was a lie. She felt a weight fall upon her shoulders as she advanced towards the stone, shrugging it off and continuing forwards, step by step...

A light shone within the stone, dim at first but getting brighter. A rich indigo spark shot through the stone, igniting at the tip and illuminating the words written on the stone, soon blazing in fierce light.

"It is smiling in your brother's face. It is enjoining good and forbidding evil, giving directions to the lost traveler, aiding the blind and removing obstacles from the path. The Element of Charity shines for you." Remicon read from the stone, looking up at Fluttershy, "Harmony has not abandoned you after all."

Fluttershy bit her lip, nodding as she beheld the shining light before her, not the soft pink of before but a rich sparkling purple. She paused for a moment to clear the lump in her throat, then noticed the tears running down her face. It was a moment before it hit her, relief, guilt, joy, grief... she fell to her knees before the stone, letting her tears fall to the stone below, "Rarity... thank you so much... and... I'm so sorry..."

"You said it yourself Fluttershy, there is no time for regret." Remicon nodded to the stone, then looked back to her, "My role is over, but you still have a destiny."


They all assembled in the garage. Ace Gold had something to say apparently, and he wanted them all to be there. Fluttershy stepped cautiously as she made her way inside, feeling like she was in danger of floating off. She still hadn't quite processed the idea that not only was she still chosen by harmony, but that she had switched to an entirely different element. It was... a huge thing to consider.

But then in a way it made sense. She had heard ponies accuse Velvet Remedy of corrupted generosity. It seemed she was still trotting along behind.


Fluttershy turned, Ace Gold making his way towards her. He was wearing a zebra army dust jacket and light ballistic vest, two metal anklets on his front hooves bound in strips of cloth. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of clouded glass goggles, hesitating for a moment as he reached her. Fluttershy initiated, nodding, "You look good Ace. You've grown a lot over the last month."

"Hmm." He muttered, before placing a hoof against the goggles and shifting them up. It revealed a pair of cool, intense blue eyes, seeming a tiny fraction too bright to be natural, "I did it."

Fluttershy grinned happily, "How is it?"

"Still adjusting." He shrugged dismissively, "First time I saw my face. He really cut it up didn't he?"

Fluttershy sighed. She had gotten used to it, but it was true that the damage was still very obvious, "He did."

"As I said, still getting used to it." He turned away, replacing his goggles, "Thank you giving me the means to thank her."

Flutteshy's eyes lit up, "You did it?"

"Puppy." Ace Gold stated firmly as the mare entered the room, moved up to meet her, "I wanted to thank you... for everything. And apologize for the way I treated you before."

"That's ok." She answered softly and shyly, shrugging it off, "I'm sorry for losing my temper with you. It wasn't your fault, I was just frustrated."

"The same." He acknowledged, before looking back at the doors behind, "I have a gift for you actually... well we do. It was Fluttershy's idea."

Puppy looked round at Fluttershy, Fluttershy grinning back. Puppy frowned, then softly nodded, "What is it?"

Ace Gold nodded to the far wall, the door sliding open and the sound of shifting metal sounding out. Fluttershy felt a little shiver of fear at the sheer size of it, and how easily it moved considering it's bulk. Dust Kicker let out a little whistle of appreciation, "Ace, you're a fucking genius."

"I didn't build it." Ace protested as the olorun combat armature stepped over, looking even more impressive than Dust had described to her. Sure she could see a fair amount of battle damage to the armor plating and various parts were a noticeably different color and quality of construction, still she was under the impression that it had been shot to pieces and had a building drop on it. Ace didn't look the slightest bit proud however, looking up at it with a critical eye, "I had to replace a lot of the parts with pieces from previous models so they don't all fit exactly, and the lens for the tail weapons was irreplaceable. The power source is horribly inefficient, I had to literally knock holes in the armor to provide extra venting..."

"Ace, it looks wonderful." Fluttershy soothed, "Did you manage to connect up the status pod?"

Ace actually smiled at this, tapping the machine on the side. The cockpit section flipped open, revealing a very familiar looking interior, "Fortunately it was already set up for this configuration, it was just a case of swapping them out. We've run test drives, it's been absolutely invaluable for getting around the city."

Dust Kicker looked confused, "Where are the controls?"

"There aren't any." Puppy breathed, "That's a status pod, like the one connected to SPP!"

"Right." Ace Gold confirmed, "The zebra had them too, it was a widely shared piece of medical technology. This one appears to have been directly copied from the model actually installed in the SPP, one I've fortunately actually had the chance to study."

Dust grinned, "Well look at you, all smug."

"I'm not..." Ace sighed and drew back, sighing to himself, "...whatever. In any case this should work exactly the same way, shutting down your body and maintaining its status through complex life support systems, while leaving you able to control the olorun’s systems by direct mind interface."

Puppysmiles stepped over, admiring the machine with wide eyes. Eventually she looked back at them, giving an impish smile, "You're giving me a battle tank as my new body?"

"The extra firepower will come in handy, though as I said don't expect it to be quite as tough as you remember." Ace answered, "Happy birthday."

"I mean..." Puppy paused for a moment before continuing, "You trust me with this?"

"I've trusted you with my life enough times Puppy." Dust answered with a smile, "And if we were to compare mistakes I'm pretty sure you would come out far ahead of me."

"We all trust you Puppy." Fluttershy stated in agreement, heart singing that it had gone down exactly as she hoped, "You're a part of this group, and we've all appreciated having you here, physically with us."

"Aww..." she blushed and giggled, turning her eyes to the war frame, "Right, let's try it out."

"Puppy." Easu stated as he moved out in front of her, linking his hooves in front of him, "Here."

She looked at him, smiled broadly, then set off in a run. Her back hoof landed in Easu's linked grip, her two front hooves taking his shoulders... he flung her upwards, Puppy whooping as she flipped over and landed with the screech of hooves on metal. She skidded a little before righting herself, looking back down and grinning, "Again, again!"

"Alright Puppy." Dust acknowledged with a chuckle, "Pay attention, we still don't know if this will work."

"Spoilsport." Puppy stated with a grin, before dancing over to the cockpit and sliding herself into the compartment, "Cozy. What do I do now?"

"The button at the far end Puppy, the blue one. Then lower your head into the compartment that opens." Ace instructed, moving over to a monitoring console, "Then just try to relax."

She did so, only looking slightly nervous as the canopy swung shut and armor plating slid into place. What followed was silence, Fluttershy beginning to feel slightly nervous as the seconds ticked by, "Is something..."

The machine suddenly shook, something deep inside the interior waking up with a groan of flexing servos. It rose high, a piercing voice roaring out in triumph, "HAHAHA! YOU FOOLISH MORTALS HAVE GIVEN YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE VOICE! SOON YOU WILL ALL BOW BEFORE YOUR ROBOT OVERLORDS!"

Ace just frowned disapprovingly, "Puppy, don't be an idiot..."

Fluttershy hesitated for a moment before deciding just to go with it, "Oh no, Puppy has become an evil AI. We're all doomed for sure."

"Yep." Dust stated with a grin, taking a radio from his pack, "Guess we're going to have to detonate the explosives we hid in her central cavity."

"No! No explosives!" Puppy declared quickly, waving the frame's front claws around in a quite hilarious manner, "I was joking!"

"Puppy, you have a really irritating sense of humor." Ace exclaimed grumpily.

Dust smirked at the buck before looking back up at Puppy, "How is it?"

"Odd." She took a step forward, her movements rather clumsy, "It's totally different to a pony, and... the separation is annoying. This operating system is designed for manual control, drive by wire. It's really slowing down my reaction speeds."

"If you didn't have some AI control it would be impossible to pilot." Ace asserted, "Even for you."

"I managed pretty well piloting a pony, and they're way more complex."

Fluttershy had to give her that one, "She's right."

"It's something I can work on." She stated, before her claws opened wide and threateningly, "Ace, thank you! Let me give you a hug!"

Ace grimaced at the display, turning away with a grumpy snort, "No thanks."


They strode out into the city, Fluttershy feeling the thrill as the sunlight shone upon them, glinting off armor and illuminating the roads ahead. Despite their failures, despite the losses... Fluttershy felt they had purpose, a chance. She had finally come to the city on the mountain, negotiated peace, found a way forward. They would depart from here and venture down to what was said to be the most peaceful and civilized area in the zebra territories. There they would negotiate something lasting, that would give them all a chance.

They received updates from the palace as they made their way through the city, Invictus promising that they would have the perimeter sensors up soon, monitoring their progress and feeding them updates. It was reassuring to know they had allies out here.

Their trip down the mountain was significantly easier than their trip up too, helped by a now functional lift that took them down one of the almost sheer faces of the mountain facing the Mutum Heartlands that formed their destination. Fluttershy scanned the area with excitement, noting the well maintained roads and the large and organized farms that abounded among the fields of brownish green grass. She could even see some forests, along with lakes of clear blue waters and straight, clearly artificial rivers running it to the farms and settlements that needed it.

This was the heart of zebra civilization, even without the grand cities like Demonivore. She was pretty sure she indentified Clendal itself, a chaotic sprawl of discordant looking buildings bisected by a clear river, a truly vast shanty town of wagons and markets surrounding it and the clear signs of industry in its suburbs. In front of them, at the far eastern end of the plains, the matuman peaks. A range of mountains that made up for their lack of height by their sheer age worn cragginess, they stretched in all directions. Fluttershy knew the stories, that the very first equines had emerged blinking from those mountains at the very dawn of time.

To their right, the plains slowly faded into drier, dustier environments, a large number of roads leading off towards Saddle Arabia and the camels. A large settlement lay there too, sitting around a large oasis and forming the very center of the web of roads.

And between there and Clendal... another settlement, camped right in the middle of the plains. This looked temporary, featuring a large number of tents around what looked to be one of the many small towns. It featured a host of activity, but they were way too far away for Fluttershy to be able to make out any specifics. She frowned as she saw other worrying signs, smoke, ruined settlements, battle fortifications... she dismissed them from her mind, not wanting to think such things.

They had almost reached the bottom when the lift stopped with a solid clank, Ace Gold tutting and moving over to a hatch at the bottom, "Looks like we're going to have to climb the rest of the way. Safety lock's triggered, the rails are too badly damaged past this point."

Puppy stomped over to the side, looking down past the guard rail for a moment before her electronic voice sounded out, "I could jump?"

"Really Puppy?" Dust asked, giving her a skeptical look, "That machine is beat up to hell, you think it could take that sort of fall?"

"Magical repulsors." She countered cheerfully.

Dust didn't budge, "Which you're so sure work after a hundred years, a massive battle and a building falling on it?"

Puppy flexed her legs, the bouncing movement looking bizarrely cheerful on the big death robot, "Control systems say it's working A-OK!"

"Look, you're not jumping off a mountain." Dust sighed, turning to glare at Ace Gold, "If only we had a pegasus on the team... you had to antagonize the one flight capable pony we had didn't you?"

"We can still call her?" Fluttershy pointed out, trying to be helpful.

"It would take less time to climb down." Ace noted with irritation, nodding at the hatchway at his hooves. He opened it up and his eyes widened for a moment before he sniffed and shook his head, "It's only missing a few steps, its fine. We could easily jump across the gaps."

Fluttershy felt her heart leap a little, raising her head to look at where said steps continued on above them. They shifted and creaked in the wind, "That... sounds dangerous."

"And tiring." Dust commented, "Ace, we're still about forty meters off the ground, climbing down could take hours."

Ace gave them a grumpy expression, crossing his hooves, "Does anyone have any better ideas?"

Fluttershy had already detected movement from Puppy, not even surprised when she suddenly leapt to the side and disappeared off the lift.


"That damn stupid...!"

Fluttershy ran to the side along with everypony else, leaning against the guardrail and feeling a wave of relief as she saw Puppy's descent did indeed seem reasonably slow and controlled. All respect to Ace Gold's talents, it looked like the repulsors were actually...

And then her thoughts were cut short, Fluttershy screaming as the guard rail came free of its moorings with a crack and her front hooves slipped out into space. She had no way to control her fall, banging her stomach on the lift's edge and flung head over hooves into the open skies. It allowed her to see Dust Kicker had joined her, Ace Gold just struggling to gain his footing on the very edge of the platform.

Fluttershy wondered if her wings had miraculously healed in the last few days. She was willing to bet the answer was no, and considering they were currently bound tight to her sides they weren't really a viable option anyway. Instead she looked at Dust only a short way away, then Puppysmiles rapidly closing below.

Oh dear.

She considered her options, thoughts turning to her newest and most useful ability. She reasoned that Twilight had done this once, though she had mentioned how it was one of the most difficult spells she had ever pulled off.

But... something in Fluttershy just felt... right. She remembered the dream, flying with those sheep. She sniffed the air, felt her ears prick at the currents. She knew these winds.

She expanded a pair of imaginary wings, that always seeming to help with this. She gave them a little flap then angled her body forwards, mapping the flow of air towards her destination... and flew.

She hit Dust Kicker rather harder than she intended, it being much harder to judge momentum when already in movement. They span through the air for a moment before Fluttershy managed to get two hooves around him, craning her head to get a good look at the descending Puppy before desperately trying to twist herself in the right direction...

Wow, Dust Kicker was really quite heavy. She strained everything she had and once more flapped those imaginary wings, feeling the rush and the thrill as she drove through those air currents and descended towards the smooth surface of Puppy's roof...

She came out of the air current, shot in for the landing... and hit Puppy hard, yelling as she felt a rib go and Dust Kicker was torn from her grasp. Her whole head span, only barely aware of where she was as she bounced off Puppy's surface and flew spinning into the open skies. Pain lanced through her, sure she was about to die... then she was gripped firmly by something hard and mechanical, squeezing tightly and painfully for a moment before easing off a little.

She hung limp from that grip for a short while longer before one final jarring thud sent pain lancing through her. To say she was grateful when she was finally lowered to the rocky ground was an understatement, opening her eyes to stare up at the powerful form of Puppy above her, "...thanks..."

"I'm supposed to be crazy?" Puppy replied, clinking a claw against her surface, "Dust Kicker, are you alright?"

"I... I'm an earth pony. I am sticking to that definition for the rest of my existence!"

Fluttershy rolled over with a wince, relieved to see he looked a little ruffled but otherwise unhurt, "Wow... that was... interesting..."

"Are you concussed?" Dust replied with a pair of wide, unblinking eyes, "That was the most horrific experience of my life!"

"Yes, I believe I am." She briefly considered rising, but decided the ground was perfectly comfortable for now, "I think I need a bit more practice with the wind walking."

"I'm not sure what to say." She heard Easu state from above, looking over to see him descend on a pair of bloodwings with Ace perched on his back, "As far as I am aware, what you just did is totally impossible."

Dust looked at him for a moment before quite understandably frowning in annoyance, "You had a bloodwing potion?"

"I had two. I was debating the best way of using them when you fell off the lift." He landed with a bump, letting Ace jump off his back before continuing, "I was about to save you, but you appeared to have it under control Miss Fluttershy."

"You'fth thelling me!"

Dust clapped a hoof across his muzzle, "Celestia's teats..."

"Thath was awethome! Rainbow Dathf awethome!" Clear Skies enthusiastically declared as she fluttered down to meet them, "How dith thoo evethan do that!"

"By breaking the noble arts of my people." Easu answer with a little hint of venom.

"Where did you come from?" Dust expressed with a hint of irritation as he looked to Clear Skies, "And why didn't you help?"

"Thee theemed to be doing ok." Clear Skies reasoned, "And I'th nether theen anyone do anything like that bethore."

"It's a high level zebra technique, that only the most experienced practitioners can pull off." Easu explained, still sounding annoyed, "And you cannot use it repeatedly while in freefall."

Dust shook out his joints, wincing a little, "I'm not sure she can use it in freefall..."

"I think I just need a little more practice. I'm really feeling it now..." Fluttershy started, before noting Easu still looking a little upset. She understood, it was after all the sacred arts of his race, and she guessed she was cheating a little, "I do understand why it's so hard to learn Easu."

He turned his head, looking interested now, "You do?"

"You need to learn the air currents, how it rises and falls, how to navigate different areas of pressure." Fluttershy wiggled her ears to exhibit the point, "I can hear the flow of air, I have sensory organs on my eartips to aid me in navigation."

Easu's expression softened, eventually looking impressed, "I see. I should have considered that. Your magical balance is totally different from a zebra."

Ace gave her a somewhat grumpy look, "And I thought I was supposed to be the overtalented one."

"I'm not overtalented..." She protested, feeling rather self conscious now, "I'm awful at geomancy, and my airomancy is average at best..."

"Stand ponies, and declare your intentions!"

They all looked round as the voice rang out, Fluttershy noting six zebra using bloodwing potions and carrying various forms of automatic weapon. They slowly and cautiously approached, Fluttershy wondering if Dust Kicker was the only one here who couldn't fly, "We mean... we mean no harm."

Dust nodded, dropping his weapons. The others followed suit, the zebra landing nearby and the leader trotting over, "You came from the city. Explain yourselves."

"The city is open once more, the curse that hung over it ended." Fluttershy started, still feeling a little light headed but hoping instinct would be enough to carry this, "We come seeking aid in its protection and restoration."

The all looked at each other doubtfully, the leader eventually replying with a grim voice, "You have picked a poor time for it."

Dust Kicker looked profoundly worried at this, quick to reply, "How so? I saw a warcamp on the way down, and signs of battle. Please tell me..."

"The Mutum Heartlands have come under invasion." The zebra confirmed with a heavy tone, "It is unthinkable, but that was no excuse."

"What happened?"

The zebra sighed, then looked up at them straight, "The Mutum Heartlands are only fertile area of significance outside the oasis’s of Saddle Arabia. We brought oaths, to sell their bounty to all, and never raise an army of its own. And now, we are betrayed."

Dust spoke it a second before Fluttershy own thoughts came to the same conclusion, "Starhammer."

"He said that he was building an army to march on the false Caesar." The zebra stated leadenly, "With Incuta's armies on the way to Equestria alongside Star Fall's, we felt Starhammer's move upon him was imminent, paid no mind to his heavy troop movements. He was halfway across the plains before we realized his true intentions."

"How long have we been gone?!" Easu exclaimed behind, "For all this to happen in our absence?"

"What's the date?" Dust asked, nodding in agreement.

The zebra looked to his companions before speaking, "It is thirty fifth Greentime."

Fluttershy endured that like a blow to the head. Her mouth dropped open, wordless as Ace Gold spoke for her, "We've been gone a month and a half!?"

They all looked at each other, Easu finally making the first move. He advanced forward, fixing the zebra with a firm look, "We must find my master, Tradash the Black. Do any of you know where I can find him?"

"Noble zebra..." One of them started, his gaze trembling and hesitant. He looked at his fellows, then soulfully clasped a hoof across his chest in salute, "Starhammer... Starhammer killed him. Tradash the Black is dead."


Trait acquired: Element of Generosity
The unique properties of one of the elements of harmony have rubbed off on you. You gain a +1 to Endurance, a +1 bonus to all negotiation rolls, and a -25% bonus on aging checks.

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