• Published 12th Aug 2012
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Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 5.9 - The Throne of the Lightbringer

They had started their journey in these council chambers, Themba had led them here upon landing, they had spoken to Golden Dawn… the first, faltering steps of diplomacy. This was to be a grand endevor, finally bringing peace to the world. Zenai had invested so much of herself into it, and had said herself that failure here might well destroy her.

She didn’t know how right she was.

“What are we to call you?” Golden Dawn now asked, her tones calm yet holding clear authority. She stood upon the marble plinth in a traditional toga of shining white alongside her fellow councillors, a laurel wreath upon her head. The very image of authority, “It has become a little hard to keep up.”

“I have decided on… Falling Cinder.”

“Convenient.” Pangaea answered with no shortage of venom, “That you would take a new identity now.”

She shook her head, that never being her intention, “Never. I forced Star Swirl into doing what she did, the guilt is mine as much as Sunshine Ivory's.”

Golden Dawn laughed at this, “Now that’s a little arrogant of you. The way I hear it told, you fell for Sunshine’s lies just like the others, as much of a fool as anyone here.”

“It is Sunshine Ivory who will be tried as the mastermind, the instigator.” Pangaea confirmed, “You… are considered a mere acomplice.”

Cinder knew it wasn’t that simple, “Well I admit to all charges.”

“Good.” Pangaea answered, “That will make this a little easier.”

Cinder sighed, she had expected this.

“You are hereby banished from Star Fall, and are ordered to refute your title of Celestia and all claims of leadership over her church. You will not return until we decree it.”

She looked up in surprise, trying to understand. That was barely a slap on the hoof, “And?"

"That's it."

"Why are you being so lenient? I did so much harm…”

Pangaea didn’t look happy, Golden Dawn however answered for him, “Political convenience.”


“Your boyfriend is a zebra of enormous influence and power, and sparing you is a fast way to make those important alliances with him.” Golden Dawn explained, “How does that make you feel?”

That she was spared the consequences of her crimes because of some… dirty backroom deal? “Terrible!”

Pangaea snorted, “Good answer. But calm yourself, I’m not in any mood to ignore the crimes committed here.” He glared sharply at her, “The fault lies with Sunlight Ivory, Doctor Hix and Star Swirl. The second two have been adequately punished, the last… awaits her sentence.”


Sunshine Ivory sat in her cell, quiet, unmoving. It was almost like she was meditating, not a hint of distress on her face.

Cinder looked between Sunshine Ivory and her two companions, Sabah and her friend Thousand Sunny. The two had been inseperable since the battle, Sabah had admitted she didn't want to let the mare out of her sight. Understandable really.

Sunshine Ivory spoke, "What is to come of the Church of Celestia?"

Sabah looked up in grim offense as Sunshine Ivory asked the question, spitting her response back, "Banished, for your crimes."

"And where will you lead them?" Sunshine asked, her voice calm and even a little playful.

Sabah paused, uncertain, "To Dusklight."

"Curious, isn't it?" Sunshine Ivory asked, a smile playing across her features, "That after everything, you would end up here? You, Sabah, with the loyalty of the church and the wasteland, a hero, warrior and savour. Taking the Church of Celestia to settle alongside the church of her sister, Princess Luna." Sunshine chuckled, "A church that I also helped establish."

"By martryring her?" Cinder asked, rather offended by the arrogance.

"I saved her from the flames. Implanted that Star Demon into her. Inspired her to save those children." Sunshine Ivory responded, "And yes, I killed her, ensuring that her message and story will live forever."

Cinder fumed, partially from the fact... that she couldn't think of a retort, "What's your point?"

"That I'm ok with dying now." Sunshine Ivory looked up at Sabah, a hopeful smile playing across her features, "Sabah, darling. I knew there was something special about you. Now I see. When you dived into my attack, resisted the flames... no, were empowered by them. When you defeated me without taking the killing blow. You... you are the one who will bring Celestia's name to greatness."

"And you're going to take credit for that?" Sabah spat.

"Yes." Sunshine Ivory chuckled softly, "If it wasn't for me..."

"You killed hundreds!"

"To ensure the future." Sunshine Ivory responded, before her eyes turned to Cinder, "And you Star Swirl... ha, Charaxies. When I met you, you had totally retreated from the world, were lost to despair. The Star Demons were considered pure evil, without exception. And yet now they speak of your resistance to the evil of your mortal counterpart, how you worked to temper her worst excesses. They watch expectantly, to see what you will do next. You carry the future of your race."

Cinder lowered her head. It wasn't that simple. She had been the cause of Star Swirl's fall, and all her best qualities were now a part of her too, "That's a really simplistic and... frankly, false view of what actually happened."

"No one really cares. Ponies, zebra... they're mostly stupid, directionless, lost." Sunshine Ivory stated with regret, "They need us to give them direction, to drive them into the future. Celestia... harmony itself demands we do terrible things, so that we can make the world a better place."

"You're a awful pony." Sabah concluded with a grimice, "And I'm nothing like you."

Sunshine Ivory chuckled sweetly, looking at them all with affection, "Sabah dear, you ate the flesh of your fellow equines, because your will to survive was just that strong. And Star Swirl, you were the Goddess's most vicious, most terrible exterminator, responsible for the slaughter of entire communities." She shook her head, "And I understand perfectly. Because all of us... we're on a different level. We alone can make those kind of decisions, do terrible and wonderful things. We alone can truly bring this world to a better future."

Sabah gritted her teeth, went to respond... before turning around and stalking off, face hidden behind her hanging mane. Sunny was frozen in shock for a moment more before she quickly moved to follow, calling Sabah's name.

It left Cinder alone with Sunshine Ivory.

Cinder studied the mare, letting the wheels turn inside her head. She considered some kind of answer, some counter arguement... but in the end, she realised it didn't really matter, "Does that bring you comfort?"

Sunshine Ivory smiled, "It does."

"Then you're right. You might have just saved the world." Cinder stated, looking down at the mare in pity, "They're going to execute you, you know that?"

Sunshine Ivory nodded, "I don't care. I've done what Celestia intended for me."

"You deserve it." Cinder noted, before sighing and giving the mare a look of sympathy, "But I don't hate you."

"Thank you." Sunshine Ivory responded, before nodding to the door, "Now, I believe Sabah might need some attention herself. My lession might have been a little challanging for her. She is after all, just a child."

Cinder nodded back before turning away, feeling something catch at her heart as she exited the room and heard the door close behind. She knew that she would never see the mare again, and that would likely be Sunshine Ivory's last real conversation. Despite the fact that it had rarely led anywhere good, it was hard to deny that Sunshine Ivory's actions were entirely responsible for driving Charaxies from her cave, and Star Swirl from her place as Zenai's shy assistant. And it was hard to imagine where she would be if not for that.

She spotted Sabah ahead, quietly staring from one of the mountain balconies at the setting sun ahead. Sunny sat quietly beside, one of her wings gently laid upon Sabah's shoulders.

"I hate her." Sabah stated, sharply, then turned to Cinder, "And... I hate you."

Cinder sighed, "Understandable."

Sabah kept a glaring eye to her, muscles bunching in fury, "It's easy to believe that you're thousands of years old you know? In my experience, the older we get, the more sure of outselves we are. The more willing to justify everything, to hide our true feelings beneath layers of logic, to hold ourselves aloof from all this terrible shit."

Cinder frowned. Was she aloof? Maybe, she guessed... "I’ve... learned to accept that the world is a bad place. Full of bad ponies."

"You're just the same as before. The same as when you were pretending to be Celestia.” Sabah accused, "So arrogant, so self rightous."

Cinder paused in shock. She wasn'tsure what this was all about, "That... that’s not true."

"Sabah..." Sunny stated softly, "...it's not her fault."

"Yes it is. You shouldn’t defend me Sunny." Cinder countered, knowing that whatever her faults or virtues, fault was something easy to assign. She deserved to take the blame, she had enabled all this, "You're allowed to hate me Sabah."

Sabah sniffed, looking away, "I shouldn't. I know I shouldn't. I know logically, that you’re just another victim.” She sniffed,“I hate you because... I'm a stupid, hormonal child. Because I never had any parents to teach me right from wrong, because I learned how to live from growing up alone in the wasteland. Because... I’m not strong enough to deal with this."

"You were strong enough to beat Sunshine Ivory." Cinder noted, “And Celestia’s church follow you for a reason.”

"Sabah, all those things that happened to you... it’s made you who you are. It’s made you someone I’m proud to call my best friend." Sunny added, "Sabah, I know your past was horrible. I've always known. It's... why I admire you."

Sabah looked at her, brow furrowed, "You admire me because I was a horrible murderer?"

"I grew up here, to a large, happy, successful family. I was taught to be kind, and moral." She stated, "And yet you are driven to be good and noble and brave with a passion I could never match, despite not a single being in this world ever teaching you any of those things."

"I was taught." Sabah countered, "I've had a lot of teachers through the years. I... always tried to incorporate their best qualities, and learn from their worst. I guess it worked out in the end."

"You’re stronger than me Sabah." Cinder noted with regret, "Despite everything, you've always known the right thing to do. I guess it's just something inate in you. Me on the other hoof... I've always struggled to find the right path."

"Ironic then, that we would meet like we did." Sabah observed, "You saved my life."


"You brought me here. Encouraged me to join the Church of Celestia."


"You helped Luna. And Luna helped me." Sabah shook her head, sighing "This world is better than it was before, ironicly because of Sunshine Ivory... and you. That's a difficult thing to accept, but ultimately... good can come out of evil."

Cinder nodded, understanding the truth of that. And that maybe... it was a comforting one, "And out of all this war, and death... we can build a better world."

Sabah’s expression firmed into one of resolve, “And I’ll not stop fighting until it’s there before me.”


Dream Star looked out over the NCR below, laid out like a patchwork map of greens and blues, bisected by the occasional ugly grey blotch of civilization. Junction Town sat just within vision, sprawling and garish, a jumble of mismatched styles. The modern, newly built prefab buildings around the northern outskirts, the obnoxious themepark 'pre-war' center, all boxcars, sheet metal and rip off prices... and hidden from the surface, but easy to see from the air, the green and lush terraces of Ditzi Doo's orphanage and surrounding mansions, and just a short ways distant the shanty town of broken tourists, exploited poor and the outcasts just looking for company in their misery.

Dream Star had always hated air travel. Hated seeing thisbroken world, laid out before her. It... was worse since the Gardens of Equestria. Now she could no longer pretend that she could do something to fix it.

"Look mommy, is that an Enclave ship?"

Dream Star looked round at the filly stood a short ways down the deck of the passanger liner, tugging on the skirt of her mother. Dream followed the filly's pointed finger, indeed spotting the Enclave patrol chariot just on the edge of vision. So close to the center of the NCR, it was astonishingly bold of them. She wondered how quite the Enclave's president had sold this to his soldiers, after their last five previous incursions had gone so well.

"Damn cowards." A griffon nearby spat, his brown feathers streaked with grey and his many scars clearly indicating a violent past, "Once again, choosing only to strike when we lack the ability to fight them face to face!"

The filly continued to tug at her mother's skirt, "Mommy, are they going to attack us?"

"Oh, let them try." Dream Star couldn't help stating, a grin spreading across her face, "It would be nostalgic, showing those black plated bastards how a dustlander fights."

The griffon turned his head to her, surprised for a moment before nodding proudly, "Indeed! I fought myself, in the evacuation of Griffonstone and the great crusade! These Enclave aren't anything to be afraid of."

Dream Star snorted, noting once again that it seemed every griffon over the age of thirty had 'fought in the evacuation of Griffonstone and the great crusade'. Not to mention Griffonstone had been a crushing defeat, and the Enclave weren’t even an active participant in the crusades.

"Forgive me lady." The griffon continued, looking at her in interest, "But from your scars and years, I don't doubt you've seen your share of combat. What campaigns have you fought in?"

Dream Star chuckled, "More than you could count."

"Please, I'm all ears."

She sighed, sure she had forgotten a few, "Huh, name one. The Screwball Conspiracy, the Great Enclave War, the Great Crusade, Stalwart Shield's campaigns, the Emperor of Light..."

"The emperor of light?" A younger pony nearby exclaimed in excitement, quickly looking to her in reverence, "The one Sureheart Rider fought against?"

Dream Star looked to him, rather surprised. That was very old history, she didn't think anyone remembered, "How do you know so much about it?"

"Oh, Salty Living Radio has just put out a new radio drama about it. Tales of the Wasteland, The Legend of Sureheart Rider!" The pony grinned widely, "It's really good."

She guessed she was happy. That someone cared, "I guess I should check it out."

"Oh, well I have the latest episode right here, I recorded it yesterday." The pony grappled for his bag, eventually bringing out a bulky looking radio and setting it down on the deck, "Just listen."

He pushed a button, the radio spinning up for a moment before a deep sonorous voice sounded out over some rather spooky sounding music, "And now for the continuation, Episode Ten, 'The Mansion of the Old Master!"

Dream Star rolled her eyes. They always made everything sound so dramatic.

"Sureheart Rider stepped forward into the interior of the old mansion, eyes darting left and right as the shadows raced across the walls and the dank, musty smell of decay assaulted his nostrils. Paintings of the rich and powerful adorned the walls, the elite of the old world, their once proud home now feeling like a tomb to their arrogance."

Another voice spoke out, young and strong, "Hello? Is there anyone here?"

"No answer came, but Sureheart knew he couldn't turn back. He heard a creek and moved to investigate, the dust swirling about his hooves as he moved further into the darkened interior. And as Sureheart stepped into the dining room he beheld a mare standing within. Was she the one whom he sought? At first he thought there had to be some kind of mistake. He had been told of a great and ancient sorceress, but the mare before him boasted not a line of age."

A female voice sounded over the radio, soft and yet full of power, "It's been a long time since I had guests."

"My lady, forgive me. I was told there was a mare of great power here, and wise and learned sorceress. Her name is Starlight Dreaming, and..."

"Enough of the flattery boy." The female voice commanded, "You've found her. So the question remains... what do you want of me?"

"I'm told you knew Perfect Platinum." Sureheart Rider stated, "That you... taught him."

"I did so much more than that." The mare replied, her voice full of subtle heartbreak, "Before the Eternal Emperor, before the death and madness... there was a boy. A boy who loved me."

Dream Star stepped away from radio, staring deep into her memories like she was staring through mists. She... couldn't remember this. Her memories faded into dust, half forgotten emotions and flashes of images. But as she listened to the girl's voice... she felt like... she had been there once, saying those words, "Who... is the actress, playing Starlight Dreaming?"

The sailor gave Dream Star a big grin, "Why, it's Cherry Blossom miss."

Dream Star... didn't keep up with celebrities, "Should I know her?"

"Heh, I'd say so." The sailor stated with a grin, "She's also played Littlepip for years."

Dream Star smiled. Of course she had.


Cinder stood on the deck, staring out to sea. Far, far beyond her vision... Equestria.

"We have made contact with the Star Fall fleet." Pangaea stated, standing with Easu and Dust Kicker upon the forward viewing platform, "When you arrive, my first officer Gavorn will take command and grant you safe passage to Equestria."

"Cutting off Caesar's supply line, and placing us at his rear." Easu stated, "Forcing him to surrender."

Dust Kicker chuckled, "And placing Gavorn at our rear, cutting off our supply line."

Pangaea bristled, Easu furrowing his brow and looking to Dust, "We have to trust each other in this."

"Exactly. And I approve." Dust Kicker noted, "At this point, the chain of allegiances is bafflingly huge. And the result is this... we all put down our weapons and back off, or we plunge the world into centuries of pointless conflict."

Easu considered this for a moment before turning to Pangaea, "He's right. And this world has seen enough of that. We all here stand on the threshold of true greatness. To be the ones who finally shout 'enough' and lay the foundations of lasting peace."

Pangaea nodded, "I agree. I am a warrior, but now I have experienced war... I realize how pointless it truly is." He looked to each of them, "I would bring rather bring battle to pirates, raiders, monsters... those who contribute nothing to this world save destruction."

"I understand that." Dust Kicker stated with a smile, "You know, the first time I saw Star Fall and the Golden Coast... I had real hope. Both places were so vibrant, so full of potential... and we had the chance to bring them together, and establish real connections between them and Equestria. To erase the mistakes of the past."

Cinder turned, feeling her heart grow heavy in her chest, "That was Zenai's dream."

Pangaea looked to her, cool and impossible to read. His eyes then returned to Esau, "I am stepping down from the council."

Easu frowned, "Why?"

"Because I am a warrior." He shook his head, "Ultimately, my appointment to the council was a result of nepotism on the part of my father, and an attempt to stack the council against Golden Dawn and her dreams of peace and diplomacy."

Easu nodded softly, "But Star Fall will still need warriors to defend it."

"And I will continue to do so." He stated, "But I am a poor fit to lead us into the future. I am better suited to protecting those who will."

"Pangaea... when this is all over, we will have more than enough time to discuss these things." Easu stated firmly, "Believe me when I say this, I do not imagine that we can create a grand utopia, where all stand together in harmony. I wonder if that would ever be possible. But Sunshine Ivory, and Caesar have proven one truth beyond doubt... that when we stand apart, we are too easily convinced to destroy one another. And that together, we can accomplish amazing things."

"Most folk just want a peaceful life." Dust Kicker added, "But those like you and me... we're here to take down those who feel different. You intend to stand at Golden Dawn's side, protect her from threats?"

Pangaea gave a firm nod, "I do."

"And I stand with Easu." Dust Kicker responded, "I might have been born in Equestria, but standing on this boat, preparing to go back... it feels like I'm leaving home. And this uniform isn't just for show."

Pangaea nodded, "You stand with your Caesar."

Dust Kicker nodded, "I do. I can make a difference here. I can be part of something huge. And so can you."

Pangaea thought on this for several long moments, before his hoof finally lifted to touch against his chest plate in salute, "Then I wait for your safe return. Maybe we can find this new world together."


Tenpony Tower. The MASEBS. DJ Pon3.

It still felt surreal standing here, where her earliest memories were formed. She remembered, the long legged, white coated mare who had once manned this place. Who had once been the DJ Pon3. Had she been the first? Dream Star honestly didn't know. Perhaps even then she had kept up the illusion.

Spark Plug had nodded at her return, accepted her reluctance to talk, taken Puppysmiles and gotten to work. Record Scratch on the other hoof... he wanted more, "Dream, you look... different." He panicked for a moment before quickly trying to correct himself, "Younger! Better!"

"Heh." She snorted, amused. Only skin deep. She was already acutely aware of her failing organs, of the rapid decay of her muscles and nerves. She wasn't so naive as to think she would be killed by old age, but still she knew that she would be confined to a bed before long. All the more reason not to waste her time on pointless questions, "The IMP potion's effects have been reversed."

"That's great... isn't it?"

She shrugged. The horror it had made of her body hadn't been fun, but she had at least gotten the rad immunity and immortality. Not to mention Xenith had demonstrated that she was now much more vulnerable to damage. She strode for the broadcast station as she replied, "I guess. It won't matter for much longer anyway."

Record Scratch followed her, voice panicked, "Why? I still don't know what you're planning!"

She entered the studio, looking at the images the MASEBS was sending. The Enclave, Caesar's army, the NCR in flames... she couldn't ask for a more perfect moment, "I'm going to give the world what it deserves. I'm going to fix everything."

"How?" Record Scratch asked.

She ignored him, looking instead to Spark Plug. She had already gotten Puppysmiles wired in to the console, "Sparks?"

"Almost done." She stated, busy connecting up a secondary console, "Just give me a minute."

Record Scratch made a rather strained sound at the sight of the console lying open and in pieces, "Oh... crap. Seriously, you're taking apart the radio station? You know Homage is going to kill me?"

"Soon she won't be in a position to do anything of the sort." Dream Star soothed, "None of them will."

He went pale, "What the hell Dream?!"

Spark Plug cut them off, her cool tones as professional as ever, "I have connection. Establishing network."

And then another voice sounded out over the speakers, cute and perky, "Hi, I'm Puppysmiles! I see you're running an older version of my software, do you want me to run using these new settings?"

Spark Plug nodded, "Yes Puppysmiles. Partition off previous memories and save, then run standard user interface protocol using the software provided."

"Of course! Rebooting now!"

Record Scratch looked at her in awe, "Wow, you're... well prepared."

Spark Plug nodded softly, expression unreadable, "Parts of this plan were discussed years ago. So far, it's all going as expected."

"Ok." Record Scratch conceeded, "I'm not going to even ask about the plan. But what about the others? Sunshine, Fennel, Jammer?"

Dream Star shrugged, "Our enemies didn't give up Puppy easily."

"They're dead?"



"It was always a possibility." Dream Star reasoned, "Us, all of us... we're damaged goods. We worked for monsters, we were party to slavery and madness. If the great and just Littlepip had met us back then, she would have gunned us down without remorse."

Record Scratch's head fell. His voice was strained, "You're a good pony Dream. I still believe that."

She smiled. He was wrong, but she was glad somepony believed.


Cinder looked around in horror, hardly able to imagine the level of destruction that would cause all this. Huge patches of oil stained the seas around the broken hulls of once proud vessels, debris scattered as wide as the eye could see, "Should... we look for survivors?"

"The battle was apparently fought weeks ago." Xephyr noted, "There won't be any to find."

"This..." She started, already seeing the stupidity in her words but unable to stop them tumbling out, "...feels like our fault."

Xephyr smiled, surprisingly warmly, "Yeah, don't get in that blame game. You'll never get out."

"Sometimes it feels that my desire to fix this... to fix anything, is simply to make up for my mistakes though." She looked to Xephyr, "Is that... right? Star Swirl, Char... both of them set out to help the world, to alleviate their own guilt. But everything they ended up doing just... backfired somehow." She sighed, "It's why I hid in that cave. Why I hid in that archive room. Maybe leaving was always a mistake."

Xephyr sighed, "I don't have the answers to that one. I wish I did. I feel the same sometimes, the NCR falling apart, my own kind invading..." She shook her head and lifted her head proudly to the sky, "But I can't stop trying. I can't let myself stop, or that's just... giving up on ever getting a happy ending."

"You know what I think?"

They both turned, spotting Dust Kicker strolling down the deck towards them. He gave them a grin, his armor stripped away for once to expose his rough, scarred fur to the sun, "I think you're both giving yourselves a little too much credit."

"I am the Element of Magic. Kinda a big deal." Xephyr noted, though not without a touch of self awareness.

"Sure, but from what I've seen you’re as much a slave to the prevailing winds as any of us." Dust noted, moving between the both of them and staring out to sea, "Ultimately, we all care about others. We want to please them, make them happy. We want to fit in, we want to do our best for the world."

Xephyr nodded in understanding, "We do what others expect of us."

Dust Kicker smirked, "Or don't expect. Either way, note this. Both of your failures have almost always been caused by someone you trusted making a huge mistake."

"But we should have been stron..." Both Cinder and Xephyr started at the same time, before grinning and looking across at each other. Xephyr spoke first, "Point taken. Still, I can't help but feel that with my power..."

"Power is just power." Dust noted, "The wisdom to use it on the other hoof... are either of you claiming to be smarter than most ponies?"

Xephyr chuckled, "Quite the opposite."

"Mmm..." Cinder agreed, "I guess... we were all suckered by Sunshine Ivory. She said it herself. Even when I tried to betray her, I was still playing her game."

"She was really good at getting ponies to do what she wanted." Dust Kicker noted, "And let's face it, your motivations weren't too hard to play to."

Xephyr nodded regretfully, "And I got trapped because I was trying to save Screwloose, despite all my friends telling me it was foolish." She sighed, "I think in part it was because... as the Princess of Friendship, I thought abandoning one of my friends would serve as a terrible example to everypony that relied on me."

"Maybe you both need to stop trying to please others, taking responsibility for the state of the world, and just concentrate on doing good." Dust Kicker concluded.

Xephyr shared a cheery look with Cinder, "Well it can't hurt to give it a try."


Dream Star stood at the control console for Tenpony Tower's teleportation megaspell, a thousand emotions running through her head. She had stood in these halls when she was just a filly, when this area had been almost new and swarming with scholars and scientists. When Tenpony was going to save the world. And then after all her travels afterwards she had come back to find the grand laboratories and experimental systems in total disrepair, her tenure as head of the Twilight Society spent restoring them to glory. She had made this place glorious again, once more full of life and hope...

...wire mesh still sealed off much of the complex, leading into blasted ruins. Tenpony was old now, it was quickly made clear that any repair job would need to totally replace most of the structure. And now, with Manehatten thriving... Tenpony was more important as a historical monument, an attraction.

Celestia One was gone. The labs were gone. Increasingly few actually lived here. The tower was increasingly irrelevant, a relic of the past.

But this console still stood here, waiting for input. The same as when she first set it up.

Puppysmile's happy voice chirped out from the speakers, "Connection established!"

"What is the status of the SPP?" She asked, a tremble running through her hooves.

"Most systems are still locked down. The facility appears to have undergone an emergency shutdown, locking down all systems." Puppysmiles stated.

Spark Plug chimed in at this, "An emergency shutdown would by necessity include methods to unlock the facility again after the threat had passed."

"Yes, it would! Originally, this could be quite easily done from the MAS hub, that is how I'm able to connect now. However, it appears that somepony inside the SPP removed this failsafe."

Dream Star nodded. She had tried to exploit that herself, "The AI in charge of the facility."

"Well this AI was clearly not as advanced as me." Puppysmiles cheerfully declared, "Reactivating the unlock facility now. And... done."

Dream Star grinned widely. All too easy, "Puppysmiles, this is what I need you to do. Keep all the systems locked down, but open up the shields to admit all incoming teleportation traffic from the Tenpony Tower megaspell."

Puppysmiles went silent for a moment before speaking once more, "Done! Anything else?"

"Not for the moment Puppysmiles. You've done well." Dream Star pressed a button on the console, her heart leaping as the megaspell ignited and a swirling blue portal appeared within the teleportation archway. The flashing message on her console was the message she had been waiting for most of her life.

'Tenpony Tower to Single Pony Project connection established.'

She was in.


Cinder followed them across the gangplank, ready to act the second something went wrong. This honestly was the most dangerous and unpredicable part of the whole plan, and Cinder was well aware that her role as 'muscle' might very much be required.

An odd, aquatic looking pony stood on the deck of the other ship, surrounded by guards. Sea Breeze she presumed, Pangaea's admiral. She didn't look amazingly pleased to meet them.

Gavorn led the way, with her and Easu beside. They agreed a small party would be best. Sea Breeze nodded as Gavorn approached, "I see you have brought the enemy to us Gavorn. At your order, we'll start shooting."

"Honestly, I thought you'd be most in favor of this." Gavorn answered, giving her a smile, "This has been ridiculous from the start Breeze."

"So, we're turning on Caesar. I see." She answered, looking across at Easu, "Betray him, and place his brother on the throne. What is he paying us Gavorn? It must be quite a bit."

"Peace. Unity. A better future." Easu answered, "My brother offered you a better past, and I admit that is an attractive proposal. But the past is past, and he cannot take back the final days of the war no matter how decisively he beats Equestria."

Sea Breeze grimaced back at him, "And after all, what is more rooted in the history of the zebra than brother stabbing brother?"

Cinder bristled, then finally broke her silence. Honestly she was done standing here mutely while others traded passive aggressive barbs, "We are not here to hurt anyone! We're here to stop the violence."

Sea Breeze looked to her, eyes narrowing, "Which is why you brought an army."

"Look at the places our army has marched through." Cinder retorted, "We stood fast against Starhammer and brought peace to the Mutum. We passed through the Heartlands and built roads, infrastructure, established the first real governance that place has seen in centuries. Demonivore opened its gates to us freely, and established diplomatic ties with the rest of the zebra lands. Star Fall was liberated from a coup, and it's rightful government restored! And not once have we ever ordered our army to attack!”

"An army that doesn't fight." Sea Breeze asked, raising an eyebrow.

"A blade used unnecessarily loses its edge." Easu replied in a calm voice, "The blood of innocents corrodes even the purest blade, the harsh blows of battle warping even the strongest."

Sea Breeze paused, looking somewhat... stunned at this. She looked away, deep in thought, staring out to sea.

Gavorn spoke after a moment, "Breeze, we need to bring our people home."

"They're not all here." She answered, voice hushed, "I'm commanding skeleton crews, most of the troops are ashore."

"Allow us to land." Easu asked, his voice still full of gentle calm, "Let me speak to my brother. Give me a chance to convince him, to end this violence."

Sea Breeze finally sighed, "Pangaea is my commander, not Caesar. If he says we let you past, we let you past." She then lifted her head, staring firmly at all of them, "But I've seen far too much of this world to believe in your success."


Dream Star looked around. To be honest... it felt anticlimactic.

She was in a plain, grey room, reasonably large but taken up by piles of boxes and assorted clutter that had been stacked in every spot of spare space it had available. The teleportation matrix was more or less hidden in a corner, the lockers around the sides of the room confirming her plans of the place. This was the teleportation receiving chamber, thought it had likely never been used since the megaspells dropped.

Spark Plug and Record Scratch stepped out behind, Dream Star offering them a brief look before continuing on. She squeezed past a couple of storage boxes continuing what looked like dried noodles before reaching the exit door, pushing it open...

...now this took the breath away. On the surface it looked like the entrance to any government facility, a long, easily defendable corridor from the entrance leading up to a wide open lobby hosting plants, sofas, reading tables, a coffee machine and a noticeable number of panels in the roof that almost certainly concealed defensive weaponry. At the end opposite the entrance were a series of booths connected by sliding doors of bulletproof glass, controlling access further into the facility.

Everything was eerily well maintained and tidy. Not a scratch of damage or decay marked anything beside the plants, and Dream Star noted that they can't have died more than about a year back given the condition of the branches.

And above the booths... were the words.

‘Welcome to the Single Pegasus Project.’

"I didn't realise the SPP even had an entrance."

Dream Star gave Scratch a withering grin, "What, you think everypony had to get in via immolation by dragon?"

"Well no, but..." He looked around as he entered, looking uncertain, "It kinda looks like any other pre-war government facility."

"Well it is." She reasoned, "However much the imagination demands giant statues of Littlepip, glowing orbs of harmonic energies and huge piles of gold, the SPP was ultimately just a tool."

Spark Plug had moved over to the entrance booths, dropping her bag down and getting out her kit. She was soon working at one of the panels down the bottom, peeling it away with a crowbar, "Don't worry Scratch, it gets better."

Dream Star moved to look at one of the posters, standard if beautifully preserved standard issue government propaganda from Rarity's ministry. They even had a 'crazy Pinkie Pie' grin one.

"Done." Spark Plug pulled away the panel, placing the carrier case containing Puppysmiles beside and reeling out a line of wire to connect the SPP to both it and her pipbuck. She tapped buttons on the device, her eyes narrowed in concentration, "Connecting now."

"Hi, I'm Puppysmiles!" Came the now familiar cheerful greeting, sounding out from the speakers above, "I have access to the SPP's internal systems!"

Dream Star nodded. So far, so good, "Report."

"As I said before, the facility is in lockdown mode. All non-essential systems are currently idle."

"Can we have lights?"


Dream smiled as the lights came on, bathing the area in a rather sterile glow, "Is there any damage to the facility?"

Puppysmiles fell silent for a little while before speaking again, "I only have access to internal systems at the moment, but those are detecting no significant damage. The gardens are all healthy and the megaspell network is stable. The static cleaning systems are shut down and so some of the fine sensors are working less than optimally, still I can reactivate that at any time." She paused again before continuing her report, "Only the middle three floors have had all their electronics installed. On the other floors I have spotty coverage, and many areas possess neither heating, power, water or lights."

"We already knew that." Spark Plug answered, "Life signs?"

"One." Puppysmiles answered, "In the status chamber."

Dream Star couldn't help chuckling. Good, "She healthy?"

Puppysmiles hesitated, "I have limited access to her biometrics. However life support is still running at full capacity and she appears to be in a controlled, harmless coma."

"And the AI?"

"The AI running this place has been disconnected." Puppysmiles reported, "During shut down the SPP mainframe seems to have categorized it as a rogue entity and isolated it from all systems, quarantining it. The SPP is waiting for manual authorization to reactivate it."

Dream Star kinda wanted to continue that conversation. Still there was a time and place, "Keep it isolated. Can you run the SPP without it?"

"Certainly. It seems to be a connivance, not something necessary to the SPP's central functions."

"Good." Dream Star declared, striding forward towards the booths, "Reactivate environmental systems and let us inside."

"At once Dream Star."

Dream Star grinned as the glass doors swished open, admitting her further into the facility. So far, so good.


Cinder stopped just before the doorway, willing herself to go inside, to speak up while they still had a chance. Unfortunately just thinking about it brought Star Swirl closer the surface than she had ever been, that all too familiar scream of conflicting emotions that made her want to just run away and hide.

She drew back, her front hoof wavering.

"Star Swirl?" Easu lifted his head from the documents he was reading, looking across his darkened cabin to see her standing there. He narrowed his lips as he acknowledged her presence, nodding politely, "Falling Cinder."

"I think the council was right." She stated as a quiver of fear and shame ran through her, "I chose a new name simply to escape from my past."

"So did I." Easu noted, "Come in."

She reluctantly did so, ducking her head in the rather cramped interior. She faced him nervously, it strange to see his unmasked face so openly revealed. Honestly his royal trappings made the scars seem far less horrifying, noble even. Or maybe it was his facial expressions, or demeanor. She remembered the angry, tormented warrior monk that she had stood alongside in Ebonlode, now replaced by the stern but gentle scholar king. It was... an amazing transformation, "I think you more than anyone has escaped the sins of his past."

"Escaped?" He frowned, "Honestly, they drive me onwards harder than ever. I have regained my throne, and the heavy weight of my past."

She sighed. She remembered why she had been so attracted to him, "You're incredible Easu. You’re facing it, which makes you a braver equine than most."

He sighed, "It is a weight that was forced upon me. If I had my way, I would have remained obscure and cowardly, hiding from my responsibility."

She smiled. He really was quite the stallion, "Easu... you bargained with Star Fall for my freedom."

"I did." He looked her in the eye, stern and resolved, "I need you. We need you."

Cinder understood, "I'm powerful."

"And knowledgeable, and possessed of many unique talents." Easu's expression grew kinder, "Be assured, I did not save you because of any personal feelings on my part. I saved you because I know your skills can be used for good."

She... appreciated that, "I don't deserve it."

"Some days I feel that none of us do." Easu noted, "But we stand charged with fixing the world we so carelessly broke. There is no reprieve from that responsibility."

She nodded back, her resolve restored. He at least, understood.


Record Scratch looked around in wonder, his previous thoughts about the SPP being underwhelming now totally wiped away.

They had exited the lobby and were now in another long corridor, a featureless tube leading from the outer structure to a massive cylinder shaped building that sat at the center. He knew enough about the outside shape to get an idea where they were, the SPP being shaped a little like a spinning top. That meant they were currently standing in the central bulge, and the windows on either side looked out into two half circle shaped rooms that gave an idea of the scale of this place. That meant the building ahead was the SPP itself, and this bulge...

...housed the gardens.

They were a floor above, and so had a breathtaking view of the vast expanses of life and beauty that bloomed below. One of the gardens was covered in colorful flowers, the sparkle of morning dew, blossoming trees. The other boasted vast expanses of wheat and barley, sunflowers rising to bathe in the shimmering heat. Both sported plants he had only ever seen in books, detailing the world before the end, “Where are we?”

“These are the gardens.” Dream Star explained, “For the SPP to work, it needs to have weather to draw upon. These gardens artificially produce that weather, one for each season. They also serve as the facilities seed banks, holding a copy of thousands of pre-war plant life.”

He looked up at her. She looked... nervous, but somehow unimpressed, “You sound like you’ve been here before.”

“I’ve studied the plans for this place for... it must be hundreds of years.” Dream Star explained, “When I was young, my grandparents used to tell me stories of it, what it was like.”

He paused, that didn’t sound... “Your grandparents are old enough...”

“I’m old enough to know pre-war ponies yes.” Dream Star acknowledged, her eyes nervously scanning the facility, “This place... this place is my legacy. I know everything about it.”

He noticed Spark Plug staring at some plans on her pipbuck. He decided to leave Dream Star to her thoughts for a moment, moving over to Spark Plug, “Are those diagrams for the SPP?”

“Yes. I’ve updated the pre-war plans we had with the facilities current status.” She explained, moving down the pipbuck to show him, “We are here, on the ground floor. It houses the entrance, security, and residences and office space. Below on basement one is the SPP hub, including the gardens. Below that on basement two is the primary reactor and crusader mainframe. Basement 3 houses the lower induction arrays, which allow the SPP to control the weather.”

Record Scratch nodded, that made sense, “Basement one and two are hidden within the cloud cover.”

“Yes, keeping the most important parts of the facility safe from attack.” She acknowledged, “Above us on floor 1 is the SPP’s control systems, environmental, power management and automated processes. Floor 2 is the military command centre, housing briefing rooms, barracks, the CIC and our goal, the Equestrian Mapping System. Floor 3 houses the communications array, MASEBS relay and the air and water filtration systems. Floor 4 houses the upper induction array, working alongside the one on basement level three. Floor 5 houses chariot hangers and mooring docks for cloudships, along with specialist workshops capable of producing the high end components the facility requires. Floor 6 houses the Celestia 2 megaspell, along with the ‘mass transportation array’.”

“Mass transportation array?” Stratch questioned.

“A proposed megaspell, allowing the transportation of huge amounts of materials and personnel.” Dream Star explained, “You could teleport entire armies across the continent.”

“Floor six sounds… useful.”

“Floor six was never completed.” Sparks informed him, “According to reports three weeks before the bombs fell, Floors 2, 5 and 6 were all running behind schedule. The mass transportation array was still mostly theoretical.”

A shame, "So where did Littlepip first arrive?"

"See down there?" Spark Plug pointed at the central trunk, and the doors down below that led inside from the two gardens, "Those doors lead into a small antichamber, one for each garden. Littlepip apparently arrived in 'Winter', on the other side. From there it's a straight shot to the pod chamber."

They finally reached the end of the corridor, entering through a door into a series of offices and residential areas. Like the entrance they were sterile, spotlessly clean and clearly never used, though Scratch spotted something through one of the windows that made him pause. He moved closer, peering into what appeared to be some kind of lecture hall, the walls decorated with framed newspaper pictures depicting the greatest victories of the new elements of harmony. The whiteboard at the end still displayed a series of diagrams analyzing the attacks of the Fake Red Eye, "I think this is where they had meetings."

Dream Star chuckled from ahead, "We're not tourists."

"I feel like we kinda are..." He answered, hurrying on but being immediately distracted by a long corridor to his left that appear to lead off into various bedrooms, "Do you think... they kept rooms here?"

Dream Star paused at this, thoughtful, "Puppy, have any of these rooms been occupied recently?"

"Yes." Puppy answered cheerfully, "The first room on your left was accessed just seven months ago by Miss Homage."

"And Littlepip?"

"She often enters the room with Miss Homage, though when alone in the facility she spends most of her time in the pod."

Dream Star smiled, marching forward, "Open it."

"Of course."

Scratch felt a wave of trepidation, shame... and excitement, peering through the door into what was most certainly Littlepip's room. Like the rest of the facility it was rather stark and military in design, still pictures of ponies decorated the walls and a rather poorly stitched blanket in rainbow colors hung unevenly across what appeared to be the wardrobe. It was a little cluttered to be honest, with books on medicine, electronics and philosophy piled around on the various surfaces and the bed unmade. A large machine stood in the corner, Scratch recognizing it after a moment as a high end portable autodoc.

He stepped forward, looking towards the desk... and that's when he saw it. His hoof had moved before he even realized what he was doing, brushing the finish on the barrel before threading his hoof through the grip. He lifted it, feeling it's weight, it's realness. This... this was...

"Little Macintosh, just left out for any little thief." Dream Star noted with a grin.

"I'm not a thief! I'm just..." He opened the chamber on the weapon, noting with a brief flash of reproach that it was loaded. He guessed there was no one around, but it still felt careless. He opened a drawn next to the weapon and saw it was full of ammunition, deciding to take a few boxes. He looked around as Dream Star continued to grin, trying to justify himself, "It's a powerful weapon... it might come in useful."

Dream Star just smirked and waved him on.

They eventually found the stairs and made their way downwards, this floor proving far more alive than the last. They almost immediately found themselves in a corridor facing a large and impressive looking operations room, Spark Plug leading them inside. Most of the many screens in here showed big 'stand by' messages, but looking at the controls made it clear that this room was for manual control of the SPP's weather systems.

"Please, carry on exploring." Spark Plug asked, looking around with an assessing eye, "I need to supervise the installation."

"Installation of what?" Scratch asked, though he knew at the moment it was pointless to ask.

He was swiftly proved wrong. Dream Star looked to him, chuckling, "Why, the real time mapping system. Weren't you paying attention?"

He remembered. The system they had found under the Whitetail Woods, "But how could that help?"

"How indeed." Dream Star replied enigmatically, "Come on. If I'm right it should be just... here."

Scratch sighed as he followed, still his annoyance swiftly faded away as they entered the next room. Stark white, oval in shape, totally empty of everything but a large, egg like pod in the middle of the room, connected to the ground by a series of wires. An attached console displayed a constant flow of biometric data, heartbeat, blood pressure...

He approached, reverent, touching the glass with a hoof, "It's..."

"Yes, it is."

He looked at the smooth surface, totally opaque. He wanted to see her. He needed to know she was ok...

"It would be the work of a moment to kill her you know." Dream Star commented, voice breezy, "Send a little electrical pulse through her brain..."

Scratch looked at her, willing to put up with plenty of shit from Dream... but not this, "Don't you dare."

She just laughed, "Come on Scratch, we've still got a lot to do. Leave Littlepip to her dreams of a better world... after all, it's the closest she's ever going to get to seeing it."


They were on the beaches. They were on the beaches of Equestria.

They were home.

Dust Kicker looked uncomfortable, where as Fluttershy was completely unreadable. Xephyr had immediately darted off, now standing on top of one of the cliffs about to scout out the area.

Ace Gold seemed... restless.

"I've attempted to pass news of your arrival to Caesar Incuta." Sea Breeze stated, her expression conflicted, "But for some reason our communications are having trouble getting through."

Ace Gold turned in frustration, marching towards their group with a look of anger in his eyes, "Let me see the error logs."

Sea Breeze seemed confused, however she nodded to her technician and he quickly brought over a roll of paper. Ace Gold levitated it over, scanning it as his expression filled with a firm resolve, "Red Eye. He still has control of our communications network."

"He's trying to keep us from stopping this conflict." Cinder opinioned, then extended her wings, "But we have other methods."

Easu nodded, "Xephyr!"

She turned from her perch, jumping down to descend with a sharp whistle before hitting the sand with a thump. She barely flexed from the impact, her head coming up with a look of thrilled enthuasim, "What's going on?"

Cinder noted with a little irritation that Xephyr was acting far too hyperactive for the rather dire circumstances. Still she was getting used to the zebra’s casual personality by now, "We can't communicate with anyone electronically. It looks like we'll be having to do it the old fashioned way."

"I've been trying to feel out for the others." Xephyr explained, "Life Bloom, Calamity and Ditzi Doo are all in the same area, maybe I can gather them together."

Ace Gold looked up at her in concern, "What about my mother?"

"I..." She hesitated, "I get the feeling she's hiding. I can't get a good lock on her."

"That's unfortunate." Easu noted, "Her help would be the most useful."

Ace Gold dropped his head, forehead knotting, "Why is she hiding?"

"I..." Xephyr hesitated, looking down at him in sympathy, "...don't know. But Calamity will. I'll go find him..."

"We need to plan our strategy before we do anything." Easu quickly reminded her, looking around at his companions, "Dust Kicker and I will be best suited to leading the army."

Cinder finally decided to speak up now, seeing as it was now or never. It was something that had been on her mind for a little while, "We need to worry about Dream Star."

They all looked at her, some faces showing more anger than others at mention of Xenith’s killer. Dust Kicker spoke first, "I agree, but we have no idea where she's gone."

"I... do." She admitted, "She got a ship from Starfall to Equestria. She's here."

Xephyr frowned deeply, her voice a little more sharp than normal, "Do you know where?"

"I suspect... the Single Pegasus Project."


Cinder nodded, "I... know Dream Star. From back before Littlepip. She's obsessed with it."

Ace Gold drew a sharp breath, "Puppysmiles can hack her way into it... from Tenpony tower."

Xephyr extended her wings, "So we need to go there now."

"No..." Cinder shook her head, "She'll expect that. But she won't expect me."

Xephyr lifted an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I'm... certain I can get inside." Cinder stated, though admittedly with a quiver in her throat. She charged her magic, reaching inside her pocket space... and materialized two objects that she had kept there for a very long time. A battered and bent tiara stained with blood, and a rusty combat knife, "The shields around the SPP are DNA coded, which is why the Enclave spent so long looking for Rainbow Dash's body. Well right here I have Princess Celestia's tiara and Rainbow Dash's knife, and they both provide DNA samples."

"It can't be that easy." Dust Kicker noted.

"No... but I'm a star demon." She reminded them, "I can easily use samples like this to fool a simple DNA check, far more effectively than any pony magic."

"But the shields wouldn't let my mother past either. And she had access too." Ace Gold noted.

"Rainbow Dash at the very least has irrevocable access." Cinder stated, "I read it in some research documents."

"Makes sense." Dust Kicker noted, "Stops anyone from locking her out."

"Right." Xephyr began, "So you and me..."

"Sorry." Cinder quickly interrupted, "But it will be quickest for me to teleport there. It's a massive magical signature so it's easy to lock on to, but that distance... I'll have to go alone."

"Besides, you two are the only ones here that can both move long distances quickly, and provide enough firepower to make a difference." Dust Kicker noted, "We need you on different targets."

"If I fail, and Dream Star has some kind of... super weapon..." Cinder started, "...we'll need the elements of harmony, reunited, to stop it."

Xephyr sighed, giving a nod, "Sure..."

"So that's most of us with assignments..." Easu began, before looking about in confusion, "Where is Fluttershy?"

Cinder looked around, seeing no sign of her. She expanded her senses, attempting to seek her out with magic. She was soon distracted by the very clear sounds of struggle nearby however, yelling and the sound of gunfire.

The others all looked around, Xephyr locating it first and pointing a hoof, “There!”

Cinder followed her direction, teleporting across the beach to reappear behind some rocks. She ducked her head to avoid excess attention, peaking out to see a bunch of Caesar's soldiers laid out across the sand as what looked like some sort of sea monster pounded his way through them. It was shaped like a pony but its skin was blackened and bloated, seaweed hanging from its haunches. It moved too fast, to strong and precise...

Cinder took a breath, preparing herself to face the monster.

"Lionheart, stop!"

Cinder and the creature both looked round at the voice, seeing Fluttershy stood there upon the sand. Her blindfold remained there upon her face, but now the powerful presence of the stare seemed to radiate from her entire form. The creature hesitated before speaking, voice bubbly and as waterlogged as the rest of him, "Fluttershy?” It tore seaweed from its face, revealing the bloated features of something that had once been a pony, “How can this be?"

"Oh Lionheart, did you walk all the way here?" Fluttershy stated softly, padding over and shaking her head at him, "Canterlot ghouls are as tough as they say."

"Luna's chosen warriors are as tough as they say." Lionheart corrected, before moving forward to fix her with a intense glare, "Now, where is Ditzi Doo? Is she safe?"

Fluttershy chuckled, "So that’s why you put so much effort into returning." She looked straight at Cinder, the blindfold across her eyes seemingly doing nothing to obscure her vision, "Cinder, could you do what you can to fix him up?"

Cinder admitted she had never had the chance to work on a Canterlot Ghoul before. Still a quick scan indicated what she kinda knew already, that 'medical care' and 'canterlot ghoul' were mutually exclusive terms. She trotted out, enduring Lionhearts suspicious, confused stare, "Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything weird... well, that's a bit of a lie, because this is going to feel really strange."

Lionheart looked at Fluttershy for reassurance, then nodded, “Do it.”

She pulsed a blast of energy into him, essentially modifying the porous nature of his skin. An easy task given it's... condition. The water quickly gushed outwards, a torrent of bloody, mucky water that splashed out upon the sand. Lionheart immediately gasped and dropped to his knees, Cinder quickly reversing the effect and performing a few tweaks to increase his blood production and healing rate. Frankly it wasn't really necessary, his ghoulish heritage already rushing to repair the damage. She instead turned her attentions to Caesar’s troops that Lionheart had knocked out, bringing each back to full health... if making sure to keep them all unconscious for the moment.

Lionheart closed his eyes a moment, then lifted his head to her. He still looked suspicious, but now at least there was an element of cautious respect, "I do not understand what is going on. Why are an alicorn and Fluttershy both standing in Caesar's encampment?"

"That's far too long a story to go into now unfortunately." Fluttershy answered, reaching into her saddle bag and bringing out some high energy ration bars, "You should eat these."

Lionheart's brow furrowed, "Why?"

"Because I need you to take me to Canterlot." Fluttershy answered, then looked round as the others all galloped over. She nodded to a few of Caesar's soldiers, holding up a hoof to stop them from attacking as Lionheart glared back at them, "Please, help these others. Unfortunately the last time Lionheart met you, he thought you an enemy."

"Well that's still a matter of opinion." Xephyr commented, before giving Lionheart a big grin, "Did you seriously just walk the entire length of the ocean from the site of the sea battle?"

Lionheart's eyes went wide, "Xephyr?."

She chuckled, "It’s kind of novel, having you not shouting at me for once. Where’s the ‘Royal Canterlot Voice’?"

"I have unfortunately lost my helmet." He answered, "And Fluttershy has the right of it, that my lack of rest or food has... left me a little drained. I apologize Princess, were I capable rest assured that I would not dream of addressing you in such a common fashion."

She chuckled, "I'm all good with common, believe me."

Lionheart sighed, "Yes, I do. Neither is the revelation that you survived particularly surprising, I have always respected your sense of unyielding duty." His expression then grew grave, and somewhat reproaching, "You did however take your time in returning."

"Yes." Xephyr admitted, "And I am sorry."

"We all have a chance to make up for the past, right here and now." Fluttershy interrupted, her smile bright and beaming, "Xephyr, you need to find Calamity."

"That's the plan." Xephyr admitted, "But why him specifically?"

"He's in danger." Fluttershy explained, "Both in body and spirit. You need to go to him, convince him that all isn't lost."

Xephyr grinned, "Oh, I'll show the old man alright."

Ace Gold however frowned deeply at this, his voice harsh and combative, "What is this Fluttershy, why are you making all the plans? And you're really just... going along with it Xephyr?" He faced off against Fluttershy, "You seem to know the future, so are you a prophet or something now? Is this where we are?"

"No... but Chigaru is." She smiled, full of kindness, "He has dreamed of the events of this day for centuries."

"So we're going with the dreams of a psychotic madman? So much better!"

"He is mad." Fluttershy smiled, "Mad enough that he doesn't understand what he's seeing."

"And what is he seeing?" Ace asked, tone sharp.

"An ending." She lowered her head, "The final end of two worlds."

Xephyr spoke, insistent, exited, "Fluttershy, just tell us what to do. I swear I won't let you down."

Ace Gold glared at her, "Xephyr stop, this is...!"

Fluttershy pointed a hoof up at the sky, "Ace, she's here for you."

Ace Gold turned, angry for a moment before his eyes went wide in shock, then a flash of pain and regret. He stepped forward as the shining green flame shone upon him, extending a hoof as a glorious bird of shining green flame dove downwards to touch down upon the sand with astonishing grace. His voice cracked as he spoke her name, "Pyrelight."

Pyrelight looked at him for a moment, then delivered a sharp peck to his forehead. He winced, then understanding dawned as she extended her wings, "You... want me to follow you?"

"Your sister sent her." Fluttershy explained, "To find you and your mother."

"I..." Ace looked to her, seeking understanding, "Fluttershy..."

"Over the ridge there, some Equestrian pilots and their ships have been detained." She explained kindly, "Take one of those, and follow where Pyrelight takes you."

Easu finally spoke, his stone low and serious, "And the rest of us?"

"Easu, you and Dust Kicker need to lead the army to New Canterlot." She explained, then nodded to Star Swirl, "And your idea about getting to the SPP is a good one."

"And you?" Ace asked, voice a little choked.

She turned back to Lionheart, "Lionheart, I need you to take me to New Canterlot, as quickly as you can."

Lionheart drew in a breath, "I am no wonderbolt, and carrying you... not to mention I'm not in the best condition." He shrugged, "When do you need to be there?"

She chuckled, "Don't worry. You will get me there on time."

Ace continued to just stare, furious and offended. His voice was strained with emotion, "Fluttershy... am I going to see you again?"

"If I'm wrong, the world might end by tomorrow." She stated, her tone wistful, "And even on the best of days, every moment may be our last."

Xephyr nodded, then opened her wings, "Let's go."

Lionheart nodded to her, striding up to Fluttershy, "When you are ready."

Cinder took a deep breath, knowing there was no point in further debate. She charged up her magic, making note of the energy signature of the SPP, drawing upon her balefire...

"Falling Cinder."

She looked to Easu, letting her magic fall for a moment. He looked torn, as if he was struggling with what to say. She smiled at him, "This is it huh?”

"I’m... not ready." He stated angrily, full of frustration, "I haven't... prepared enough."

She gave him an encouraging look, "You saved me."

He sighed, "Do you remember when we entered Ebonlode together?"

"Of course."

"What about our night together up upon the mountain?"

She blushed slightly, nodding. It was a good memory, "Yes."

"And..." He looked at her, questioning... hopeful, "...what do those things mean to you?"

That was a good question. Once one that would have thrown her, but for some reason events had brought her a clarity she had never had before. Maybe it was due to the fact that at her core she was an emotionless demon. Maybe it was the fact that with the fate of the world on the line, those sort of things didn't matter quite so much. Maybe... it was because her experiences had made her stronger, wiser, "That it's something we should explore when this is all finished."

He nodded, satisfied, "Then... good luck."

She smiled back, "You too."

And then she ignited her horn, and teleported.


Record Scratch could only watch as the work took place around him, dozens of robots swarming the SPP as they brought up equipment, cabling, stuff he didn't even recognize. They swiftly got to work install it all in place, the once partially completed third floor now covered in strange tech and the sound of construction.

He looked to Spark Plug in the centre, calm and totally in control. She had never been once for emotional expression, still she seemed even more inscrutable than normal. And Dream Star...

...behind those jokes and smile lay something dangerous, shining in her cold, determined eyes. Something had her profoundly spooked, and that did not reassure him in the slightest.

He watched as the Equestrian Mapping System was activated, that same, perfectly detailed images of Canterlot he had seen before appearing above the display table. He watched it again, the soldiers marching, Princess Luna on a balcony... "How is this supposed to change the world? I mean, it would be a powerful espionage tool, but at the end of the day it's just a fancy camera." He waved a hoof, trying to prompt the other two into giving him something, "I mean, it took days to make a map of Canterlot this detailed."

"It's all a part of the whole Scratch. You're seeing things too narrowly." Dream Star stated, her tone wistful and quiet, "Twilight was so brilliant, even she didn't realize it. A system capable of mapping out the whole of Equestria, in this much detail?"

"It's... impressive." Scratch admitted, "Using this recording, Canterlot is forever preserved. We can see it like it once was."

"Exactly." Dream Star stated, "And much like the SPP, it can be so much more. The emitters used to control the weather are the most powerful and sophisticated magical amplifiers on the planet. Most think they are just for weather, but with minor modifications, they can be adapted to amplify any spell across the entirety of Equestria."

"Like what?" He asked, that setting off all sorts of alarms in his head, "Offensive megaspells?"

"Oh yes. The SPP is in fact fitted with considerable defenses, some of which is tied to the emitters already." Dream smirked at this, "But we're looking at something with a bit more... kick."

"So what?" He asked, "Is this really a giant death ray on a mountain?"

Dream actually laughed, "Oh, a true classic! But no, really this plan is a variation on another classic supervillain plot actually."


"A chance to finally show the world that I am the true hero, that Littlepip and all her friends are merely pretenders!"

Scratch knew this routine by heart now, "Dream, stop. I've heard this a million times before, and I know its all bluster. You're not going to hurt them, so just... swallow your pride and... ask to help." He looked at her pleading, “You’re a good pony, and they need you.”

Dream shook her head, slow and regretful, "Oh poor Scratch... I'm afraid this plan was created with the realization that Littlepip and Homage have to die."

Stratch didn't believe her. Still the idea did make him quiver slightly, "Dream, stop it. Why won't you tell me what your plan is?"

"Because if I do..." She looked at him with absolute sincerity now, something in her eyes desperately broken, "...you'd try and stop me."

Scratch took a step forward, "Dream..."

"Because this plan... it will end the world. It's a terrible, horrible plan, but I need to do it." She stated, the blood draining from her face as a look of absolute despair spread across it, "Because there are some ponies who just deserve to die...” A cold, bitter smirk spread across her face, “...and some who deserve to see their dreams finally fulfilled."

"What dream? To control the SPP? To control the world? To be a ‘hero’?” Scratch snarled back at her, having had enough of this shit, "Is that what you want?!"

She gave a broken hearted grin, "It's consumed my thoughts ever since the day my father died. This is the only way I'll ever be free of it."

Scratch shook his head. This was madness... she was mad, "I supported you when this... this was just a pipe dream. When I thought you were joking." He took a deep breath, "Dream... I want to believe that deep down, you just want redemption. But now..."

Dream Star just smiled, "And now?"

"You came back without the others. You say they're dead." He accused sharply, "And you don't seem to care!"

"Why should I?" She asked, "This has been my life long dream. I've gotten countless loved ones killed, rebuilt and destroyed Tenpony Tower and the Talons, teamed with Red Eye... all for this." Dream Star chuckled softly, giving him a shrug, "Redemption was lost to me a long time ago, and this is all I have left.”

He didn't believe it. Dream had to have gone mad, "You have to stop this." He whispered to her, begging, pleading with his entire being that for once in her life she would listen, "Please."

She shook her head, resigned, "It's gone too far for that. If you want to stop me... you'll have to do it by force."

His thoughts turned to the revolver buckled at his hip... for about a second, before he realized what a stupid idea that was. Instead he backed away, staring into Dream's amused expression as he made his way through the doorway...

...he hit the button with a hoof and it slid shut with a thump, taking the opportunity to take to his hooves and run like he had never run before. If he was going to stop this, if he was going to save Dream Star from a terrible mistake... he would need to alert the forces outside.

He just hoped he still had time.


Cinder appeared within the camp in a flash of green fire, barely having a chance to look around before angry shouts and angry soldiers surrounded her. She put up her shield just in case, reassured that it was clearly a military base, somewhere high up. The soldiers around were wearing the blue armor of national security, further evidence that she was in the right place, "Please, I'm NCR!"

"Then explain your presence here immediately." A white furred earth pony with a thin, sharp face answered, her uniform that of a high ranking security officer, "You should know that SPP is under complete lockdown at the best of times."

Cinder looked at the pony. She wasn't a super famous face but she still recognized the second in command of national security, not to mention Ace Gold's step mother, "Silver Rade?"

The mare's eyes narrowed, "And you?"

Ace had warned her the mare was tough. Cinder knew she should test her patience any further, "My name is Falling Cinder." She started, figuring using the name 'Star Swirl' would just cause further problems, "I came to Equestria with your son, Ace Gold."

She looked shocked at this, her composure broken, "Ace Gold is here?"

"He's following pyrelight at the moment, the others are all on their way." She quickly assured her, "But I needed to get here as soon as possible."


"Because the SPP is in danger." She explained breathlessly, "We need to get inside!"

And at that another pony stepped out, grey coated and thin, her face pinched and her voice raspy, "That's what we've been trying to do for months."

Star Swirl turned to look at the pony. She too looked familiar, though she couldn't immediately place her, "I have an idea... if I may?"

"Nothing we've tried has been any good." The grey pony responded, nodding her head, "So I'm willing to hear any suggestions."

Silver Rade frowned but waved some of her officers over, the grey pony turning to lead them all through the camp. The form of the SPP soon made itself apparent, looming atop the surrounding buildings. Silver Rade spoke as they walked, "Ace Gold, Fluttershy... how are they?"

"Both alive, well." Cinder stated, before amending that after a moment, "They've got a few extra scars... more than a few. But both of them are stronger than they've ever been."

"You sound fond of them."

"I've caused them a lot of trouble." Cinder answered, making the understatement of the century, "But I've seen their quality first hoof. Ace Gold is one of the greatest warriors on the planet, and a hero to thousands."

Silver Rade said nothing, only turned her head away. The grey pony on the other hoof chuckled, "Good kid."

Cinder turned to the pony, the resemblance bugging her now. She was sure she had seen her somewhere before, "I'm sorry, we weren't introduced. I'm Fallen Cinder."

The grey pony smiled, "Is it really so bad, that you don't recognize me?"

"You... do look familiar..." Cinder started.

The pony nodded, then gave a smile full of warmth and kindness, transforming her face into something immediately more familiar, "My name is Homage. It's very nice to meet you Fallen Cinder."

Cinder choked, amazed she hadn't realized, "I'm sorry! I... you've lost weight..."

"I know." She stated with a look of quiet sadness, "It's been a tough few months. But if you can open up that shield around the SPP, let's just say it will get a hell of a lot easier."

"Well I'll give it a go." She answered as they passed through the final fence and into the courtyard of the single pegasus project. It was smooth from the outside, polished and clean, it's shields leaving it untouched by any external forces. No symbol or marking graced the outside, all just white plastic. It had no windows, all access ports cunningly disguised. Cinder walked forward and touched the shield, meeting solid, unyielding mass, "So these are the shields?"

"Yes." Homage answered, moving forward herself, "Once they allowed me access, but a few months ago everything just sealed itself off. We have no idea why." She touched the shield with her own hoof, "For centuries the enclave triiieeeeee...!"

Everyone involved gave a gasp as Homage met not solid shield, but empty air. She fell through and sprawled across the cobblestones beyond, picking herself up and looking back in confusion, "I'm... inside?"

Silver Rade tapped the shield, "Just you it seems."

"Well... I did have access." Homage noted, looking about for answers, "The system might have finally rebooted."

"Or somepony else rebooted it. Which means we don't have much time." Cinder informed them, moving swiftly to her own plan. Or rather... the enclave's plan. It was worth noting it had never been entirely disproved, "Homage... um... this is a somewhat personal request, but I need a DNA sample."

Homage looked skeptical, "Or I could just open up the shields from the inside."

"You can do that?"

"I just have to go to the central control room." Homage replied, "It's not far..."

"Homage. "Cinder insisted, "I'm sure there's somepony there with you. Somepony very dangerous."

She narrowed her eyes, "Who?"

Cinder decided to go with plan B. She had squirreled away Dream Star's DNA pattern previously, having figured it might come in useful. At this point she was really glad she had, cloaking herself in it, pushing it out into the identification matrix of the shielding system, feeling it yield before her...

...and she found herself on the other side, Homage's hoof having strayed to a laser pistol at her hip. Homages eyes were challenging, "How did you...?"

"The shields identify us through our DNA." She quickly explained, "Like the enclave was trying to find Rainbow Dash's DNA so they could use it to fool the shields."

"So... you used the DNA of one of us?"

"No." Cinder explained gravely, "I used Dream Star's."

"Dream Star has access to the SPP?" Silver Rade asked, then looked to Homage with an serious look, "Homage, she's right. You should all stay there, for your own safety. I will fetch Calamity, and the others."

"No." Homage answered, her eyes now bearing a cold hardness. She looked back at Cinder, "Dream Star is in there, with Littlepip?"

"She was planning to hack herself access through the shield, then teleport in from the portal in Tenpony Tower." Cinder confirmed, "And since my method worked... it looks like she succeeded."

Silver Rade's expression grew even more stormy, "She must have rebooted the system from the control room. So she will have complete access to defenses, cameras..."

Homage nodded, then looked back at Silver Rade, "Go get Calamity, and his best soldiers. I'll make sure the shields are down when they get here."

"Homage." Silver Rade reasoned, "Dream Star is extremely dangerous, and we don't know how many accomplices she has. You need to wait for backup..."

Homage shook her head, "Silver Rade, you and I both know Calamity doesn't belong in a fight anymore. And who else can get through these shields?" She gave a sad smile, "Reggie, Life Bloom, Velvet, Ditzi Doo..."

Silver Rade cursed, then looked at Cinder, "Why can't she do that trick on all of us?"

"Sorry." Cinder admitted reluctantly, "I can only cast the spell I used on myself, and it's... difficult to teach."

"I'll be fine." Homage insisted, "We're wasting time debating it."

Silver Rade frowned, "So you want to take along a mare you hardly know as your only backup?"

"Beggars can't be choosers." Homage noted, before turning her head to Cinder, "I only need to know one thing... can you beat her?"

"No." Cinder admitted, "But I can keep her busy long enough for you to bring those shields down."

"Good enough." She stated, "Let's go."

Cinder followed Homage towards the featureless wall of the SPP, Homage moving to a near imperceptible panel and opening it up to reveal a keypad. A few presses later and the wall slid open to reveal a doorway into the structure, Cinder admitting a thrill as they stepped inside. This... this was the Single Pegasus Project. The throne of the lightbringer.

"Sunny!" Homage called out as the made it into the lobby, a noticeable hint of desperation in her voice, "Damnit..."

"Who are you looking for?" Cinder asked, staring up at the posters and trying to not look too much of a giant tourist.

"The SPP artificial intelligence." She looked at the consoles installed at the reception desk, "It's telling me the mainframe is up and running..."

"I am indeed! Hello everypony, I'm Puppy!"

Cinder looked up in shock, even though she really should have expected this, "Puppysmiles!"

Homage frowned, "Who?"

Cinder hesitated. The last time they had spoken she had tried to kill Puppy, and was firmly a bad guy, "Please, it's me, Star Swirl!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry Miss Swirl, but I'm completely slaved to the protocols Spark Plug has me running under. It seems evil artificial intelligences built for world domination by a tribe of psychopathic warmongers are really good at following orders." Puppy delivered a disturbingly casual giggle, "Any orders."

"Puppy, you have to break free!" Cinder shouted, "I know you're stronger than this!"

"Miss Dream Star has also installed a full list of heroic clichés. That was number #17, if you match five in a row you win a prize!"

Homage shot Cinder a glare, "Don't waste time debating her. If I know Dream Star, she built her to be as annoying as possible."

"And you do know Dream Star don't you Homage?" Puppy stated cheerfully as Cinder followed Homage through the security centre, "You were there, when a bunch of egomaniacal, selfish, militaristic pricks destroyed her dream and doomed Equestria to a decade of further chaos and hatred."

Cinder looked about as they entered the long corridor leading towards the central command section, staring down at the gardens below. She couldn't let herself become distracted though, looking at Homage ahead, "You know Dream Star?"

"Barely." Homage answered in an irritated tone, "She was leader of the Twilight Society when I was just a filly. But more to the point..." Her head turned, glaring a hole through Cinder's skull, "Star Swirl?"

Damn. She knew that had been a mistake, "I..."

"You're the traitorous Follower who helped Zenai aren't you?" She accused hotly, stopping where she was and turning to face Cinder down, "You thought you could just change your coat, change your name, sneak right by me? Good plan I guess, all alicorns look alike right?"

Cinder shook her head, feeling it was the wrong time for this conversation, "It's far more complicated than you think, and far too complicated to go into now. We just need to stop Dream Star..."

"I need to be sure I don't get shot in the back." Homage explained, eyes challenging, "Because from where I'm standing, this is all your fault."

Cinder sighed, dropping her head. She didn't really know what to say, "Look... I've made more mistakes than any other creature in history. I've had a dozen names, every one of them associated with the worst kind of trouble." She brought her eyes up to meet Homage's, "But I'm trying to do the right thing. I'm not going to defend my judgment for a moment, but all I'm asking is you let me help you."

Homage's expression softened a little, "And why should I?"

"Because if I was going to betray you, I wouldn't need to stab you in the back." She explained, keeping her voice firmly under control as she delivered nothing but hard facts, "I went hoof to hoof with Xephyr, Element of Harmony, twice. I faced down a whole army of mercenaries single hoofed, conquered the legendary labyrinth of Philious, and beat Princess Luna of Dusklight one on one."

Homage's jaw dropped, just a little, "You... Xephyr?"

"With a record of two wins, and one draw." Cinder replied. She then promptly materialized the Spear of Celestia in front of her, suspended in midair, "This is the personal weapon of Princess Celestia. I claimed it for my own against Rainbow Dash's ghost."

Homage shook her head, "You're making this up."

Cinder smirked, rather enjoying this, "If just half of it is true, admit this. I'm the only pony in a hundred miles who would last a second against Dream Star."

Homage stared at her for a second longer before finally delivering a soft nod, "Fair enough. And you're right about not having time for a long discussion."

Cinder nodded back, "Then let's go."

They continued down the corridor, Cinder soon wanting to just break into a gallop and speed this up. Still a quick look at Homage showed the mare was already having trouble keeping up with Cinder's longer legs, indeed she appeared to be breathing quite heavily, "Are you ok?"

Homage grimaced, "I'm fine."

Cinder had already noted the mare didn't look well. Cinder ignited her magic, scanning across Homage's body. She immediately noticed there was something wrong with her blood, signs of cyanosis across many of her organs...

...and then she really quickly noticed the laser pistol pointed right at her muzzle. Homage glared from behind it, her eyes furious, "Scan me again without my permission and I'll remove that horn from your head."

Cinder quickly backed down, ducking her head, "I'm... I'm sorry, I shouldn't..."

"As far as I'm concerned, you're still a traitor to the NCR."

Cinder sighed, "You would be right... on a dozen counts. And I shouldn't have scanned you."

Homage grimaced, "You're a... complicated pony aren't you?"

Cinder couldn't help chuckling, "You can say that again."

"And I'm not normally this grumpy." Homage noted, lowering her weapon, "You've caught me under... less than ideal circumstances."

Cinder nodded, giving her a reassuring smile, "I understand. Shall we continue?"


They entered through the door, leading into a long corridor branching off into what looked like offices. Homage led them on, through one of the doors and into a standard cubical area lined with workstations...

...and right across the room, having just entered through the door opposite, was a stallion. He was dressed in a standard utility harness, not particularly distinctive looking. Homage recognized him immediately though, "Scratch?"

"Boss?" He answered, clearly taken off guard.

"What are..." Her eyes came down, her voice instantly choking off as she locked eyes on the revolver hanging from the pony's side.

Scratch followed her gaze, then his head quickly snapped back up, "Wait, I..."

Homage's laser pistol had already cleared her belt, sending forward a burst of blue energy that smacked Scratch dead between the eyes. He gasped and toppled forward, Cinder raising her voice at the unnecessary violence, "Homage, we don't have to kill him!"

"I'm not intending to." She answered, firing another shot at the pony's belly before striding across the room. She quickly unbuckled the revolver from the pony's harness, pressing the barrel against his chin, "But he can consider himself very fired."

"...I... expectedno less..." Scratch gasped, limp under her hooves, "...I should never have listened to her..."

"I specifically ruled out Dream Star as the culprit behind the lockdown!" Homage shouted, frustration now clear, "Was I wrong? Were you lying to me from the beginning?"

"No..." Scratch finally forced out, "...she took advantage of the lockdown... used the access codes and some hacking device from the zebra... with the security systems inoperative..."

"Puppysmiles." Cinder confirmed, then looked to Homage, "The Steel Rangers built an... AI called Puppysmiles to control the NCR's information network. That's what Dream Star was looking for."

Realization dawned in Homage's face, "The SPP AI was down. It couldn't keep Dream Star out any longer."

Scratch choked out his reply, "Yeah..."

Cinder had time to scan Scratch now, identifying a rather efficient little numbing spell having temporary removed most of his fine motor functions. It would keep him down for an hour at least, looking back at Homage, "We need to hurry."

Homage nodded, "What is she doing? Where is she? How many are with her?"

"I... honestly don't know. She won't tell me." Scratch gasped, "But it's just her and Spark Plug up there, in the Equestrian Mapping System room on the third floor."

Homage blinked, "But there isn't anything there!"

Scratch averted his gaze, "There is now."

Cinder looked at the map upon the far wall. It made almost no sense to her, "You know the way?"

Homage nodded, pressing the door release button and heading into an atrium sporting four curved sofas at each corner, along with a heavy duty door at the far end, "I've rarely been on that floor, but I know the way to the stairs."

Cinder nodded and followed her in, "Then lead..."

...and no sooner had they ventured inside than the door slammed shut behind them, a loud locking sound echoed from both exits. Homage swept round in panic, "No...!"

"Hi, I'm Puppysmiles!" Came a familiar cheerful voice over the intercom, "Your friendly tower security system, designed to make sure your stay is as comfortable as possible!"

Cinder looked up at the speaker, "Comfortable?"

"Of course. Letting you reach either of your objectives would be most unfortunate." Came Puppy's reply, "First of all, don't you worry a moment Miss Homage! I've got full access to Littlepip's life support systems and can confirm that she is healthy and content. With the SPP currently down the system has placed her in hibernation mode, keeping her in a restful and pleasant sleep. It would be very unfortunate if you would wake her up, especially with the world in its current state."

"It would be pretty unfortunate for Dream Star too." Homage shot back, "When Littlepip boots you all out of this tower."

"Oh, that seems unlikely." Puppysmiles replied, a deep regret in her voice, "Remember, I have access to Littlepip's vital signs. I think we both know that with the SPP completely under my control, Littlepip would be of little help at present. And if I may be so bold... you're looking a little unwell yourself Miss Homage."

Homage tensed in anger, especially as Cinder looked to her for explanation, "Damn you..."

"And that's the second reason. If you were to try and stop Lady Dream Star, she would have to employ violence to stop you. This would undoubtedly result in you suffering harm." Puppysmiles reasoned, "Plus, there is indeed a chance that you could disrupt her plan to save the world, which would be most unfortunate."

Homage took a deep breath, calming herself. She then spoke again, voice laser focused, "And what is this grand plan of hers?"

"You will know in approximately... three minutes." Puppysmiles informed them, "Until then, I've taken the opportunity to trap you inside the lounge area. Please take a seat, this will be far easier if you remain relaxed."

Cinder looked around the room, but there were no controls, access points...

"The plan will commence in T minus two minutes and thirty seconds..."


Ace Gold stepped off the chariot and hurried down the ramp, looking across the camp. A big pair of hellhounds in black armor inscribed with the Follower symbol were already keeping their plasma rifles locked on him, more robed figures beyond hurrying to prepare for his unexpected arrival. Pyrelight ignored them all, soaring across the camp to land on a radio antenna standing over a huddled group of figures. They parted as a familiar mare pushed her way through, her eyes scanning across Ace Gold and his ride with sharp intelligence, "Pyrelight would never lead an enemy here. Stop huddling me and bring him over, he clearly went to a great deal of effort to find us."

One of the hellhounds growled as she marched forward, "High Elder, I must insist..."

"If they've found us, we're already dead." Velvet Remedy answered, locking eyes with Ace, "So tell us stranger, are we dead?"

Ace Gold's tongue knotted for a moment, his mind overwhelmed by the experience of looking straight at her. After all this time, after everything that had happened... his mother looked at him like he was a stranger, and yet he couldn’t remember the last time she had ever paid so much attention to him. He honestly wasn't sure how to feel about that, "I'm doing my best to make sure that doesn't happen."

"Well..." Velvet began, before her eyes flicked upward, "What is that?"

Ace turned, watching in mounting horror as a bright light shone out across the horizon. From his estimation... it originated from the SPP.

He took a deep breath as it wash across the landscape, knowing immediately... Star Swirl had failed.

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